
Your Race = What Your Politics Are

Well, I found out about an interesting conversation that occurred between a friend of mine, who happens to be black, and another person, who also happens to be black.

I am going to let this dialogue speak for itself. I have chosen to not show the names of the people in this conversation. Person 1, is my friend (the person that shared this conversation with me); Person 2, will be the other person, the very obvious Obama supporter.

It starts out...

Person 2: This is The President of The United States and if you don't support him then you might as well not be black. His policies are giong to work because there are people praying and hoping this First African-American President Fail. Who are you to even post this about the President. This man is doing everything he can to make sure our rights and lives move forward and not backwards. When bush was the President did you see people throwing stuff at him.. NO because they would probably be dead. Now because we have President Obama in it is o k to throw stuff at him..... No it is not right and you make All Black People Look real stupid. Just keep your negative comments to yourself. You obviously need to talk to your grandmother or anyone that was alive when we had no rights, did not count for a vote. You are the main reason we as a people are failing.

Person 1: Bitch.. Let me tell you something.. I am black and proud of my race. Who are you to tell me that I am not black.. Do you feel the same about Condeleeza Rice, Colin Powell and Clearance Thomas.. Where is it written, that just because I am black I am suppose to be drinking the Obama Kool-Aid. I dont know you and you dont know me.. That's just a fact.. But the reason I am not a supporter of Obama, is because of his policies of more spending, more government control by bailing banks, auto industry and trying to take over our nation health care system.

By the way, lets talk about Bush now.. Where were you when they were making movies on how to assassinate Bush? Where were you when the said *Keep Out the Bushes* Where were you when they said that Bush was an idiot? I did not hear from you.. Maybe if you had take your time and asked me why I did not like him, I would have been more polite with you on how I feel..

Now why dont you sit back and have the last word.. As Clint Eastwood said.. *Go Ahead, Make my day.

Person 2: First of all lil BOY. You r a bitch ass nigga yeah I said it NIGGA. You r the reason black men have three strikes against them soon as the reach puberty. I bet yo momma is ashamed she is yo mother. You embarass all black men. You must b 1 of those niggas who got a white woman, but u got dreadlocks. You r a nigga and a sorry excuse 4 a MAN. You should b tooken out and shot execution style. This country has come a long way but reading yo comment lets me know we have alonger way to go still. You should just kill yo self. Making a stupid ass statement like dat. Was yo daddy n yo life. Obviously not. You are a nigga in the worst way. You should kill yo self today. I feel sorry for yo mother and your offspring. GOD B WITH U. U r the reason that there is blacks killing blacks. You are A BITCH ASS NIGGA. You r going to rot in hell. If I am a BITCH den yo momma, yo girlfriend and every other woman in yo life is a BITCH. You r ignorant. You are a hater and you will reap what u sew... And that is the way it is BASTARD.

Person 1: Oh, I am loving your attitude right about now. Is there a problem with me loving a white woman.. I guess because there are too much out there like you with that attitude that chase me away.. I bet you must be some nappy head whore, and yes I got locs and damn proud of them. (Oh by the way, if you had known your black history, you would know not to call them dread.. Go look up and tell me what dreads mean)... From your conversation, it seems like you just had a 9th grade education.. Did a black man get you pregnant at 17 like most out there? I guess you maybe like 70% of minorities who have different baby daddy.. Yes I said baby daddy..

And like I said in my past comment.. Go ahead and make my day, and you just did, as I am sitting laughing at you,, while you scream the hell out to me...

BTW.. I pity you right now..

I think the most telling of this conversation, is this woman is presented with information and, she has absolutely NO idea how to respond, other than insulting, calling names, and just being vile. How sad of her to believe that you can't "be black" unless you think a certain way.


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