
Isn't It Time To Call Islam a Cult and Not a Religion?

The Constitution and Bill of Rights are what give Americans freedom to do mostly what they would like to do, as long as a person does not infringe on the rights of others.

Most all of the freedoms we have in this country have limits that have been defined by our Courts and lawmakers. Once a "right" becomes a threat to another, it is no longer protected. Inside of America we have many different people who practice a variety of religions and faiths. Those faiths have different sects or groups within them. Most all religions practiced here, no matter how misguided they may or may not be, have been fairly benign, promoting peaceful coexistence, teaching tolerance, and are considered a non-violent influence. The catholic church may be one of the worst guided with their message of Christ but I do not see catholics going around imposing their beliefs on others; I do not see them protesting for catholic laws, nor do I see the catholics killing people in the name of G-d. In fact, catholics can be considered very non-violent people (although child-molesting priests should be executed, IMHO), and not just in the United States but throughout the world.

Christianity is also a belief that is found worldwide. Believers in Christ are mostly peaceful as well. There are many different churches that identify themselves as Christian and there do not appear to be Christian leaders calling for war on others or practicing other violent acts towards those that do not believe a certain way. The Westboro church and their 10 members are not going to take over the world, nor do I see them killing people.

I can continue on here but, I think you get the idea. There is only one major faith in this world that has made its mission to spread its seed though the use of fear, threats, violence, and general hate - Islam. While some religions have shown to be fairly political like Judaism, Christianity is more defined though missionary work. Islam is unique in that it is political and missionary. It is also known for genocide.

There can be no doubt as to the violence we have witnessed throughout the world that comes from the fanatics who claim Islam as their belief system. Islam, like many religions has been viewed to be both positive and negative. There are claims that the founding fathers of this country recognized Islam as a respectable faith. Then, there is also information that suggests otherwise. I have yet to really understand or know what to believe concerning their views since it seems I can find "evidence" to support both sides of this argument. However it is difficult to believe that Jefferson found some great knowledge in the Koran considering Jefferson declared war on a Muslim country.

What I do know about Islam is what I have seen and heard. Granted the source of this information is primarily from news sources and from those I know who have lived in Europe, who claim to have witnessed and experienced first hand the violence and hatred that many Muslims seem to actively engage in.

I am not about to suggest that all Muslims are bad or that they are all blood-thirsty killers looking to behead Americans. That being said, no one can deny that the Muslims teach their children to hate Jews. There hate is so strong that leaders and followers have repeatedly and explicitly stated they love death more than Jews love life.

Go ahead, look up videos on YouTube or from other sources. You will find overwhelming examples of hate spewed by Muslims who hate Jews and teach their children to do the same.

I have stated before on my blog that I enjoy reading comments that follow articles on the web. Usually I find some very interesting information that I would not normally find elsewhere. Although the following comments cannot be confirmed, they do seem to have a ring of truth to them. Consider them. Take them with a grain of salt. In any case, if they are true, they certainly support the notion that many people are actively finding ways to rewrite history to fit their world view.
apparently my long-ass comment was not posted so I have to re-write it.. I'll try to be brief:
I am an atheist ex-muslim arab, I still live in an arab country and so I believe I know more about our s****y society than you do, allow me to correct some points: 
#1 and #5 are, in fact, true. Muslims are actually getting more intolerant and more f*****g assholes than they already are, and so the number of women who wear that black garbage bag is on the increase... and guess what else is on the increase? reports of sexual harassment. But lets put that aside. 
I as an atheist cannot and would not reveal that fact to even my closest arab friends, I can be charged with blasphemy and get killed if I do. Islam is just as f*****g stupid and intolerant as christianity is but didnt face the amount of ridicule and logical thinking that weakend christianity and taught it whos boss... therefore, islam is probably less tolerant today than it was in 11th century. 
I am absolutely disgusted by this cult of death and sex and I cant believe you westerners are still believing, after what we've seen from these barbarians throughout the past 11 years, that these are just a minority... newsflash from arabia: no, they MOST DEFINETLY are not... in fact, chances are every muslim you're going to meet in sandistan is either supportive of terrorists and calls them freedom fighter, or thinks they are a western plot to f**k up muslims and keep them divided...  
And to muslim apologists, please shut the f**k up and let the heroes from the west ridicule this f*****g cult because the only way to convince muslims that they're f*****g stupid is to lol @ them. They dont understand debate, they dont think logically. ridicule is the oil that gets their rusty, submitted brains working. You need to teach them a lesson, you have to teach them that your freedom is above them and their f*****g allah. I wouldnt have had left islam if it wasnt for my curiosity and the ridicule that I read that got stuck in my mind and kept me thinking about how stupid I am to believe such bullshit. 

***I've lived in the Arab world for the last 2 years and agree with everything but the Christian intolerance thing (I think you'll find that the vast majority of Christians are extremely tolerant, and that it is athiests and Muslims who are the intolerant ones). 
***I especially agree about the views of terrorists stated here - they're either freedom fighters, or a Jewish/American conspiracy that the Zionists use to conjure hate for the religion. 
***Regarding the hijab/niqab/abaya/burqa - look @ pictures of Iran and Egypt 30 years ago - NO women were covering their bodies, very few covered their hair - now? all of them. Turkey is becoming more extreme, Egypt just elected an extremist government, Syria will eventually fall to the extremists, there are protests every day in Lebanon for the same. 
***OK, maybe the part I agree with the most is the fact that critical thinking here non-existent - it is not taught at schools, and is in fact shunned from the curriculum. For good reason, too - if everybody had an open mind and open eyes, they would see how jacked up everything is around here.
My questions concerning Islam have to do with it being a valid religion. Sure, there are many people who are seemingly peaceful but how can anyone deny that there is a growing number of Muslims who are extreme? How can anyone ignore the images we have seen that confirm the barbaric nature of the extremists within Islam? Why are so many people in this country (especially those on the left), who are outrageously critical of Christianity, simultaneously working hard to give Islam credibility?

Sure, there are women who hold public office in Muslim countries. Yes, not all women are forced to wear ridiculous garb that covers their faces, maybe there are even open-homosexuals who live peacefully but how does that negate the fact that oppression in some areas exists in the first place? Just because some of these atrocities are occurring only in the minority does not excuse the fact that they do occur! That's like saying, "Well, only slavery occurs in the South and not everyone owns a slave. It's not that big of a deal." Does anyone actually agree with such logic? I guess perhaps they do since we have so many liberal news sources acting as if we shouldn't be concerned over those problems -- after all, it's not like everyone is suffering. Then again, dems are the same party that supported slavery in America in the first place.

Why shouldn't we be concerned over the influence of Islam?

In an effort to support my concern, I am posting some videos that will help explain what is happening concerning the push for Sharia Law. In Britain, more and more stories are coming out that deal with Islam ignoring the government and establishing their own courts. They are typically found living in ghettos or areas where they completely block themselves off from the rest of the citizenry. Worse yet, authorities are not going into these areas to enforce the laws of the country thereby allowing barbaric rule among the Muslims. Many in Britain are loudly warning America about what is happening inside of their borders.

First, what is Sharia Law?

How Islam is Taking Over The World: Islamization Explained

Now, I will kindly ask you to watch this next video:

As we can clearly hear from this man, he is wholly convinced that Islam's ultimate mission is not just about spreading the word of Allah but to actually destroy anyone that gets in its way of spreading. He calls for the destruction of American, Britain, and all of Europe.

So I ask, "Isn't it time to call Islam a cult and not a religion?"

For anyone to even pretend that the pure message of Christianity or even a diluted message of Christianity is similar to the rants we hear from radical Islam leaders is obviously living in a fantasy world where they cannot distinguish right from wrong, nor superior vs. inferior ideas. All beliefs are NOT equal. Some are helpful while other are destructive.

What will happen in the United States? In the following video we see that the current administration will not plainly agree to "never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion."

Already we have witnessed countless times where Muslims protest and even become violent over the slightest insult to their Allah. When Christianity is attacked by Hollywood and the main stream media, you certainly will hear complaints but riots? Massive protests? Organized violence? No, your average Christian simply points out the hypocrisy and moves on with their lives. An average Christian knows that someone simply making fun of Jesus, G-d, or their particular religion is another individual's right and is not personally threatened.

It is time to open our eyes and understand what this "faith" is doing across the world. We cannot pretend that it "won't happen here." There is simply too much information that suggests Islam is not simply a religion but is a death cult that does not care about individual rights or freedoms. They are not tolerant but extremely intolerant and will continue to use force in order to achieve their goals of full submission.

Again, I understand when someone tells me, "they are not all like this," or "all you're trying to do is scare people." I agree, that all Muslims are not violent but I do not agree that I, or anyone who agrees with me, are trying to scare anyone. That would be like someone suggesting I am scaring my daughter when I give her instructions that she needs to watch for cars before she crosses the street. I'm not trying to put fear in her and tell her that she will get run over. I am being a responsible parent and giving her valuable information that will help her AVOID being hit by a car. I'm instructing her to be aware of her surroundings and as she gets older, I will have to continually give her more information that will help her be aware and will ultimately protect her. In reality, most drivers are also aware and will make great pains to steer clear of children, people, or animals crossing the street. Problem is, not ALL are aware. The few that do not drive responsibly are the ones people need to be careful for and that's why I tell my daughter to look both ways, listen for sounds, and then cross. Warning people of current events in this world that concern Islam is no different.

Soon there will come a time when we must have a serious discussion about Islam and whether we should deem it to be a cult. The sooner the better.


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