
Over One-Third of US Wages Are Handouts

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by this figure but, when you put in terms of a fraction that is equivalent to 33.333%, it seems to infuse that information with a bit of a sting.

Click title of this post for full article.

Of course the article points out that the Baby Boomer generation still isn't entirely retired. So, this number will only increase.
Only this year has the first round of baby boomers begun collecting Medicare benefits—and here comes 78 million more.
“The U.S. economy has become alarmingly dependent on government stimulus,” said Madeline Schnapp, director of Macroeconomic Research at TrimTabs, in a note to clients. “Consumption supported by wages and salaries is a much stronger foundation for economic growth than consumption based on social welfare benefits.”
Interesting that the left in this country is actually more interested in providing more benefits, more spending, and more dependence on the government. What do they think is going to happen if we do this? What part of more dependence equaling less freedom do they not understand?

I don't mind a little safety net and I don't mind helping folks through some tough times. It seems to me that there are lots of different pork projects we can cut and still keep medicare and social security. What do you think? What would you cut? If you do want more government, WHY? What purpose is that going to serve if all of us end up in the poor house, like we've seen so many countries demonstrate before?


Anonymous said...

You cant "fix" this country...It's to far gone!There's just to many people,and there all tooooo greedy either monetarily or emotionly..

Next step in the evolution of the country is painfully obvious yet ignorantly ignored; Implanted chips to track every move and action. Its at this point the ignored will be realized and forcefully accepted..good luck with all the complaining!

Tuesday said...

I refuse to give up and I refuse to shut up! I will complain with my last breath. What's the point of living, if me and my daughter are not free to do so?

I'm an optimist. I believe anything is possible and I believe we CAN fix our country!

G-d Bless you!

Anonymous said...

I agree, If we're not free there is no point! But that is MY point your/our freedom is growing more and more limited. It has become more lucrative to work ratio to be a lazy piece of shit with a dozen kids and never work. These people have more of their life to pursue personal enjoyment than those of us that work.And when a politician tries to reverse some of this illogical system they are rallied against,receive death threats,and ultimately lose their job and are basically destroyed.It would take nearly ALL of them at one time,for example imposing a 4-5 year cap on welfare and preventing government assistant to being handed to people that are just lazy.And THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! Handouts, rewarding laziness, so it can continue to breed, to get more handouts, is never going to reverse course.The amount of people that rely on free money out weigh the voters that work. So anybody that attempts to fix anything will be voted out..Its a circle of self destruction..But, so Im clear, I love the little freedom I do have but,Its being stripped more and more and the lazy self-centered sponges out number you and I.

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