
A Damn Good Post!

So, I'm chatting with some libtard on Facebook...oops...he seems like a nice guy, just confused, hence the "tard." So, I posted this to him:

The great part about politics is that it IS a science. I always use this model to help folks...draw a circle, a circle around that, and a circle around that..ect...like a bulls eye. Center-write MATH, that is the core of EVERYTHING, it's universal and everything breaks down to that. Next circle further out, write PHYSICS, this is the study of using math to find values. With physics, you gain knowledge of how to find values you are looking for in the various areas of science. You learn about forces, fulcrums, torques, masses, densities, standards, ect. Then, next, CHEMISTRY...you learn about elements, the atom, entropy, behaviors of compounds, Le Chatlier's principle, interactions, Van Der Walls, steric hinderence (my personal favorite!), Gibbs free energy, organic and inorganic, nomenclature, ect. Next circle, BIOLOGY. You learn about animals and humans, classifications of, interactions, ....etc...from there, you can go almost anywhere, ALL areas of study are related, economics, psychology, POLITICS, sociology, etc. I can even tell you how comedy can be related to math and physics...but, I digress...the point is, there is a flowing logic to all of these areas and once you grasp the underlying LOGIC that follows, you will clearly be able to see, and instantly, that liberalism (as it's defined today), goes against any and all LOGIC. It IS a mental disorder no matter what way you slice it. It follows no facts, no figures, no logic...etc.

The problem I have with people like Obama and his ilk, they HAVE to know this! Many are well educated, going to the best schools in the world. Either they are well intentioned people, who have mental disorders or, they are evil f@cks that KNOW exactly what I've told you and are gaining power through the mass ignorant. Take your pick.


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