
Al-Qaeda Plot to Target Europe

AFP – A police car is parked in front of the Eiffel Tower after its evacuation following a bomb alert September 

Mumbai-style terrorist attacks were being planned against Germany, France, and Britain. They have now been discovered by Western intelligences.

Click title of post for full story. 

It was "one of the most serious Al-Qaeda attack plans in recent years" and was inspired by the terror group's fugitive leadership in Pakistan's tribal areas, said the BBC.

It is being reported that the US was also a potential target. 

Good News in Ohio For the GOP

Reuters – Former U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman smiles during a news conference at the U.S. embassy in Geneva

In a recent poll taken by Reuters/Ipsos, Rob Portman, a formal senior official for President George W. Bush, is showing a commanding lead for the Senate seat in Ohio. Democrat Lee Fisher is far behind, 50 percent for Portman and, a dismal 37 percent for Fisher.

Click title of post for full story.

"Portman is really solidifying his lead -- it's starting to look insurmountable," Ipsos pollster Chris Jackson said. "Fisher hasn't been able to raise his profile enough to make a dent."

The Democrats have been trying to attack Portman for his previous work with the Bush administration, attempting to attach a stigma upon him by declaring his service will bring about the previous Bush tax-era. The only problem is, most people want those low taxes to continue for ALL Americans. There's also the problem of Bush never tanking the economy the way Obama and the Democrats have done since gaining full control over the Executive and Legislative branches of government.


Obama Tries to Fire Up His Base

AP – President Barack Obama speaks in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, Sept. 27, 2010

In an attempt to give himself the security he needs to push forward his progressive, destructive policies, Obama tells Rolling Stone that Democrats and progressives, need to get out and vote - not allow Republicans to win mid-terms.

Yep, he said, "progressives." Look:
"It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election," Obama said.
Click title of post for full article.

Well, not even his base seems to like him anymore. It is highly doubtful that Obama will get democrats fired up about him or his agenda, when all he's doing is spending money - money we just don't have.

"The idea that we've got a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base, that people are sitting on their hands complaining, is just irresponsible," he said in the interview. He said Democrats should be thinking about what's at stake this election "if they want to move forward over the next two years or six years or 10 years."
Of course his idea of moving forward consists of moving the country to a full on socialist style of government. Unfortunately, we really are not that far off.

Speaking about all his campaign promises, Obama says that he's completed 70 percent of them, adding:

As for the rest: "Well, that's what the next two years is for, or maybe the next six."
Oh please! You're out come 2012, Jimmy Car...I mean, Obama. 


Longer School Years - Thanks Obama

Reuters – U.S. President Barack Obama addresses the 65th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters

In the article (click title of this post), it is being reported that Obama is advocating for longer school years by as much as month, comparing Japan and even China as examples.

Obama states the importance of better teachers, who are given better materials, as well as getting rid of those instructors who are not satisfying classroom demands.

Like everything, this will require our government to pour more money into a failing system.

"It's been tried," she said, describing one instance of a Topeka-area elementary school that scrapped year-round schooling after just one year. "The community was just not ready for kids to be in school all summer long. Kids wanted to go swimming. Their families wanted to go on vacation."
There is no more money Obama. You've spent it all. Public schools have become a joke. I have gone to both private and public schools. The private school I attended, not only had more snow days, more holidays, but, shorter school years to top it all off and, they got more done in a semester than public school, by far. Private schools are allowed more control over their classrooms and, it's important for them to compete. Competition allows for schools to strive for better education, creating better students.

If you really care about education Obama, why not support school vouchers and do what Bush didn't get to finish? There are a lot of minorities, and poor people in this country who would like the opportunity for their children to have better and, send them to private school, like you are able to do with your children, Obama. You did say you were for the "little guy," right? Why not prove it?


Passing a Funny Obama Joke Along

A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him... He asked, "What are all those clocks?" St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."

‎"Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?" "That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie." "Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?" St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life." 'Where's Barrack Obama's clock?' asked the man. "Obama's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."


We Have An Obligation to Make Obama's Aunt a Citizen

AP – FILE - In this Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2009 file photo, President Barack Obama's aunt Zeituni Onyango speaks …

Obama's aunt, Zeituni Onyango, is saying that she came here as an immigrant, has been living for years as an illegal and, we have an obligation to make her a citizen.

Onyango came to the U.S. from Kenya in 2000 and was denied asylum by an immigration judge in 2004. She was granted asylum earlier this year by the same judge who said she could be in danger if she returned to her homeland.
Oh, she's from Kenya? I never would have guessed that. 

"To me, America's dream became America's worst nightmare," she told the TV station in her first interview since being granted asylum.

It was after her illness, she said, that she was assigned public housing.

"I didn't ask for it; they gave it to me," she said.
Click title of this post for full story. 

Gays in the Military

 AFP/File – Lady Gaga has been lobbying Maine lawmakers Olympia Snow and Susan Collins, pictured, who have not said …

Apparently, Lady Gaga is now trying to dictate our country's military policies? I don't know but, there is growing support from Democrats to move for a change on the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that is currently the standard concerning gays serving in the military.

Pop star Lady Gaga led a political rally in favor of repeal in Maine on Monday. The state is home to the two Republican senators — Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins — seen as most likely to side with Democrats on the issue. Lady Gaga said it was unjust to have goodhearted gay soldiers booted from military service while straight soldiers who harbor hatred toward gays are allowed to fight for their country.

Excuse me? What military people does this Gaga even know? Who the hell is she to make assertions that people, "hate gays"? Why is this an issue? Why are liberals so obsessed with sex? Why is it so important for people to be letting the world into their bedrooms, while outwardly verbalizing that the bedroom should be kept private?

What is this push, all of a sudden? She continues:

She suggested a new policy should target straight soldiers who are "uncomfortable" with gay soldiers in their midst.

"Our new law is called 'If you don't like it, go home!'" she said.
So, things are only okay if it's "okay with her" and what HER opinion is. Have I got that right? Not only have I never heard of this women serving in the military but, who the hell is she? She's a freaky performer, who sings. Where did she even come from? She may be a good performer and, props to her for being an artist. I love artists but, ugh, why is she...what is she...who is she...to say anything about this?  I do not understand what her interest is here.

Click title of this post for full article.

Thoughts on this?


Happy Birthday To My Baby Girl!!!

Today, my baby girl turns 2 years old. I can't believe how fast time has gone. She's growing so fast. She's such a joy and I am so grateful she is in my life. I'm going to spend the day and night with her so, I just wanted to check in and let you know.

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!


Democrats Divided

AP – FILE - In this Aug. 24, 2010 file photo, House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio speaks in Cleveland.

Democrats are divided about taxes. Some are wanting to initiate raising taxes on the wealthiest, while others are suggesting waiting until after the elections come November.

This was not the debate Democrats wanted as the midterm election season opened. The plan was to make an extension of the middle-class tax cuts the party's closing argument — against Republicans, not each other — as voters began to focus on whether they trust Democrats to improve the ailing economy enough to reward them with control of Congress for another two years.
Isn't it interesting how many Democrats know the dangers of raising taxes, especially during a recession? Here all this time, they act as if Republicans have always been wrong in fighting for lower taxes. They know what will happen if they raise taxes on people, especially the wealthy.

I am not surprised they are playing politics here. This has nothing to do with helping the American people, it's more about them creating a strategy to maintain power.

Click title of post for full story. 

O'Donnell Wins Delaware

AP/Rob Carr

Christine O'Donnell, from the Tea Party, claimed a victory in Delaware.

The Delaware outcome reflected the energy and enthusiasm of the tea partiers, but O'Donnell also enters the race against Coons as an underdog, putting GOP control of the Senate further out of reach. Former George W. Bush political adviser Karl Rove told Fox News Channel, "This is not a race we're going to be able to win."

Do you agree with Rove? Will the people who win because of the influence of the Tea Party, ultimately end up costing Republicans seats in the House and Senate?

Click title of post for full story.


France Says NO MORE Veils!

AP – France's Kenza Drider , wearing a niqab, drives a car in Avignon, southern France, Monday, Sept. 13, …

The French Senate has passed a ban on the veils that are worn by Muslims. This is excellent! I am hoping that soon this common sense legislation will make its way here to the United States.

The Senate voted 246 to 1 in favor of the bill in a final step toward making the ban a law — though it now must pass muster with France's constitutional watchdog. The bill was overwhelmingly passed in July in the lower house, the National Assembly.
The wearing of these veils are symbols of slavery and, the horrible treatment of women in these cultures.

"It is a law that is unlawful," said Drider, a mother of four from Avignon, in southern France. "It is ... against individual liberty, freedom of religion, liberty of conscience," she said.

"I will continue to live my life as I always have with my full veil," she told Associated Press Television News.
The mentality of some of these women is simply shocking.

Click title of post for full story.

My Opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque

Today is a very solemn day in our nation’s recent history.  It was the day that two planes went into the World Trade Center towers of New York, a plane into the Pentagon and a plane crashed into the ground in Pennsylvania.  It was the greatest terrorist attack in our nation’s history only 9 years ago done by radical Muslims extremists.  Today is September, 11th.  A day that shall live in infamy.  It is with this occasion in mind that I bring up the topic of the building of the proposed Mosque at Ground Zero in New York City.

I would like to start by saying that in no way is this intended to offend my Muslim friends or any moderate Muslims who practice their religion in peace and reject terrorism.  This opinion piece is about my rejection of radical Islam, terrorism and the Ground Zero Mosque.  Before any one comment or lashes out at me; I ask you to read my whole argument and piece, note that I have backed up my reasoning’s with cited facts and I ask you to do the same if you do choose to comment.  I also want to note that even if the legal right to build the Mosque at such a site exists it doesn’t mean that it’s the right thing to do.

Let me start everyone off with a reminder of what happened that day.  The United States was attacked by terrorist in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.  It was the greatest attack on U.S. soil and it was an attack on civilians.  It was bigger than Pearl Harbor, the first Trade Center bombing and the USS Cole.  It was carried out not by any one particular country but a group, a religion and an ideologue.  It wasn’t carried out by Catholic nuns, Jews, Russians or White Supremacists; but radical Muslims whom took the Quran (Koran) literally and believe that anyone who did not or opposed Allah was an infidel who should be put to death.  They didn’t do it because of Israel, US foreign policy or because they don’t like the indecency of Hollywood.  Sure those reason may be part of their argument but there other reasons deeper.  Their religion commands them to do so!  Want proof?  Take Surah 2:190 it states: "Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." 
"Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people...They desire nothing but your ruin....You believe in the entire Book...When they meet you they say: 'We, too, are believers.' But when alone, they bite their finger-tips with rage." (Surah 3:118, 119) 
"If you should die or be slain in the cause of God, His forgiveness and His mercy would surely be better than all the riches..." (Surah 3:156-) 
"The Jews and Christians say: 'We are the children of God and His loved ones.' Say: 'Why then does He punish you for your sins?" (Surah 5:18) 
"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51) 
"Believers, when you encounter the infidels on the march, do not turn your backs to them in flight. If anyone on that day turns his back to them, except it be for tactical reasons...he shall incur the wrath of God and Hell shall be his home..." (Surah 8:12-) 
"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

Citation:               http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/koran.html

Now arguably these passages could be interpreted in different ways.  But let’s start out with how Al-Qaeda views this after all they are the group that attacked us and are the most radical of Muslims.
“The banner of Islam will necessarily be raised when the land is watered with the blood of martyrs,”
“We destroyed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and Allah ordered us to... punish everyone who stands alongside (US President George W.) Bush,”

“Congratulations to the Islamic nation, to our sheikh Osama abu Abdullah ( Osama bin Laden ), to our emir Mullah Mohammad Omar, to sheikh Ayman Zawahiri (bin Laden's deputy)... for the destruction of America, which is at the forefront of evil.”

Citation:               http://thinkexist.com/quotes/al-qaeda/

But what about other Muslims, do they share similar views?  While it may not be the case that all Muslims are extremist in the case of bin Laden but nevertheless there is a strong sentiment among Muslims that their culture and religion should prevail over others.  There is a belief that Islam should reign supreme in America and throughout the world.  I invite you all to watch the following video and click on the following links of pictures below:





You will note in the video and the pictures that after 9/11 many Muslims where passing amongst fellow believers pictures depicting New York City in the future covered with Mosques, Minarets and other holly Islamic buildings.  We even see the Statue of Liberty, a symbol of American Liberty and freedom across the world, covered in a Burqa.  Something that is supposed to be free and liberated covered in a veil of oppression and tyranny.  Is this a joke?  Even if it is, which I don’t think it is, it shows insensitivity for a group to joke about such events during a time of mourning.  While it may only be certain elements of the religion, this says to me that elements of this religion have the intent of conquering.  For this let’s turn to history.

From the first years of Islam during the time of Mohammad, the earlier followers went into the city of Mecca to force the people of the city to convert or die by the sword.  Kaaba a standing holy building for local pagan worship was taken over and converted by Mohammad as the most sacred site in Islam.  In other words they came and conquered and took it for their own.  But that’s not the only place they have done so.  On the site of the destroyed Temple Mount where the Wailing Wall now stands, what did Islam choose to build on the new conquered land?  A Mosque and one of the oldest and biggest Mosques, Al Aqsa Mosque with the Dome of the Rock.  In Damascus, a city that use to have a thriving Christian population, when the city was conquered for Islam the Church of St. John the Baptist was demolished and rebuilt as a Mosque.  The St. John’s Basilica in Damascus was one of the holiest sites for early Christians and holds the tomb of John of the Baptist inside.  As of 715 A.D. the Umayyad Mosque has stood there.  Let’s not forget the once great city of Constantinople, the center of the Eastern Roman Empire and Eastern Orthodox Christianity until it was taken by the Ottoman Empire declared for Islam and renamed Istanbul.  Once again an important place of worship for Christians, the Hagia Sophia, a Christian Eastern Orthodox Church and the seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople until it was converted into a Mosque in 1453.  And that is only the beginning of places where Islam has conquered and left their mark, torn down or converted buildings into Mosques.  My friends, history repeats itself.  The type of Mosque being built at Ground Zero is a Cordoba Mosque which means to conquer as it was the Mosque built upon the ruins of a Christian church in the Spanish city of Cordoba after the Muslim conquest of Christian Spain in the 8th century. (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2462)

The United States does not have one single holly center of worship for all.  It does have places of historical importance, hallowed grounds of great battles like Gettysburg and center of political and economic power.  New York City was one of those centers of economic power and American greatness.  Our largest city and the economic capital of the world with Wall Street in Lower Manhattan.  The World Trade Center Towers were symbols of America’s economic power and were the tallest building in New York.  The site of where they once stood, Ground Zero, where the terrorist attacked happened in which lives were lost and the building destroyed is now hallowed grounds.  It is our sacred site as is Gettysburg and Pearl Harbor.  How is that showing sensitivity and understanding by building a Mosque on our sacred grounds, a graveyard if you will, a once symbol of power destroyed by men of your religion.  You don’t build a shrine to the enemy on the site of destruction, on this sacred site of national importance.  It goes against common sense.  It goes against reason.  And it goes against the survival of a nation!

So let’s now look at the specifics of the site, where they want to build it and why.  Let’s also look at the particular group and Imam that wants to build it there, look at his background.  During a 60 Minutes special the Imam of the New York Area Mosques (and the proposed Mosque at Ground Zero) stated that; the 9/11 attacks where a “reaction against the U.S. government politically, where we [the U.S.] espouse principles of democracy and human rights, and [yet] where we ally ourselves with oppressive regimes in many of these countries” he also went on to state that; the “United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened." 

                          Citation:                http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2462

Rauf has also praised Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, a Muslim scholar whom has spoken favorable about Palestinian suicide bombings; calling him "a very, very well known Islamic jurist, highly regarded all over the Muslim world."  This is not the only extremist he has expressed praise for, the late Egyptian cleric Muhammad Tantawi another supporter of Palestinian bombers.  He also has sung praise for Egypt's Chief Mufti, Sheikh Ali Gomaa who has endorsed Hezbollah and defended Islam's use of the death penalty for apostasy.  Rauf also believes that Sharia Law is compatible with American Law and can co-exist as a separate legal jurisdiction for Muslims living in America.  Rauf has also endorsed the 1979 Iranian revolution which established a theocratic Islamic state.

Citation:               http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2462

I invite you to go to this website http://www.terrorfinance.org/the_terror_finance_blog/2010/08/feisal-abdul-rauf.html to see for yourself how this Imam has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood a radical organization with connections to terrorism.  How his father was a contemporary of the Muslim Brotherhood founder.

Seems like the people behind the building of the Mosque have connections to radicals.  So do you really think the reason they want to build the Mosque is for peace, healing and understanding?  I think not.  I think it’s because the most radical and ancient beliefs of Islam at place here, CONQUER!  Why do they need to build a Mosque just two blocks from the Ground Zero site of the Trade Center, when they already have a Mosque in Lower Manhattan just 12 blocks away?  As a matter of fact there are two Mosques already in Lower Manhattan. (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/14/nyregion/14mosque.html)

So now some will argue that under the Constitution and the religious freedom and tolerance traditions of this country the Muslim’s have the right to build a Mosque wherever they want.  If that is the case why has the building of St. Nicholas Church been blocked for nine years?  On September 11th, 2001 the only house of worship that was destroyed that day by those attacks was St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.  This Church was a small Orthodox Christian Church of worship and pray since 1922 until 2001.  Despite efforts to rebuild the church from the Greek Orthodox community and an outspoken New York Congressman for the past nine years the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has used bureaucratic loopholes to hinder the rebuilding of the church.

Citation:               http://www.theblogmocracy.com/2010/08/13/rebuild-st-nicholas-church-at-ground-zero-not-a-mosque/

The Port Authority and the Government won’t let them rebuild an existing peaceful Greek Orthodox Church that was destroyed that day but, will let the enemies build a Mosque not far from that site.  What about freedom of religion for Christians?  What is wrong with this country!  We are building a shrine to the enemy on the site of where they caused destruction!  We are building a shrine to the very people that want to kill us!  But yet a once standing Church of the Christian faith, still the majority religion of this country, can’t be built for no good reason!  I am outraged!  What kind of mental disorder do these officials suffer from?  What type of self-loathing is going on in this country particularly among liberals?  There is honestly no logical explanation for this type of reasoning except that we have a death wish in this country and that we are doing things detrimental to our own and national survival.

I want to remind everyone that the majority of New Yorkers and Americans are against the building of the Mosque near Ground Zero.  Even when broken down by party among those polled, Democrats opposed it 56 percent.  Family members of the victims of the 9/11 attacks have come out against it.  A former New York City Fire Deputy Chief has come out against it as well as numerous of politicians including John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Joe Lieberman and even the Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  Oh and how could I forget one of the most liberal politicians and the once favorite contender for President of the progressive liberals, the Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean has spoken out against it calling it "a real affront to people who lost their lives".  Even some Muslim groups have come and said it is a bad idea to build near Ground Zero.  Even a progressive civil rights organization the Anti-Defamation League which has denounced prejudice against Muslims has asked the builders to consider relocating the Mosque.

I ask again why they want to build a Mosque there.  If they truly wanted to build bridges of connections and understanding, if they wanted peace and unity and had any sensitivity they would understand the importance of this site to Americans.  They would understand that most Americans don’t want this Mosque built on Ground Zero.  If they really wanted to outreach to us they would understand that to build there would open up wounds that have yet to fully heal.  If they wanted to outreach to us they would build it somewhere else.  I don’t have a problem with them building a Mosque but not one at or near Ground Zero.  If they wanted to build it in Lower Manhattan many blocks away from Ground Zero, fine.  Wouldn’t it make sense for them giving the contention of this issue and their stated goal of outreach and understanding to move it to a different part of New York City?  Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to build it in another part of the city with more Muslims and perhaps with more land opportunities to build an even bigger Mosque and cultural center?  I think so.
The American people should be asking questions.  Why do they want to build the Mosque there?  Who is this Imam and what connections does he have?  Where is the money going to come from?  What individuals, groups, organizations, governments and entities are going to fund it?  The Government Federal, State and City should be investigating and asking these questions.  They should be asking where the money is going to come from.  If the Government fails to ask these questions on behalf of the American people then the people themselves must stand up and ask these questions.

Please I ask you members of the Muslims community that if you truly care about compassion and understanding to move the Mosque.  This Mosque should not be built near the Ground Zero site.  It is hallowed grounds.  I understand that not all Muslims are associated with terrorism.  However the people that did attack us where from the Religion of Islam and therefore it is an affront of the memories of the victims and against the survival instincts of this nation to build a shrine to the religion that attacked us.  I still remember September 11th, 2001 to this very day.  Even nine years late.  I remember exactly where I was when it happen and first heard about it.  I remember the class I was in just a freshman in High School.  I remember watching news coverage in history class and then coming home to watch coverage all day.  I remember lighting candles and saying prayers, displaying ribbons and American Flags.  It defined my generation; we were and still are Generation 911.

I still remember September 11th.  I will never forget what happened that day.  I will never move on.  And I will never forgive.  God bless the victims of 9/11 and our troops and their families!  God bless and SAVE New York City and the United States of America!

Mike Mazzeo lives in Watertown, MA a suburb of Boston and Cambridge. As a native of the area he familiar with the disease and mental disorder that is liberalism. A graduate of Suffolk University with a degree in Marketing he currently work in Real Estate. He is a Libertarian Conservative that believe in the Constitution as the founders intended it, limited government and individual rights. Mike can be found on Facebook

Imam Says Ground Zero is NOT Hallowed Ground

AP – Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, executive director of the Cordoba Initiative, is greeted at the Council on Foreign …\

Click title of post for full story.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is now telling the American people that there really is nothing special about  the land that is considered, Ground Zero.

Well how nice of him to say such a thing. *sarcasm*
"It's absolutely disingenuous, as many have said, that that block is hallowed ground," Rauf said, noting the nearby exotic dance and betting businesses. "So let's clarify that misperception."

"I just think he's being very insensitive to say it's not hallowed ground because of who's occupying the buildings," said Jim Riches, a former New York City deputy fire chief whose son, Jimmy, was killed at the trade center. "The strip club didn't murder my son."

Ummm...thank you!

I'm so glad the Imam has took it upon himself to let us know that the ground zero is not "hallowed." Gee...if that isn't reason enough for them to MOVE the project, I don't know what is.

Zoning restrictions are enforced all the time in this country. There is no reason not to enforce a zoning restriction in this case, other than political correctness.


Obama's Healthcare - Fuzzy Math

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

It looks like the Obama administration is being called out on their numbers concerning Healthcare. They still insist that savings will be a main result of the bill they just passed.

Click title of this post for the full story.

But you don't need an economics degree to follow this one. All you have to do is remember your fractions.

The health care law expands coverage, reducing the number of uninsured by more than 32 million, although about 24 million will remain without coverage.

Still, the share of the population with insurance will go up by nearly 10 percentage points, to about 93 percent. And that makes a difference in the numbers.

If you divide total national health care spending by a bigger number of insured people, you get a smaller per-person result.

It's an interesting statistic, but it doesn't mean the problem of rising costs is solved.

"It's not that it's false, it's just that it will be a little misleading," John Allen Paulos, a mathematics professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, said of the White House number, calling it an "apples-to-oranges miscomparison."

Consider an imaginary country with just three citizens, Peter, Paul and Mary. Peter has health coverage but Paul and Mary are uninsured. Peter spends $1,000 on health care, but Paul and Mary can only afford $500 apiece because they lack coverage. Total national spending: $2,000. National spending per insured person: $2,000.

Now suppose a law gets passed to expand coverage. Paul gets insurance, but Mary remains uninsured. Now Peter and Paul are spending $1,000 apiece. Paul spends more than when he was uninsured, so total national health spending goes up to $2,500.

But because more people are covered, spending per insured person goes down to $1,250.

It's a simplistic comparison, but would you call that a savings?
It certainly doesn't take much to figure out that this will cost us more than save anything. Not to mention the cost we will pay when initiative to develop new drugs and treatment come to a halt. 


Happy Birhday to Me!

Well, I wasn't around today because, last night my hard drive decided to say goodbye for the last time. I am happy and grateful, OH SO GRATEFUL, to report that I have a new laptop.

I did happen to back up everything last month but, now I have to figure out how to transfer from XP to Vista. Fortunately, I have a friend on Facebook that sent me a link that might help me.

As always, if I ever find something interesting, I try to pass that along to my readers. So, who knows? Maybe this link can help you as well?

Anyway, instead of a Dell, I have a Gateway that is much, much fancier than the other one I had. So, even though my hard drive fried, I'm having a pretty good birthday!

Never let bad things fool you. They are mostly just life's blessings coming at you in weird wrapping paper.

Oh, and I am 29 again this year!


Imam is Denying Deal Made With Rev. Terry Jones??

AP – Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center speaks to the media as Imam Muhammad Musri of the …

Even though it was reported that the Quran burning was canceled because, the Rev Jones made a deal with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, it is now being said that the deal is denied by the Imam.

Click title of post for full story.

"I told the pastor that I personally believe the mosque should not be there, and I will do everything in my power to make sure it is moved," Musri said. "But there is not any offer from there (New York) that it will be moved. All we have agreed to is a meeting, and I think we would all like to see a peaceful resolution."
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said he was surprised by the announcement and that he would not barter.

So, what's going on here? Is Jones trying to save face and, back out of the burning? Or, did he really believe that some deal was made? Who's lying here? I don't know. I better wait and reserve judgment on this one. I've already miscalled this! 

Speaking to reporters later, Jones was adamant that he was promised that the Islamic center would be moved, and said he would be "very, very disappointed" if it were not.

Quick UPDATE from Twitter. Park 51 is reporting:

Quran Burning Cancelled

Reuters – Dove World Outreach Center church pastor Terry Jones announces the burning of the Korans will continue …

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has agreed to move the mosque from near Ground Zero so, the minister in Florida, Rev. Terry Jones, has stated that he will cancel the burning of the Quran.

"I asked him three times, and I have witnesses," Jones said. "If it's not moved, then I think Islam is a very poor example of religion. I think that would be very pitiful. I do not expect that." 
"We are, of course, now against any other group burning Qurans," Jones said during a news conference. We would right now ask no one to burn Qurans. We are absolutely strong on that. It is not the time to do it."
So, now I guess we've proven that you have to be strong and, confront these people head on! Thank you Rev Jones for teaching some people a lesson in this. Sometimes, you have to hit below the belt with some people. Islam only respects strength. They have NO desire to reason.

Click title of post for full story.

Obama Says Church Shouldn't Burn Quran

Obama tells ABC's Good Morning America, that he hopes Rev. Terry Jones listens to the people that are asking him not to go forward with the burning of Qurans.

"If he's listening, I hope he understands that what he's proposing to do is completely contrary to our values as Americans," Obama said. "That this country has been built on the notion of freedom and religious tolerance."
Where is their tolerance? Doesn't this work both ways? Isn't this what our country is about? We allowed Nazis to protest in America during WW2 but, Obama is saying a Quran burning protest is AGAINST American values? Wow. I don't even know where to begin.

Once again, Obama is siding with the enemy because, he is the enemy.

"And as a very practical matter, I just want him to understand that this stunt that he is talking about pulling could greatly endanger our young men and women who are in uniform," the president added.
Yeah, they're already in danger. Thanks for noticing.

"I hope he listens to those better angels and understands that this is a destructive act that he's engaging in," the president said of Jones.

Umm...who are you to talk about "better angels"? 

...and now a musical break...

The Alternative Conservative offers you this musical break...

You're Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You lyrics - Dean Martin 


The Burning Shall Go On and On

AP – Pastor Terry Jones, right, of the Dove World Outreach Center arrives at a news conference with an armed

Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainsville, FL, is determined to go forward with a bonfire, where he will burn Qurans.

Well, I hardly think this is anymore insensitive than what the Muslims are doing in NYC. Why is that protected? Why is everyone rushing to defend a mosque being built at Ground Zero but, the same people are not supporting this man's first amendment rights?

Let's take a look at the problem with Islam. This is a religion that is not just a normal religion that acts independent of government. In order to actually follow the Quran, you have to be a part of a community that follows Muslim law - Sharia law.

Let's look at what Iran is doing.

AP – FILE - This undated file image made available by Amnesty International in London on Thursday, July 8

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is a 43 year old woman who is a mother of 2 children. She committed adultery and her sentencing for this crime is being stoned to death. The case is being reviewed but, to even consider this is ridiculous and, just plain disgusting. 
Hangings are frequently carried out in Iran, whose legal system is a mix of civil statutes and Quran-inspired codes. Magistrates, who are often Muslim clerics, have wide latitude on sentences for crimes that break moral codes.
This is the wisdom of the Quran? This is supposed holy word? Stoning to death those who commit adultery? Did you know the Quran calls for the stoning of homosexuals? Yet, these good-for-nothing, bleeding heart liberals will tell you that we need to be sensitive to Muslims and their faith. Oh, but let all the waters of the ocean part if one Christian dare to speak out and, say something, or burn something!

What would these people say if a mosque wanted to burn the Bible? Don't think for one second these same people wouldn't be saying, "Oh, that's a freedom of expression we fight to have! It's okay for them to burn the Bible." 

What do you think?

Dementia Slowed Down With Vitamin B


Oxford University scientists say that vitamin B is helpful in preventing brain shrinkage in the elderly with memory problems.

Click title for full story and details.

The subjects were given high doses of folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6.

Castro Admits Cuba Economic Model Sucks

HAVANA | Wed Sep 8, 2010 2:28pm EDT

Okay, he didn't actually say that Cuba sucks but, he is quoted as saying, after being asked if Soviet style communism is good enough to spread around to the world, "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore."

Goldberg said Julia Sweig, a Cuba expert at the Council on Foreign Relations think tank in Washington who accompanied him to Havana, believed Castro's words reflected an acknowledgment that "the state has too big a role in the economic life of the country."
Really? It took this long to realize this? Well, maybe experience has turned the man around and, perhaps helped him grow and develop some brain cells, even in his old age. Gotta give him credit for admitting communism doesn't work. Now, let's just hope people listen.


Britney Spears Accused of Sexual Harassment

FILE - In this Aug. 9, 2009 file photo, Britney Spears arrives at the Teen Choice Awards in Universal City, Calif. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, file)

Fernando Flores has filed a suit against Britney Spears, claiming that she sexually harassed him with unwanted advances.

The bodyguard's employment with Spears appeared to be brief - his court filings state he started working for her in February and had "exhausted his administrative remedies" with a state agency by July.

Spears' publicist, Holly Shakoor, did not return e-mail messages seeking comment. A woman who answered the phone at Advanced Security Concepts declined to comment and refused to be identified.
Click title of post for full story.

So, just when you think Britney has calmed down, here comes something new. So, what do you think? Can we believe that Britney was making sexual advances on a bodyguard? Well, she did marry one of her dancers. Maybe it just makes sense for her to date her staff?

Massacre of 72 Migrants


Seven people were arrested for killing 72 people, in Mexico.These seven are suspected drug cartel members, who lined up the migrants, after blindfolding them, and finally shooting them.

"These seven people arrested in recent days are presumably part of the operational structure of the Zetas, responsible for the killings," national security official Alejandro Poire told a news conference.

"This will clarify fully what happened in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, and signifies an important step to halt attacks on migrants perpetrated by organized crime," he added.
Click title of full article.
Violence has spiralled along the U.S.-Mexico border as increasingly splintered drug gangs move into new criminal enterprises like kidnapping and human trafficking. Migrants trying to slip into the United States from Mexico are increasingly at risk from drug gangs, police and analysts say.

Well, then stop coming into the US illegally! I don't like seeing people being killed like this but, Mexico has to take control over their country. This is ridiculous. The people are going to have to fix their problems, instead of bringing their problems here. 


Liberals Rob People of Self-Esteem

Somewhere in these books and e-books I've been reading, someone said, "The best thing you can do for the poor, is get rich."

How unbelievably insightful. What better way to help someone then to help yourself, to set an example, and to give hope for others. The very gift of giving someone proof that they are in full control over their lives IS the best thing you can do.

There are many other ways we can help people and, we should but, ultimately, we can't help unless we are successful enough to help others. Helping is more than just giving money to people. We have to try and teach as well and, teaching through example is so rewarding for both parties.

Being a giver is such a powerful act and, being a receiver of knowledge, and acting upon that knowledge given is an amazing feeling. The feeling of accomplishment is what life is all about!

Liberalism/socialism to its extreme, takes that away from people. It completely strips everyone down to this facade of equality and, robs people of so many of the gifts life has to offer.

How can one truly experience the feelings of giving when the money they give goes through the hands of dirty politicians first? Then, many of us never see any true results of our taxes.

I'm not terribly extreme. I don't think we need to cut off all of government when it comes to some social programs but, I don't think all social help should come from the government either. That spending should be limited, not increased. Allowing folks to give freely and to areas they want to give to, allows for the more successful to have that magical feeling one has when they give to help others. To be that person in someone's life that reaches out and helps lift another person up is truly a magical feeling. That is something that is taken away by socialists and instead given to the politicians, who are supposed to work for us, not the other way around.

By receiving from people directly, either through monetary or, mentor ways, a person also receives an even more amazing gift that life has, the gift of knowing there are wonderful people in this world, and the desire to become someone that can give to others.

The most important thing that people can experience in life is achieving success. When someone overcomes obstacles by themselves, they build esteem. Seeing others who have worked their way up from the bottom is motivation for people, it gives people faith and hope. The sense of esteem and self-worth one can feel when they have have finally achieved is priceless.

So, why would anyone want to take these gifts away from others? All parties lose in this situation. When the government is given the power to dictate almost everything, every action, in our lives, it also takes away all the great emotions one experiences.


Obama Thinks We Wrote Him a Blank Check

AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps

If you thought Obama was done spending your tax money to help stimulate the economy because, it worked so well last time, you were wrong. This time, Obama is proposing spending for $50 billion to be allotted for infrastructure. This is different, of course, from the infrastructure money that came from the $814 billion stimulus that was passed last year, which was focused more on "short-term." This money is for the "long haul.' 


All that money spent and the unemployment rate is still near 10 percent. 

Click title of post for full article.


Misinterpreting - Racism

I thought of a story today from years ago and, figured I should share it. I guess what prompted me to remember this has been all this talk about racism lately. Yes, it's been talked about quite a bit but, I guess I thought better of this country when Obama got in office, thinking things would finally stop already. No such luck; it's only increased.

Several years ago, my car had broken down and, I had to take it into the shop. The trip to the repair shop was not planned and, I had to somehow get home and obtain my keys for work. I had tried getting a ride from someone and, the shop said that wasn't necessary, that they had a driver that would be more than willing to help me retrieve my keys and, give me a ride to work.

I only mention that the man who gave me a ride happened to be black because, it's important to know for the story. As for myself, I've mentioned before, I'm "technically" 1/2 Polish, 1/4 American Indian, and 1/4 Mexican....so, 100% American, as was he. He had drove me to my home and, we had made some idle chatter along the way. He was a very nice man, very polite. After I had retrieved my work keys from home, he asked me, "I'm really not supposed to make an extra stop but, I'm starving. Would you mind at all?" I did not mind at all and, it was an extra bonus because, I too, was quite peckish.

So, we stopped at Subway and, we ordered our subs. I noticed nothing out of the ordinary until, we got back in the van and he said, "Wow. These folks don't like seeing a black man with a white woman!" I was totally confused. "What are you talking about?" He then said that he noticed a bunch of people staring and making looks. My reply to him, "It's the Midwest. Everyone stares around here. I really don't think anyone noticed or cared about either one of our races."

The man was absolutely shocked, "You think? I guess...well, people do stare around here. Are you saying if it was ..."

I interrupted, "Look, if I had gone in there alone, people would be staring. The Midwest is KNOWN for staring. You stare in NYC, you might get shot but, out here...here, it's just everyone is staring at everyone."

"Wow. I never even thought about that. You're right. I guess I always thought it had to do with people being a bunch of racists."

"I'm not saying people aren't racist. I just don't know very many. That sort of attitude has been gone for some time now. I guess old people are like that but, the majority of folks do not care. Trust me."

It amazed me that here this man thought people were simply staring because he was black. He never put together the idea, nor did anyone around him, that it's just how the Midwest is - people stare. So, how many other people are going around thinking this crap?

It's no wonder so many people are so eager to jump on the band wagon and call people racists, when they are completely ignorant of the cultural nuances in their own communities.

I think there are a lot of folks that think like this man. I'm just grateful that I was able to open a window for him, and just help him see a little bit more to the picture he first thought he was viewing.


Obama Wonders Why We Don't Believe He's Christian?

It's an old video and embedding has been disabled but, you can click this link here, and watch how Obama points out verses of the Bible and mocks them.

This is the reason so many question your faith Obama. This is why so many do not even know or, think that you are Christian. First, we've all seen Rev Wright. You sat in this man's church and, considered him a close friend for 20 years.

No one sits in a church that long unless, they believe what that leader is preaching to be truthful. These words are what Obama believes in. This is his core.

I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised to believe Obama is far from being a Christian.

Harry Reid - Deny Deny Deny

Typical of liberal slime, Reid falls in line denying his original statement that the war cannot be won. Of course, it's one thing to say you don't remember...maybe he's just senile. It can happen. 

So, what do you think? Do you think Reid is senile or, is he flat out lying?

Trump on Letterman - Ground Zero Mosque

I never have liked Letterman. Ever. Even when he became quite popular in the 90's, I couldn't stand him then, and I can't stand him now. Watch as he tries to defend the Ground Zero mosque.

This isn't about freedom of religion. This is about a bunch of extremists that are shoving their attack in our faces. The "center" as they are calling it now, will have prayer rooms on the top 2 floors, overlooking Ground Zero. This is not a coincidence. These are evil people, with agendas, and anyone they buys into their hyperbole, using our freedoms to exploit us, are just plain ignorant. Wake up people!


Fundraising For Humas InThe United States

You can click the title of this post for the video. It is a must see!

The topic is all about revealing fundraising that is taking place in The United States for Humas. The video shows them praising Humas, and telling people who donate that their donation is tax deductible. Learn who your real enemies are.
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