
Charlie Sheen is Insane Like Qadaffi

Charlie Sheen looking normal????

Seriously. There's nothing else to explain this behavior. I think he's mentally disturbed and needs some medication immediately. Even IF he is clean, it is clear that the drugs and alcohol have taken a big toll on Sheen. He is as delusional as Qaddafi is about insisting the people love him.

Speaking of Qaddafi, he has had forces strike back at those people who are protesting against him. The attacks were simply regarded as nothing by the rebels. Qaddafi also appears to be completely ignoring the pressure from all around to step down.

More delusions:
In an interview with ABC News, Colonel Qaddafi said he was fighting against “terrorists,” and he accused the West of seeking to “occupy Libya.” He gave no hint of surrender. “My people love me,” he said. “They would die for me.”
If you'd like to read the whole article, click here.

The disturbing ignorance, and obliviousness to reality seems to be strikingly similar to what we see from Sheen.

Stan Rosenfield, who represented Sheen, has now ran away, far, far away from Charlie. A good move considering Sheen appears to be getting worse by the day. It's like watching a car wreck happen right before your eyes in slow-mo.
"I have worked with Charlie Sheen for a long time and I care about him very much," Rosenfield wrote in a brief statement. "However, at this time, I'm unable to work effectively as his publicist and have respectfully resigned." In a follow-up e-mail, Rosenfield said he had represented Sheen for at least seven years.
Now, Sheen is set to sue. Yep. He's going to sue CBS for mental anguish. That's not shocking news. The shocking news is that he's going to sue for 320 MILLION DOLLARS. G-d, if this isn't an argument for tort reform, I don't know what is.
"Doesn't matter too much, because after Wednesday, they'll have to rename Warner Bros. as Charlie's Bros," Sheen told Radar. "I will fire those clowns and bring in my own team."

"I've one speed, I've one gear, go!" Sheen told the network. "And I dare you to keep up with me."
Sheen later said, "I am on a drug -- it's called Charlie Sheen!
 Sheen also wants a raise to return to the show.
We will all soon get to see Charlie's interviews with several networks and according to Sheen, his interview with NBC is "pure gold."

Wow. It's really all I can say.


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