
Vietnam When it's Convenient

For once, I am seeing the New York Times attempt at being fair so, I thought it was important to share this article.

It seems as though Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, is just another Democrat that thinks he actually served in Vietnam. His record does show that served during Vietnam, as a Marine Reserve. This, was, of course, after 5 deferments.

According this article, Blumenthal likes to play up his service, especially when speaking with the vets. He even goes so far as to indicate that he, "came back from Vietnam" which is most peculiar, since he was never there.

Well, what I don't understand is, why does this man feel the need to lie about his service? Is it because, Bush was so wrongfully criticized for his service, since he also did not go to Vietnam? I don't think there is anything to be shameful about here, other than lying and misleading people. That IS shameful.

We see this all the time with Democrats. One year they are telling the American people that there is nothing wrong with what Clinton did - dodging the draft. The next election cycle, they are telling the American people what a hero Kerry was for going to Vietnam, who also got caught in several embarrassing, over dramatic lies about his service. They go out of their way to criticize Bush but, somehow, I don't remember Bush hiding from his absence in Vietnam. He didn't go but, he served his country in other ways.

Blumenthal served in the Marine Reserves. Okay. I think that's great but, enough with these lies and half-truths. You served; be proud; don't exaggerate. When people do this type of thing, it's an insult to those other American's that served, almost downplaying their role. It's also insulting to the folks that did go over to Vietnam. In any case, it's just an overall embarrassment for this country.


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