
New Black Pathers Intimidate Voters - No Punishment

This is, unfortunately, not surprising. If there is a white victim and a black committing the crime, you can pretty much rest assure that the black will walk. It all has to do with folks who are either determined to reverse racism, and punish white people or, these people are afraid of being called racists.

The only way this country is going to rid itself of racism is if we start looking at people for their actions and not their skin color. Either we are equal or we are not. You can't preach one thing and do another and that is exactly what the liberals in this country do, especially the socialist, commie scum that are currently running...I mean, ruining this country now.

Could you imagine what they would have done, had that been a KKK member standing outside a polling booth with a nightstick? All of the men would have been arrested immediately and thrown in jail, where they would belong.

Racism in this country has gotten completely out of control in the political circles of Washington, all the way down to local governments. Yes, this country has a history of slavery, as all countries have and some even currently have slavery. I am so proud to be part of a country that has worked hard to eradicate slavery and overcome it. We have gone from separate water fountains to complete integration.

Yes, there are still folks in this country that dislike others simply because of their race but, the majority of folks, even here in the middle of America, know many people of all different races. We get along, we are friends, we work together, we go to school together, and some have even married and our now part of our families.

When all people want to do is discuss racism, and allow racism from minorities, and try and justify it by our past, we are going backwards.

This story here is just ONE example of what true liberals believe. They love racism. They love igniting the fires of hate and separation because, without it, they cannot continue on preaching about injustices. Where would people like The New Panthers be without hatred? By dropping this case, it only makes whites feel angry, creating more separation.

Of course, they call this attorney a conservative. Is it not always the conservatives they chose to blame for all the injustices?

It is my firm belief that liberal whites are the most racist people among us. They tell the black people how they are victims, they keep them victims because, they certainly do not like competition. It also explains their hatred of capitalism. What motivation does a liberal have by telling a black man or woman that their skin color doesn't matter? What motivation does a liberal have to tell the black community that they shouldn't focus on racism but, that they are capable people who can overcome anything? They would never do that because, if the blacks or other minorities were to truly rise up and live to their potential, they would be successful.

The fact is, liberals cannot stand seeing minorities work hard and become successful. Truth is, you have to work hard and ignore people that are trying to bring you down, if you want to become a success. That is all conservatives have been trying to tell people, ALL people, for years. Conservatives LOVE success stories because, they can come in all races and genders. It is PROOF that you chose to be a victim or, to become a person with happiness and greatness around you.

It is the governments job to apply to law equally. If these folks really wanted equality, these New Black Panthers would be serving time for what they did or, at the very least, be banned from polling places permanently. Again, it is their actions, not their skin color.


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