
Micahel Moore - Fat, Fugly, and a Fool

So, I know that Michael Moore and the word fat are synonymous but, I can't help but add fugly and fool to the mix.

If it's one character I can't stand on the left, it's Michael Moore. The very mention of his name makes me cringe. I see in front of me a beast of sickening disgust, a hideous creature that whines non-stop, all while laughing his way to the bank. Notice how he doesn't seem to stop at the doors of city hall to leave a larger contribution to the government. After all, he claims we should pay more taxes, why shouldn't he volunteer to do this himself? How much more does Michael Moore send to the government each month on a volunteer basis? This statistic, I would be dying to know!

If his face isn't chewing on some fattening food, it's talking smack about anyone that doesn't agree with his psychotically insane ideology of "fairness" and "tolerance," i.g. communism. He is truly a slime to the highest elevation, exponential value of slime. It's so hard to take a man seriously when he knowingly lies and then has the audacity of accusing others of lying. Not only is he a pure propagandist, he is one of the worst hypocrites our generation has ever witnessed. The awful reality of Moore's influence can be seen every time you find some seemingly intelligent person parroting the words of this utter fool. It's egregious indeed.

The sheer brilliance of Moore is his complete disregard of truth, and yet he somehow manages to find followers. This is further evidence of what a public school education has done for many youth. He walks right past the elephant and picks up a crumb only to declare IT to be the strongest and biggest presence of the room. By doing this, he actually gets poor hapless shells of humans to believe him, as if he were some authoritative figure! The logic is mind bending to say the least.

In his "documentary" entitled, "Sicko" about health care, he actually takes some folks to Cuba. He doesn't go the hospital for the actual people of Cuba, no, no, no, he goes to the hospital that only Castro himself would go to. A fancy, decked out hospital that only the rich may attend. He failed to go to the other part of the island, where the real people of Cuba live but, he probably wasn't allowed to go there. Of course, Michael wouldn't dare tell his audience that fact.

The whole lot of the show was pure, unadulterated lies, along with all of his other "films." He just can't seem to tell the truth.

Here's a video clip I thought was interesting and I wanted to share. This is just one of many, many examples of what this sick coward does to people.


Thursday Night's = Savage Drinking Party!

So, if you don't know, you must live in a hole somewhere. However, I want to let everyone know that you can join me on Facebook for the Savage Drinking Party that occurs every Thursday. Every Thursday. Thirsty Thursday, with a twist!

So, now you know. You are now cool. Go out and get a drink and come join us! Or, you can drink water for a hydration party...your choice. ;~)

Also, I want to come up with a drink that we all call a, "Savage." Whenever we go anywhere, we will ask for one and give funny looks when they don't know what a "Savage" is. So, leave your suggestions!


Barney Frank: Amply Named

The circus clown Barney Frank revealed his true colors, on MSNBC.

"We are trying on every front to increase the role of government," he proudly declares when questioned about a vote he made concerning deregulation.

This video is truly priceless.


Newspaper Attack, Two Men Arrested

Two men, living in Chicago, and both from Pakistan were arrested for planning an attack on a Danish newspaper. Click the title for full story.

Headley, a U.S. citizen who changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006, is charged with conspiracy to commit terrorist acts involving murder and maiming outside the United States. He could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted. He was arrested as he boarded a flight to Philadelphia, the first leg of a trip to Pakistan.

Headley and Rana are each charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorism conspiracy, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. Rana, who is a Canadian citizen, was arrested Oct. 18 in his home.

So all because some dumb cartoon was published 2 years ago, these two morons, from the religion of peace, decide they are going to attack the cultural editor and, the cartoonist? Are you kidding me? These idiots don't know that a cartoon is supposed to be funny? What kind of world do you live in where NO ONE is allowed to make fun of you or anything for that matter!


Wisdom: Soros Style

You can click the title for the full article. There's a video of an interview with George Soros as well.

Since the government bailout of the big banks took place, Soros wants the government to also regulate how everyone get's paid. Basically, he supports Obama's decision to determine everyone's salaries.

I suppose I can't much argue with that point. It seems to makes sense. After all, the government is using our money to pay for this. Shouldn't the government be able to say who gets paid what?

My problem began with the bailout in the first place. It should have never happened but, because of this, we are set on a one way ticket to government controlling every single step, every single decision. How can anyone, at this point, justify the government not calling the shots, if they are the ones funding?

I don't like the government getting involved any more than they have already become. We are already in very dangerous waters. If the government can become this involved, why not just take the money back and say, "We screwed up; you may just have to go ahead and fail." Isn't that the only way to assure that these "greedy" folks will get what they deserve?



LONG-term mobile phone users could face a higher risk of developing cancer in later life, according to a decade-long study.

Click title for full story.


You Shouldn't Own a Gun

Yes, you read that right. You are going to hurt yourself or people around you, so you shouldn't own a gun. Especially if you live in a "good neighborhood." You have no business owning a gun.

This is pretty much the gist of what a friend of mine has told me this evening. I'm not kidding. Now, I love my friend and the last thing in the world I want to do is start a fight but, I was pretty shocked by what she was saying.

She, of course, spouted all the liberal lies about guns and, how dangerous they are and so many accidents happen when people have guns. Some others had popped in with support about how many suicides could just be avoided if no one owned a gun. It was laughable, to say the least. It always amazes me how naive some folks are. As if guns are the cause of suicide.

I had to respond. I tried to explain that the "bad guys" always have guns, that I have been a victim of a gun crime, that having a gun for self defense is one of the only ways to assure protection of yourself, that guns are the first thing leaders like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao took away from people, ect.

She responded that it's okay for cops to have guns.

So, I just left it at that. How do you even answer someone that is clearly NOT seeing the major problem with a government having guns but, the people cannot? She also hates the war, and Bush of course. This is pretty much typical banter from people who just can't quite seem to grasp the idea that there is a wisdom behind people being allowed to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, she is not understanding that cops cannot be there every second of the day. They are not body guarding each citizen. When you have someone who is breaking into your home, by the time the cops get there, you and your family could be dead! A cop isn't going to save you or your family.

Also, I found it odd that when someone challenged her, she determined that they live in " a good neighborhood" and don't need a gun. She evidently doesn't understand that crime can happen and, does happen, in almost any area you may live in. Then, she also included that only people in authority understand how to use a gun and everyone else must not know the safety involved in owning a gun.

The lies that are told to people can really have people believing the most illogical things. Most the folks, like my friend, are wonderful, nice, well-intentioned people, but, they simply don't have the correct facts in order to form a correct opinion.


Your Race = What Your Politics Are

Well, I found out about an interesting conversation that occurred between a friend of mine, who happens to be black, and another person, who also happens to be black.

I am going to let this dialogue speak for itself. I have chosen to not show the names of the people in this conversation. Person 1, is my friend (the person that shared this conversation with me); Person 2, will be the other person, the very obvious Obama supporter.

It starts out...

Person 2: This is The President of The United States and if you don't support him then you might as well not be black. His policies are giong to work because there are people praying and hoping this First African-American President Fail. Who are you to even post this about the President. This man is doing everything he can to make sure our rights and lives move forward and not backwards. When bush was the President did you see people throwing stuff at him.. NO because they would probably be dead. Now because we have President Obama in it is o k to throw stuff at him..... No it is not right and you make All Black People Look real stupid. Just keep your negative comments to yourself. You obviously need to talk to your grandmother or anyone that was alive when we had no rights, did not count for a vote. You are the main reason we as a people are failing.

Person 1: Bitch.. Let me tell you something.. I am black and proud of my race. Who are you to tell me that I am not black.. Do you feel the same about Condeleeza Rice, Colin Powell and Clearance Thomas.. Where is it written, that just because I am black I am suppose to be drinking the Obama Kool-Aid. I dont know you and you dont know me.. That's just a fact.. But the reason I am not a supporter of Obama, is because of his policies of more spending, more government control by bailing banks, auto industry and trying to take over our nation health care system.

By the way, lets talk about Bush now.. Where were you when they were making movies on how to assassinate Bush? Where were you when the said *Keep Out the Bushes* Where were you when they said that Bush was an idiot? I did not hear from you.. Maybe if you had take your time and asked me why I did not like him, I would have been more polite with you on how I feel..

Now why dont you sit back and have the last word.. As Clint Eastwood said.. *Go Ahead, Make my day.

Person 2: First of all lil BOY. You r a bitch ass nigga yeah I said it NIGGA. You r the reason black men have three strikes against them soon as the reach puberty. I bet yo momma is ashamed she is yo mother. You embarass all black men. You must b 1 of those niggas who got a white woman, but u got dreadlocks. You r a nigga and a sorry excuse 4 a MAN. You should b tooken out and shot execution style. This country has come a long way but reading yo comment lets me know we have alonger way to go still. You should just kill yo self. Making a stupid ass statement like dat. Was yo daddy n yo life. Obviously not. You are a nigga in the worst way. You should kill yo self today. I feel sorry for yo mother and your offspring. GOD B WITH U. U r the reason that there is blacks killing blacks. You are A BITCH ASS NIGGA. You r going to rot in hell. If I am a BITCH den yo momma, yo girlfriend and every other woman in yo life is a BITCH. You r ignorant. You are a hater and you will reap what u sew... And that is the way it is BASTARD.

Person 1: Oh, I am loving your attitude right about now. Is there a problem with me loving a white woman.. I guess because there are too much out there like you with that attitude that chase me away.. I bet you must be some nappy head whore, and yes I got locs and damn proud of them. (Oh by the way, if you had known your black history, you would know not to call them dread.. Go look up and tell me what dreads mean)... From your conversation, it seems like you just had a 9th grade education.. Did a black man get you pregnant at 17 like most out there? I guess you maybe like 70% of minorities who have different baby daddy.. Yes I said baby daddy..

And like I said in my past comment.. Go ahead and make my day, and you just did, as I am sitting laughing at you,, while you scream the hell out to me...

BTW.. I pity you right now..

I think the most telling of this conversation, is this woman is presented with information and, she has absolutely NO idea how to respond, other than insulting, calling names, and just being vile. How sad of her to believe that you can't "be black" unless you think a certain way.


Obama from Kenya

An archived article from, Sunday Standard in Kenya, has been found and says the following:

"Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack (sic) Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations."

More fuel upon the fire.

I'm not sure what Obama is trying to hide. I suppose you could say the jury is still out for me, on this issue. It seems to me that McCain's camp, knowing full well there was controversy about this during the campaign, would have found something credible if this were true.

Is it really possible for a man to be born in Kenya and become the president of the United States? To me, it doesn't make too much sense, unless people are suggesting his presidency has been planned from the very beginning. How far back can a conspiracy go? This doesn't sound very logical to me but, then, what IS Obama hiding?

Click the title for the full article. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm just hoping that we find out the truth, good or bad.

The article further discusses the issue surrounding missing articles. It seems that when Google searches are conducted, from 1981 to 2000, there is no mention of Obama. Is there something more going on here? Are there people in the media who are covering up for Obama?


Defend Hannah

Remember he girl that helped expose ACORN for the sham that it is? Well, she needs our help!

Please click the title to go directly to her website and get the full story!


Glenn Beck Asks Why Obama Is Creating a Civilian Army

Here's a clip from the Glenn Back show I thought I would post.

I think the video speaks for itself. I'm not sure what the democrats are up to. Obama has spoken about this before. I'm not a conspiracy type person at all. I've been down that road a few times and always come up empty handed. This, however, is something that democrats have been talking about for awhile now and, now that they have control, this just may be a possibility.

Obama appoints a radical Muslim to top position in the Department of Home Security

Los Angeles Deputy Mayor Arif Alikhan, who is Muslim, was appointed by our president, to the Department of Home Security, at a top position. This will be specifically the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security.

Clearly this move is one of a president that is displaying his pandering to the Muslim world. He appears weak and doesn't mind showing he and his supporters are as well.

Alikhan will now be allowed to set policies for security at the highest level of the federal government.

We are at war with the Muslim world and Obama makes this type of appointment? Clearly Obama is a racist in the truest sense of the word. He has made this appointment based on the race of this man and not by anything else. He simply wants to show his acceptance of Muslims to the Muslim world but, at what cost? What security policies can Americans expect from this man? How can the AMERICAN people be assured of the values of this man?

That's really the whole point, isn't it? Obama is supposed to be representing the United States and NOT the Muslim world. Last I checked, Muslims make up a very small minority of citizens in this country. So, why this man?

While Alikan worked in Los Angeles, he had interfered with the Police Departments intentions of following the activities of known radical Muslims. Los Angeles is also known for some of it's citizens helping some of the 9/11 hijackers. Alikan is also known for his strong anti-Isreal beliefs.

Click title for full story.


Obama's Friends

Here's an interesting video that talks about who Obama is based on his friends.

This is an absolute must-see video that exposes who Obama has surrounded himself with over the last several years. We all remember getting a glimpse of the Rev Wright during his campaign but, alas, some folks didn't seemed bothered by the fact that Obama had been going to his church for 20 years.

We all remember Bill Ayers, the terrorist, as well, listed as one of the many friends of Barack Obama. Of course, that was all swept under the rug by the main stream media and, only Fox New really tried to take Obama to task with that issue. It's quite stunning what the media has done to protect Obama.

It turns out that there is more to this story. There are even more people that surround Obama that are truly questionable people. By that I mean, people who do not believe in the type of government the United States has, people that do not believe in capitalism. No, these people are folks that believe in redistributing the wealth, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. These are people that watched Robin Hood a few too many times.

Check out this video. It's simply amazing...


Child Rape and the Values of People Who Make Films

Dennis Prager hits the ball out of the park with the points that are made in this article (click title), concerning the recent issues surrounding child rapist, Roman Polanski.

He dives right into the minds of Hollywood and explains the absolute absence of morality and pure hypocrisy that is found amongst the elite in Tinsel Town. Their egos, and complete selfishness drive thoughts that go against the grain of logic, and foster ideas that are amoral and harmful.

Roman Polanski is a man who admitted to raping a 13 year old child. Yet,in Hollywood, it's been referred to as a "so-called" crime? It's amazing the sickening thoughts that come out of Hollywood's elite.

Rather than looking rationally at a situation and determining if something is wrong based on the action, we see once again, Hollywood looking at the person (the physical), in order to determine how they will react to it. Since this is happening to one of "their own," they feel a need to circle the wagons and protect him. Had this been a Michael Savage or, a Glenn Beck, the world would know full well what evil crime has been committed.


Oh, It's Bush's Fault! Again?!?!

I am amazed, simply amazed at the extent people, in the democrat party, will go to in order to avoid taking any responsibility for any of their actions.

Obama decided it would be a good idea to campaign for the Olympics to be held in Chicago. Well, everyone figured that he MUST have this deal "in the bag" since, there is no way he would even waste his time with something like this unless, it was guaranteed. After all, we are still at war, the economy is getting worse, and there are major arguments going on in this county over his health care bill. It would be absolutely humiliating if he went to campaign for the Olympics and lost the bid.

Well, it was quite the humiliating shocker when, not only did Obama lose but, the US was voted out after the first round!

You would think that after this event, the democrats might pull back, doubtful there would be an apology but, perhaps "lay low" for a little bit, maybe show a little humility? Nope. Guess who had to put his $0.02 in? None other than Jesse, Race-baiter, Jackson! Yes, the self-proclaimed Reverend, the supposedly "all knowing," greedy, racist, stick-a-fork-in-me-twice, "I'm never done!" decided to let everyone know that this was all...

wait for it...


I'm not kidding.

Seriously. I'm not kidding.

No, it's true.

President Obama could not undo in one year the resentment against America that President Bush and others built up for decades before, they said.

“There must be” resentment against America, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said, near the stage where he had hoped to give a victory speech in Daley Plaza. “The way we [refused to sign] the Kyoto Treaty, we mislead the world into Iraq. The world had a very bad taste in its mouth about us. But there was such a turnaround after last November. The world now feels better about America and about Americans. That’s why I thought the president’s going was the deal-maker.”

(Click title for source.)

Liberal Tactics

It is becoming more and more clear that liberals cannot debate conservatives. For years, we've known this because, they refuse (most of them), to go on any show that may be too challenging. They do horrible in areas like radio, this is because, callers actually call and confront their nonsense. Just look at the great, failed experiment of Air "head" America. Is that even going on still? They have maybe 2 listeners.

I have tried over and over to confront these poor excuses of so-called "men" with facts, statistics, reasoning, logic, ect., practically anything I could think of, to get them to understand how much they've been brainwashed by a culture of disgust and, utter contempt for morality. It doesn't work. I don't even bother debating the woman. They are just filled with utter nonsense and couldn't hold a debate with me, or any conservative if they tried.

If you disagree with Obama in anyway, it's all about you being a big racist. Now, I hate to rehash all this but, it's not going away! There are people that really believe this rhetoric. They are not dropping this argument. They don't want to debate you on any of the issues, they just want to shut the conversation down and that way they don't have to pay attention to your argument, they can simply get away with all that by saying, they don't listen to "racists."

I had the pleasure of trying to debate with a brainless-tard, liberal this early morning, when he, by the second response to me, pulled out the tired ol', "no use in debating with someone so 'closed minded.'" Really?

To which I politely responded:

Oh, and my favorite..."You're so closed minded." Which means what the F#&^ exactly? Liberals like Tim say this when they just have NO facts, NO logic, NO reasoning to back them up and then, they pull out this dimwitted gem. They don't even realize how ironic it is, that's what makes it all the more hilarious.

Gee, Tim, YOU don't grasp logic, YOU are the one that doesn't understand how a conservative thinks, yet, I am the "closed minded" one?!?! LMAO! Then, I guess you're just as "closed minded"!

I have some news for you buddy, I used to be a flaming liberal; I'm a former improv comedian/actress/dancer/director/backstage worker. I've done it all when it comes to performing arts. I know exactly how you think, which isn't thinking at all. I actually went out and got an education, so that's why I am now a conservative.

How you like that foot in your mouth? Does it taste good? You really should get used to the taste if you are going to continue with your sophomoric responses. We're not in junior high school here. You're actually going to get called out on your absurd hyperbole and rhetoric!

It seemed he wasn't happy about this comment I made previously, thus provoking the "open-minded" comment:

It's almost laughable how crappy liberals are and what they believe in. It's very clear that liberalism is a mental disorder. You just have to look at all the things they believe in.

1. They support terrorism by ignoring it or, trying to appease the enemy. Instead of standing up to something that is clearly EVIL, they actually will condemn people for standing up to it, which actually makes them evil. If that doesn't work, they make up ridiculous conspiracies about how everyone is "out to get them." If their conspiracies are confronted with facts, they then change the theory to "fit" the story. It's kind of like watching a child putting a piece in a puzzle that doesn't fit.

2. They know Social Security is going bankrupt, and have for years but, they don't want to reform it or, put the responsibility in the hands of the people! NO NO NO, they want full control to make sure when you get old, you'll have nothing.

3. They rail on and on about the rich but, they just so happen to be the richest people in the country! LOL! Still, the ignorant line up to listen to their tales of woe, like Bill Clinton saying he grew up with nothing, even though they've been proven to be all lies. They could give a crap about the poor. If they really cared about people, they would help them with their own money, not steal from the gov't (the people), by stealing everything in the White House when they leave! It's been proven over and over that Republicans give much more of their money to charities and to the poor.

4. They believe in animals, trees, and rocks, they just don't believe that humans are as good. In Canada, a pet can get better health care than a human and Demoncraps know this, yet, they still want gov't health care.

5. They are the most racist, vile people on the planet. They treat blacks and Mexicans like "pets." We are simply a trophy to the white liberal. "Look, I have a friend that's Mexican!" They simply think they are so much better and wiser whenever they "go to bat" for us minorities. As if we're stupid and need their help. They think we're all dumb and couldn't possibly do as well or better than a white person! We need affirmative action. Well, some of us have caught on that we are just being USED by them! ...and I could go on and on and on...Liberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER!!!

Here's a great video that explains more about liberal tactics and what they are doing to destroy anyone and everyone that doesn't worship at the alter of the big-eared commie.


Thank You For Being a MAN

I want to talk about men. I want to talk about being a man compared to the weak, emo, girly-looking "men" we see on tv and in the media constantly.

Now, don't get a me wrong, I like a man who shaves and practices good hygiene but, I also like a real man! Real men have hair on their chests. Real men know how to check their car oil. Real men know how to change a tire. Real men can do manual labor. Real men don't wear more hair products than I do. Real men leave the toilet seat up. They lift it up, we put it down...it's fair.

There are too many "men" in our movies and in our culture that I just don't consider men at all. I'm so sick and tired of the gay jokes. First of all, I know gay men and they don't act like that and, second of all, it's just stupid. I wish they would quit wearing those girl pants, remember that fingernail polish is for WOMEN, get those piercings out of their ears and nose and, G-d knows where else, do NOT call it manliner and stop wearing it, and for goodness sakes, quit whining about stuff! Man up and take responsibility or, turn in your man card.

Here's to the MEN out there! Thank you for surviving the feminization of America! Thank you for standing the test of time, proving that men are not worthless but, are needed in this world to be leaders, to be role models, to be heroic, to be fathers, to be brothers, to be original, to be an individual while still maintaining a high level of decency, and to be great husbands.

I love you all!
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