
Trayvon/Zimmerman Case -- A Theory on "DeeDee" Witness 8

When something doesn't make sense, it's usually a sign that a puzzle piece is missing and you may simply not be aware (perhaps bias, perhaps lack of intelligence), or you are aware but are having a hard time finding out what that puzzle piece looks like and how it went missing in the first place. Sometimes puzzle pieces are just misplaced or not initially considered to be of importance. How many times have you seen a crime show where a small piece of evidence was just simply disregarded, then years later it turns out to be the only thing needed to solve the case? Some puzzle pieces are stolen, removed, or worse -- destroyed.

This leads me to my conundrum concerning Witness 8, who is referred to as DeeDee and introduced to the public as the girlfriend a great friend of Trayvon's. She was the smoking gun; the fire that erupted a storm across main stream media. At first, I listened to her statement to Crump. I actually needed to seek out a transcript for this since the quality was atrocious. I came to the conclusion to disregard it completely. It did not make any sense nor did it fit with any other narrative that had been offered up until that point. In short, it sounded bogus.

Once the phone records were posted online, it was impossible to ignore that Trayvon was indeed talking with someone that night. It would be foolish and completely reckless for the prosecution to present that information without being able to prove it in some way.

Dee Dee's statements leave much to be desired for those that are seeking clear answers. Allow me to elaborate...

DeeDee claims at some point Trayvon "put up his hoodie" after he spotted Zimmerman watching him and it was also raining. It's hard to imagine any conversation that included the words, "I'm putting up my hoodie now..." or something similar. That detail seems rather odd and out of place since it's unlikely anyone would bother explaining such a minute action to anyone. According to the video from the 7-Eleven that evening, Trayvon already had his hoodie on, inside the store, where it clearly wasn't raining. It seems rather weird that he would have put it down at some point. Again, it was raining and Zimmerman had already reported to the police that he saw Trayvon with his hoodie. How odd is it that Crump and other people in Camp Tray decided to make a big deal about "profiling" due to being black and wearing a hoodie? People all over the country were wearing their hoodies in support of Trayvon. It was a full-blown campaign complete with a Trademark for Martin's son and promotional materials not limited to the famous hoodies. Not only is the "hoodie" detail out of place, it just so happened to launch the advancement of this case?

DeeDee originally stated to Crump that someone had pushed Trayvon, and she knew this because she could "hear grass." As soon as that happened the phone cut out and she tried calling and texting back. She claims that she called back two, maybe three times (seems like a detail someone should remember clearly). Isn't it interesting that a friend of hers she has known since kindergarten was being followed by a stranger, he was out of breath, scared, running from someone, claimed to know that this person/stranger pushed Trayvon yet, she makes no attempt to contact anyone else to relay her concern, even after Trayvon wouldn't answer his phone? In fact, even after she finds out her friend had been shot, she still says nothing to authorities or made any attempt to call his father letting him -- someone -- anyone -- know that she was the last to speak with him, that she knows another man was following him, that she knows he was attacked, in fear, and running (according to her anyway). No. Instead she went back to her life, doing and saying things on Twitter that would appear to others as if it were just another day and she was going about business as usual. Yet, we are also to believe that she was so overwrought with hurt that she had to go to the hospital on the day of his wake.

Keeping this in mind, her later statement to the State Prosecutor changes a bit. She now states that after hearing the grass, knowing Trayvon was pushed, she hears Trayvon yell, "Get off! Get off!" then the phone disconnects. What makes this even worse, if true (which it is obviously not), is that she is clearly conveying that she knew Trayvon was in serious trouble yet only called him back a few times. What kind of a person would do this? Who would ever claim to be such a good friend, a friend she talked to daily, a friend that they are claiming spoke with Trayvon for 400 minutes that very day, and at the same time had this supposed first hand knowledge of Trayvon being stalked and now claiming she knew he was physically attacked yet, did NOTHING? She did absolutely nothing beyond a few phone calls?

Even if a person were to give her repeated allowances, forgiving her because she is young; she may have panicked; she may have been in temporary shock; she may have thought everything would turn out okay for Trayvon that night; etc. At some point after she found out about his death, wouldn't she have told the doctor's who treated her, called the police, spoke with a guidance counselor at school, told her mother or some other adult? "I feel like I need to speak with someone. I think I was the last person to have spoke with Trayvon and I know he was in danger." Instead her identity is discovered weeks later and her only statement is to the Martin's attorneys, not law enforcement.

There is nothing that can rationalize this lack of action. I have tried to wrap my mind repeatedly around this information and it simply does not pass any test of logic. This is why I began to believe the entire phone call and statement was a lie. After careful thought, there is one thing that might explain Dee Dee's behavior...

Dee Dee heard everything that night. She heard Trayvon approach Zimmerman. She knew he was going to do so. She most likely egged Trayvon on, telling him that he should find out what this guy's problem is. Being an angry teenager possibly trying to impress Dee Dee, Trayvon works himself up in order to approach Zimmerman and sucker punch him. He and Dee Dee may have thought for him not to go home because it's possible he thought Zimmerman would find out where he was staying. Was he doing something wrong that night? Could he have mistakenly thought Zimmerman caught him doing something illegal? He was already in trouble at school. He certainly didn't want to deal with his parents being angry at him again. Dee Dee heard Trayvon attack Zimmerman and then heard screams of help, knowing it was not Trayvon, and then...a gunshot. Dee Dee panics and hangs up abruptly.

"Oh sh!t! Trayvon must have shot that dude! Oh sh!t! What the hell do I do? I can't do anything. I can't tell anyone. I'll just pretend I don't know what happened. It's not like anyone will know what I heard, right? I can't get Trayvon in trouble. I'll just deny everything." At this point, she decides it's best to wait it all out because she really doesn't feel she can tell anyone because she knows Trayvon was the aggressor.

The next day she finds out that it was Trayvon that got shot. This complicates things even further. If she comes forward now, they will ask her questions, questions that she is not prepared for. Instead she spent the night trying to figure out what she would say thinking it was Trayvon who did the shooting. She didn't expect this. The police will ask why she didn't call if she heard a gunshot? They will want to know all of what she heard and what Trayvon told her. It was her that told him to go back and confront Zimmerman. It was her who told him that a guy like Zimmerman should get his ass kicked. She definitely couldn't say anything now and then the day of Trayvon's wake arrived. The guilt and anxiety this girl must have felt actually did render her a visit to the hospital.

For the next week, all she can think about is that last conversation. A part of her knows that someone will eventually contact her. They are going to want answers and she needs to make sure that she removes herself from hearing the altercation. Trayvon was a good friend of hers. She's definitely not going to tell anyone that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman. This is not what people want to hear. She watches what plays out in the news and the stakes are high. People want Zimmerman's head on a platter and when she is finally discovered, the only people she can speak with are those that are going to be easy on her. The last thing she wants to deal with is responsibility.

When she finally speaks with the State Prosecutor, she has thought about what happened repeatedly inside of her head. She wants so badly to make sure she conveys that Trayvon was the one who was attacked first so she adds to her statement she heard Trayvon telling someone to get off of him. She even says at the very end of the interview that she feels guilty and that Trayvon is "not a fighter." What a wonderful friend she is still trying to stick up for Trayvon. If she can keep saying things like that, she can make it true in other people's minds. No way will she speak the truth about what Trayvon did that night; it would make him look bad and at this point anger many people, including his parents.

Simply put, considering the time of her phone call; the time of the 911 call where the shot can be heard, and the time the police arrived, Dee Dee was on that phone when her friend was shot. Her story of the phone shutting off at just the exact moment before the shooting is all too very convenient for her. For Dee Dee, this isn't about Trayvon at all. This is about protecting herself and preventing herself from having to take responsibility for not saying something to someone in the first place. She is scared that she will get into some kind of trouble. It's all about her. It was all about her that night as well. She was the one who wanted to hear Trayvon attack someone, for her own amusement. There is nothing innocent about Dee Dee.

The State is requesting the phone records not be officially released. It has nothing to do with her being a minor. In fact, in her sworn testimony to the State, she claims to be 18. It probably has to do with the fact that those records show she never attempted to call Trayvon back that night. She hung up and she panicked, thinking only of herself and maybe a little bit about her friend.

Witness #8 is 18-years-old and was 18 at the time of Benjamin Crump’s interview with her on 3/19/12 according to her sworn statement to State Prosecutors on 4/2/12. 
Yet Trayvon Family of Attorneys reported to the public and to the media that DeeDee, known as Witness #8 (W8)  was 16-years-old on 3/20/12 ?  The family lawyers together with the State Prosecution Team continued to lie, deceive, and attempted to hide the truth.

Dee Dee is a coward and her statement, taken in context with this missing puzzle piece fully explains her actions that followed that fateful night.

Of course, this is just a theory that I have. To me, it's the only thing I can think of that would possibly explain Dee Dee's actions or more accurately, lack of actions. I also am considering her age and the clear lack of maturity. Looking back at her Tweets, she seems to make a point of over-selling the idea that she's not affected by Trayvon's death. Nowhere does she even imply that she was the one who was last speaking with him that night.

Well, now it's your turn. What other reasons could there be to explain her odd behavior? It's clear Dee Dee did not act the way a person (ESPECIALLY a good friend), should considering her role as a witness and knowing she was the last person to converse with Trayvon that night.

Later today a hearing will take place and just the other day, sure enough, information from Trayvon's phone has been released to the defense. In it, the location of Trayvon is revealed during his time in Sanford but oddly the information from the date of February 26th, the day he was shot is missing.
Sanford police and Florida Department of Law Enforcement employees had limited success finding out what was on the phone because they were "locked out," the consequence of someone trying repeatedly without the proper password or PIN to gain access to its data. 
The state then shipped the phone to a law-enforcement agency in California for more analysis, O'Mara wrote in his new motion, then sent it to a New Jersey company, which successfully unlocked the data in its flash memory, including GPS information that showed its changing locations. 
What it found has not been made public. 
"It shows you within 10 feet where the phone is," O'Mara told the Orlando Sentinel. 
De la Rionda provided those new findings to defense attorneys Jan. 18, O'Mara wrote, but with a gaping hole. 
"While the analysis includes GPS locating records for Mr. Martin's phone for all of the time he was in the Sanford area, specifically absent is any such data from February 26, 2012, the date of the event," O'Mara wrote. 
"Maybe it's coincidence, but I'm way past [believing it's] coincidence," O'Mara said. 
There also seem to be missing phone calls and text messages, he wrote. 
De la Rionda's office did not respond to an email asking for comment.

Well, well, well, look at what we have here. I guess this is just another one of those strange coincidences that have occurred repeatedly though following this case. How on earth can a phone offer up so much information but conveniently lack the crucial information needed for this case? I guess we will have to wait and see what transpires of this phone information. Perhaps there is a reason for lack of information from that day? Could the location information confirm Trayvon came back to the "T" to confront Zimmerman? Could it also prove that no further calls came from Dee Dee that night, proving she is a liar, leaving her testimony in question? I will do my best not to jump to conclusions and wait for the prosecution's explanation, but I will admit it's hard for me not to.

UPDATE - DeeDee is a LIAR. She never went to the hospital. No shocker here. In addition to being a liar about the hospital visit, she was not 16 years old. She was 18, now 19.


Anonymous said...

You made some excellent points. Well done!

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