
O'Donnell Wins Delaware

AP/Rob Carr

Christine O'Donnell, from the Tea Party, claimed a victory in Delaware.

The Delaware outcome reflected the energy and enthusiasm of the tea partiers, but O'Donnell also enters the race against Coons as an underdog, putting GOP control of the Senate further out of reach. Former George W. Bush political adviser Karl Rove told Fox News Channel, "This is not a race we're going to be able to win."

Do you agree with Rove? Will the people who win because of the influence of the Tea Party, ultimately end up costing Republicans seats in the House and Senate?

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Mike Mazzeo said...

Rove is dead wrong. The elitis RINO Republicans just don't get it. The core of the Republican Party is Conservatives not Wall Street Republicans, not RINOS, not the liberal / progressive Republicans, not the country club Republicans. It is small town middle class independent thinking anti government rock solid Conservative that is the voting base of the Republican Party.


Once again the RINOs (Republicans in name only), the country club Republicans, the liberal progressive and the so called Wall Street Republicans are wrong. They don't get it! You cannot win on a national scale on the Republican ticket as a moderate, centrist or liberal Republican. Maybe in Massachusetts or New York you can get away with that or almost have to do that but west of the Hudson it's center right to right.

The Conservative movement was left out of the political debate in the Republican party for the last decade. They have been ridiculed by the likes of Giuliani, Snowe, Specter, Bloomberg and Bill O'Reilly as extremist. Well "I would remind you that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice!" (Barry Goldwater, 1964) They feed us with B.S. about how they are different from the Democrats and that they where the party of national security. When in reality there is no difference between liberal RINO Republicans and your average Democrat.

Well the people finally stood up and said enough is enough. The people didn't want a Wall Street candidate or an establishment incumbent or a so called progressive Republican. They choice a middle class Tea Party Conservative candidate who appeals to the people because she is one of them. She is not an elitist. But it seems like the Republican establishment still doesn't get it.

- Mike Mazzeo, The Free World Blog


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