
Why I Do NOT Like Ron Paul

Yes, let's just mind our own business and bury our heads in the sand and screw Israel. This is what he wants for our greatest allies and our country? The man is a nut job who thinks we can just cut ourselves off from the world and ignore terrorism.


Anonymous said...

Ron Paul Is The Only Presidential Candidate Who Gets It
Categories: Archived Columns, Columns by Chuck Baldwin
The recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the reaction–or better, lack of reaction–by the GOP’s Presidential candidates is a perfect example of how it will not matter to a Tinker’s Dam which Republican candidate wins the nomination, unless that candidate is Congressman Ron Paul. This is what so many people within the so-called Religious Right and establishment GOP just do not understand: they do not understand the fact that America is in the throes of a burgeoning police state. They have buried their heads in the sand for so long that they wouldn’t know what tyranny looked like if it came up and bit them on their blessed assurance! They have totally drunk the propaganda Kool Aid that purports that the biggest threat to our liberties comes from the Sand People. Our Founding Fathers were a much wiser lot, of course. They understood perfectly that the biggest threat to our liberties comes from Washington, D.C., not Baghdad, or Tehran, or any other foreign entity.

Listen to Daniel Webster: “There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing.”

Yet, except for Ron Paul, not a single Republican Presidential candidate has issued the slightest warning regarding the draconian components of the NDAA that literally turns America’s homeland into a war zone and, with the stroke of a pen, effectively eviscerates the Bill of Rights. Why is that? Because, except for Ron Paul, none of them get it. Bachman, Gingrich, Perry, Romney, Santorum. None of them!

The day after Christmas, TheHill.com posted this report quoting Dr. Paul. “GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul warned that the National Defense Authorization Act, which was passed by Congress this month, will accelerate the country’s ‘slip into tyranny’ and virtually assures ‘our descent into totalitarianism.’

Anonymous said...

“‘The founders wanted to set a high bar for the government to overcome in order to deprive an individual of life or liberty,’ Paul, the libertarian congressman from Texas, said Monday in a weekly phone message to supporters. ‘To lower that bar is to endanger everyone. When the bar is low enough to include political enemies, our descent into totalitarianism is virtually assured. The Patriot Act, as bad as its violations against the Fourth Amendment was, was just one step down the slippery slope. The recently passed National Defense Authorization Act continues that slip into tyranny, and in fact, accelerates it significantly.’”

The Hill report continued quoting Dr. Paul, “‘The Fifth Amendment is about much more than the right to remain silent in the face of government questioning,’ Paul continued. ‘It contains very basic and very critical stipulations about the due process of law. The government cannot imprison a person for no reason and with no evidence presented and without access to legal council. The danger of the NDAA is its alarmingly vague, undefined criteria for who can be indefinitely detained by the U.S. government without trial.’”

The report also quoted Congressman Paul as saying, “‘The president’s widely expanded view of his own authority to detain Americans indefinitely even on American soil is for the first time in this legislation codified in law,’ Paul said. ‘That should chill all of us to our cores.’

“‘The Bill of Rights has no exceptions for really bad people or terrorists or even non-citizens. It is a key check on government power against any person. That is not a weakness in our legal system, it is the very strength of our legal system. The NDAA attempts to justify abridging the Bill of Rights on the theory that rights are suspended in a time of war, and the entire United States is a battlefield in the war on terror. This is a very dangerous development, indeed. Beware.’”

Anonymous said...

See TheHill report at:


Then again, not only are these pathetic Presidential pretenders not aware of this fast erosion of our liberties being orchestrated by these miserable miscreants inside the Beltway, how many of you folks who go to church every Sunday hear your pastor say a peep about the totalitarian elements contained within the NDAA? Yep! That’s what I thought! They don’t get it, either!

For that matter, where is the first State Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Attorney General to say, “Not in my State!”? Where are the county sheriffs to say, “Not in my county!”? (I can promise you this, if Bob Fanning and Chuck Baldwin are elected Montana Governor and Lieutenant Governor in 2012, we will say it! And we will say it loudly enough that everyone in Washington D.C., will be able to hear it!)

And speaking of Montana, it is extremely encouraging to learn that my friend and Oathkeepers founder, attorney Stewart Rhodes, is leading a recall petition against the two US senators from Montana who both supported NDAA. Salem-News.com has the story: “Moving quickly on Christmas Day after the US Senate voted 86-14 to pass the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011 (NDAA) which allows for the indefinite military detention of American citizens without charge or trial, Montanans have announced the launch of recall campaigns against Senators Max Baucus and Jonathan Tester, who voted for the bill.

“Montana is one of nine states with provisions that say that the right of recall extends to recalling members of its federal congressional delegation, pursuant to Montana Code 2-16-603, on the grounds of physical or mental lack of fitness, incompetence, violation of oath of office, official misconduct, or conviction of certain felony offenses.”

The Salem-News report continued saying, “Montana law requires grounds for recall to be stated which show conformity to the allowed grounds for recall. The draft language of the Montana petitions, ‘reason for recall’ reads:

“The Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees all U.S. citizens:

“‘a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed…’

“[NDAA] permanently abolishes the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial, ‘for the duration of hostilities’ in the War on Terror, which was defined by President George W. Bush as ‘task which does not end’ to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2011.

“Those who voted Aye on December 15, 2011, Bill of Rights Day, for NDAA 2011 have attempted to grant powers which cannot be granted, which violate both the spirit and the letter of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

“The Montana Recall Act stipulates that officials including US senators can only be recalled for physical or mental lack of fitness, incompetence, violation of the oath of office, official misconduct, or conviction of a felony offense. We the undersigned call for a recall election to be held for Senator Max S. Baucus [and Senator Jonathan Tester] and charge that he has violated his oath of office, to protect and defend the United States Constitution.”

Anonymous said...

The report goes on to quote Rhodes (a Yale Law School graduate) as saying, “These politicians from both parties betrayed our trust, and violated the oath they took to defend the Constitution. It’s not about the left or the right, it’s about our Bill of Rights. Without the Bill of Rights, there is no America. It is the Crown Jewel of our Constitution, and the high-water mark of Western Civilization.” Amen, Stewart! Amen!

See the Salem-News report at:


NDAA should be to Americans in 2011 what the Boston Massacre was to the colonists in 1770, because this Act literally massacres the Bill of Rights. (And risking the charge that I’m tooting my own horn, when Montanans elect Bob Fanning Governor and Chuck Baldwin Lieutenant Governor in 2012, it will be the second “shot heard ’round the world.”) And of all the Presidential hopefuls, Ron Paul is only one who gets it!

Anonymous said...

I post this article by Chuck Baldwin to hopefully snap you out of it. It's not all about Israel. It's about the fact that this country is heading very quickly down the road to totalitarianism. We are BANKRUPT! What about that stark fact do you not understand? Do you honestly believe a war with IRAN can be funded? Please! A vast majority have had enough of our insane foreign policy which by the way arms Israel enemies to boot.


Tuesday said...

I appreciate the time you took to copy words from other people. It just proves my point that Paul-bots only seem to regurgitate what they are told. You are no different than a far left wing liberal. Please name ONE thing the man has accomplished in the last 20-30 years.

Tuesday said...

Furthermore, the man suggests we just ignore other countries and what they are doing. I guess this is because appeasement has just worked so well in the past, right?

Anonymous said...

Did you bother even reading it? Ron Paul has done more than any politician since Lindbergh to expose the fraud that is the "federal" reserve system. There is a big difference between ignoring and bombing. You are clearly a fan of the latter. Just own it and stop feigning nuance. You are advocating yet another bombing and war with yet another middle eastern country. Ridlle me this smart girl. How do propose paying for it? You post these comments as if you actually speak from a position of awareness. You are surface level novice at best. "Ignoring" other countries. Please. You wouldnt know the true real politic historyof this world if your life depended on it. Keep posting your sophmoric drivel but dont expect $ tax paying adults with real responsibilities like mortgages and children to give you a pass. You are an uninformed know nothing. Grow up. This country is broke. You have much more to fear from your creditors than you do the mighty Iranian military.

Tuesday said...

LMAO! Okay, now we're at the name calling stage. You Paul bots are so ridiculous and you still can't answer any of my questions, so you resort to insults.

Did you miss the part where he advocates carrying around gold and silver? Yeah, that's really practicable, right?

The man is afraid of Bill O'Reilly and has absolutely NO accomplishments to speak of. Keep blasting your ignorance and copying and pasting. Your mother must be proud.

Anonymous said...

Forgive typos new smart phone and I am heading into a toys r us to get a transformer for my kid. I just looked at your profile and see you are a parent. Forgive my condescending tone but if you only hsd a better grasp of just where we are. The party is over. We simply cannot declare war on another country. Our foreign policy is not sustainable. Im sorry you cannot bring yourself to face this harsh reality. By the way if I said "Remember the Liberty" would you honrstly know to what I refer without having to google it? This is what I mean. You have no idea what a non bot I really am. I spent the better part of my late twenties and thirties exactly where you are. Let go and realize you have been duped by both parties. These people are not looking out for you. Israel is not looking out for you. I am no fan of the crackpot regimes we put in numerous places over but the time has come to stop. Do you have a son? I do. And I will be damned if I send him off to some arab desert to die for a bunch of patently corrupt politicians and their arab or israeli countetparts. Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

Name calling? You started with the Paul bot thing.

Tuesday said...

You have a very bleak view of the world. This is another trait that is projected by many liberals. Liberty means PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. It has NOTHING to do with the patriot act. (I already know where this argument is going). Read the Federalist papers, please.

If my daughter wanted to be in the military I would support her. I do support the military and I do not believe they are fighting for nothing.

YOU choose to support a man who wants to have us bury our heads in the sand, forget about anyone else that needs our help, oh and we're supposed to haul around gold and silver coins? Are you kidding me? No. The man is a nut job and ONCE AGAIN you have not listed ONE accomplishment of Ron Paul. He passed a meaningless legislation in 20 years. Big Whoop.

I'm sorry. I have NOT lost hope and I refuse to have such a sad, sorry view of the world that you seem to. That's just not the world I live in. It's not healthy to think so negative.

Anonymous said...

Liberal? Please. You are trapped in the Left Right paradigm. This is at the core of your inability to see the truth of where we are. Broke. Again, pay for it. You can't. Unless you want to keep borrowing the money from China. I notice you repeatedly fail to acknowledge this fiscal reality. The foreign policy you advocate is more than a proven failure. What has US foreign policy bought us in the past 25-30 years? Zip. Shows how far gone we are when alleged conservatives think not wanting to wage war on countless countries is now isolationism. Ron Paul is not advocating isolationism. He is advocating a sane and affordable foreign policy. And let's not even start talking about the failed misadventures in the southeast Asia.
You want me to point to legislation he has passed. Ron Paul is not a major law passer so you are not going to get much on that angle. It again shows me just how lost you are that that is what should define him as far as accomplishment. Liberty destroying legislation? Sorry, that is a non starter. I would rather point to an outstanding career in the private sector as a doctor who has brought thousands of children into this world. Your criticism of him borders on petulant disrespect and you should be ashamed.
Regarding sound money and currency - I highly recommend you read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin if you wish to begin understanding currency, the true origin of the Fed, and what a return to gold and silver sanity might look like. He is not advocating we carry around bars of gold. Your take on that is so far off it is laughable. It's childish and you should stop spouting it. We were on the gold standard up until Nixon.
And if you want to really understand what makes liberals tick (and I am assuredly not one of them in the modern sense - classical yes, modern 60's no) check out Thomas Sowell's excellent The Vision of the Anointed. Funnily enough, you and other mainstream cold warrior minded conservatives are betraying the true Edmund Burke inspired roots of the philosophy and you don't even realize it. Federalist papers? How about the Constitution? Why don't you try reading that.
The difference between you and me is I'm done being suckered by RINO's. You and your ilk apparently think we can afford another round with the likes of Romney and Gingrich. Sorry, I and many others are done.

Anonymous said...

I am actually a very positive and optimistic person. I enjoy, appreciate, and understand the wonder if this elaborately constructed physical universe and know there is much more beyond this life which will be revealed. We are ultimately trapped in a five sense prison. I realize we are all eternal consciousness having a temporary human experience in a carbon based spacesuit we call the human body. Again, you are not going to be schooling me in any way shape or form on these fronts.
I want my reps in DC to stop enacting and passing laws. In my book, that is what defines a successful "career" in politics. You think you have me pegged. I have to laugh. I have several friends with whom I have shared this and they are getting quite a chuckle at your (mis)characterization of me. Whatever, I have offered you a different way to consider things and that is all I was looking for. Hopefully it will work its way in and allow you to see how misguided your allegiance to the status quo is. US foreign policy is a laughable and absurdly expensively joke and YOU CAN'T PAY FOR IT. That is the world I am living in. I have no illusions about Ron Paul and don't think he is going to save the universe. I am practical and realize we need to pull a major uturn before it is too late. It may already be but this current election cycle and Ron Paul's success has really inspired me to believe Americans might finally get it. If the mainstream repubs cannot awaken to exactly where we are and what this election means and nominate Ron Paul, then they and we are finished as a once free republic. I will meet Gingrich with the same level of hyperbole and say without apology that if it is any other than Ron Paul, one may as well pull the lever for Obama and we can just stick a fork in this bitch for good.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, your refusal to acknowledge the effects and failures of US foreign policy underscores your lack of intellectual honesty.

One would hope the debacle that is the war in Iraq would have shown you the folly of these crusades, but unfortunately you're still beating the war drums.

It's difficult to take your critique seriously, given your ignorance of the facts, and lack of understanding of what true conservatism is all about.

Ron Paul has suggested that constant American sanctions and military interventions in the Middle East contributed to hostility toward the U.S. which created a more potent environment for 9/11.

Who else says this? The CIA and the 9/11 Commission Report.

But since we’re discussing conservatism, let’s take a look at what Russell Kirk had to say about this subject.

For those unfamiliar with Kirk (pay attention here, Jennifer), Bill Buckley once said: “It is inconceivable even to imagine, let alone hope for, a dominant conservative movement in America without [Kirk’s] labor.”

Kirk is the person most credited with popularizing the term “conservative” with his groundbreaking 1953 book The Conservative Mind. In a speech before The Heritage Foundation in 1991, Kirk had this to say about President George H.W. Bush and the possible future consequences of the Persian Gulf War:

We must expect to suffer during a very long period of widespread hostility toward the United States — even, or perhaps especially, from the people of certain states that America bribed or bullied into combining against Iraq. In Egypt, in Syria, in Pakistan, in Algeria, in Morocco, in all of the world of Islam, the masses now regard the United States as their arrogant adversary …

“Expect to suffer”? Is Russell Kirk “blaming America” here? Or was Kirk predicting 9/11? Either way, Kirk was making a basic conservative observation about human nature (his forte). Conservatives generally agree that any government intervention — taxes, regulations, abusive TSA agents — affect human behavior in multiple ways. But the most intense action any government can take — the decision to wage war — produces no similar human reaction?

The CIA disagrees. So did Russell Kirk.

Blindly defending our psychotic foreign policy is a sure sign you're not really interested in reasoned discourse.

Carry on banging your war drum, you can't explain how you'll FUND these endless crusades, nor admit the damage it's done to US interests abroad.

Ron Paul has the honesty to speak of these failures, and is why his candor is drawing more and more support to his candidacy.

I'm sure you'll be calling me a liberal as well very shortly, unaware that I've been GOP voter long before your neo-con awakening.

Tuesday said...

You are no different from a liberal. You treat Ron Paul like a celebrity and worship him.

I am definitely a RINO. I have no qualms about stating so. I do not disagree with EVERYTHING you or Ron Paul has said but I also live in the REAL world where extreme ideas are wonderful to hold but not realistically going to be jammed down the throats of most Americans. It just will not happen and you need to come to terms with this.

9/11 our fault? We created it? This is the equivalent of saying if a girl dresses provocatively she created a welcoming to be raped. This is the mentality you are going off of. This is exactly what people hear when you say such absurdities.

Things do NOT occur in a vacuum. We cannot simple bury our heads in the sand, pull out military and pretend nothing is going on in the world. The internet has connected us all around the world. There is NO stopping this.

Ron Paul reminds me of a kid that sticks his fingers in his ears and stomps his feet yelling, "lalalalalalalalala...I can't hear you! I'm right. You're stupid!!!!" This is EXACTLY what you are doing. You disregard anything that doesn't "fit" into your extreme world view.

Ron Paul MOST CERTAINLY advocated carrying around gold and silver. He stated that paper money is illegal. Did you miss that? Really? For being such a Paul fan, I would think you would know that.

I can tell you this much, I do not claim to know everything. NO ONE does. It's easy to play the hindsight is 20/20 game. No war has EVER been perfect. Think of the horrible mistakes that were made during even the Revolutionary war. Would you advocate that being a horrible war as well? Nothing is perfect and you need to start accepting that if you expect to be taken seriously.

Do you want another Viet Nam where we pull out and millions of people are slaughtered? Was that a good choice that you probably advocated?

If Ron Paul gets the nomination, I will be voting for him, as anything is better than the a$$hat that's in there now and realistically, he won't get everything passed anyway. My concern is his complete disregard of other people's opinions and lack of concern over our greatest ally in the Middle East - Israel. Strategically and intellectually they are our best bet in toppling terrorism. Why you want to cut them off is beyond my comprehension.

Best of luck to you and thank you for the comments!

Tuesday said...

"You are trapped in the Left Right paradigm."

That would be setting up a false dichotomy and if you don't already know, I am trained in the sciences. I am comparing you to many modern day liberals. That has NOTHING to do with EVERY liberal. Speaking in generalities becomes necessary in the sciences and politics is a science. That does not mean you should constantly think in that "box." It is a mere recognition that some statistics are thrown out or what I would refer to as "Q-tested out." This is where the terms liberal and conservative become necessary to use in general conversations concerning politics.

Anonymous said...

Toppling terrorism? Wow, you are farther gone that I thought. That's all I needed. Best of luck. You're going to need it.

Tuesday said...

Nobody calls me Jennifer. It's Tuesday. Thank you in advance.

Tuesday said...



Anonymous said...

With all due respect, if your level of scientific analysis is akin to your level of political awareness, we are doomed both politically and scientifically.
Ron Paul and hist stances are the future of the GOP. I hope you are able to embrace this sooner rather than later.
Again, how will you pay for all of these war$? The emperor (US) is butt naked. $ 4 Trillion in the past decade. Are we really better off? 500,000 + dead Iraqi civilians minimum, 4000+ approx dead US soldiers in Iraq alone, 33,000 maimed/wounded. What do we have? Jeffersonian republics sprouting up all over the middle east? Nope. 1$ gas? Nope. Your stance is ridiculous and frankly indefensible. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

The American people are overwhelmingly sick and tired of the constant warfare state. You are on the wrong side of history here.

Tuesday said...


OMG! This is too funny. You Paul supporters are out of your mind.

I happen to have 2 great friends that are HUGE Ron Paul supporters and they sound just like this. I love 'em to death but they are nuts when it comes to Ron Paul!

Tuesday said...

No, I'm just not an extremist and I am trained in the hard sciences. I have also taken several courses in political science. You are very narrow-minded and completely unrealistic. Sorry to say but I think you need to understand you are wasting your vote here. Ron Paul will NOT beat Obama. It's just NOT going to happen. You need to get real with the world and stop living in a black hole.

Tuesday said...

500,000 + dead Iraqi civilians minimum

OMG...that is SUCH a f@cking LIE! How dare you say something so absurd. That comes straight from the mouth of Rosie O'Donnell.

Anonymous said...

Are you seriously so completely unaware of the things mentioned in these satires that you think anybody who acknowledges and investigates them is somehow unprincipled and or unhinged? Have you ever read something by say Dr. Joseph Farrell? I would love to hear you dismiss his writings and research so easily. Again, you are surface level at best masquerading as an informed politico somehow above it all.
There are many of these youtube satires pointing out the absurdities of the very things Paul addresses. Again they are funny but if posting these is all you have to wrap this up...FAIL.
I hope you and your children don't have to one day experience the direct effects of the possible in your face tyranny our current political course unfolds.

Anonymous said...

The title of your blog ought to be "Why I am NOT a Rational Thinker"

You've no conception of what constitutes conservative thought, and are clearly ignorant of the historical roots of the ideology.

RINOs like yourself can never account for how they'll FUND these endless crusades.

JENNIFER, the Emperor has no clothes, but you just keep on pretending otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday as one of your friends who supports Ron Paul I assure you I am not a nut. I own my own business and have suffered the effects first hand of this economic crisis. I have sat and waited while my boyfriend fought over seas. I carried the worry. Ron Paul has more support from the military than any other candidate period. Does that mean nothing? Do you understand the austrian Business cycle? Do you know where he stands on anything? It is not me that wears the rose colored glasses. We are not a cult, we are not brain washed. We are Americans who love Liberty. Freedom. We are fighting so we can think for "shocker" ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Your denial of the civilian casualties in Iraq comes as little surprise given your previous drivel.

Carry on prostituting what little intellectual honesty you might still have left, you're sadly misinformed and can't avoid the devastation we've inflicted.

While you're tucking your children into bed at night, you might remember the 100,000s women and children dead in support of your crusade against "terror."

Shame on you.

Tuesday said...

You probably like Alex Jones too?

Anonymous said...

Taken several courses in political science? That and a dime...oh wait...no it won't get you a cup of coffee because our currency has for a hard FACT been so debased and devalued by the FED's debt based fiat joke money supply. But this is probably a conspiracy theory, right? God help us. And yes, unfortunately we have killed a whole heck of a lot of civilians over there for no good reason. Your denial is pathetic. Even if we go conservative on the estimate, it is still an atrocity and was not worth it. And you are your ilk want more. Dear God help us.




Tuesday said...

Dear G-d, help you!

I wasn't talking about currency. Didn't I just say that I don't disagree with EVERYTHING. I understand there are issues with the economy and I never claimed to know how to handle them however, I know at this point if we go by the gold and silver standard there will be people who will suffer long and hard in the country. Is that what you really want? You want to talk about corruption? It will be worse than ever if we do that.

Tuesday said...

For claiming not to be a liberal, I notice you like to use their sites for citing information. LOL!

Tuesday said...

Hey, there's a bunch of friends on my Facebook thread...you can join our conversation there. My Facebook is on the lower right hand corner of my blog. Join in if you like. It's me against a bunc of your "Paul friends." LOL!

Tuesday said...

Guess you want to remain anonymous. I understand. I would too. ;)

Anonymous said...

Do your children know you support the murder of innocents in the name of this endless crusade?

You can stick your head in the sand and ignore the 100,000s of dead Iraqi civilians that your crusade has produced, but it doesn't change the fact that these numbers are real.

I do thank you for admitting your lack understanding of monetary policy, I only wish you had the same honesty as it relates to foreign affairs.

Bang your war drum Jennifer, your children will surely be proud.

Tuesday said...

You are absolutely lying about the amount of people being killed. Again, you are no different from a liberal who likes to play loose with the facts in order to make a point. The ends justify the means to you. People see through these games. You claim to be older but you are non the wiser.

Anonymous said...

You are in complete denial of the real numbers, and haven't the courage to own the carnage inflicted on Iraqis.

If you want to defend these crusades, you'd best be willing to accept the horrors of war and unintended consequences.

Most Americans now realize the folly of endless war, particularly in light of the disaster that is Iraq.

You might bother asking some others what they think about that crusade, 70% of America now admits it was waste.

Again, your willful dismissal of the facts is proof to all that you've no intellectual honesty when it comes to this matter.

Put down your shovel and stop digging.

Tuesday said...

The only carnage inflicted on the Iraqis was done by Saddam Hussein. How you can go around with these grossly inflated numbers so that you can justify your extreme, dogmatic, legalistic view of the world, quite frankly disgusts me.

You have to understand the basics and fundamentals of something before you can go around lecturing others and this is why so many people think Paul-bots are nuts. You clearly do not understand BASIC principles. You see everything almost as a religion and totally negate to see that the economy is ever expanding and decreasing - oscillating. Policy must reflect those changes. You cannot simply look at something and forget the fact that it's ever-changing. Policy is not stagnant.

Spare me with this "we're broke" shit. Palease! Your scare tactics just don't work with me or other normal people who aren't located on the crazy fringe.

Tuesday said...

Why do you insist on calling me Jennifer when I asked you to call me Tuesday? There's only one person who calls me that and it sure as sh!t ain't you.

Tuesday said...

T-girl, your opinion weighs heavily upon me. I know there are points that we agree on, much more than with other people. You know me VERY, VERY well. I just do not like this guy. He's got such a fake, sleazy demeanor to him and on top of that, I think he's selling snake's oil.

If he gets the nominee, I will vote for him but I don't want to. :)

Anonymous said...

You rattle off the "spare me " shit like you know something. You cannot answer the funding question. Go ahead and continue your silly saber rattling while your political, miltary, and economic bankruptcy are exposed to the light of day. You're unwavering support of a patently bankrupt agenda speaks for itself. Do yourself a favor and close this blog out before you embarras yourself further. You and your little Paul bot thing are now beyond redundant. It doesn't carry the effect you imagine.

Tuesday said...

LMAO! Okay anonymous.

Anonymous said...

"LMAO" enough said you got nothin this is the response of puppyshit know nothings

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, your Village called.

Tuesday said...

How am I supposed to reason with someone who is unreasonable?

The funny part about this is, you act like the guy is something different and standing for something different than the other candidates when he himself is a career politician. He's done nothing in 20 years but whine about big government, unless it comes to his constituents. Oh, yeah he claims he's trying to get their fair share but that's what ALL of them do, so how is that any different?

You are being sold a bag of goods and acting like a sheep. Get with the program already. I hope the rest of your life isn't as vaguely studied as your understanding of politics and economics.

Like my hero Savage says, "Go back and learn the basics - fire bad, food good." You're gonna have to go back before you can learn to comprehend what is beyond your current scope of understanding. Best of luck.

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