
Safe Exodus For Illegals

Illegals are leaving AZ but, a group called Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), are asking for safe passage. They want illegals to leave without fear of being in trouble at the border.

Click title of post for full story.

I cannot understand the people that are working against enforcing our immigration laws. It is beyond logic for Obama and his administration to be against the voters that so badly want our laws to be enforced. What is he trying to do, other than gain votes? This is all a ploy to play to the minorities.

What these morons do not realize (I think many of them do actually),  is that they are hurting Americans as well as the immigrants. Immigrants are not protected. They do not receive minimum wage. They work for slave wages, and I would imagine, they also work in conditions that most likely do not fall under OSHA standards. If one of them is hurt, workman's comp is not available. What about who these people rent from? What if a pipe breaks? What if the landlord doesn't do anything about it? Where is the illegal supposed to go? They are second class and, are not treated the same.

By supporting illegals, you are supporting people in this country treating illegals like slaves. Let's not forget that the Democrats have always been the party of the slaves. First they wanted blacks to be slaves, that ended up backfiring, so they decided to make them volunteer slaves by telling them how much of a victim they all are. Now, they have the Mexicans. They want the Mexicans here so they can abuse them and use them. Bottom line, if Democrats* really cared, they would want immigrants to be here legally and, to be protected.

*Obviously, I am not referring to ALL Democrats. I happen to know several that are absolutely tired of illegals.


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