
Jon Lovitz Rips Into Obama

Jon Lovitz goes after Obama and the Occupy Movement.

This is pretty funny stuff but, be warned -- bad language so, NSFW.


The One Lie That The Media Continues to Say About the Zimmerman Case

Here it is...

Sanford's lead investigator, Chris Serino, wanted Zimmerman charged with manslaughter that night but Wolfinger's office put a stop to it.


The Case Against Zimmerman Falls Apart - UPDATE

The last few days, more and more information has been available concerning this case. It also appears this information is not exactly being exposed as fast as the original narrative that involves a sweet, little teen being gunned down by a crazed white-Hispanic.

Is the case against Zimmerman falling apart?


War On Women?

I really just wanted to avoid this story altogether but I figured I have a blog, so I might as well make a comment, right?

Apparently some nobody from the Obama camp made some remark about how Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. I guess being a stay at home mom requires no work. News to me

If He's Guilty, There's No Reason to Lie About Zimmerman

A person has a right to defend themselves. At this point, every single piece of evidence that supposedly proves Zimmerman's guilt has been shown to be a fraud or manipulated. So far, this is a case of someone wanting to protect his neighborhood and it turned into a horrible event of a man having to defend himself against an emotionally disturbed and violent child.


Zimmerman Arrested

George Zimmeman

Today it was announced that Zimmerman was arrested and charged with second degree murder in the Treyvon Martin case. I am waiting to see if there is some other evidence that will be coming out but so far, I have not been terribly successful in finding anything. I will try and keep this post updated as best as I can.


My Message For Liberals Today

I wanted to save this...sometimes I write things I actually like.

You're all a bunch of sheep. You think these people [democrats] care about this country, the poor, the minorities, the environment, (fill in stupid fake cause here), etc. No wonder you are out of your fricken minds. You can't even see reality and you can't understand why people mock you and think you're stupid? These people care about ONE thing -- POWER and they use you, lie to you, treat you like idiots, all so they can promise you more goodies that they will NEVER deliver to you, and they know it.

My Friend Interviews Ron Paul!

One of my very best friends, Teresa Seina, is a huge Ron Paul supporter. Now, as many of you know (or you may not know), I am no Ron Paul fan. However, I happen to know that Teresa, like many of my other friends who support Paul, are wonderful people who really do want this country to move in a better direction. While we may not agree with everything, who does? Hell, conservatives can not even agree among ourselves. These folks our on our side for the most part and we need to remember that....but, I digress...


Treyvon Martin -- More Crap


This Treyvon Martin case has really proven to be one of the most absurd, crazy cases I have run across in a long time. There are even folks I would have expected to know better, saying the most vile things and the lefty loons out there have already found George Zimmerman guilty. No trial, no law, no evidence to prove it wasn't self-defense, just pure emotion and hatred. If it wasn't enough to call this man a cold blood killer, he is now also considered a racist.

So, let's get a few things straight here:
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