
Obama appoints a radical Muslim to top position in the Department of Home Security

Los Angeles Deputy Mayor Arif Alikhan, who is Muslim, was appointed by our president, to the Department of Home Security, at a top position. This will be specifically the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security.

Clearly this move is one of a president that is displaying his pandering to the Muslim world. He appears weak and doesn't mind showing he and his supporters are as well.

Alikhan will now be allowed to set policies for security at the highest level of the federal government.

We are at war with the Muslim world and Obama makes this type of appointment? Clearly Obama is a racist in the truest sense of the word. He has made this appointment based on the race of this man and not by anything else. He simply wants to show his acceptance of Muslims to the Muslim world but, at what cost? What security policies can Americans expect from this man? How can the AMERICAN people be assured of the values of this man?

That's really the whole point, isn't it? Obama is supposed to be representing the United States and NOT the Muslim world. Last I checked, Muslims make up a very small minority of citizens in this country. So, why this man?

While Alikan worked in Los Angeles, he had interfered with the Police Departments intentions of following the activities of known radical Muslims. Los Angeles is also known for some of it's citizens helping some of the 9/11 hijackers. Alikan is also known for his strong anti-Isreal beliefs.

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