Now, why on earth would an innocent man be shaken up? Seems to me, he would have nothing to hide. Especially, since he has been proclaiming his innocence this whole time. What a joke!"Recordings — of me?" he finally says quietly, audibly shaken.
You can click the title of this post for the full story. More to come...
In another story, the trial has revealed more embarrassing information concerning how others thought of Blagojevich. The Obama camp did not want Blagojevich to attend a rally at Grant Park. They told Robert Greenlee, the former deputy governor, that Blago to save face and say he was invited. Blago ultimately ended up going to the rally but, was heard complaining that he wasn't really welcomed by the Obama camp.
After discovering his 13 percent approval rating:
"I f------ busted my a-- and pissed people off and gave your grandmother a free f------ ride on a bus. OK? I gave your f------ baby a chance to have health care," Blagojevich is heard saying on tape. "And what do I get for that? Only 13 percent of you all out there think I'm doing a good job. So f--- all of you."This man has a matching vocabulary with his wife Patti. She is also heard on tape, complaining about the editorial board at the Chicago Tribune.
"Tell them to hold up that f------ Cubs s---," she said. "F--- them. F--- them. What kind of bulls--- is that?"I still say that by the time this trial is over, they will have enough information to go after Patti. She was clearly in the know of everything her husband did. She was a willing participant in all of his corruption.
Later in the tape, Patti Blagojevich is heard going on about the editorial board:
"Just fire them . . . what would William Randolph Hearst do?"
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