
What I Mean When I Say, "They Don't 'Get It'"

So, I ran across an article written by, Taylor Marsh. She is clearly a person who is thick-in-the-head.

One thing I would like to point out about anti-Tea Partiers is, they constantly use dramatic rhetoric demonizing people but, never follow through with any examples citing their claims.

If you read the article, she is trying to defend Clinton and his remarks about igniting violence, bringing up the Oklahoma City bombing. She further tries to characterize the Tea Party and their efforts and likens them to "right tactics" that were used during the years Clinton was in office. She even goes so far as to try and justify Clinton's actions when he was impeached!

First of all, I keep hearing folks like her say that the Tea Party members just, "really don't understand taxes."

As we found out last week, many in the Tea Party are wealthy and well above McVeigh’s class. Their anger is splintered and partially misinformed, especially on taxes, though their target of government spending hits the mark.

Excuse me? I am sorry to point out to this moron that most economists are CONSERVATIVE. It is very rare that you run into a "liberal economist." That's pretty much an oxymoron, even on liberal campuses. This is just a FACT.

As a Princeton grad myself, I have full confidence in your teacher. Putting that issue aside, let me address your central question: Does the study of economics tend to make people conservative?

I believe the answer is, to some degree, yes. My experience is that many students find that their views become somewhat more conservative after studying economics. There are at least three, related reasons.

He then goes on to list the reasons why. If you would like, just follow the link to read the full post on his blog.

Putting aside this fact that economists are generally conservative, do you notice how Marsh makes her attack but, then never follows up with what it is that the Tea Party people supposedly don't "understand" concerning taxes? No, she just continues on as if that is fact and her readers shouldn't question her.

Of course, nothing could possibly be written by a liberal about The Tea Party, without mentioning race and, how they hate Obama because he is black. In reality, this is probably the only thing they actually LIKE about him. I think most ALL Americans can come together and say they are quite proud that a minority is in office. This is a wonderful accomplishment for this county. Most people are thrilled because, it PROVES how far this country has come to overcome the problems it once had. It also proves that minorities are not victims! You can work hard and accomplish anything you desire, regardless of your race.

Marsh chooses, instead, to liken The Tea Party members to simpletons who are only mad at government for having a black in office. They are just a bunch of racists, in her eyes, who are stupid and ilinformed. Once again, there is NO evidence for anything she categorically claims to be true. The sheep reading her article are merely supposed to absorb her words without question.

There is a complete lack of understanding when it comes to the people who make up the Tea Party. Not everyone is right-of-center. There are many folks on the left who are also angered by government's expansion within the last several years. Obama has made himself the, "straw on the camels back" with the policies he is pushing through. Many folks have been mad for years and not just at Democrats but, Republicans as well. Reading this article only further shows how completely out of touch many of these liberals are with the people, especially those who make up The Tea Party.

I do not have all the articles in front of me but, I read quite a bit out of several news publications when Clinton was in office. This was mostly due to having to do so for school. While reading out of very liberal publications like Time, and US Weekly, I remember distinctly them saying that Tim McVeigh was a liberal, not a conservative. In one interview, they noted that he loved watching CNN - hardly a center for right wing ideology, even back then. Yet, it's the conservatives that are rewriting history?

We also know that the Clinton administration buried every single report concerning a man, John Dow number 2, that was described as a Middle Eastern man. I'm not going to go off on a tangent here (that would be another topic entirely), but the point is that McVeigh was working with terrorists! The Middle Eastern variety. Ya know? The crisis that Clinton ALWAYS IGNORED! See USS Cole, '93 WTC Bombing, Saddam Hussein - no-fly zone, ect. The list goes on and on. OKC was just one that he was able to somehow try and push on the right, blaming Rush Limbaugh.

Marsh also tries her hardest demonize the members of The Tea Party, by insisting they mostly believe that Obama is an illegal alien but, then the poll she sites for this article says:

This fact was once again proven last week when the CBS/NY Times poll reported that this myth “persists among Tea Partiers,” but also many Americans, with a total of 44% either not knowing or believing Pres. Obama was born in another country.

She words the article to make it sound like birthers are the majority of The Tea Party but, 44 percent is hardly a majority, let alone, it would be less than even that because, the 44 percent cited, also includes folks who say, "they don't know." She combines the numbers to make the number larger.

Bottom line, birthers may be wrong but, don't they have some concern or worry that there is a president who is dead set on not allowing records to be released? Perhaps he was born here, let's say it is a myth. What is it that he's hiding, because it's clearly something. Can she not at least admit that?

At the very end of this poor excuse of an article, Marsh tries to rationalize Clinton:
However, it’s important to remember he was still impeached through the lazy lacing of a thin sexual harassment case with a consensual affair that required the questionable and possibly illegal sequestration of a young woman, never mind that the two cases should never should have been coupled in the first place.

Umm...did this woman even read The Starr Report? You cannot be this ignorant and consider yourself to be an authority on politics. Ms. Marsh should be ashamed of herself! How can a woman support a womanizing, abuser like Bill Clinton? The man had not one complaint of sexual harassment but, I believe the number climbed to SEVEN. That being said, he was NOT impeached because, he had an affair! For crying out loud, the man was impeached because, he had people hide evidence, he tampered with witnesses, AND he LIED under oath! I mean, what is it that these morons do not understand?!?!

Can someone really be this stupid that they don't know the basic facts of the case that involved Clinton? Again, why would you ever defend the actions of a man who is clearly disrespectful of woman? This woman is a disgrace to women everywhere!

People like Taylor Marsh just really confuse me. They just don't "get it!"


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