
Democrats Are Doing Great According to Biden

Always good for laughs and giggles, Biden, the moronic vice president, believes the Democrats will do just fine in November.

Vice President Joe Biden brushed aside suggestions on Sunday that Democrats will suffer big losses in November midterm elections, vowing that Barack Obama's governing party will "shock the heck out of everybody."
The vice president said he believes the Obama administration will get credit from voters for helping guide the economy out of recession and passing key legislation on health care and financial reform.
Well, Biden is hopeful but, the American people are NOT hopeful. Sure many people wanted some kind of reform in health care but, did they want Obama to sign a bill that virtually gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services to do whatever they like? Did they really expect for our health care to be rationed? Did they sign on for skyrocketing unemployment? Did they want Obama to triple our deficit, spending more money in one month then we did in the year of 2007? Did the people really ask for a president to be so incompetent that when the oil spill crisis came about, did nothing but, point fingers, instead of lead and, work with others for solutions? Did the folks that vote for Obama expect the largest amount of laws and rules to be placed on the financial industry since The Great Depression?

Obama promised us change. Well, we got our change. How's that change working out for us? Obama promised us a plan for the war. He has no plan. He has no vision. This man is a joke. The only thing he seems to be doing is whatever he can to turn us into one socialist state where we all depend on the government for success but, instead receive failure.

No, Biden, I'm sorry to say, I don't think I would be so confident if I were you. You and your president are one term. Get used to it. Come November, Democrats will be packing their bags.

On that note, all the Republicans out there better start doing their damn jobs. It's one thing to talk a good talk but, it seems like walking the walk is another story. We want health care over-turned. We want accountability. I love the two party system, I see great wisdom in having it but, I'm sick of the career politicians who seem to do nothing. It's time to take back our party.

It's also time for Democrats to take back their party. What the hell happened to you guys over there? You've turned into a bunch of sissy socialists and, many of you don't even realize it.


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