
David Spade Comes Through for the Phoenix Police Department.

I've heard this guy is a conservative. I'm not sure but, he has been linked to Heather Locklear so, who knows?

Click title of post for full story.

Again, I have to say, I do not know for sure about any political affiliation that Dave Spade has but, I do enjoy his comedy.

I want to mention that I absolute love David Spade's comedy movie, "Dickie Roberts Former Child Star." I think this is one of the most conservative type movie I have seen in recent years.

If you have not seen this move, I highly recommend seeing it or, just buying it. It is a simple movie depicting David Spade as a former childhood film star, who struggles with making a comeback in Hollywood. The theme of the movie is that a person should not be loved for being famous but, to be loved and allow fame to follow.

This is actually one of my favorite movies. It has a lot of the witty comedy that is expected from David Spade but, it also is a touching movie that shows a nice sensitivity. David Spade plays Dickie Roberts, who is a once favorite childhood star, who has fallen. He then tries to make several comebacks but, finally finds a special role that may propel him back into stardom as an adult actor. He hires a family to help him relive the childhood he never had, in order to obtain this role.

The overall theme becomes the importance of family. The love that one experiences from family is what is most important. That is one of the reasons why I love this film.

Larry King to Be Replaced

25 years is enough for Larry King and, I think it's enough for all of us. He has announced that he leaving but, CNN wants to seek a replacement. It is being said that perhaps Katie Couric will replace him?

Click title for full article.

I, for one, will not miss him. I think his interviews fall under the category of USELESS. I'm surprised he's lasted this long. His interviews are not at all revealing. Mostly, he just asks the most basic questions like, "What did you eat this morning?"

I am wondering who they will chose to replace him. I doubt Katie Couric is serious contender. They would want to bring someone in who could actually bring in higher ratings.

Of course, since the article mentions Katie Couric, how could I not avoid slamming her? She absolutely disgusts me. Her idea of reporting is so slanted to the left that it no longer becomes opinion but, simply lies the liberal media loves. This is exactly why she is at the bottom of the ratings.

Blago Watch!

Tom Balanoff, of the Service Employees International Union, testified that Blagojevich was interested in becoming secretary of health and human services in Obama's Cabinet. He would appoint Valerie Jarrett in exchange for that position.

Click title of post for full story.

Also heard on the tapes, Blagojevich was heard saying:

"I've got this thing and it's (expletive) golden," the former Illinois governor can be heard saying about the new U.S. senator he has the power to appoint now that Barack Obama is White House-bound. "And I'm not just giving it up for (expletive) nothing."

That's right, Blagojevich is totally innocent. I am finding it completely impossible for this man to continue to claim innocence. It is so clear to me that anyone with dendrites and axons properly functioning to come to any other conclusion.

I know, I know, every man has his day in court, so I will wait to hear the defense but, so far, I am NOT convinced.

Kagan the Pagan

In the words of Michael Savage, "Kagan the Pagan" will face more questioning.

Click title of post for full story.

The woman has no experience. It is clear that she is being appointed for political reasons. Of course, she is denying that politics will come into play.


Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Comprehensive immigration reform is what democrats are pushing. Janet Napolitano is making it clear that we can never fully seal the border and, insists that we are doing more then we ever have.

According to a recent article (click title of post), Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl is reporting that Obama has made it clear he doesn't want to secure the border; he wants comprehensive immigration reform.

At a town hall meeting recently, Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl told a group of constituents that in a closed-door meeting with President Barack Obama, the president told him, “The problem is … if we secure the border, then you all won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”

Of course Obama is denying this through Bill Burton and Dan Pfeiffer, the Deputy Press Secretary and Communications Director respectively. They are saying that Kyl knows that Obama never said such a thing but, Kyl is standing by his words.

It doesn't surprise me at all that Obama would say such a thing. He is such a complete narcissist. He's not concerned with the welfare of this country, he's only interesting in passing one piece of legislation after another. Like Clinton, he is obsessed with legacy and what mark he can leave upon this country, mostly what he can do to destroy it.

It is complete and utter BS that we are being told by this administration we can never fully seal the border. These folks are not even trying to do their job. Napolitano is just out there declaring defeat and, telling Mexicans to come on in.

The fact is, Americans are absolutely sick and tired of illegals. They are not here to work, they are not here to become a part of our culture, they don't want to speak the language, they want to take benefits, they are not paying taxes...the list goes on and on.

I hear it practically everyday from average citizens. Again, I've said it before, this has nothing to do with being conservative, liberal, libertarian, ect. It has to do with common sense. Look around you. I see Mexicans waving Mexican flags; I see Mexicans speaking Spanish; I see people losing their jobs to Mexicans;every place I call, I have to press "1" for English. I have heard Mexicans brag to me about how they do not have to pay taxes for five years. I have had Mexicans tell me that it is their plan to take over without firing a gun. I have even heard them tell me that this is their country and they fully plan on getting it back. This is a full attack upon our country.

The government refuses to enforce the laws we currently have concerning immigration, yet they think a comprehensive immigration plan is going to be enforced? If you can't enforce the laws we have, what on G-d's green earth do you think more laws are going to do? Not only that but, the Obama administration wants to sue Arizona for doing their job! So, they want to waste OUR tax money suing a state for doing what the people of that state want them to do? What is going on with Washington? They are completely removed from the people.

I know I've said all this before. I know other people have said all this before but, I feel like I cannot say it enough and I will not stop saying what needs to be said. The message needs to be said over and over until it is heard by the government.

Right to Bear Arms

The Supreme Court ruled on a 5-4 decision that the Second Amendment provides for a fundamental right to own guns and, that state and local laws cannot violate that.

Click title of post for full story.

5-4 decision? Are you kidding me? If this Kagen was on the Supreme Court now, do you realize the vote would be the other way around? How is it that anyone could make the decision that we do not have the fundamental right to bear arms?! Have we fallen this far in America?

I am shocked and appalled the decision was not unanimous.

Al Gore Siting

Al Gore has been sited in San Diego, CA at the Convention Center.

Cameras were moved out of the center before his appearance, where he was attending the annual convention for Society of Human Resources Management.

Of course he didn't take any questions. Reports of his speech were mixed.

Click title of post for the full story.

Porn Stars to Sue Over Medical Records

Two porn star actresses are going to sue a Los Angeles clinic for wrongly releasing medical records. They are complaining because, the release forms they are required to sign are "too broad."

Click title of post for full story.

I don't know but, I found this story sort of funny. I mean, these ladies are willing to have sex in front of millions of people but, they are worried about their medical records? Seems to me they should be worried about displaying other things.

Who cares about these woman's medical records? Who cares about any porn stars medical records? Umm...no one.

Blago Watch!

In the Blago Watch Section, it is being reported that the defense is working hard to show that Blagojevich is a man who always had the best interest in mind for the state of Illinois, even though he is someone who is known for being a hothead.

The former chief of staff for Blagojevich, John Harris is now being cross-examined by the defense. He has made it clear that Blagojevich was definitely out to use his power in order to obtain a position with the Obama administration.
"You were just talking ... throwing out ideas, speaking out loud, right?" Adam asked Harris about his discussions with Blagojevich about a private foundation job for Blagojevich. The judge sustained a prosecutor's objection before Harris could answer.

Sam Adam Sr. is the defense attorney for Blagojevich.

Click title of post for full story.

It was also brought to light, by the FBI tapes, that Blagojevich was considering appointing Oprah Winfrey for the Senate seat.

Oprah Winfrey? This trial is becoming more and more interesting. I'll keep you posted.

10 Snooping Russian Agents

Ten Russian Spies have been arrested in NY. It is being said that another spy, an eleventh, is still at large.

On Monday in federal court in Manhattan, Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Farbiarz called the allegations "the tip of the iceberg" of a conspiracy of Russia's intelligence service, the SVR, to collect inside U.S. information.

The FBI said it intercepted a message from SVR's headquarters, Moscow Center, to two of the 10 defendants describing their main mission as "to search and develop ties in policymaking circles in US." Intercepted messages showed they were asked to learn about a wide range of topics, including nuclear weapons, U.S. arms control positions, Iran, White House rumors, CIA leadership turnover, the last presidential election, Congress and the political parties, prosecutors said.

Click title of post for full story.


Pope Benedict Calls Raids Deplorable

Belgian police have been working to uncover information in sexual abuse cases committed by priests of the catholic church.

On June 24th raids were carried out on the home and office of an archbishop. The graves of two prelates were also included.

Pope Benedict called these raids "deplorable" and stated that the church had the right work alongside civil authorities. Included in his statement, on Sunday, was his solidarity with Belgian bishops.

They are investigating some 500 cases. That's five hundred cases!!!

Click title of post for full story.

I keep hearing people defend the church and say that sexual abuse occurs in all churches but, the only stories I ever hear concerning sexual abuse comes from the catholic church, not Lutheran, not Baptist, not SDA, nor other churches.

I find it deplorable that the church seems to have done nothing concerning the plague that is sexual abuse, other than cover-up, move priest and bishops around, and condemn authorities for trying to protect people, especially children!

What is going on here? How can this church continue to do such things? Why on earth would Benedict be mad at authorities for trying to bring people to justice for their crimes? I'm sick of hearing about this and, I applaud authorities for standing up and doing their job. If the pope refuses to do anything about it, someone needs to.

As far as I'm concerned the church should have no authority in working alongside civilian authorities, since they themselves are a part of the problem. They condone the abuse by having done nothing about it. This has been going on for years and years. They are no longer innocent.

Democrat Barney Frank Says Congress' Low Approval is Bush's Fault

Kill Switch for Internet and Fund Mainstream Newspapers

Joe Lieberman is pushing a bill that will allow president Obama to shut down the internet, without congressional approval, for a period of up to 4 months.

Lieberman is claiming this is a good idea because, China has a similar bill to be able to do this during times of war.

China? Lieberman wants us to be like China? Since when do we want to promote legislation similar to a communist country?

Also stated in the article, which you can read by clicking the title of this post::

The real agenda behind government control of the Internet has always been to strangle and suffocate independent media outlets who are now competing with and even displacing establishment press organs, with websites like the Drudge Report now attracting more traffic than many large newspapers combined. As part of this war against independent media, the FTC recently proposing a “Drudge Tax” that would force independent media organizations to pay fees that would be used to fund mainstream newspapers.
What on G-d's green earth is going on here? A tax that would fund newspapers?! Now the government wants to be involved in funding the press? Is this a joke? I cannot believe that I am even reading this. So because, Drudge is considered a conservative, who simply has a website that is filled daily with links to news stories, he is a threat to the mainstream media? Many of those stories come from mainstream media websites.

My how this country has fallen! This is supposed to be a country that rewards success, not one that caters to the will of failures, in this case mainstream media.

Robert Byrd Dead

At the age of 92, Senator Robert Byrd is confirmed dead. He was clearly brain-dead long ago but, apparently, he is really dead now.

Click title of post for full story.

Happy Birthday Mark Grace!!!

I have to say Happy Birthday to Mark Grace!!!

He was number 17 of the Chicago Cubs baseball team and, later moved to the Diamondbacks. It's interesting that he chose AZ because, I was born in Mesa!

I became of fan of his when he started playing for the Cubs in 1988. I cannot believe how long it's been and, the fact that my baseball cards are over 20 years old now.

Mark Grace is one of the best first baseman to come out of baseball. He is known for his humor and his leadership. I wish I knew him personally because, he seems like he's a great guy. I've heard stories through the years from folks who have met him and, they all say he's a gracious man.

Amazing Grace was his nickname throughout his years of playing. He has since done broadcast as a commentator for Diamondbacks.

Happy Birthday, Mark Grace!!! I'm a huge fan and, always have been. G-d Bless you and, I pray you get in the Hall of Fame; you deserve it.

Elena Kagan to Face Senate Panel

Elena Kagan will be facing the Senate panel this week. She will be questioned on various subjects, and her politics.

Even though she clearly will have enough votes to be passed through with the Democrats, the GOP will take the opportunity to expose her stances on things like gays in the military. 

She is the first female dean at Harvard Law school and, during her time there, she prevented the military from recruiting at the school, citing that the "don't ask, don't tell policy" went against the school's nondiscrimination policy. 

It is mostly feared, and rightly so, that she will not be interpreting the law, but will instead, try to help create law, or twist the law, in order to push through her political beliefs. 

The purpose of our judicial system is to interpret the laws that have been passed, and not to create law. There is a huge difference and, as we've seen before in this country, many of these liberal extremists that have been appointed as judges have done just that. 

I'm sure she will be appointed and, this is just one more person in Obama's presidency that will most likely carry out his deed to change this country into one that will reflect his socialist agenda. 

Obama and his appointments to various offices, including the court, have all been exposed as people who are not just middle of the road, or part of the mainstream but, rather people who are extremists to the left, or socialists. They are not interested in preserving the values of America but, rather more interested in pushing agendas that will move this country to one that is in total control of our daily lives from cradle to the grave. 

She has strongly criticized the military for not allowing gays to be open in the military but, I'd like to know her reasoning of how this goes against being discriminatory. First of all, sex is a private act. It is against the law to have sex in public, is it not? I have never once gone on a job interview and have been asked what my sexual preference is. It's not anyone's business what sex I am having, who I am having sex with, or if I'm having sex at all. When one goes into the military, they are there to serve the country and, do a job. 

Our culture has become so obsessed with sex. There is no privacy anymore. There has been a push in this country by the left to make sex, mostly homosexual sex, a huge issue that requires government intervention. What happened to families? What happened to trying to preserve a culture that focuses on the norms of a great  society? 

I have nothing personally against anyone that chooses to be gay or lesbian. It's a private issue that is reached by individuals for various reasons. Perhaps someone feels they are born that way or, maybe they were curious about certain sexual practices and found they felt comfortable in that lifestyle. I've been up close with the gay community for years. I used to think that people were born that way but, after MY years of observation, I have personally come to the conclusion that it is most definitely a choice, as is ultimately, all behaviors. 

Whether I am right or wrong on this issue really makes no difference. I am one person who has an opinion. An opinion, that I do not claim, is any more important than anyone else's opinion. The fact still remains that homosexuality is not part of the lifestyle of the majority of people. They make up a small percentage of the population. 

Even looking at homosexuality from a purely scientific manner, there is clearly an abnormality with being homosexual. It impedes the ability of procreation, which is necessary for a society to survive. There are also issues, especially with male homosexuality, that can catalyze the spreading of viruses and other health issues, including psychological problems. With all of these issues in mind, we can clearly see that homosexual sex is not equal with that of heterosexual sex.

While I understand and respect there is an inherent sensitivity that is involved in this issue, I find that identifying people by their sexuality in the military will ultimately create an unnecessary disruption. Being in the military is about becoming one with a unit. Instead, this will create a division. Is it not more important for a culture to focus on our similarities, rather than what sets us apart? 

Have we not seen with all of our country's history the problems with creating various divisions amongst people? Haven't these same people told us for years that the government should be out of our bedrooms? Why then, would they want to expose what is going on in people's bedrooms? 

Then, we have the issue of marriage. The concern is that homosexuals cannot receive benefits for their would-be spouses, supposing they could get married. The fact is, marriage is defined as one woman and one man. I am in support of civil unions or, call it whatever else you want. To me, if you want to declare a union between whoever, that is your business. When it comes to the military, we should absolutely be in support of marriage. Supporting marriage is done by providing benefits to spouses of people in the military. 

Giving benefits to gay couple's would be ultimately supporting that union as something equal to a basic family structure that begins with a man and a women and, clearly it is not equal. While that is something that may not be considered PC or, sensitive, it is a fact that we cannot deny. I do not view homosexuality as evil, I simply cannot find reason for the government to view it as equal, when ultimately it restricts the various things I've discussed and mostly procreation. 

If you are gay and want to serve in the military, you should do so and, there is no reason, that I can find, that you should not do so. I actually know several gays and lesbians that have served our country with honor. I just feel as though your sexuality should not be questioned. Again, it's a private matter. 

I'd love to hear your opinions on this issue. Please leave comments.

Click title of post for full article.


Blago Watch!

Today's testimony and tapes revealed that Obama had given a list of 4 names to John Harris. The names were people that Obama supported for fulling his Senate seat.

In the call, Blagojevich's chief of staff, John Harris, tells his boss that Rahm Emanuel, Obama's soon-to-be top aide, had called him to give him a list of four people that Obama would find acceptable as his successor in the Senate. They were Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.; injured Iraq War vet Tammy Duckworth; U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Illinois State Comptroller Dan Hynes.

Blagojevich considered the list to be a fraud, calling it a, "...B.S. list."

Click title of post for full story.

In another story,  it is being reported that the tapes clearly show Blagojevich was trying to make a deal with the Obama administration. He was trying to get a position with the administration. The tapes reveal that Patti Blagojevich, the ex-governor's wife, indicated that ambassador to India was the best position.

Wow. That Patti is quite the liar. I remember watching her on that reality show, "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!" A show filled with mostly half-witted, B and C celebrities, with the exception of a few, who were asked to spend their time surviving in a jungle. The winner would receive a high donation in their name to a charity of their choice.

I specifically remember Patti proclaiming her husband's innocence and, describing him as a man of integrity. Pfft! Turns out, she knew first hand what he was doing. How could she possible think that was legal or, ethical?

Provincetown Public School and It's New Condom Policy

It is being reported that any elementary student can request a free condom at schools located in Provincetown, in Massachusetts. They will also receive counseling and information about abstinence.There is also no contact with the parent or parents of the child that requests the condom.

The policy is now being questioned by Gov. Deval Patrick. 

Click title of post for full story. 
School Committee Chairman Peter Grosso told The Boston Globe the committee would "revisit" the policy in light of the reaction; however, he maintained it was a "great" policy and was surprised by the controversy. A telephone number listed for Grosso was disconnected and he did not return a message left at his school committee office.
Surprised by the controversy? Does this man have children of his own? How could you not realize this policy would be controversial? The man has got to be brain-dead. 

I'm not sure what children are able to go around, and be alone long enough to be having sex with one another. What parent even allows that? This policy is nonsense and, I'm glad someone is calling it out as such.

It is not the government's roll to be passing out condoms to children.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest to Sue McDonald's Over Toys

CSPI, or The Center for Science in the Public Interest, is claiming that toys in McDonald's Happy Meals violate laws because, they entice children to eat high calorie foods. 

Last I checked, McDonald's has been putting toys in children's meals for years and years. They are claiming that parents get worn down and, just don't want to say no to their children. 

Of course, it's not the parents fault, it's McDonald's fault for advertising. That is simply the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. If you're a parent and you're that weak that you can't ever say no to your child, then I'm thinking you shouldn't of had children in the first place. 

Yes, it is hard to say no to children, especially when they are yours. I know all about that but, it's part of being a parent! It's not an easy job. It's the hardest job I've ever had but, I wasn't allowed to go to McDonald's everyday. I don't know any child that grew up on McDonald's everyday or, even once a week. If my parents can do it, any parent can. 

There is NO denying we definitely have an obesity problem in America. I look around and see fat kids everyday. I cannot believe the stuff parents feed their children and allow them to get fat the way they do. This is most definitely a reality. It does come down to choices and, this is a free country. Instead of spending money suing McDonald's, perhaps CSPI should spend time trying to educate parents on the dangers of obesity in children.

Blago Watch!

Now, in more revealing news concerning Blagojevich's character...

His trial continues and more tape is being played. This time, the tapes show Blagojevich as someone who is not exactly female friendly.

Eventually the talk got around to a suggestion that they try a different route to convey the swap idea to the president: through soon-to-be first lady Michelle Obama.

“He’s a lot more hen-pecked than me,” Blagojevich said. “He listens to Michelle.”

Mariah Carey Doesn't Pay Her Vet Bills

AP Photo/Evan Agostini
Uh-oh! Songbird Mariah Carey is being sued by her veterinarian, Cindy Bressler. Apparently, Carey has only paid a very small portion of a vet bill that she now owes nearly $30,000 on. 
Click title of post for full story.  

McChrystal Out - Petraeus In

Obama has replace McChrystal with Petraeus.

Click title of post for full story.
"Gen. McChrystal was a fine soldier and a partner for the Afghan people," Karzai spokesman Waheed Omar said. "But we believe Gen. Petraeus will also be a trusted partner."

Omar said the Afghan leadership hoped replacing McChrystal would not impede progress in the war.
"We know Gen. Petraeus. He knows the country. He knows the strategy," Omar said. "He is the most informed person and the most obvious choice for this job."

Global Warming, Climate Change, and Basic Principles of Ethical Science

The following article was written by Jason Sents. Please visit his blog for more information. I have asked that he write as a guest on my blog. If you would like to be a guest on my blog, please contact me via Facebook. My account can be accessed by clicking on the badge, located on the bottom and to the right. Thank you. 

Thursday June 24, 2010

Is catastrophic Global Warming happening? Is everything normal? Is it man-made? Is it naturally occurring? These are the common questions you hear moments before the "paid for" Democrat and the "shill for Big Oil" Republican start bickering worse than Bob Beckel after someone steals his jelly doughnut.

There is one very simple, fundamental scientific oversight being made in the whole discussion. That is actually a difficult sentence to find myself writing. The study of ancient climates and long-term global climate change [Paleoclimatology] is literally in it's infancy. How could such a young field of study have completely lost the basic principles of science so soon? Regardless, let's keep it super-simple and examine an important detail that consistently falls by the wayside during almost every discussion on the matter of climate change. That detail is called “measurement precision”.

Consider the mercury thermometer. Yes, the kind that has some of you old timers squealing like a young Ned Beatty in Deliverance. See those little tick marks up the side of the glass along the column of silver or red liquid? Those are called graduations. They denote the referenced and calibrated temperature to the level of the red fluid rising up the column from the bulb. Basic principles here. A heated liquid expands, and in this case rises up into the column. You read the closest graduation to the top of the liquid and note the temperature.

Modern thermometers have little electronic circuits in them that can read to calibrated measurement precision 1/10th a degree [or better]. These are called "digital thermometers". Oooooo.... Sounds fancy and complex like "computer models". If it sounds as fancy like a computer model it must be true! In fact, I've used digital thermometers to measure the temperature of groundwater 400 feet below the ground surface and they report in 1/100th of a degree C. The issue here is not one of analog versus digital thermometers. Suffice it to say that others have tested that, and continue to test it. Then they test again, and again, and again... Then they give all their gear to someone else and they test, test, test, and come up with reproducible results. That repetitive process is known as the scientific method.

Regardless of what the true answer is, it is clearly evident that a discrepancy exists. That in and of itself should raise the red flag of skepticism and critical thought. Being skeptical and thinking critically is a hallmark of great science. The real issue is at some point in the not so distant past, thermometers only had a measurement precision of 1 whole degree. Said another way, it was either 70, 71, or 72°C. There were no 71.46°Cs like some digital thermometric technologies used today.

So the next time you are having any kind of debate with an agenda-driven, ignorant political hack and they blurt out, “Well the temperature of the planet has warmed a half a degree Celsius in the last 100 years!” The first thing out of your mouth should be, “What kind of thermometers were used 100 years ago, and what kind are used today? Because unless they had the exact same measurement precision, that would be comparing apples and oranges.” You'll probably observe them begin shaking like a deranged Borg drone disconnected from the Collective Hive Mind.

The reason it is vital to never forget basic principles like these is that citizens and governmental bodies base public policy decisions on the final results. If a simple error is introduced at the beginning of the scientific process, that error will likely be carried through to the public policy stage. If the governmental bodies have an agenda, however, they will likely use the scientific method as a shield behind which they simply inject manufactured errors to change the final results which, in turn, support their public policy agenda. When all else fails, fall back to the position of basic principles. They act as an antiseptic to dangerous political agendas and error-filled science. Finally, it is for these reasons we as scientists must think critically, remain emotionally neutral, and always maintain the highest standards for scientific ethics. As Galileo Galilei wrote, 'In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.'

Jason Sents is an Environmental Geologist, Mathematical Computer Modeler, and Quaternary Paleoclimatology Researcher. He is a Member of the Association of Engineering & Environmental Geologists – Carolinas Chapter, and he is a Founding Member of Oath Keepers. Visit his new blog where he writes about geology topics and hosts a gallery of his photography at http://geolojay.com/


Mexico To Sue Arizona

I about fell out of my chair when I read this story. You read the title right. Mexico is going to sue the state of AZ over the recent law concerning immigration that was passed.

I'm so confused. Since when can another country sue our government over immigration policy? Who in the hell do they think they are, trying to dictate OUR immigration laws? Even though Mexico's immigration laws are similar to what AZ passed, they somehow think it's their right to sue AZ.

This has got to be a damned joke! What in the hell are we even accepting this lawsuit for? My head is going to explode!

Mexico is worried about racial profiling?! I hope they racially profiling. If you're looking for a serial killer, I hope you're looking for a white guy, since those are who typically fill that profile. If you're looking for illegals, they are typically MEXICAN in the state of AZ. It's called common sense people. If Mexico is looking for illegals, they aren't going to be looking for people that look Mexican! Why is it that some people are so hell bent on taking away common sense out of America?

Click title of post full article.

Pakistan Will Release Bin Laden Hunter

Gary Faulkner, now know as the Bin Laden hunter, will be released by Pakistan authorities, no charges. 

Amen to that! 

He will be back in Colorado with his family in the coming days. 

Click title of this post for full article.

Blago Watch!

John Harris, who was Blagojevich's former chief of staff, testified at the trial. He stated that Blagojevich ...
...plotted to parlay the biggest bargaining chip he'd ever had - the authority to name President Barack Obama's replacement to the U.S. Senate - into a new life.
Harris further testified that Blagojevich had the intention of making a trade - Valerie Jarrett, to fill the seat, for a position with the administration.

Recordings expose Blagojevich as saying, "The objective is to get a good gig over there (in Washington, D.C.)." 
"I'm the governor of a $58 billion corporation," Blagojevich tells Harris on one recording, cursing. "Why can't I be ... ambassador to India?"
Blagojevich can be heard on one recording saying he'll make a good-faith effort to fill the open seat but hastens to add sternly that, "it's not coming for free."

"It's gotta be good for the people of Illinois - and for me," he says.
Is this guy for real? He actually believes he's innocent? I can't wait for his defense. I really hope this guy goes to jail for a long time. He's part of the major problem this country has with politicians. He has no moral compass.

Click title of this post for full article.


Counterinsurgency and McChrystal

Click title of post for full interview done by Rolling Stone Magazine and General McChrystal.

Counterinsurgency or, COIN is the strategy that is being used in the war in Afghanistan. It is supported by General McChrystal and Obama.

In this recent interview conducted by Rolling Stone Magazine, McChrystal reveals his frustration with Washington and his difficulties with convincing our men on the ground that we are following a good strategy to defeat al-Qaeda. 

The overall tone of the story is one of gloom and doom. The writer is quite negative towards the war and, makes a point of making the reader feel as though there is no hope for the US to win this war.

It does appear to be true that perhaps the US is being too unrealistic when it comes to winning the hearts and minds in Afghanistan. The purpose of the counterinsurgency is to slowly root out al-Qaeda and, win the support of Afghan citizens.

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

The aftermath of this article has been one of anger from Obama. General McChrystal is out. It is now being reported that he will be handing in his resignation.

After reading the full article, I cannot quite make heads or tails of what to think. Why on earth would McChrystal be talking to Rolling Stone Magazine, a magazine known for publishing the most anti-American rhetoric, along with general hatred of anything that doesn't fall under the category of ultra-liberal ideology?  I have a sneaking suspicion that the idea behind this article was to create a fallout of some sort. Was it Rolling Stone, or was it General McChrystal himself, that wanted to precipitate a reaction?

Surely, there is something else going on here but, I also feel as though our troops to do not trust this current administration, be it Obama directly, or the people around him.

Putting all this aside, the question remains- can the war in Afghanistan be won? What will victory "look" like? According to this article, the answer is a resounding, "no!" Is Rolling Stone the source that I trust to tell me this war is hopeless? I can tell you, my answer is no. Still, it's hard not to at least consider their opinion.

I want to know more. I want to know what the soldiers think about Obama and how he is running things. It is clear they are not supporting the rules of engagement, which tell them not to fire until fired upon, along with...

One soldier shows me the list of new regulations the platoon was given. "Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force," the laminated card reads. For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that's like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won't have to make arrests. "Does that make any f****** sense?" asks Pfc. Jared Pautsch. "We should just drop a f****** bomb on this place. You sit and ask yourself: What are we doing here?"
How are we to fight a war with one hand tired behind our backs? The answer is simple, you can't. I have no idea what the solution is here. I only know that I'm not going to base my belief on this interview. 


Freemont, NE Votes For The People

Since, I'm near Freemont, in Omaha, I figured I should definitely cover this story.

Click title of post for full story.

Freemont, NE has just passed legislation to restrict illegal immigration. There is now a ban on renting property to illegals, as well as hiring them for employment.

Of course the ACLU is all over this and prepared to sue. Why? I don't understand how an organization can go against the very wishes of the people it supposedly represents. They have American in their name. Aren't they supposed to be for OUR civil liberties?

Trevor McClurg said the measure is fair because it's aimed at people who aren't legally in the U.S.
"I don't think it's right to be able to rent to them or hire them," McClurg said. "They shouldn't be here in the first place."

That's exactly right! They shouldn't be here. They are illegal and shouldn't be rewarded. The harder we make it for them, the less desire they will have to come here. This should be mandated by every state in this country. NO exceptions.

If Obama wants to protect this country, find jobs for AMERICANS, and cut the deficit, he could do this by enforcing our immigration laws. It's as simple as that.

"Not only do local ordinances such as this violate federal law, they are also completely out of step with American values of fairness and equality," said Laurel Marsh, executive director of ACLU Nebraska.
What the hell is this woman talking about? What about fairness for Americans? How is it fair to break into someone's home and take everything and, not suffer any consequences for doing so?  Equality? How are illegals equal to citizens?

Listen up you losers at the ACLU, you are NOT helping Mexicans or, any other illegals by supporting their lack of citizenship. You are keeping them in jobs where they are being paid slave wages. You are encouraging slum lords. Where are they going to go if the landlord does no upkeep on where they live? You are not helping them when you are encouraging them to not speak English. They will never succeed by speaking their second rate language in this country. You are hurting the Americans that worked hard to get decent wages. You are taking jobs away from Americans by encouraging a slave class of people. You are hurting people that are educated and want to come here LEGALLY, people that would not be a drain on society. You are encouraging slavery!

I don't personally know a single person, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, that is OK with illegal immigration so, I don't know what supposed American values they [ACLU] claim to represent. This is ridiculous. Enough is enough. If you're here illegally, get out, and learn to stand in line like the rest of the people that want to come here.


Murder Confession Retracted By Van der Sloot

Click title of post for full story.

AP Photo/Karel Navarro
It now appears as though Van der Sloot is retracting his confession, claiming he was tricked into giving one by signing papers that he did not read. 
"I was very scared and confused during the interrogations and wanted to get away," the paper quoted him as saying. "In my blind panic, I signed everything, but didn't even know what it said."

This kid really is a piece of work. It's not surprising that this has happened. Just like in the Holloway case, he has confessed and retracted a number of times. It's very hard to understand what motivates him. I hope they lock him up for a very long time. He is a sociopath that needs to be kept far away from the rest of society. 


It's The GOP's Fault


Once again, Obama is blaming the Republicans for economic problems. He claims that they are making life for the unemployed more difficult. 

Again, Obama tells the American people that he and his party are never at fault. I'm so curious. At what point will Obama start taking responsibility for the economy? At what point will he admit that he did not react to the BP oil spill quick enough? At what point will he admit that he didn't do enough to clean up the spill in the first place? 

It seems there is a never ending blame on Bush and the Republicans. First it's about inheriting problems and, now it's about 8 years of supposed damage done by Bush. It didn't work for Republicans when they blamed Clinton for 8 years of doing nothing but, schtup interns and having various marital affairs. 

It's time for Obama to stop with the rhetoric, the blame, and start telling us what he's doing and, what he plans on doing.


Kagen's Emails Released

Late on a Friday, Elena Kagan's emails were released. 

You can read more about it here

There are thousands of emails and some have been kept confidential but, the overall feel is that politics, rather than policy, are mostly what motivates Kagan. 
"The evaluation of her record and qualifications has been the most open and transparent in history," said Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., the Judiciary Committee chairman. "There is no chapter from her professional life for which we do not have significant records to review."

However Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said he was "concerned by both the pace and the timing of document production," adding that the documents have shown a "troubling pattern" about Kagan.

"Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a willingness to make legal decisions based not on the law but instead on her very liberal politics," Sessions said.
Obviously Obama is nominating someone who is liberal and going to see things eye to eye with him and, his socialist agenda. There is nothing shocking about her being a liberal. The question is, is she going to interpret the Constitution or, is she going to try and legislate from the bench, (which is what most liberals like to do)?

Obama - We Will Halve Deficit By 2013

Obama is now telling the G20 that it should not move too quickly in cutting deficits. His logic is based on the idea that moving to quickly will allow for failure later on.

At the same time he is declaring that the US will halve it's deficit by 2013.

Click title for full article.

I'm not sure what he's getting at. Sure, doing things in a slower manner may indeed be a better route but, how is he planning on cutting any of our deficit when everything Congress and him have been passing is about raising costs? Everything the democrats support is about spending more of the tax payers money, with a focus on distributing wealth.

Obama doesn't have any plans to cut our spending. He doesn't have any plans to cut our deficit either. If he did, he would have laid out these plans long ago. He isn't speaking with the American people about anything. The only thing he's addressed is blaming BP for everything, while telling everyone else to take responsibility for their own actions. The same goes for his entire party. They continue to blame Bush for the economy yet, they have been in complete control and have done absolutely nothing. The American people aren't buying it anymore.

I know plenty of democrats that are done with the excuses from this man. He is splitting his own party up. On one hand, I am all for him continuing on his route of being further and further disengaged from his constituents but, on the other hand, we ALL suffer because of his actions. Obama needs to have a serious history lesson about what this country stands for.

If he truly wants to halve our deficit, then he needs to tell the people HOW he plans on doing this, while still promising health care and promoting new environmental legislation, amongst other "tax and spend" policies he supports.


Clinton - Federal Gov't Will Sue Arizona

Even though it's not her area, Clinton made a comment during an interview in Ecuador, on June 8th. She said that the administration will be bringing a lawsuit against the immigration act that AZ recently passed.

Brewer, a Republican, said in a statement that "this is no way to treat the people of Arizona.""To learn of this lawsuit through an Ecuadorean interview with the secretary of state is just outrageous," she said.

 "If our own government intends to sue our state to prevent illegal immigration enforcement, the least it can do is inform us before it informs the citizens of another nation."

Click title of post for article on the AP.

I'm not sure how the federal government can sue a state for doing a job they have completely neglected for decades now.

The immigration problem has grown into many large problems. Something has to be done and, it's the government's job to protect it's citizens. Yes, the federal government are the ones that are in charge of this duty but, what are we supposed to do when they continue to drop the ball by doing nothing?

SpaghettiO's With Meatballs Recall

15 million pounds of SpaghettiO's are being recalled by Campbell Soup. SpaghettiO's with meat, that is. This is due to under processing.

This, my friends, is one reason I am a proud vegetarian. It most likely has to do with the meat. This is becoming more and more frequent with meat and, I do believe it's only going to get worse.

Click title for story on AP.

Blago Watch!

Click title of post for story.

A recent witness in the case, said that he received a job after making a donation of $50,000.

How lovely. 

In other testimony:
Chicago attorney Joseph Cari testified that on a 2003 plane ride to a fundraiser in New York, Blagojevich told him he thought governors have an advantage over senators in seeking the presidency because they could get campaign money out of companies seeking business from the state.
Cari, a former national finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said Rezko and Kelly dangled the possibility that he could get law business and other fees from the state if he would put his fundraising contacts to work for a possible Blagojevich run for the White House.
I cannot wait to hear the defense for this case. I know every man has his day in court but, I cannot help thinking Blagojevich is totally guilty. 


Obama's Speech Vs. Reality

The AP is running a story that is almost shocking. They are actually putting Obama's words to a challenge. You can click on the title of the post to read the entire article. It's well worth the read.

The article points out several concerns. Obama says BP is going to take responsibility for things through a third party of some sort. If it's not the government that will get involved, then how can we know if BP will even comply?

From the article:
AP Photo/Alex Brandon
OBAMA: "From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge of the largest environmental cleanup effort in our nation's history."
THE FACTS: Early on, the government established a command center and put Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen in charge of coordinating the overall spill response. But officials also repeatedly have emphasized that BP was "responsible" and they have relied heavily on BP in making decisions from hiring cleanup workers to what oil dispersing chemicals to use. Local officials in the Gulf region have complained that often they don't know who's in charge - the government or BP.

A Man and a Mission

AP Photo
Gary Brooks Faulkner was being questioned in Pakistan for what has been discovered to be a single-man mission to kill Osama bin Laden. 
"We initially laughed when he told us that he wanted to kill Osama bin Laden," Khan said. But when officers found weapons, including a 40-inch sword and a pistol as well as night-vision equipment, "our suspicion grew."
According to this article, Faulkner believed that it would be much easier for a single man to search for Bin Laden. His rational was that a single man could blend in and, obtain information from locals much easier.

He is a US citizen that was on a mission. He does have a previous criminal record and, is now a Christian. It turns out he needs kidney dialysis so, he was examined in Pakistan as well. It was relatives that pointed the authorities in finding him because, they were concerned that he needed treatment.

Well, the guy does have a point. Maybe it would be easier for just one man to take Bin Laden out. Interesting.

Obama Speaks

I didn't watch all of the speech tonight. I really wasn't interested and, I pretty much already knew what he was going to say.

I did catch him say something about the future and how we won't know what it will look like but, we have to work hard to get there. So, he has no plans? No vision? I'm not exactly sure the point he was trying to make there. It seemed more like filler than anything of substance. It came off rather foolish to me.

If you have some comments, leave them below. I'd love to hear your opinions, if you watched or, if you didn't watch,  tell us why.

This oil spill crisis appears to be the launch pad he has been looking for that will enable him to push, full speed ahead on his environmental and energy policies. Conspiracy? Probably not but, interesting to say the least.

I am hoping that in November this country can send a strong message to Obama that we are not interested in his communist regime, that he seems so determined to turn this country into. I know those are lighting words to some but, I can't help but feel that way. The man's own life influences have all been based strongly in the roots of Marxist/communist theory. You'd be foolish to not even recognize, or take notice of that fact.


Blago Watch!

I just have to do a Blagojevich update. You can click title for a quick post I found on the web.

It just says more testimony occurred yesterday by Alonzo Monk. The tapes from the FBI were played in court. They revealed Blagojevich demanding more donations. Yet, remember, he's totally innocent.

Monk will be on the stand again today, and he's now being cross-examined. You know this is eventually going to turn into a circus. I'm loving it already!

FBI Files Released Reveal Ted Kennedy Had Plenty of Death Threats

According to released FBI files, Ted Kennedy had a fair share of death threats that came from all different sources.

NO?!?! You're kidding me?

Click title of post for full story.

Obama to Speak From Oval Office

Today, Obama will speak to all of us from the Oval Office. This is something that he has yet to do. Apparently, he's going to talk about what he is going to do to ensure the oil spill gets handled, how he's going to bully BP, what major changes he will push through (because, let's face it, he doesn't do anything but force crap down our throats), concerning energy policy, and climate legislation.

Click title for full story.

I'm so excited. Really. Can you see my excitement?

This man is so boring to listen to. I can't understand why people find him to be a valuable speaker. Sure, Bush fumbled and wasn't exactly eloquent but, he had character. There was a person there. I feel like I'm watching an emotionless robot with Obama. I truly believe him to be a narcissist/sociopath.

Anyway, this might be interesting, beings that he will conduct the speech from the Oval Office. All we can do is wait and see exactly what he will say.  

Oil Spill

I try to post daily but, yesterday, like today, is the same old stories about the oil spill.

I don't know. I'm so bored with this story. I feel like everyone is lying. I can't imagine why Obama, in my opinion, has failed to do everything he can. It seems like there are so many saying he could do so much more but, I'm not understanding his motives for not doing anymore. I just think the man is evil or incompetent. I could be wrong but, I have yet to find something that puts me at ease.

Here's the current story running on the AP. Knock yourself out.

Gulf Coasters skeptical of Obama, BP promises 


Van der Sloot Confusion

Click title of post for full article.

Based on the information in this article, it seems there was some sort of sting operation that was taking place, operated by the FBI.

Apparently, they were paying him money for the location of Natalee Holloway's body. The details are sort of sketchy but, he had told them, he pushed her and, she hit a rock and died. Then, he said he contacted his father (who has since passed), and they buried her body together. The location he gave, turned up no body. He took the first payment of money given to him and fled to Peru.

He must have known they were onto him. As for the girl he admitted to killing, no one knows for sure what happened. He told the authorities that she used his laptop and discovered what happened in Aruba. I guess this sent him into a rage and he killed her. He did provide all the details of the murder.

Now, it is being reported that he will talk to authorities in Aruba, telling them where the remains of Holloway are located.

This guy really is a piece of work. Lie after lie with him. Formal charges still haven't been made. He could serve anywhere from one year to a max of 35 years. I had no idea they didn't have the death penalty. Although, prison life may be quite a bit harsh compared to how it is in the US. I'm not sure.

He has lied and lied so many times. I wouldn't trust anything he says. It would be nice he finally came forward and just told the truth about what happened. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Dennis Miller Gives His Opinion

Since, I've been talking a lot about Helen Thomas and Blagojevich, I figured this would be a good video to post. Dennis Miller gives his commentary on these two, current news figures.

Blagojevich Update

You can click the title of this post for the full story.

The Blagojevich trial is underway and, Alonzo Monk, former chief of staff for Blagojevich, and a friend of his testified that any money earned had plans to be placed in hard to find accounts and, that later this would be split amongst his inner circle. 

Blagojevich has pleaded not guilty to scheming to profit from his power to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President Barack Obama and squeeze people for campaign contributions. If convicted, Blagojevich could receive up to 415 years in prison and fines totaling $6 million.
 This man is a work of art. It's amazing. He has just dug his heels in and he's not letting go.

Monk told the jury how Rezko, a real estate developer who is awaiting sentencing for fraud and other offenses, and Kelly, a roofing contractor, raised millions of dollars for Blagojevich's campaign fund and were rewarded with jobs and contracts for their friends.
Typical Chicago style politics. I guess we have to wait and see. Yes, I think he's guilty but, of course, everyone is entitled to their day in court. I can't wait for his defense. This ought to be interesting. 

Rosie O'Dummy Takes Up For Helen Thomas

 Rosie O'Donnell. Just hearing her name conjures up feelings of anger in me. This is a miserable, uneducated woman, who really never knows when to keep her mouth shut. Chiming in on the retirement of Helen Thomas, Rosie O'Donnell goes on some radio show (The Radio Equalizer), wasting no time in letting everyone know that she too, is an anti-Semite.


What I don't understand about O'Donnell or Thomas' comments are, where do they get the idea that Palestinians are being occupied? Jewish people started migrating back to Israel, THEIR homeland, because they needed somewhere to go but, not just that, the Jewish faith had changed. They now started to believe that their people need to be active in order for the Messiah to come. It was no longer about waiting around and doing nothing but, it turned into doing something about it. If Israel is their promised land, they needed to take claim of it.

After the Romans salted the area, it was then owned by large Arab landholders. There was almost nothing there. It was considered a back providence having no appeal to the Arabs. The Jewish folks moved there and bought the land from the Arab landholders. They didn't just buy the land at market value. They were all but robbed. While rich soiled land in the States like, Iowa was being sold at 1/3 of the price Jews were paying for the barren land of Israel, some 300 dollars or more per acre.

Once the Jews started tilling the land and irrigating and profiting, all of a sudden, the Arabs want to make claim and say it's their land. Huh? If the Palestinians should be mad at anyone, they should be mad at their own. The other Arab countries won't take them. Why? They are quick to jump on Israel but, refuse to help their own Arab brothers.

The Palestinians were asked to stay and help Israel in 1948. They didn't. They left. The Israeli's won the war and now, the Palestinians want everything back. What planet are these people from? This incident is often compared to the those who left the US before the Revolutionary war. The US fought and won independence and then, all of a sudden, these people who left before the war and, fled to Canada wanted their land back. Ben Franklin basically said, no. You left, you didn't stay, you lost your ownership. Why should we accept back people who deserted us in our hour of need?

Isn't this the exact same thing the Palestinians are claiming? Yes, indeed it is. Why should Israel give back to people who deserted them in their hour of need? This is why the Palestinians still suffer and are refugees. Yet, again, I ask, why do the neighboring Arab countries do nothing to help Palestinians? Also, in case you don't know, there has never been a Palestine.

So, what the hell are O'Dumbell and Thomas even talking about? In this Rosie interview, the host says, "Well, she [Thomas] just said something that wasn't politically correct, it's the thought police." Un-be-lieve-able. They are going to say it wasn't "politically correct"? No, this has NOTHING to do with being politically correct; it has to do with being factually wrong.

"Go back home," is what Thomas claims the Jews should do. "Go back to Germany and Poland"? Oh, what a great idea that would be, since it worked out so well for them before, right?

These two are ignorant anti-Semites. I'm so annoyed by how these people want to lecture everyone about everything but, have absolutely no knowledge of history, no reference, and no moral compass themselves. O'Dumbell is a disgrace. She's just another washed up actor, doing what they all do. Shame. I actually thought she was funny back in her heyday.


More Mexican Border Drama

You can click the title of the post if you want to read the anti-American story that's currently running on the AP.

I will not be naming names because, I don't understand why it's important to humanize these immigrants and feel sorry for them, to the point where my country shouldn't be allow to protect itself from invaders.

Another illegal was killed at the border, near El Paso. This time it was a teenager. The US border patrol was being attacked by people with rocks and fought back to end the attack.

Yes, I absolutely believe OUR border patrol and their description of the attack. Yes, I don't like that anyone had to be killed but, that may happen if you do something to provoke violence, or enter into property that is not yours and, you have no business being there.

If someone comes in my home, when they are not welcomed, I will grab my gun, I will protect myself, and if I shoot you dead, so be it. I hope to G-d that never happens because, I would NEVER want to take someone's life but, I will do what I need to do to protect myself but, more importantly - my daughter.

The SAME analogy is applied to our borders and, I'm sick and tired of the Mexican government acting as if we are in the wrong. Truth be told, they do the same thing with immigrants trying to illegally come into their country. Then, they constantly have the audacity to be "steaming mad" or upset with US border patrol. It's absolute nonsense.

California, Republicans, and Women

Click title of post for full story.


Meg Whitman won the party's nomination for California governor on Tuesday and Carly Fiorina will carry the GOP banner into the fall campaign for a Senate seat, a pair of wealthy businesswomen and first-time candidates running against veteran politicians in a year of palpable anti-establishment sentiment.
Well, this is going to be very interesting. I'm actually pretty excited to hear about this. From what I understand, Fiorina is considered quite conservative, not just another RINO.

November cannot come soon enough. 


Reid and Boxer Find Out Who's Going to Take Their Place

Well, let's hope so, anyway.

Tuesday will bring about the results of who will be on the ballot for November elections. I'm expecting the democrats to be annihilated come November.

Click title of post for more details about today's primaries.

Joran van der Sloot Confesses

Joran van der Sloot confesses to the murder of the woman in Lima, Peru, Stephany Flores.

Van der Sloot is the same man that was under suspicion of the murder of young Natalee Holloway, a US teen that was vacationing in Aruba, at the time of her disappearance.

The Peruvian TV channel America Noticias reported that van der Sloot killed Flores in a rage after learning she had looked up information about his past on his laptop.
So, since he's offering confessions, will he finally come clean about the truth concerning Natalee? This boy is a severely troubled man. He needs to be locked away. The death penalty is what I would recommend. It looks like in Peru, he will only serve a maximum of 35 years.

Click title of post for full story.


Ranting About Helen Thomas

I know it's just terribly wrong to kick someone while they're down but, I just can't help think that Helen Thomas finally got what she deserved. That hateful b!tch will now be leaving her long career in disgrace.

It would be really nice to know that liberal, Jewish people might finally see what the rest of us see - that the liberals in this country are racist, hateful people.

At the same time, I feel like I should thank her. Thank you Helen for finally showing the true colors of the American media to the public. It seems too many brainwashed folks have this idea that news reporters are "fair" or, that they are not racist scum, like you have proven to be. 

Helen Thomas' comments were just beyond lies; they were symbolic of the usual, evil vile that comes from the liberal media. She was just saying out loud what all of those liberal reporters think. They are not in their positions to report the news. They are there to forward an agenda of hate. They are there to promote victimization amongst the population, in order to ensure that some folks are more equal than others. They are there to tear down anyone that believes in love of their country, and anyone who believes in a higher power, that represents goodness.

I am very glad she is gone. Her presence at press conferences has always been a nuisance, i.g. asking questions that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand, being rude, ect.

Let this be a lesson to people. If it's evil that consumes your heart, it will eventually consume you. In this case, you have a woman that obviously worked hard to make it to an historical level as a female reporter, and now, she is leaving in disgrace for being a liar, and a hateful person. That is what she will be remembered as.

Another One Leaves in Disgrace

Another one retires in disgrace...Helen Thomas. Why? Well, if you missed her comment, watch the video below.

So, either this woman is completely ignorant of the Middle East, or she is a liar. She could also be a stupid liar, (I'm voting for this option).

How many of these reporters will it take for liberals to realize how dishonest these people are? How many have to leave in disgrace for being complete liars, before the folks that are liberal realize they are always being lied to by these people?


BP Cuts Pipe

BP is still trying to clean up the spill. This time, making a cut in a pipe and hopefully capping the opening.

You can click the title of this post for the story running on the AP.

The spill is threatening beaches in Florida.

Why are there millions of gallons of oil coming out of this spill? I thought the left has been telling us that there's practically no more oil left to drill anywhere. They keep acting like we're almost all tapped out. I guess not, eh?

Blagojevich Trial Straight Ahead

Rod Blagojevich will soon be on trial for his crimes of corruption. He faces, 24 counts including racketeering, wire fraud, attempted extortion, and bribery.

Illinois is famous for it's corruption so, it's no surprise a demoncrap in this state or, even a Republican for that matter, finds themselves on trial for these political crimes.

Blagojevich has proven to the world, these past few years, what a media-attention-whore he truly is. He's spent time on radio and all sorts of tv programs, even getting his wife involved in a second rate, reality tv show, trying to convince the public of his innocence. The more he talks, the more you realize what a goon he truly is. It's not surprising that he married his wife...she too, is a goon.

The trial starts today and, will begin with jury selection.

If convicted, Blagojevich faces a maximum of 415 years in prison and fines totaling $6 million.

Also from the article:

Prosecutors have lined up numerous key witnesses to testify at what could be a four-month trial. They include Blagojevich's former chiefs of staff John Harris and Alonzo "Lon" Monk.

Monk, Blagojevich's law school roommate who has pleaded guilty to conspiring to solicit a bribe in the form of campaign contributions from a racetrack owner, was with the governor at the outset of his administration and is guaranteed to be asked about alleged efforts to use the office to generate profit.

Harris, who has pleaded guilty to conspiring to sell the Senate seat, is guaranteed to be asked for full details.
So, even though Harris has already plead guilty, Blagojevich thinks he's innocent. I really hope they lock this guy away. He's a total disgrace to the political system in every way.

Turkey is proud of you!

"Turkey is proud of you!" and "Down with Israel!" was the shouted welcoming for the 466 activists, that returned to Istanbul. These are the people that were said to be helping Palestinians in Gaza but, instead got into a conflict with Israeli soldiers.

Click title of post for full story.

I am not clear on all the facts of this story and I say that because, the liberal media is so anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian, that I feel as though the reports coming out of the press are totally slanted. I feel like Israel is not getting a fair deal in this. It's as if they haven't been able to fully tell their side of the story through the media.

We all know the problems that Israel has had with the Gaza area. It seems as though the Israeli's had boarded the ship, thinking that this was a ship filled with "peace loving" people, people who were bringing help to Palestinians, and did not expect to be met with violence. They were obviously checking the ship as part of routine.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what other details might emerge from all this. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong but, I am usually leery when I hear stories that appear to have major holes in them.

George Orwell's Animal Farm - Lessons

A friend of mine introduced me to this site. I thought it would be good to share this with all of you. Just click the title of this post and get your Animal Farm lesson.

I read this book about 10 years ago. It is truly one of the easiest reads out there and, is quite meaningful. So many comparisons can be found in our current political culture.

If you haven't had the chance to read this book, it is a must read. It's a really short book too so, reading it in one night is most likely what you will do. It's a quick page turner.


Tipper and Al Gore No More

I know, it's not hard to imagine why Tipper can't stand to be around Al Gore. No one wants to be around him. It's still sort of sad to see a marriage that has lasted for so long dissolve.

Click title for full story.


Official Number 3 of Al-Qaida Killed

Mustafa al-Yazid, the number 3 official in Al-Qaida, has been killed. His family was also killed.

Click title of post for full story.
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