
Isn't It Time To Call Islam a Cult and Not a Religion?

The Constitution and Bill of Rights are what give Americans freedom to do mostly what they would like to do, as long as a person does not infringe on the rights of others.


Pope Resigns

Pierre-Philippe Marcou/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Warning: What you are about to read may highly offend you if you are catholic. Please understand that I grew up in the catholic church and most my entire family continues to identify themselves as catholic. I know there are wonderful catholic members in this nation and around the world (G-d assures us His people are in all churches), however the church itself is rooted in evil. I am merely attempting to explain how I arrived at this decision and encourage you to read my words with a critical and open mind. 


Dr. Benjamin Carson Speech

I ran across this speech on Facebook. This occurred at the National Prayer Breakfast, Feb 7th, 2013.

Dr. Carson makes some amazing points about the current state of our country and offers some insight into what deep problems our country currently faces. Using his role model's (Jesus') words and wisdom he further sheds light onto the simplicity of the Lord's teachings and how they can help us find better solutions.

Education and spiritual growth are the reason for our country's past successes and we should continue to embrace what has lifted us before. He rightly points out how sensitive so many of us have become and how difficult it is for anyone to speak without offending others. True tolerance is about respecting other people's views that might not necessarily agree with our own.

What is most striking about Dr. Carson's speech is his continuing mention of working together, and not allowing issues to divide us. He acknowledges the importance of both American political parties but emphasizes their equality.

Dr. Carson's speech was refreshing and logical, as well as spiritually moving. Obama sat fairly still during the speech and at some points he actually seemed to look offended or maybe that's just what I saw.

I think most people are expecting this to go viral, as it should. It really is a must see and worth the time to listen and watch.

Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr. is an American neurosurgeon and the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States, by President George W. 


I Can't Say Moochelle Has a Fat Butt Anymore?

A recent article published by the Washington Post within the Style section criticizes people who have made fun of poor Michelle and her big butt. I guess its purpose is to make many of us feel guilty for pointing out the obvious since it's cruel and all.

Okay. Point made. No one, especially myself, can suggest that making fun of a person's appearance is not low brow and juvenile. What is missing from the article is a sense of humor. Everyone is made fun of for their appearance. This is not a Republican/Conservative/Liberal/Libertarian/Communist/Socialist thing. It's simply people poking fun at one another.

Seriously. Who here or anywhere hasn't been made fun of for their looks, appearance, clothes, hair, etc? No matter how beautiful a person is to one person, there's always someone else out there waiting to point out that same person's flaws.

No, none of us are going to "win people over" politically by cracking on someone's appearance but, that's not why it's done. Making fun of people this way is about being silly. Is there a democrat out there that hasn't made fun of Chris Christie's fat ass? I know I have!

No, it's not very productive to insult people this way but this is hardly an issue to get too worked up over. People need to lighten up.

The problem isn't so much that Michelle has a horrible body; she's not obese; she doesn't look all that bad but, she does have a few extra pounds and she has a habit of lecturing to everyone else about how they need to eat better. Some people are simply pointing out that maybe Michelle needs to walk the walk before she starts lecturing others on healthy eating habits. If Michelle were Republican no one, and I mean NO ONE would even bother to write about it being mean-spirited or try and make them out to be a victim of mean, childish insults. Instead, they would be writing exactly what I am -- chill out people.

All first ladies have been made fun of. Since the time I was very young, Nancy Reagan was made fun of for her horoscopes; Barbera Bush was repeatedly insulted; Hilary had her canckles; Laura got away fairly clean but definitely not in all situations; so now it's Michelle's turn. Boo fricken hoo.

Yeah, people make fun of her butt and guess what? There are plenty of people out there that like her huge ass. Just think of it like this libs....would you want to listen to Bush lecturing people on how to make a great speech? Would you want Chris Christie to give you information about saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats? How about Ron Paul telling us how to be a moderate? Yeah, I didn't think so.

No, people don't want to hear Michelle preach about healthy foods when we are also hearing about stuff like this
First lady Michelle Obama ordered a whopper of a meal at the newly opened Washington diner Shake Shack during lunch on Monday. 
A Washington Post journalist on the scene confirmed the first lady, who’s made a cause out of child nutrition, ordered a ShackBurger, fries, chocolate shake and a Diet Coke while the street and sidewalk in front of the usually-packed Shake Shack were closed by security during her visit. 
According to nutritional information on Shake Shack’s Web site, the meal amounted to 1,700 calories. 
Obama, who launched the “Let’s Move” campaign to combat childhood obesity last year, has previously admitted to having an “obsession with french fries,” which she says are fine to indulge in occasionally. “It’s all about moderation,” Obama told reporters.
According to Politico she is not the worst eater in the world either. So there are both sides to every story. I guess it all depends on what you choose to see or not see. If you like Michelle, you're going to look for the good stuff she eats. If you don't like her, you are going to look for all the bad stuff and hypocrisy.

I was fairly alarmed by the article when I came across this:
For dinner at the amazingly delicious The Majestic in Alexandria, owned by Cathal Armstrong of Restaurant Eve, the first lady had perfectly fried oysters, sharing some deliciously crisp fried green tomatoes that were served with avocado and corn salsa and tomato relish. The hanger steak came with fried onion rings and succotash, followed by strawberry shortcake.
It is astonishing to me that the author seems to casually suggest oysters are considered a healthy-type of food. I cannot think of a more potentially dangerous food to eat. They are filled with toxins since they are bottom feeders. If they are not cooked while still alive, they decompose, leaving a bad taste in your mouth. I won't eat them. I will never eat them. This comes from what I learned in college and despite the crap you find on the internet, oysters are not safe. Just stay away from shellfish.
"Cooking is not preventive, boiling does not destroy the poison," says M. Rosenau in Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, page 826. He says that "the only safe oyster is one which has been protected from contamination with fecal pathogens for at least some months prior to harvesting," (page 822). "Typhoid fever and other intestinal infections (diarrhea, etc.) have been convincingly traced to infected oysters. They may be infected when dredged from sewage-polluted beds in which they live and grow," (page 823). Maybe the Japanese are right: eating raw shellfish is no worse than eating cooked shellfish!
Even the Bible tells you not to eat these foods. Cooked or not, there is too much potential risk. Oh, and YES I am a proud vegetarian -- have been over 10 years. Not only are they not safe, much like pig meat, these animals clean our waters! Pigs, also considered bottom feeders, clean the earth. These animals are specifically designed for a purpose and that does not include eating.
Unclean water creatures lacking fins and scales: scaleless fish (catfish, eel, marlin, shark, sturgeon, turbot), shellfish (abalone, clam, crab, crayfish, lobster, mussel, prawn, oyster, scallop, shrimp), soft body (cuttlefish, jellyfish, limpet, octopus, squid), sea mammals (dolphin, otter, seal, walrus, whale).

Matthew 5:17.

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill (magnify). 

Anyway...Michelle is a big girl (LOL!). She can handle her own just like any other first lady before her. Making fun of her, criticizing her, or calling attention to her big ass is funny. So get over people. When a Republican is voted back in the White House after Obama, we'll have another first lady to poke fun at.


Trayvon/Zimmerman Case -- A Theory on "DeeDee" Witness 8

When something doesn't make sense, it's usually a sign that a puzzle piece is missing and you may simply not be aware (perhaps bias, perhaps lack of intelligence), or you are aware but are having a hard time finding out what that puzzle piece looks like and how it went missing in the first place. Sometimes puzzle pieces are just misplaced or not initially considered to be of importance. How many times have you seen a crime show where a small piece of evidence was just simply disregarded, then years later it turns out to be the only thing needed to solve the case? Some puzzle pieces are stolen, removed, or worse -- destroyed.

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