
Moore Hypocrisy

The story of Moore's body guard being caught at JKF Airport with a hand gun has resurfaced, primarily due to Moore's recent attacks on guns (AGAIN) pertaining to the tragedy that occurred in CT.
Michael MooreVerified
Real men own Bushmasters (ICYMI): http://mmflint.me/VKmLCA  (actually, guns are for hunters... and cowards)
So is he calling his body guard a coward?

Currently Moore is on his Twitter peddling his Bowling for Columbine -- that piece of filthy propaganda he likes to call a documentary. Just the fact that this man still has followers is full proof how little people do their own research and learn the truth about so many things concerning guns, healthcare, capitalism, and war. The man is an outright LIAR and has been repeatedly exposed, even by people who initially liked him.

Moore is not alone in his hypocrisy. It seems what is good for Hollywood is not good for the rest of us. They believe only their lives are valuable enough to be at risk and require protection. The rest of us should just surrender ourselves to home intruders and others who are willing to cause us harm. Most all of Hollywood and all government officials are protected by guards who are ARMED with GUNS. The fact they want to preach to everyone else about having guns is appalling to me and should be appalling to everyone. The one issue that we ALL should agree on is having the natural right to protect ourselves and our families. For anyone to advocate otherwise and then have their own lives and families protected by guns is obviously a sign of someone suffering from some severe mental issues.

Tell ya what...I'll give up my gun when the president and all the other anti-gun lawmakers give up their armed guards. That includes all the dim-witted Hollywood celebs and their gun toting body guards. Sounds fair enough to me. Let's see how quick they are to give up THEIR protection.


UPDATE: Liberals Striking Again -- Support For Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier, in case you do not know is a man who was convicted of murdering 2 FBI agents in 1975. He has been serving time in prison and now, the loony left like Michael Moore are calling for Obama to grant him a pardon. Lovely.
Leonard Peltier (born September 12, 1944) is a Native American activist and member of the American Indian Movement (AIM). In 1977 he was convicted and sentenced to two consecutive terms of life imprisonment for first degree murder in the shooting of two Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents during a 1975 conflict on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. This charge was illegally changed to aiding and abetting.[1] 
Peltier's indictment and conviction have been the subject of much controversy; Amnesty International placed his case under the "Unfair Trials" category of its Annual Report: USA 2010, citing concerns with the fairness of the proceedings.[2] 
Peltier is incarcerated at the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex, Florida. Peltier's next scheduled parole hearing will be in July 2024.[3] Barring appeals or parole, his projected release date is October 11, 2040.[4]
Judging by the information you find about this man, the fact that he's Native American might be a clue as to why someone like this would be an interest of the left. We all know how much they try to show outward love for minorities.


Guns -- When the Left Attacks

Whenever I see a tragedy unfold that belongs under the title of "gun violence," I know that the next topic that left wingers will bring up is the famous "gun control" argument they are obsessed with. Their arguments are similar and filled with displaced emotion. To wit:


Tragedy in Newtown

I have been trying for days to think of something to write pertaining to the massacre that took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

My heart is saddened and with my deepest sympathies I extend prayers and compassion towards all of those who have been involved in this tragedy -- family, friends, and others. May you find your way back to filling love in that part of the heart you lost.


Keeping Racism Alive and Well Courtesy of the Modern Left

The Village Voice wrote a recent piece trying to defend the recent Quentin Tarantino about slavery. Apparently the actors in his new movie use the word, "n!gger" repeatedly. 

First, Alan Scherstuhl attempts to tell his readers that it was done for artful purposes and necessary for the time the story line was set in. Next, he seems to think that Drudge was outraged:


The Roth Show

Special thanks to my friend Larry Grathwohl, who invited me on The Laurie Roth Show with him. A huge thanks to Laurie who allowed me the opportunity to come on her show.

Here's the link if you care to listen. The topics we discussed pretty much cover the absurdity of liberal thinking.

Now this is the first radio show I've done so, go easy on me! :) I had an awesome time doing the show and every experience allows a person to learn something and gain new insight. It's been years since I've done anything in front of an audience and back then I was merely acting so, this time I had to actually be myself and speak from the heart. I have to say, it was a nice change. There is no denying I was a bit nervous but it was definitely a worthy experience.

I ask that everyone check out my friend Larry's blog, The Truth About The Weather Underground. He is on a mission to get the truth out! We can expect his book to come out soon, at the beginning of next year so, I will keep you informed when that will happen. In the meantime, be sure to get yourself caught up with his writings.

The Company You Keep is a new movie that will be released in 2013 April, and apparently is being funded by the notorious George Soros. It's plot is centered around Weather Underground so, it's sure to be a whitewash of facts and reality. As with most movies that come out of Hollywood, a quick rewrite of history can change a whole generations' perspective on issues that can harm the whole of the culture. Expect this movie to be no different. However, don't expect those that have direct knowledge to be silent. Larry's book will be able to provide insight and truth that we cannot expect from the liberal left in Tinseltown.


Debunked: Chemtrails

As with most conspiracy theories, half truths and often flat out lies are used to support ridiculous claims that are only made for the purposes of giving people a reason to live in fear, and so that certain people can cash in on the ignorance of others.

The idea that the government is using airplanes to spread chemicals over our population in order to kill us is one that has been persistently around over the last several years, even though this conspiracy has been repeatedly exposed for the fraud it is. For whatever reason, people are still falling for this ludicrous claim as if it were true. I am merely posting this video as an offering of truth for people who are still living in fear.

Unfortunately, conspiracy theorists are seen on both sides of the current political spectrum. Fear mongers like Alex Jones have been cashing in on these types of hysterical pseudo-science claims for years. As frustrating as free speech can be in times of witnessing people make such ill-informed claims, it must be protected. It is most certainly the responsibility of the reader to check, double check, and triple check information they receive via media, internet, or other news sources -- including even this blog because, YES I've made mistakes myself and even though I have made efforts to correct my misinformed posts, the corrections can still get lost.

The ignorant are not stupid. They are merely people who are looking for answers and sometimes this curiosity can inadvertently cause one to chase the rabbit down the hole into a world of utter nonsense. Like Alice, it may take some time to realize they have literally lost their own perception of reality. Trying to make full sense of the new world they have found can be as difficult as shoving toothpaste back into the tube. This is why the study of logic and critical reasoning are necessary. If one ever expects to be aware, they must also understand the basic principles of mathematics and science.

Having a basic understanding of these logic skills can help a person separate facts from opinions. Math builds  problem solving skills. For example, when we are confronted with a problem in algebra, we often find that our job is to discover the unknown variable or what "a" represents, in some cases there is more than one unknown. In order to do this, the solver must follow specific steps that will help isolate the variable and only then can the answer be found. In science, we learn certain laws and principles where we can apply our knowledge in order to solve other types of problems. When we are confronted with conspiracy theories and we are ignorant of these concepts, it's very difficult to isolate and examine the unknown because we lack the needed, basic information that can help guide us to the solution. In these cases, it is very easy for someone to lead us in directions that are false giving us more unknown values.

For instance, in the case of chem trails, as we see in the video, the claim that those trails that stay in the air for longer periods of time must indicate that they are chemicals and nothing else can explain this phenomenon is a perfect example of a false dichotomy. The conspiracy theorist is well-known for providing their audience with an "either/or" option and counts on a person not being able to understand the basic science behind why those trails would indeed exist longer in the air. Even if you are not very familiar with science, you still must be aware that when it's cold outside when you are breathing, your breath is easily identified since it "hangs" in the air. The contrails are hitting a cold front in the air, creating the visual we see.

Again, just because something isn't initially understood does not automatically mean that the only other option must be something sinister or conspiratorial. This is exactly what conspiracy theorist do all the time. If they can't explain what happened because they lack the knowledge of understanding, they simply resort to concluding it must be a conspiracy of some sort.

Look deep. Whenever you see anything that is presented as mysterious or a conspiracy, look again. Try and find the other side of the argument and then draw your conclusions. Remaining skeptical can be your greatest asset in protecting yourself from nonsensical claims. Rarely is anything "either/or" and if there are other simple explanations that can explain away the conspiracy then there is no reason to buy into the garbage unless you are merely doing so as a sign of faith. Faith is nothing more than believing in something that cannot be proven.

Most all of us have faith in something. I myself, have faith in G-d, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit but, it's certainly not scientific to believe and I accept that. If you are to continue having faith in something like conspiracies, just be sure that you are being honest with yourself and admit that it is faith and not intellectual reasoning.

Rarely will you find a conspiracy theorist admit to being wrong. Oftentimes they will list out a bunch of ideas that are all over the map and most of these are simply questions that they do not have answers for and insist that the absence of answers (they would be satisfied with), are enough to believe their conclusions are correct. You can even find examples where specific questions are answered in very reasonable scientific terms. The conspiracy theorists may often accept they were wrong but they will merely change what they believe in order to continue on with their narrative.

A true believe in chemtrails will watch the video I posted and may accept that indeed they now see evidence that those contrails did exist before the 90's but, they will stick with their story and suggest that it merely shows the government has been spraying chemicals over our population for much longer than they originally thought. This of course is utter nonsense but the true believer is incapable of accepting new founded information because they have not learned how to separate their fear from fiction. It's as if they find more comfort in accepting the government is out to kill everyone than they do accepting that there is nothing odd occurring. It's merely a phenomenon that can be easily explained away using basic science.

Another problem with conspiracies is their "open story line." They make these insane claims about the government creating disastrous situations but they cannot offer a time-line of events. Their only reason for coming to such a conclusion is world domination or controlling people in some way. They cannot tell you who it was who put the plans together, what roles each person played, the steps they took to keep their plans secret until "the big day," who was in control of the of handling information given to the media, how they believed their plans would help reach their ultimate goal, evidence of how the plan worked or didn't work, and why it is these SAME people in the government can't even negotiate on simple things like a budget but plans on bringing death and destruction to thousands for the purpose of domination works out smoothly each and every time.

In the case of contrails chemtrails, we must believe that pilots are a part of the plot, they are willing participants, or another option is that they are carrying out their plans with the threat of being killed or their families being killed. In any case, amazingly this has gone on for some 20 years and we have no conclusive stories of entire areas where people are dropping dead due to the dangerous chemicals. We have no scientific reports, peer reviewed, that show the atmosphere is polluted with poisonous chemicals that have been specifically tied to airplanes. We have no confirmed whistle blowers coming forward.

Even if chemicals were to be found, the idea that they could only conclusively come from a plane is absurd. In order to arrive at a conclusion we must have the entire story in front of us. It's hard research looking at all the different possibilities that can logically, scientifically explain occurrences. It's must easier to just blame it on something evil. Intellectual laziness is what causes people to have faith in these fantasy, fairy tales.

Asking questions is a must but if you refuse to accept answers that come with logic, then you are not interested in being reasonable. For logic, reason, and science click here for more.

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