
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Hitler and Obama

Please read - this post as well.

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about how people compare Hitler to current world leaders. You hear this all the time. During the 8 years Bush was in office, it seemed not a day went by where I didn't hear someone, or see someone displaying their distaste for the former president by expressing a thought or, displaying a poster, a bumper sticker, a video, ect. of Bush being compared to Hitler.

The problem is, this never was able to hold much weight. Everyone claims Hitler was a great speaker but, they freely admit that Bush simply was not. Bush grew up with a normal family, a mother and father, with siblings. Hitler came from a broken home. Hitler clearly had some mental issues, he had a narcissistic personality, Bush was never accused of having any such issues.  No, Bush was NO Hitler and now that he's no longer in office, we can prove he was not close to being another Hitler.

Now that Obama is in office, we have folks on the right that have taken issue with him and, they are now comparing Obama to Hitler. After doing this so many times, it sort of gets old. It's like crying wolf. You see the signs, the posters, the slogans, and you may think, "Here we go again, more nonsense." You don't have to be on the right or, the left to feel this way. It's like someone who's always complaining about something. You just become numb to it, ignoring them, not really listening to what they are saying.

To tell you the truth, I sort of felt that way. I mean, I thought it was funny. I laughed but, I sort of shrugged it off. As time has passed, and my recollection of history has come more to the forefront of my mind, I have started to take this comparison more seriously.

First, Hitler clearly had, but not officially diagnosed, narcissistic personality disorder

Let's take a look at what indicators this site lists as symptoms for NPD.

  • Believing that you're better than others
  • Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
  • Exaggerating your achievements or talents
  • Expecting constant praise and admiration
  • Believing that you're special and acting accordingly
  • Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
  • Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
  • Taking advantage of others
  • Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
  • Being jealous of others
  • Believing that others are jealous of you
  • Trouble keeping healthy relationships
  • Setting unrealistic goals
  • Being easily hurt and rejected
  • Having a fragile self-esteem
  • Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional
Now, I'm sure most of us have watched the Hitler...uh...I mean, History Channel. We hear all the time about Hitler and how his character fell perfectly in line with the criterion that is listed above. Hopefully, if you are reading this, you know enough about Hitler and what he did during WWII to come to the conclusion that Hitler, did indeed have NPD.

What about Obama? What do we know about Obama that would allow us to come to the conclusion that he, also has NPD?

First, we have to know what causes NPD. What is it that contributes to someone having this disorder? Is it strictly outside forces that contribute or, could there be innate problems, genetics, that assist in someone having NPD?

According to the information I've found, a dysfunctional childhood, excessive pampering, extremely high expectations, abuse or neglect, and genetics or psycho-biology are all considered to be causes of NPD.

Since, we cannot show tangible evidence from either of these men concerning genetics or biology, let's focus on the external catalysts and, compare the childhood's of Hitler and Obama. Again, we know that childhood is where this disorder is said to develop. What are the similarities between Hitler's childhood with Obama's?

• Hitler was born to a father who was a known communist.

Obama was born to a father who was a known communist.

• Hitler’s father was a government employee.

Obama’s father was a government employee.

• Hitler’s father had several other children with multiple women.

Obama’s father had several other children with multiple women.

• Hitler’s father was much older than his mother and, Hitler was conceived before his parent’s got married.

• Obama’s father was much older than his mother and, Obama was conceived before his parent’s got married.

• Hilter’s father was not interested in raising a child; he abused alcohol.

Obama’s father was not interested in raising a child; he abused alcohol.

• Hilter lived in many different residences as a child.

Obama lived in many different residences as a child.

• Hilter was alienated from his father.

Obama was alienated from his father.

• Hilter attended many different schools, including a strict Catholic school.

Obama attended many different schools, including a strict Catholic school.

One teacher later recalled young Hitler as one who "... reacted with ill concealed hostility to advice or reproof; at the same time, he demanded of his fellow pupils their unqualified subservience, fancying himself in the role of leader, at the same time indulging in many a less innocuous prank of a kind not uncommon among immature youths."

Here are comments from his childhood fellows: ‘he used to be a naughty boy particularly among his female seniors. Once he destroyed the school’s fence which made from bamboos.’ ‘In a creative writing lesson, other students said that they wanted to be a doctor or pilot, but Barry claimed that he wanted to be a president.’

• Hitler’s father died at the age of 13. 

Obama last saw his father alive at the age of 10.

• Hitler was odd and shy when he was young yet, he craved power.

Obama was odd and shy when he was young yet, he craved power.

Okay, so clearly they both have a lot of similar experiences as children. What about as they grew older? Do these similarities continue at all? 

• Before his political career, Hilter wrote, “Mein Kampf”at the age of 35. The book is his autobiography, talking about political ideas, race, and his early years.

Before his political career, Obama wrote, “Dreams of my Father” at the age of 34. The book is his autobiography, talking about political ideas, race, and his early years.

• Hitler wrote a second book called, ““Zweites Buch.” This would go into further depth concerning his political ideas.

Obama wrote a second book called, “The Audacity of Hope”. This would go into further depth concerning his political ideas.

• Hitler concentrated on becoming a good speaker and was considered to be one.

Obama concentrated on becoming a good speaker and is considered to be one.

• Hitler was surrounded by Jew haters and undesirable thug type characters.

Obama is surrounded by Jew haters and undesirable characters that he calls, “czars.”

• Hitler rose to power during tough economic times. His country was not looked upon well by other countries and, he promised the people hope and change.

Obama rose to power during tough economic times. The US is not looked upon well by many other countries and, he promised us hope and change.

• The people of Germany were mesmerized by Hitler. They would cry in his presence. He wasn’t just a politician; he was a celebrity to them.

The people of the US, who support Obama, are mesmerized by him. They cry in his presence. He isn’t just a politician, he’s a celebrity.

• Hitler supported abortion.

Obama supports abortion.

• Hitler supported universal health care. 

Obama is actively pushing for universal health care.

• Hitler supported gun control and believed in disarming people.

Obama supports gun control and has consistently voted for curtailing the rights of citizens to protect themselves.

• Hitler was a strong Anti-Semite. He is responsible for the murdering of millions of Jews.

Obama has expressed Anti-Semite thoughts and is supported and surrounded by KNOWN Anti-Semites, like Farrakhan, and Bill Ayers. His relationship with Bill Ayers is much deeper than what Obama wanted us to originally believe. You can read more here

• Hitler knew that he wanted to bring about a change that would last generations and that is why he went after the youth. He started Hitler’s Youth.

Obama has captivated the youth. He’s gone far to receive support from the younger folks and, of course, I’m sure most of us have seen the video’s on youtube and throughout the internet depicting small children singing the praises of Obama. I just found out about this.
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• Hitler used the Swastika as his symbol. This branded him and his ideology.

Obama also has a symbol. This has branded him and his ideology. I cannot seem to find an official name for this symbol. I might not be typing in the appropriate key words so, if you know, please leave in comments so that I may update this post.

• Hitler was a socialist/communist. He belonged to the National Socialist German Workers' Party, later known as Nazi’s.

Obama is a socialist/communist. He belongs to the Democrat Party of the United States. This is currently a party run by far leftists and are considered, by many, to be radical.

I’ve tried laying out for you some basic information about both of these men. Obviously, Obama has yet to exterminate anyone, so we will have to see how things play out. Hopefully, the fact that our government still appears to have some separation of powers, accompanied by a well informed public, thanks chiefly due to the internet,  we won't have to worry about anything remotely like that happening again.

I still have my concerns. I do NOT trust him. I see him as completely smug and totally arrogant. To wit:

Then, there is also the fact that this man seems to be completely emotionless. He never expresses any type of genuine feeling of any kind. He is obviously someone who thinks so highly of himself to write an autobiography at such a young age, with absolutely no real accomplishments, at the time it was published.

Now, we are faced with the recent fact, during the State of the Union Address, this man, not only completely disrespected the Judicial Branch of our government but, LIED about their recent ruling concerning political donations.

Comparing Hitler to Obama? I think it's a valid comparison.



Sanity in an Asylm

I ran across this message board recently and was completely appalled, terrified, horrified, disgusted, ect. by what I was reading.

I did manage to find a decent post, still scary, yet filled with actual truth.

What we DO know about BHO:

His childhood mentor was Frank Davis Marshall, who spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union; edited a communist newspaper; authored pronographic novels; and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin.

BHO was mentored by and is still supported by radical Muslims.

BHO promised t[r]ansparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his Constitutional eligibility to be President.

He is a former drug user.

BHO’s academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school.

He was deserted in childhood by his supposed biological father.

He has produced no legitimate birth certificate which would indicate his place of birth, the attending physician, and any other pertinent information found on your or my birth certificate.

He is a president who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying weapons of mass destruction to Burma.

A president who wants to cancel all missile defense while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles. An American president who blames the violence in Mexico on America.

A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level 'photo-op' over Manhattan. And do we really know who was on-board that aircraft during the flyover joyride?

A president who berates American CEOs for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars flying to Paris for a shopping spree.

A president who promised a transparent administration but requires all questions be screened before impromptu appearances.

A man who freely admits his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry.

A president who has presided over the loss of 14.7 + million jobs and whose energy policy will cause the loss of another million jobs.

A president whose energy policy will increase the average American utility bills by over $2,000 a year, in the middle of the Great Recession.

A man about whom liberal journalist Tom Brokaw said, 'There’s a lot about him we don’t know'… just one week before the election.
"But someone knows who he is.

Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia.

Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified.

Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the child custody records of his Republican opponent.

When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention

Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, at home and abroad Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for Presidency

Someone knows all about him. And it for sure isn’t us.


Why Justice Alito Was Correct

I just wanted to share this story with you. It further explains what it was Justice Alito was clearly shaking his head over, during Obama's State of the Union. Click the title of this post for full article.

On Wednesday night, during his State of the Union address, the president attacked this decision by arguing that the ruling permits foreign nationals and foreign corporations to spend money on American campaigns. When he said this, Justice Samuel Alito, who was seated just 15 feet from the president, gently whispered: “That’s not true.” Justice Alito was right. The Supreme Court opinion, which is 183 pages in length, specifically excludes foreign nationals and foreign-owned corporations from its ruling. So the president, the former professor of law at the one of the country’s best law schools, either did not read the opinion, or was misrepresenting it.

So, someone please explain to me why the Democrats got up and were applauding Obama? Are they applauding his total disrespect for the truth, and his ability to lie with such ease, in order to fool the public? Or, are they applauding because, they don't know what the ruling is, they are just ignorant? I thought it was their job to know what is going on? Am I wrong? Someone help me here! I don't get it. It's one of these options, is it not? In either case, that doesn't bode well for the Democrat party, or Obama.

I'm truly appalled by this man. He's either a liar or, he's just an idiot.

What do you think?

Obama's State of the Union

Okay, I admit it, I didn't watch The State of the Union. I caught a couple lines about him talking about his campaign slogan of "change." The problem is, American's don't want HIS "change"! The ones that did, seem to finally be waking up and realizing the "change" he wants, isn't exactly what they had in mind.

Here's a clip of him flat out lying and Justice Alito nodding and saying, "completely untrue." In fact, pretty much all the judges seemed to have an odd look on their faces.


Disturbing Testimony in Drew Peterson Trial

To me, it's obvious Drew Peterson is guilty in his wife's disappearance, as well has his previous wife's murder. The recent testimony of Stacy Peterson's aunt makes this man look even more guilty.

Candace Aikin testified that Drew Peterson made the boast in front of her, Stacy Peterson and others at a family gathering in January 2007, months before Stacy disappeared.

"I just remember him saying something like he could kill and make it look like an accident," Aikin said.

Donna Badalamenti, who is Aikin's friend, also testified that Drew Peterson had said he would kill his wife, Stacy, if things didn't work out.

Just the way this man has gone around with his smirking, smart allelic remarks, and disturbing behavior is enough for me. No one normal would act the way he does. He's completely brazen and totally disrespectful to everyone involved.

Peterson is an ex police officer. He's a disgrace to the police department. You can click the title of this post for the full story running on the AP.


Scott Brown to Appear on LENO! NOT David Letterman

*Sorry folks. I made a HUGE mistake here. For some reason, I mixed a story up in my head and was reading this as Letterman and not Leno.

I'm truly sorry and terribly embarrassed. I'm sure it won't be the last time I'm wrong; I know it wasn't the first!


On Thursday of this week, Scott Brown is scheduled to appear on David Letterman.

I think the question on everyone's mind is, why?!?!

After the way the scum-of-the-earth host Letterman treated Sarah Palin and her daughter, why would any respectable Republican ever grace this man's show?

Case in point:

As soon as O'Reilly comes out, Letterman insults Fox News then, tells O'Reilly he's a goon. His next victim? Rush Limbaugh. The only problem is, he has no real reasons to hate Limbaugh other than him being "tubby," and, at one time being addicted drugs (because, I guess liberals never abuse drugs). How about you cheating on your wife, Dave?

David's character is equally disgusting as his talk show and the way he treats people.

He then decides to say that O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck are "too smart" to believe what they are saying. Are you kidding me?! Letterman, you're too stupid to know what you're saying! He doesn't even watch Fox News! He knows nothing of conservatives, other than what people around him say. He's a puppet of beliefs. What a pathetic piece of filth.

I really can't believe Scott Brown would go on Letterman. I think it's disgusting. I hope that he reconsiders. I doubt it.


Edmond Soldier's Sentence Reduced

Michael Behenna was convicted for killing an Iraqi detainee, in Feb of 2009. His sentence was reduced from 25 years to 15 years.

You can click the title of this post to be taken to the full article as well as some links to videos that cover the history of his story.

Isn't it time we stop convicting the very people that protect us and start going after the people that want to kill innocent civilians?


Democrats Forced to Consider A Different Health Care Bill

Now that Scott Brown won the Senate seat in MA, the first time a Republican has held a Senate seat in that state since 1972, Democrats are now considering scaling down their health care bill.

If you'd like to read the story running on the AP, click HERE.

As I read the story, I am perplexed to find that Democrats just don't seem to ever "get it"! They can't understand why, in the most liberal of all liberal states, a Republican won the Senate seat that has been held by looney liberal Kennedy for years upon years. It's some major shock to them that the people of this country don't want government run health care, they don't want a bunch of new taxes (mostly because we can't afford them), and they don't want socialism!

Of course, they will try to just push a few things through at a time. It's all about increments with socialists. They start out slow, wear down our guards, slowly deteriorate the moral fabric of this country, anything to push their sick agenda through. The means always justify the ends. The ignorant follow. It's no wonder they don't care about terrorism. Just like the Islamic terrorist, they patiently wait, for years upon years, all to tear down the lifestyle of someone else they don't agree with. It's never about tolerance yet, that's the word they use. It's never about being accepting yet, that's exactly what they claim everyone should do.

The socialists are the wolves in sheep's clothing. They are the one's who claim to fight for the little guy, knowing full well they never want the little guy to change or develop, just remain a little guy so they can have support, that support is their power. Try to tell the little man he CAN change, he CAN improve, he CAN do things on his own, and you're a conservative, an ENEMY of the left. Reward success and be hated for doing so. That's what a conservative has to face everyday in this country.

I have to say, with the win in MA by Scott Brown, I am so much more positive then I have ever been. Either people are starting to wake up or, they have been awake, they just haven't felt their voices could really be heard. I am guessing the latter.


Scott Brown Wins!

Is this shocking? Well, in many ways it is. In many ways it's not. Conservatives have known for a long time that we are in the majority, in ALL states across this country. We just needed someone who could really revitalize the vote and give us hope that we could win.

The state of Massachusetts has given all of us the indication we've always known. It's a huge victory for Republicans! Not just in the tiny liberal state in the north eastern half of this country but, all across this country!

G0 Scott Brown!

Click on title to see full story running on AP.


Massachusetts - Things Are Heating Up!

Massachusetts will decide tomorrow whether Martha Coakley (D) or, Scott Brown (R) will take the Senate seat that is up for election.

According to some recent polls, Brown is leading Coakley by 9 points, 52% compared to her 43%. This could be a HUGE win for Republicans and conservatives alike.

Even in America's most liberal state, it looks like people are starting to wake up and send a message to Washington that they don't want extreme liberal policies like Obama health care. A Republican taking over the once infamous spot Kennedy was glued in to, seemed like somewhat of a miracle, an impossibility. Now, it seems to be an actual reality.

The article that is running on the AP can be accessed by clicking HERE.

Obama needs Coakley but, with his campaigning for her or, "kiss of death" it doesn't look like he's going to be getting what he needs.

Brown all the way!

Self Improvement Gifts 4 Offers 100s of FREE Personal Growth Related Products, Services & Memberships

I wanted to let you know today about a Self Improvement site that will allow you to download 100’s of self help gifts. And the best part is that it is absolutely FREE!

If you’ve had enough of plodding along year after year and you want to improve yourself to make 2010 your BEST ever year, then you need to go here.

Self Improvement 4 will be open only for a VERY LIMITED TIME from January 5th to January 19th 2010. When you go there you’ll find a multitude of products – all FREE – provided by Self Improvement and Internet Marketing experts from all over the world. Here is just a small sample of what you will find:

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* Peak Performance – Frank Bauer
* Personal Transformation – Tony Dovale
* Easy Meditation – Esdee Penn

Get all of these and 100’s more here: Click here!

The organizers of the event are Stephanie Mulac, Rodger Hyatt and Gary Simpson.

Just briefly, this is Stephanie’s 4th Self Improvement Giveaway. Stephanie started this style of event in 2006. It’s in the form of a “Giveaway” which is sort of like a giant electronic trade fair where 100’s of experts offer their products free to the public.

Because it has become so popular, this year Stephanie has enlisted the services of Rodger Hyatt, a very experienced internet marketer, and Gary Simpson who has a copyrighting and self improvement background of some 20 years.

You only have to walk into any book store in any country to see how popular the subjects of self improvement, self awareness and personal development are. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry churning out hundreds of new books, audios, CD’s and other paraphernalia every year.

These can be very expensive but at THIS LINK you can pick this information up completely FREE.

With 2010 upon us, what better time is there than right NOW to set yourself and your business up for future success? This event is a life-changing experience for those who take it.

Come and join Stephanie, Rodger, Gary and me and see for yourself.

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Jack Bauer is Back!

Tonight was the 2-hour premiere of "24," and they are having another 2-hours played tomorrow. I can't wait.

I normally do NOT watch this show as it's airing because, I just can't wait. I want to know what's going on now! This is why I just wait till it comes out on DVD. I can just inhale the whole show at once.

Once again, Jack is not working at CTU. He's retired this time. Once again, he gets drug into a whole mess of finding out that there is a hit on the president of Iran, who is in the USA to discuss talks of peace. Once again, no one listens to Jack. This time, no one's listening to Chloe. It's the standard plot that "24" uses but, just works so well and, keeps fans coming back for more.

There's a girl working at CTU that apparently has a "secret life" of some-kind. The brother of the president of Iran is working with the hit man who is to kill the president. It looks like the president of Iran is having an affair with some reporter, who is being framed as the person who is after him. We got to see Kim and she has a cute little girl and a husband. She looked really beautiful. I wish they would do more with her. I always liked Kim and I definitely think Alicia Cuthbert is a very talented girl.

Oh, and there's more but, we'll see how tomorrow goes. I'm not sure this day will top Day 4, which is my all-time favorite season but, it looks promising.


Update: Facebook Account

Well, today, I got a response from Facebook and they reinstated my account. They will not allow me to go by the name of Tuesday.

Bottom line, someone had to have purposely turned me into Facebook. There are literally hundreds of "fake name" accounts on Facebook and, I see them everyday. Yes, Facebook has TOS that says you have to go by your real name but, I put my real name in the alternate name section. I am not trying to hide who I am. It's as simple as this; my name for the past 10 years has been Tuesday!

There are many folks that don't even know me as Jennifer. They don't have a clue that it's my legal name. I've been wanting to legally change my name for a long time now. I am planning on doing this. It's sort of ridiculous that I have to deal with this on Facebook.

Now, I'm not going to argue. This is a free nation and they can chose any rules they want. I just find it uncanny that I was somehow singled out. It can only be that someone literally took the time to contact Facebook and tell them that I was using a nickname. Oh, heaven forbid!

Don't you have something else to do? That is the question I pose to whomever decided to take time out of their day to report me to the Facebook police.

I Realized Something Today

I realized something today. I heard rumors and stereotypes, but I’m finding that experience is actually proving them right.

College (specifically the Honors College at USF) isn’t a learning experience. It’s a perpetual left-wing elitist convention. It’s a place where liberal extremists convene to talk about how much Bush resembles Hitler, how Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are heroes to the black culture, how gays and women are being stripped of their rights; where conservatives show up for business degrees.

The spectrum of political views I’ve encountered in my classes goes something like this, from left to right:

1. FAR LEFT: (aging hippie liberal douche/ belligerent idealist college student)
MOST of the professors at USF, and a major percentage of the student body. These people can be found anywhere there are trees, or picket signs (which were once trees); or where there are very proud gay people. Worship rainbows, Lady Gaga, and CNN. Largely concerned with global warming and political correctness. Also, marijuana. 15% of the student body, 55% of college professors.

Somewhat less extreme than the aging hippie liberal douche, but probably more annoying. Definitely louder. White-collars, often have multiple degrees yet NO common sense. The adamant liberal makes his or her views known in every classroom on every topic. For example, the adamant liberal chemistry professor may make comments such as: “The Bush administration’s ignorance of basic chemical concepts contributes to global warming, and the eventual doom of all humanity.” The adamant liberal college student can be found handing out flyers, or offering chocolate-free chocolate to those who agree to sign a petition to save the baby seals/oceans/Big Bertha the oak tree/bunnies/cockroaches…Blames all the world’s problems on CFC’s and capitalism. About 45% of the student body, 35% of college professors

The liberals who think for themselves. 15% of the student body. 10% of the professors. Tend to be pro-choice (usually with limitations), for gay marriage, genuinely concerned about global warming and pollution, generally have solid, well thought out opinions and values. Often adopt a conservative stance on some issues upon persuasion.

People who consider themselves under this label either have no philosophy of life whatsoever, know nothing about politics, or are lying because neutrality (although theoretically ideal) is absolute indifference in politics. (5% of the student body)

Like moderate liberals, only conservative. 10% of the student body. 0.01% of the professors. Tend to be pro-life, Christian, have well thought out opinions and values. Often adopt a liberal stance on some issues, upon persuasion from moderately liberal professors.

Not the pissed-off white-trash redneck conservative, but often a member of the NRA and a strong opponent of gun-control. Will protect second amendment with rifle. God-fearing, money-loving, truck-driving blue-collars. Older generation didn’t have the money to go to college, fought in a war, trusts their priests more than they trust the police. Younger generation can be found walking briskly with a purpose to the engineering building, accounting class, or the ROTC. Probably have a stapler, scissors, and an expensive calculator on them at all times (or a pocket knife). In a business suit or camouflage. Also loudly expresses their views in class. Considers terms like “African-American”, “little people”, and “mentally challenged” to be useless rhetoric. Loves Rush Limbaugh, worships Fox News and God on a regular basis. Secretly aspires to be a Nascar driver. 10% of the student body. Never met a close-minded conservative professor. Ever.

7. FAR-RIGHT (Pissed off white-trash redneck conservative)
Believe that Al Gore and the media invented global warming. Often racist or bigots, using derogatory terms to describe minorities. Willing to spend billions of dollars on an electric fence for the Mexican border. Generally stay away from college or education, for fear of liberal tainting (no gay pun intended), and from other people because city folk are hoodlums. Small-town farming alcoholics, often name their kids Bobbijo, Bobby, or simply Bob. Obsessed with traditional gender roles, homophobic. Often believes the confederacy won the war in the south. Everyone but their family is going to Hell. Actually, everyone is going to Hell.

As I have demonstrated with this arbitrary and subjective data, the distribution of political views is skewed to the right, meaning most of the student and faculty tend to be on the left of the political spectrum. The bulk of students and professors are extremely liberal. It gets more than annoying; it’s expensive to sit and listen to a professor’s personal political agenda, and that’s definitely not what I’m paying for. I’m also not paying to listen to a student interrupt a lesson with a political tangent.

To the professors: shut up and teach.
To the students: shut up and learn.

**Disclaimer: The percentages are rough...and if they don't add up to 100%, it's because I can't add. Never said I could. Also, the terms “aging hippie liberal douche” and “pissed off white-trash redneck conservative” are absolutely accredited to the team of creators of South Park.**

This post was written by, Jessica Boh

If you have an article or post you would like featured on my blog, send me a message via Facebook.


Poetry from Jessica Boh

Not only do I love poetry but, I also love all my friends that I meet on Facebook. I meet the most amazing people, that I would never have met otherwise. I am truly blessed and grateful for having them in my life.

Recently, tonight, I discovered that a friend of mine had written some poetry. Her name is Jessica Boh. She's currently majoring in chemistry, which I also majored in when I went to college. So that's one way we "bond." A covalent bond! Pun totally intended. I asked her if she would allow me to post her poetry and she agreed! Here are two of her poems and hopefully, there will be more to come.

For the Guise:

I didn’t point out your lies.
I looked at your face—
a slight blush. But it wasn’t my place.

Your façade was perfect
While I fumbled for words, as I often do.
Dear Envy still surges when I think of you.

That sweet adage so old and cliché, and ignored—
but I judged yours. Self-titled in gold,
And the spine still cracks when I look inside.

While I scream and fight, you raise a brow.
The mystery, the victim, an angel, a gift
In your hourglass of memories, you mechanically sift.

She slips underneath without piercing the skin.
While the virus consumes, she blooms
And drinks me from within.


Whose blood is on my hands?
That crimson pattern
no one else can see—
it stings, salty in my broken palms.

Soap and a dishtowel—
was it always pink?
My shirt is still white,
But I smell death

The faucet spits and hisses;
Boiling venom sears
my face, my hands.
Erase the trace

of pulsing, bleeding trust
forced against my breast.
A clumsy clench,
and in a fit of rage

destroyed. A sick pop,
a throb, the rhythm subsides.
And still I stand—
whose blood is on my hands?


100 Neglected Animals Found At Nev. Farm

This type of story just disturbs me.

Jan Lemley of Battle Mountain faces 42 counts of animal cruelty. It is being reported that over 100 farm animals, under her care, were starving and neglected.

"There was nothing to eat, so they started eating wool off the sheep carcasses."

For goodness sakes! If you can't afford to take care of your animals, let someone know! Seek some help. I know it's hard to ask for help; I've been there. It sucks but, when it's not just about you and it's about another living person or even an animal, you have a responsibility to ask for help.

The full story being reported on the AP can be accessed by clicking the title of this post.

Haiti Quake

After the earthquake in PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, thousands are dead. There is no firm count yet. Estimates of 100,000 or more are possible.

The magnitude of this earthquake was 7.0!

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Haiti. Very sad and horrific. Click title for full story being reported on the AP.


The Biggest Liar Competition

As many of you know, I love youtube. They just have so many crazy videos on there. It's impossible to see them all but, if you haven't seen this one, it's a must.

Basically, this video simply asks the question, "Who is the biggest liar?"

Judge for yourself. Very funny stuff.


My Facebook Disabled!

I am hoping that some of you will see this! My Facebook Account was disabled!

I have NO idea what it was that I did. I am always very careful not to swear or, say anything that would really upset anyone.

It is what it is and I just hope that no one is upset or, thinks for a moment that I would delete them! I wouldn't do that to any of you because, I love all my Facebook friends so much. I have so much enjoyed getting to know all of you and reading all your posts. I can't wait for you all to come back into my life!

Just search for the name Tuesday and I will pop up and, please add me again. I only have so many invitations per day. So, if I haven't sent one out, just send a request.

Thank you all so much for your patience in this matter. Love you all!


Christmas Terror Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, accused of the attack on a US plane, headed to Detroit on Christmas, is pleading "not guilty"???

So, today was the hearing and...

...why the hell does this guy have a hearing? Why is he in a regular court being protected by our laws? Didn't they say he was from Nigeria? I feel like I'm losing my head here.

How are we supposed to win a war on terror? How are we supposed to send a message to these terrorist thughs that we won't tolerate their random acts of violence upon innocent civilians, if we are simply going to treat them with kid gloves? We send the message that we are going to treat them just as if they were a citizen of this country. How does that accomplish anything? It shows our weakness, not our strength. This is about war, real life. People's lives are at steak. This man possibly knows more and how are we ever going to get any information from him if we lawyer him up and protect him, as if he's some damn innocent?

There is no case here. He's not innocent. There are too many witnesses, too much evidence against him. He shouldn't even be in the news. He should be in a dark room with Jack Bauer, a rubber hose, and whatever other equipment is necessary to drag it out of him! Yes, I've made this point before but, I feel I must keep making it until the powers that be get the message, "You serve the people and you are supposed to protect US! NOT TERRORIST SCUM!"

(You can click the title of this post for the story being reported on the AP)


US Wants Peace In The Middle East - Again

The Obama Administration will take it's stab at trying to get Isreal to negotiate with the Palestinian's. Since, last year, talk efforts hit a dead end.

Click title for the full story being reported on the AP.

"We're going to be even more committed this year, and we're starting this new year with that level of commitment and we're going to follow through and hopefully we can see this as a positive year in this long process," Clinton told reporters after the meeting.

Because, we've never been "more committed" before, right?

According the article, we will be offering our opinions or, "guarantees" in letters concerning the desired outcome.

The letters are likely to contain gestures to both sides. For the Palestinians, that would include criticism of settlements and the belief that the borders that existed before the 1967 Arab-Israeli War be the basis of a future peace deal. For the Israelis, they would acknowledge that post-1967 demographic changes on the ground must be taken into account, meaning that Israel would be able to keep some settlements.

So, basically, if you're attacked and you win the war, you should give up what you won because, it's not fair?!?!

It is unbelievable to me that we even get our noses involved in this. Israel is our ally. We support them, end of story. We are at war with these Muslim extremists, why do we keep forgetting this?


Ben Nelson Tells Nebraska He Did The Right Thing

Well, I tried finding the commercial on youtube but, I haven't found it.

It's running currently in NE. It's basically just Mr. Nelson telling us that he compromised. He didn't want to do just nothing but, felt he had do something and he protected Medicare while decreasing the deficit.


Yeah. He says that his vote decreased the deficit. No, really. I'm not kidding. Then, the commercial immediately ends.

No, really he says that the vote decreased the deficit! How? How? Why would you ask, "how"? I have no idea how. None. Absolutely no idea how his vote could have possibly decreased the deficit.


I used to really like Ben Nelson. I didn't agree with him on everything but, a democrat in NE is nothing like the slime of liberal demoncraps you would find in states like CA or NY. No, you could say he's like a Republican from those states. Not to mention, I happen to know some democrats in this state that are involved with politics. They are extremely wonderful, gracious people. (In fact, one of the women I know, was very good friends with my mother. She helped our family in so many ways; we are truly grateful to have her in our lives.) These folks are liberal but, not over-the-top. This last vote however, has made me see Mr. Nelson in a completely different light. I'm very sad to see him sell his vote and even more angry that he goes on tv to defend his position by lying to the people of this state.

Mr. Nelson, I for one, cannot wait for your departure from office. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Savage Listening/Drinking Party

If you don't know about the party, then you're not cool or, you're not on Facebook!

I've been hosting the party on Thursday's. It's been a nice way to meet other Savage fans and talk about the show.

Due to the recent holiday's, Savage hasn't been on very much and, when he has, for some reason he hasn't been doing the show on Thursday's. Also, many folks have told me they'd like to see the party hosted on another night. Tuesday was the night picked. So, here I am!

Tuesday's will be the NEW nights for the party.

Of course, drinking is an option, certainly not required. I just hope that you all join in and discuss the show. I will post a new thread each hour with a link to listen to Savage or, you can use your own way, either on the radio or another link!

Party will start at 7 pm Central till everyone drops off. I have many folks show up late so, we just start the show over at 10 pm.

Just for the fun of it, I made up some rules:

When Savage says, "liberals," "socialists," or,"commies," that is worth one drink.

Anytime Savage says,"Red Diaper Doper Baby," you must drink twice.

If Savage mentions his childhood,you drink twice.

If Savage yells at a caller, drink twice.

If Savage mentions One-Armed Frank, you must finish your drink!

The official drink is Rockstar and Skyy Vodka, we call it a "Savage." Order it next time you go out!

*****Update...the party is now Weds @ 6 PM Central time******


Rod Blagojevich- He Just Won't Go Away!

In entertainment news, Rod Blagojevich will be a contestant on the new season of Donald Trump's, "The Celebrity Apprentice."

It does sort of give one hope, doesn't it? Even if you screw up majorly, you can always be on a tv show of some kind!

Click title for full details.

Joining Blagojevich on the show will be comedian-actor Sinbad and, Australian TV chef Curtis Stone.

Ugh...who is Curtis Stone? Pardon me for not being up-to-date with Australian TV chef's.

Bret Michaels will also be on the show. I'm rooting for him. (Although, I've never seen this show, and don't plan on watching.) I like Bret Michaels. Mostly because, he supports our troops and honestly, even though he's "dirty," he does seem like a nice guy.

Other contestants include : Carol Leifer, pro wrestler-actor who calls himself Goldberg, Darryl Strawberry, Sharon Osbourne, Olympic gold-medal sprinter Michael Johnson, Cyndi Lauper, Holly Robinson Peete, and Victoria's Secret model Selita Ebanks.

Montana 3rd state to allow doctor-assisted suicide

Oregon and Washington, are the other two states that allow assisted suicides for terminally ill patients.

Click title for full story.

My heart goes out to anyone that is terminally ill. I'm not sure that I wouldn't have thoughts myself, if something like that, G-d forbid, were to happen to me but, ultimately, it's the doctor that is doing the killing.

How can society say it's okay for a doctor to kill but, not anyone else? What if a person wants to be killed in a different manner, other than a lethal dose? Shouldn't they then have a choice of to how someone would kill them or, who should kill them? Where does this end?

There are some sick people in this world, not just physically. What about people who are psychologically suffering from schizophrenia? Or, some other type of mental illness? What if they would like assisted suicide because, they can't live with the hallucinations, or trauma anymore? Are they supposed to suffer because, someone has determined they can't think for themselves?

Living in a world where things are still forged like documents, or doctored videos, how will we know for certain if this is what the person wanted?

What about, "healthy mind, health body"? If these folks have a body that is failing, how do we know their minds are in a state where they know what they are doing? Who determines this? The doctor that is going to ultimately kill them?

Enhanced Security

Beginning today, folks traveling to the US from countries of interest, will be subjected to more screening.

Ummm...shouldn't this have already been implemented? I'm unsure why this hasn't always been the case, considering the fact that we are still at war. I am completely shocked that extra screening hasn't always been a factor when someone from a middle eastern country, one that sponsors terrorism or, one that is of "interest," as they put it, is flying to the United States.

From the article, (click on title):

The State Department lists Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria as state sponsors of terrorism. The other countries whose passengers will face enhanced screening include Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen.

Again, I ask, why wasn't this something they were doing already?

Gee. I feel so much safer.


My Poetry

Yes, I'm published. I actually made the first page in a book of poetry called, "Touch of Tomorrow," The International Library of Poetry, Copyright 2004.

I found the book this evening, while doing some cleaning so, I thought I would share this with you. It's a holiday. It's the New Year so, instead of the usual politics and such, I figured it made sense to post my poem. Especially since I ran across this book tonight.

Get Me Through This

Away in the back of the room
A time that stood still
Lost all of my will
Could this be gloom?
I heard your voice
Standing up and looking around
Who am I to be bound?
Is this the real choice?
Finding my way
Moving away
Together at last
In front of the room

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