
Phil Robertson - Not a Free Speech Issue -- It's a Stupidity Issue

Phil Robertson, the man who is on some show called Duck Dynasty was recently suspended for some comments he made in an interview with a magazine. For whatever reason this story is everywhere and it seems nobody can stop talking about it.

First off, this is NOT a free speech issue. I don't know why people keep saying that it is. Mr. Robertson is not sitting in jail for his comments pertaining to the acts of homosexuality -- he said it was unnatural. He was and IS able to say whatever he likes to whomever he likes as it pertains to his faith. A&E also have a right to fire him or suspend him for whatever reason. Obviously they felt the comments were too reactionary for their business and chose to suspend their relationship with him. It's their right to free speech as well.

I have watched a bit of this show, although not enough to say I know the show or who all the characters are. The few parts I have seen were funny and it's obvious the show has done rather well since it seems to be quite popular. We all have the right to disagree with how A&E chose to handle the situation; I have no problem with that. Personally, I am not sure this will work out in their favor but again, it's their prerogative.

This situation reminds me of the time when Bill Maher was fired from Politically Incorrect. Yes, the network had a right to fire Maher but he was on a show called Politically Incorrect for goodness sake! These days I rarely ever agree with Maher but I did support him and I do support Robertson. With that being said, I must support the networks in both of these cases, since I believe they have rights as well. It's how our Constitution works. Rights apply to all, not some.

First, does A&E really expect us to believe they had NO idea who this man was and what his general beliefs were? Are we expected to believe they never saw something like this coming? Really? Also, I thought this was supposed to be a reality show? So much for showing reality when they have decided to completely censor it. This is not an issue of free speech; it's a stupidity issue.

Furthermore, I have to ask how it is going to be possible to treat homosexuals as "equals" when our culture seems to demand that we treat them special or go out of our way to treat them as weak and victims? Do homosexuals really give a rat's behind what this guy said to some magazine? Are gays really this sensitive? I do not happen to believe they are. In fact, I have a suspicion that not many would even know about this had it not been for A&E bringing it to everyone's attention. They are choosing to make this a much bigger deal than what it is. As a result, this only further perpetrates the myth that gays are out to push their lifestyle on others or some other crazy conclusions that come from the far right.

Saying that homosexuality is unnatural is not that inflammatory. Many people believe this. I cannot speak for Robertson but I can say that homosexuality can be observed as abnormal from a biological perspective. (Please note that I said, "can be.") Many of us are abnormal, just in different ways. I have ADD; I am abnormal. It doesn't mean that we should treat people who are abnormal with disrespect and I do not feel this man's comments were meant to be taken that way. He believes in the Bible; he has his faith and last I checked Christianity does demand that we love one another. Not all Christians are the same; some are good and many are just like everyone else -- struggling and trying to improve. No matter what we believe about the topic, we should talk openly about what we believe. It can help all of us grow together and not further apart.

To sum it all up:

1) Phil Robertson is NOT in jail. He has a right to free speech. A&E also have a right to their free speech to fire him for comments they decided reflected poorly on their network.

2) A&E's show Duck Dynasty is obviously NOT a reality show; it is an entertainment show where the characters improv as themselves.Words and actions that do not correspond to the network's liking are censored.

3) The comments that were made to the magazine are those shared by millions of Americans. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, drawing all this attention to them only sends a signal that homosexuals will remain perpetual victims. The action of A&E serves only to perpetuate myths.

4) If homosexuals are equal than they should be equally criticized. There should be no sacred cows in our culture.

5) This is a stupidity issue. There is no way that A&E did not know who this man was or what his general beliefs were. They knew full well what type of values and beliefs this man and his family held BEFORE they signed them on to do a show.

6) No matter what any of us believe, we are still ALL Americans. At the end of the day, we all share the same country. We are all different. None of us are perfect. We all have our beliefs and we all have a right to be tolerated AND criticized by others, provided that we are not physically harming anyone or their property. We are all made fun of and ridiculed; we all need to grow some skin. If you are offended by what Robertson said, than you need to understand that things you say probably offend people as well. It's life. It's not easy for anyone.

7) Love yourself; love everyone else; do your best and worry about what YOU believe and say. Don't worry about some nobody on tv who doesn't really affect you anyway. Listen to others who disagree with you; learn from them. Try not to be so sensitive.


Nelson Mandela is Dead and I'm Fine With That

The news has been announced of Nelson Mandela's death. It's been days now. Surprisingly, my news feed on Facebook was cluttered with quotes and other links that seemed to offer support of Mandela, acknowledging him as some reverent leader, a peaceful man, and a once-political prisoner who only wanted peace for his people.

All of this left me a bit horrified. My status?


Obama and Netanyahu

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said at the Likud faction meeting on Monday that an Israeli team led by his national security adviser would be sent to the US next week to work on a final status nuclear deal with Iran. An interim deal was signed last week between world powers and Iran over its controversial nuclear program.

Personally I'm not sure what to think. It is amazing that Iran is willing to discuss anything. Surely something needs to be done and all parties realize this. Still, I cannot help but have a bit of apprehension.


Self-Congratulatory Liberal

I ran across this post on Facebook by accident. I had anticipated this to be typical liberal rhetoric, which is not such a big deal. I mean, it doesn't hurt to hear a different opinion from time to time and in this case, it makes for a great post.


Megyn Kelly Confronts Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel

Obamacare "architect" Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel enters the ring with Megyn Kelly.

The only conclusions I can come to are the two that I have been saying all along -- either Obama is deceitful or he is merely incompetent. Perhaps there is another conclusion and I am "missing" something but I cannot understand how he thought people would not have their insurance policies cancelled. Exploding rates, higher standards, and legislation that was created to affect the whole, it was just foolish for him to tell people they could keep their coverage if they liked it. Did he intentionally leave out that they could only keep their coverage IF it met the new standards? Did he know this and gloss over it like a snake-oil salesman? Or did he really not understand the bill he signed into law?

According to what I have read (because I was not available to watch), Obama has apparently addressed the nation and told us that he will make it so people will be able to keep their current healthcare but, how can he promise this? Obamacare is law; didn't he and his administration make that clear repeatedly? How can he just arbitrarily change something that is not up for a vote in Congress? It doesn't make much sense, unless this is an executive order. I will wait to comment further because there is obviously something missing here but so far the promises from Obama have been anything but promising.


Jon Stewart and Charles Krauthammer

I was browsing YouTube and came across this video. I'm glad I did. As always, Krauthammer is brilliant. In this debate/discussion/interview with Jon Stewart he does a brilliant job at explaining the Obama heath care law and why so many conservatives oppose it.

Jon is also brilliant and I appreciate how he expresses himself and his ideas as well. I don't often agree with Stewart but I do think he's hilarious and he really does seem to think about what he believes, rather than just spouting off the typical liberal rhetoric that we are so used to hearing. Both of them really make an effort to be respectful of one another and demonstrate how most of us would like our politicians to discuss issues.



Victim to Sue Parents of Bullies

This post is dedicated to a man named David. 

Caitlin Rocco who is a senior at Scholars Academy in Rockaway Beach in the state of New York, along with her mother, are currently working to sue her bullies and their parents in court. 


Someone Explain the Joke Rules to Me?

Once again the liberal blogs have picked up a story running through the social media. It appears they are rather up in arms over this photo:

Here on the far right we have Greg Cimeno - who I also happen to be friends with on Facebook, and have been for a number of years. I don't know him personally but I do feel as though I know him. We've chatted rather frequently through the years and I consider him to be a great guy. He's young, very ambitious, and has always been an open and honest guy as far as I can tell. 


Russell Brand Another Celebrity Another Divided Mind

I'm not even sure where to begin but go ahead and watch the video clip I just posted.

If you are not interested in watching, believe me, I understand.


The Responsibility of the Artist

The only stories or movies I truly enjoy are those that are coming of age or comedy. I find that stories that offer a reason for laughter or give the audience a message of succeeding, overcoming great obstacles are those that connect well with me. If I am needing to gain something else for my entertainment, I can merely live life or watch the news, which is certain to bring me sorrow or reveal the lower levels of humanity.


American Wisdom

America is currently witnessing great polarity within our culture. There are those that would like to change many basic American principles and replace them with old ideas that reflect those of the European world -- the world our founding fathers left in hopes for a new life. Then there are those of us who desire to move towards preserving the value of individual freedom and responsibility. Of course we also have people who all over the spectrum. There are those who do not subscribe to any ideology, traditional or otherwise, so their opinions often seem to contradict one another. There seem to be quite a number of citizens who do not involve themselves at all in politics viewing it as worthless because they have been encouraged to be jaded or felt to believe their voice does not matter. Still, the idea of evolving into something else remains strong in today's current political climate.

My personal view is one that believes in American wisdom. The belief that all who desire more can receive more and this can best be gained through teaching personal responsibility and valuing individual, G-d given rights.

My criticism of the current American left comes into play when I see and hear the words of those who have expressed American tradition as being evil, racist, and blasting capitalism as a purely corrupt system. These are people who subscribe to the zero-sum principle which is to hold the idea that if one person gains, another person must be losing. They have somehow convinced themselves that there are only so many resources, that everything is limited or constricted in some way and this includes individual's abilities and talents. The far left loves to remind us of our country's poverty, racism, crimes that involve guns, intolerance to homosexuality and other sexual taboo behavior, "imperialism," evil capitalism, war, corrupt police, and of course our lack of "free" healthcare.

To be fair, these issues do exist but does it never occur to the modern day far left that these things have always existed in some way, shape, or form? Does it not occur to them that countries around the world that hold a variety of different types of government/beliefs/ideologies also experience these same woes, most being even worse when compared to ours?

The fact is, we must deal in reality when it comes to understanding the nature of why these problems occur in the first place. By spending our time constantly focusing on what is wrong, we lose sight of what is right in our world; we divide ourselves. If you listen to the left long enough, you will come away thinking in false dichotomies. To them we have the haves and have nots; minorities vs. whites, heterosexual vs. LGBT's, intelligent vs. stupid, capitalism vs. socialism, and the list goes on and on. They draw attention to differences and problems and wonder why polarity increases along with the problems. The far-right does this as well but the difference is that the far-right has very few outlets to express their views, so much of their message is widely ignored.

Individuals are powerful. The importance of protecting individuals is vital for a culture that wants to grow as a whole. The left is focused on the "common good" so much so that they ignore or underestimate the power of the individual. They mock conservatives who believe that the poor can overcome their circumstances because they believe that the examples of those who have raised themselves to higher statuses are anecdotal and are based on luck. They do not posses the insight and wisdom that dictates hard work and gratitude can help people increase their life and the lives of those around them. They have such a disbelief in this principle that they actually tell the poor they will remain poor no matter what they do. The more moderate will state that the poor can only do well if only the liberal policies can be implemented. Those who are ill can only get the help they need if their precious health care bill gets passed. Yes, if only the evil Republicans would go away your grandmother could live forever and collect Social Security in order to bake you cookies.

Listen to Michael Moore as he tells Wolf Blitzer that there is only room for so many people at the top. This is a far-left wing ideologue who is just like so many in this country who has plenty of his own money from working hard but he's here to tell the rest of America that there is only so much wealth to go around. Notice how he is promoting the idea of limitation, this is exactly what the zero-sum argument is. There is only one pie and it can only be cut up into a certain amount of pieces. Also notice how he likes to separate the top "one percent" from the rest of us. This is very typical hyperbole from the far left because they refuse to understand our connection with each other. He speaks of the one percent as being separate from us rather than being one of us.

The fact is liberals either do not know or do not want you to know, it does not matter what system a person is living in, those who want to become successful and develop themselves into characters who desire more for themselves can and will achieve. You can be who you want in any system; the world will open up opportunities for you. If you are poor in a capitalist system, you will remain poor in a socialist system as well only you will also be much more likely to lose many individual rights; this indeed holds true under communist regimes where poor individuals have almost no rights.

When you have a culture and government that promotes the importance of general moral principles and rewards morality, you can then increase the amount of moral individuals. Moral individuals who do well and succeed will operate their businesses in moral ways offering valuable jobs, goods, and services. Using this principle there is ultimately no reason for businesses to actually "compete" with one another because when individuals are working for the good and using moral principles, they will be responding to the needs of the whole.

Liberals actively engage in destroying taboos and promoting immorality. They support the efforts of Hollywood that increase exposure to sexuality of all kind, demonetization of religion or tradition, the promotion of breaking down the normal family unit by belittling the importance of fathers, and even slander the free market by labeling it "legalized greed," just as Michael Moore stated in the video clip above. After they twist and turn definitions and bring messages of moral relativity to the population, they then become shocked when things go bad, like businesses not paying taxes or offering better pay and benefits.

Honestly, how can you expect businesses to be honorable and make good decisions if you are promoting individuals to be immoral or have no real concept of right and wrong? How can anyone possibly expect government officials to behave in a certain way if our culture is currently determined to promote values that are in exact opposition of how you expect them to behave?

Humans are complex but they are not complicated. Regardless of race, sex, or lifestyle we all desire to grow and become more but if we live among many individuals who act immorally and who promote pessimistic ideas it does indeed become more difficult to overcome bad circumstances. Even if a person is able to do so they will treat others poorly because they have never been shown a more superior way to behave. True success cannot be found among those that compete and use others for the sole purpose of clawing their way to the top. These people abuse their power by abusing others, spreading even more content and anxiety.

If however, more individuals do act morally we will have more examples for people to follow and emulate. Having these examples coupled with faith and gratitude can actually help people overcome their personal challenges, rise above, and become great examples themselves.

We have to stop pitying people and look at them more as those who have yet to advance themselves. We must believe in our fellow man the way we believe in our source, our G-d, our own spirit. The best way to connect with our source and receive those blessings come from having self-interest and promoting self-interest. Only by gaining more in life can we possibly help ourselves, our families, and others. There is absolutely nothing wrong or greedy about wanting to obtain wealth and success unless you are someone who enjoys promoting the failure of others and yourself. The only person we can control is ourselves, not others. If we cannot help ourselves, we are of no value to anyone. We cannot merely preach to others about what they should do; we must be an example for them.

What example do modern day liberals give us? Their promotion of immorality and/or moral relativism has brought an increase in many problems we face. They use scare tactics to convince people they have a "solution" for these problems yet they have to know that there will never be a cure. It is ultimately up to individuals to make the first move. Their only solutions come with government and the payment for these solutions is individual liberty -- personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is how people learn and move to overcome their personal obstacles.

Of course the government is influential in people's lives and of course the government can help in many areas of life, but using the government's influence as a way of promising people things that can really only be solved by the individuals themselves is abusive. This means that while government is necessary, it does not mean that government should be intrusive to an extent that takes away a person's identity and/or choices. Doing so removes personal responsibility and gives people an excuse to refrain from advancing as individuals; people can blame their government, their circumstances, others, or we take away their entire motivation.

Again, I say that those who are at the top now will still be at the top in a socialized system but under socialism or communism we know its very construct promotes a disbelief in individuals being able to succeed which only breeds more complacency. Focusing on issues that concern the modern left only increases the existence of those issues.

When individuals work to become moral, they learn to develop an understanding of being their brother's keeper. This means being honest with others and shaming those who do wrong rather than being politically correct and avoid the criticism of bad behaviors. We have slowly become people who are afraid to criticize anything immoral or unnatural for fear of being labeled and shunned. When we draw attention to racism against minorities, we encourage minorities to play the role of victim. When we call attention to the poor, we discourage people to become wealthy. When we say money is limited only to those few privileged in the world, we indeed create limitations on others. We indeed create our reality but not just for ourselves but for those around us who are weaker. This is why it is so important to understand the importance of being accountable to our brothers and sisters -- we are all brothers and sisters and if we love each other, we are honest with one another and we are good examples for them. Pitying them is telling them we do not believe in them. We are telling them they cannot succeed; they cannot overcome.

Remember that mathematics teaches us the term infinity, which defines numbers increasing or decreasing in value with no end. There are no limitations, in any direction. Anyone who tells you that there is only so much of anything in this world is a liar and an insecure person who is desperate and afraid of you and even their own shadow.

I'm not advocating our country get rid of all safety nets for those in need or that we need to do away with food stamps or help with daycare or any of that nonsense that many on the left claim the right wants. It's absurd and quite frankly a nasty attack. What I do ask is that we promote morality and that we offer pragmatic solutions coupled with help that involves teaching others how to see this world as expanding, advancing, and that we all have a place in this world, connected with one another as human beings, not divided.

As individuals we are powerful and having self-interest and a burning desire to succeed is not just important to the individual but it's important to the whole. The more we can encourage people to advance themselves, the more we advance as a whole. This is American wisdom and this is what we should work to preserve, not dismantle.


Healthcare, Government Shutdown, Winning?


Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and was unable to directly answer why it was big businesses were given the opportunity to delay their compliance with the new affordable health care act, while individuals were not being afforded the same option.

After pressing her further on the issue to no avail, a somewhat exasperated Stewart finally smiled and asked, “Am I a stupid man?”


Psychological Projection

Just a random thought... 

To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil. — Charles Krauthammer

In psychology, the term projection is used to describe a person's thoughts and behavior as being a reflection of their true self. People who make accusations towards others are really only revealing who they truly are on the inside.

I've always agreed with the quote above from Krauthammer. I have heard those sentiments exactly from liberals about conservatives and vice versa. Could it be that both sides are projecting themselves with these descriptions?

Well, I don't know about you but I would rather be stupid than evil. 


Maybe Pelosi Just Never Had a Brain to Begin With

I have long suspected that  Nancy was without a brain and I think this latest clip is the firm confirmation of that opinion.
During an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” host Candy Crowley read Pelosi part of a letter signed by union goon James Hoffa Jr. that described Obamacare’s impact on employers as a way to “destroy the foundation of the 40-hour work week.
Pelosi's response?
Some parts of Obamacare need to be clarified, she acknowledged, but losing that 40-hour work week will really free Americans to “pursue your happiness … follow your passion.” 
“Overwhelmingly, for the American people, this is a liberation,” 
You'll have to see it to believe it, so that's why I went ahead and found a link where the video was posted.

I'm not sure what Nancy is thinking here. Does she really believe that people who will get their hours cut in half will somehow magically feel liberated? If anything, these people will go into a panic that will most assuredly drive them to a clinic. Good thing they will have Obamacare, right?

Healthy physically, unhealthy financially.

It is important for all people to have a healthy mind, body, and spirit but, how much should the government get involved in these things? I say there should be a balance. Help, but don't help so much that you suffocate another area of development. When people are now reporting a risk of losing half of their work week because of a bill, I think it's time to take a step back and do some questioning and some adjusting, not push forward bulldozing everything in the way.

California is an expensive state to live in. Of course Pelosi will not experience a cut in her pay. In fact, she herself is against taking a pay cut. She's a millionaire and so are many people who live in California but apparently she is not aware that many others are not. Families all across America are struggling and it's hard to find a job, even with an education.

Since many companies have already announced that they will be cutting hours, these workers will most likely have to search out and find a second job. Working two jobs can be extremely stressful. I know.

Ideally a person will have to get up in the morning, go to their first job, then they will have to find a second job that will start later in the day. Obviously a time gap will be needed to allow for a change of clothes and driving to the next place of employment. Though the worker may find two jobs that will cover 8 hours a day, it may be over the span of 9 to 10 hours or even more, if the hours do not match up ideally. For parents, this will be even more stressful. Making sure children are able to get to school on time and be picked up. What about school activities  -- academic or sports? Who will have time to go see their child play or perform? This doesn't even touch upon the fact that parents will be so worn out by day's end, they will not want to cook or have much time to spend with their children. Where does this leave them? No time for the gym; no time for proper meals; no time to parent their children, but not to worry, if you can squeeze in time, you can spend your night waiting to see the doctor for free!

Am I exaggerating? I don't think I am. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me this is just me being unfair. No really. I want someone to tell me that I am wrong and show me how. I beg of you because after hearing about how so many companies will be going to part time employment, I am very concerned. I myself had to take up a part time job to recover from my loss of a full time writing job. The work was no longer there for me. The person that I worked for simply didn't have any more work. Such is life but I needed some guaranteed money. As it turns out, part time work was all I could find. I am lucky. I can afford to do so and still write part time but, I know many people who cannot afford that luxury. If their hours are cut, they will definitely suffer and be desperate to find a full time job. Even if there are plenty of them, many of them will require skills and/or education that they may not have.

I pray I am wrong.


The Obamacare Issue

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) leaves the floor of the Senate after a testy exchange with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) at the start of legislative business, at the Capitol in Washington, Monday, Sept. 23, 2013.

Both Republicans and democrats are accusing the other of attempting a government shut down. A recent bill passed by the House has excited Harry Reid who has decried:
“Inside the House Republican bubble, the crowd cheered a plan to deny health insurance to tens of millions of Americans or else shut down the government,’’ Mr. Reid said at the outset of a debate that is expected to stretch into next weekend before any significant votes are taken. ‘President Obama has been clear. I have been clear. Any bill that defunds Obamacare is dead on arrival in the Senate.’’
 Ted Cruz (R., Texas) has responded to Mr. Reid, saying:
“There is a tendency in this town toward brinksmanship, towards pointing to events that can cause instability and uncertainty and using them to try to get your way."
I'm surprised that democrats are shocked by the reluctance Republicans have at supporting this bill. The people that placed the Republicans into office did so expecting them to do what they could to block the bill or stop it. Many people on the right have been against the bill and for good reason.

Recent reports are revealing how the bill is already causing quite a stir among different states and how it is already creating chaos.

Different states are doing different things in order to comply with the bill's instructions. Some people will face major hikes in their insurance costs, some almost double or triple the rates. Other states like NY already have high rates so their increase will not be as greatly felt by those currently paying for insurance.

Another report by Bloomberg makes mention of how a great increase in the number of those insured is causing concern among many healthcare professionals. People who have not seen a doctor for quite sometime will inevitably flood doctors, forcing increased waiting time for all patients. Another challenge will be treating those people who have missed their "ideal" window to get treatment. The costs will be huge and since the bill never got proper funding in the first place, as evidenced by the current fiasco in Congress, one is forced to question what will be demanded in funds for healthcare costs in the future?

Some people do not seem to be as concerned. They have voiced opinion that while there may be a slight increase in visits, it will not be as overload as many are claiming or expecting will happen. However, this other, not-so-concerned opinion, seems to contradict what we have already seen happen in Massachusetts, when under Romney, the state went almost universal health care. Increase in patients and treatment did increase and seems to remain high while simultaneously forcing health care providers to deny new patients. Some practices have closed altogether.

Costs up, demand up, accessibility --a soon to be all time low.

To those of us that read the bill -- which I did and struggled to do so -- it appears to be a carte blanche check to the Secretary of Health and Human Services . Yeah, Kathleen Sebelius, the one who made "unintentional errors" on her taxes. In almost every paragraph this title (Secretary of Health and Human Services), is mentioned as the final source to determine A, B, and C of the entire bill. In short, she can approve whatever she likes and give no reason for doing so; there is no oversight. Remember Pelosi's little, "We have to pass the bill in order to find out what's in it" line? Well, Pelosi was telling us the truth. You can't possibly know what was being passed when the Secretary herself has not yet released her strategy.

The bill was a joke to begin with. It was disjointed and clearly written by several different people. In addition almost nobody had time to read the bill. Congress was only given a short window to get through the monstrous bill and many admitted to voting even though they had not read the bill in its entirety.

The democrats want us to believe that somehow conservatives who disapprove of the bill are only doing so because of some sort of deep-seated, selfish need. Some on the left have made vile attacks toward those on the right. They have made claims that we want to see people suffer in illness simply because they are poor. The demonetization of the right tactic by the left has quite frankly gotten rather old. There are many issues with the bill and not one of them concerns a desire to see people suffer.

First, the bill was incomplete to begin with. It was rushed and pushed through as a political move. There is no organization to the implementation of coverage and no uniformity. Many in healthcare have no idea what is going to happen next, what to expect, or how they are going to handle the increase in demand be it a slow or fast. None of these issues were thought out well enough. Other options were not even considered by those on the left. Sure, we can all agree that there needs to be access for care no matter what economic status one is from but why not just expand Medicare and allow more competition between insurance companies? We will also have many with previous conditions now seeking medical care which is great on the surface but how will that affect us? How will we compensate for the costs?

What about the many people who bring about their own health problems compared to those that take care of themselves? Many healthy people are rewarded for their efforts to take care of their bodies with lower costs in healthcare. Now their costs will rise in order to compensate for the costs of people who do nothing but sit on a coach day and night while snacking on junk food, drinking beer, and smoking cigarettes even though they have been diagnosed with diabetes or some other long term medical condition. Healthy people will be forced to carry insurance that covers things that do not even apply to them. The law specifically stipulates certain things that must be covered on all plans. There are many people who simply do not need certain coverage. Men do not need prenatal care and many people will never require coverage for rehab. The Obamacare plans are designed as one-size-fits all but these are not t-shirts they are offering; this is insurance, which is intended to be personal. The argument against this claim is saying that we already pay for coverage that is not necessary so it simply doesn't matter what Obamacare will require.

Okay. I guess.

Who's in charge? Apparently the IRS will oversee Obamacare as it pertains to the requirements of people's coverage. They will be the ones issuing the fines that will be implemented on those who do not purchase insurance. This will obviously require them to have access to sensitive information and will require us to keep them updated.

Even worse still is that the CBO is now actually predicting that a million more Americans (31 million), will be uninsured, compared to the current number which is at 30 million. This means that while people with preexisting conditions will be able to get care, others will opt out and pay a fine instead.

Unfortunately, there is too much confusion involved. For every site that I find making complaints, there is another website out there praising Obamacare and telling us not to worry about anything. Interestingly enough the people who support the bill seem to believe that it is some type of miracle that will cure our country of any and all problems in our healthcare system; they are not questioning anything and this seems rather naive to me.

Perhaps Obamacare does have its good points but how long till we see these results? Yes, our country has problems concerning heath care costs and access but I cannot help believe that perhaps we should have taken our time when finding a way to relieve those in need and increase the amount of those being covered.

In short, we need balance.


IRS Scandal -- Sometimes Those Dems Protest Too Much

Photo by: Carolyn Kaster
**FILE** IRS official Lois Lerner is sworn in on Capitol Hill in Washington on May 22, 2013, before the House Oversight Committee hearing to investigate the extra scrutiny IRS gave to tea party and other conservative groups that applied for tax-exempt status. Lerner told the committee she did nothing wrong and then invoked her constitutional right to not answer lawmakers' questions. (Associated Press)

For some time now we have been hearing the dems protest that there was nothing shady going on at the IRS concerning their suspicious activity to deny certain political groups tax-exempt status.

Lois Lerner has been found guilty of "neglect of duties" after an internal investigation. She has retired this morning. Republicans are suggesting that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

It is reported that Lerner apparently had e-mails that suggest she was searching for reasons to deny tax-exempt status.
But Mr. Levin, [Rep. Sander Levin, ranking Democrat on the HouseWays and Means Committee] who had called for Ms. Lerner to resign early on, said there is still no evidence of political motivation in Ms. Lerner’s actions or those of others at the IRS. He said the GOP is stretching to create a political scandal.
Well, it is interesting that the democrats are quick to tell the American people there is "nothing to see here."

Lerner had previously taken the fifth, refusing to testify before Congress but later she decided to proclaim her innocence in a statement, which is now being viewed as her waiving her fifth amendment right. Even though she has stepped down, she can still be called to testify at a later time.

Why proclaim innocence if you have taken the fifth? Yes, apparently the big, bad Republicans are at it again. Apparently they have the power to make scandals where none exist. I suppose this is just another case of that right-wing conspiracy, tin-foil hat theory. After all, the democratic party is always innocent and would never engage in scandals, cover-ups, or lies, right?


Liberals Lack Understanding of Conservatives

While surfing the internet, I often run into articles written by people on the left who really do seem to lack understanding of conservatives and conservative ideology. In fact, many times I will see outrageous claims that have nothing to do with core conservative principles.


September 11th, 2001


The day that shall live in infamy. It is also the day of my birth. There's not much I can say that has not already been said. Even though we should remember this day and what happened, it does not mean that we should wallow in the horror and terror that we all experienced that particular day.

My heart goes out to all the families and friends who were directly affected by this terror attack.

For me, I remember being scared and very angry. I was worried about the people I knew that were living in New York at the time. I was worried about the people I didn't know living in New York at the time. There was nothing I could do but stay near the tv, listen to the radio, and pray. I did manage to go out to dinner but it was only to get my mind off of what was going on. Earlier that same year, I had lost my mother. In the previous month, I had lost a childhood friend; he was so young. Then came this.

Terror is real and we need to be aware of it. We do need to be reminded but we also need to look forward to our futures and focus on the things we have; we must be grateful for all that has been given to us.

Today was a day that I woke up happy but, after last year's Benghazi, I can also say I was a bit uneasy. I just wanted today to be calm and so far it has been. For that, I am truly grateful.

Let us remember and be grateful for our lives. We are the living; we are the ones who will go forth and we are the ones who will have to tell our children what this day means. My daughter is only 4, about to be 5. I hope by the time she is older I will be able to offer her some wisdom and understanding concerning the importance of this day.

G-d Bless America.

Let's Help Obama Start WW III

Very awesome video! I am still laughing so I had to share!



O’Donnell Makes Lunch Meat Out of Weiner

This is the funniest damn interview I've seen in years. Give it up, Weiner! You're a waste of space.


Football -- Sports -- The Obsessed

This purpose of this post is to afford me some time to rant about things I've been wanting to say for quite sometime. Sometimes a girl just has to get some things out in the air and sometimes others should deal with it because I do feel that the message is important. If I have to deal with another season of Nebraska football, it's only fair that I can express my feelings about it. If you don't want to read or listen to that opinion, just remember that you have the choice not to listen or read; I do not have the luxury of choice to avoid football because it's everywhere and always in my face.

Here we are again... the dreaded football season and in Nebraska, its impact is felt at every turn. The life long fans of Huskers never seem to give up, even though it's been 20 years since Nebraska could be considered a good team, fans here never fail to show their allegiance to such a failed team. I guess you can rank me among the few folks (maybe 3 or 4 of us here), that do not "get it." Frankly, I'm glad I do not.

While I can find great value in children participating in sports -- learning the value of teamwork, adapting to others, discovering individual strengths and weaknesses, supporting others, accepting support from others, gaining friendships, working among people who you may dislike, and learning the usefulness of competition, I simply cannot relate to the absurdity of enveloping a life around following a sport, unless of course it is your job to do so.

Is there any harm in watching a game occasionally while going out with your family or friends? No, of course not and these general situations are not what I am referring to. I am speaking more about those that are quite frankly obsessed with the sport, any sport. It seems that so many people are utterly fascinated by watching games and filling their time with conversations lasting hours about football. Who are they playing? Who are the players? What did they do last year? What plays will they do? What plays should they have done? Why was that call made? Complaint after complaint concerning what the refs are doing or what the coaches are doing? None of these conversations are productive in any way. In fact, the times I have been unfortunate enough to observe and listen to these types of verbal banter, it usually turns into a complaint fest that seems to deteriorate into what could be considered juvenile gossip about people they do not even know.

Even worse our media is saturated with football. In Nebraska, all you hear about is the Huskers and who they are playing next and complaints surrounding the previous games. It's endless and quite frankly annoying. I've turned into an anti-Husker person myself. I will typically find out who's playing Nebraska (since it's almost impossible to avoid hearing about in some way), and declare my support for the opposing team. This causes such an emotional reaction from others that I cannot help but laugh at these people; I have actually managed to anger some, which is truly absurd. It is about the only way I've been able to find amusement during football season.

Our country is facing so many different issues right now. I can barely keep up with all of these topics yet, some people actually feel content focusing their time on following football? Not to mention the amount of beer and other alcoholic beverages that are consumed by these fans. It seems so pointless to me and ultimately it is part of what is harming our culture in general. We need more people to be aware of what is going on in the world and what is happening to this country. Instead we have people obsessed with a game and consuming copious amounts of alcohol. No. I'm sorry. I cannot understand the obsession.

Another problem with football that nobody seems to want to address, especially concerning professional football is the issue of who these players are. Many of them appear to be violent and involved in illegal activities -- whether it be drug use, gangs, rape, organized animal abuse, and even murder. It's hard not to believe that the majority of them are not on drugs or using some new chemical designed to produce improvement in their performance. In short, they are turned into nothing but animals and given an absurd amount of money that none of them could possibly earn if they were to actually use what brain they have. Yet, these are the people whom parents watch practically everyday inside of their homes and even encourage their own children to turn into. Apparently making your child aware of political and financial issues is just too boring, it's so much better to teach them about football. Truly, I feel as if I'm living in the Twilight Zone.

No. I do not understand the obsession with football and I never will. I would much rather see people doing something productive. If you have time to watch a mindless sport, you have time to go volunteer at the local soup kitchen, time to read, study, learn, anything that could help improve your mind and body rather than being a silly, full-time spectator of some failed team -- especially when it comes to the Cornhuskers. While I do enjoy Nebraska to some degree, I hate this state's football obsession.


So Carville is Blaming Bush -- Of Course

Just when you think you've heard enough from the democrats, along comes Carville to remind us how we should blame everything on Bush. 5 years of Obama and it's still Bush's fault? Really?

CARVILLE: You know, what I would say and maybe a little bit of a different view here. I think what really is freaking people out is the incompetence of the Bush administration in Iraq.

O'REILLY: You're going to blame Bush?

CARVILLE: Of course, the Iraq thing is why people have so much trepidation about going into Syria. They said the last time we went over there, look what happened. I really think this has something to do with it.



Israelis Preparing

Israel has been distributing gas masks in preparation for strikes that may occur should the US strike at Syria.
Officials reported a surge in inquiries, deliveries and people lining up for the free kits, as the United States and its Western allies gathered support for a strike on Syria in retaliation for last week’s alleged poison gas attack outside Damascus. The Syrian government denies responsibility for the attack, which killed hundreds, including many women and children.
 A U.N. weapons team is inspecting the sites, searching for definitive proof that banned chemicals were used. But the United States and its allies say information provided by intelligence services has convinced them that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons.
Should Israel come under attack, they are stating clearly that they will respond with force.


 Meanwhile Iran is declaring that they will attack Israel should the US strike Syria.
“The day of reckoning is near,” according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
An Op-Ed penned by Shariatmadari Tuesday warned that the impending confrontation between the West and Syria would “provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge against Israel and America.”
The article continues:
“Because of the failure of the intended proxy war, America and some Arab and European countries are preparing to attack Syria on the false claims that the Assad regime has used chemical weapons,” the editor said. “However, America can certainly start the war but it won’t be the one to end it.” 
Shariatmadari said that Israel is the “Achilles’ heel of America and its European allies and without a doubt with the start of an attack on Syria, thousands of missiles will rain down all over the occupied lands (Israel), which will destroy its critical facilities as it was obvious that its missile defense system (the Iron Dome) could not prevent missiles reaching Tel Aviv.”
 More to come...


Oh, Miley!

I'm not even sure I should post this video but at this point you've probably already watched poor Miley making a fool of herself at the Music Video Awards 2013.

In a nutshell, Miley used a fan foam finger as a special kind of prop for her performance. She chose to sing her latest song, "We Can't Stop" and followed up by singing, "Blurred Lines" with Robin Thicke. The theme was initially featuring teddy bears (which seems to be an odd reference to the symbol pedobear found on the internet), but soon morphed into an adult theme featuring Miley making sexual gestures and provocative dance moves.

Honestly, it was a messy performance. Sure, many entertainers before Miley have put on raunchy performances - making it almost a right of passage for entertainers. Unfortunately for Miley this performance has received a huge backlash from critics and fans alike. People just do not want to see this type of entertainment from Miley, nor does she really have the talent to back her up.

Oh, and Miley, please for the love of all that is good and righteous, put that damn toungue back in your mouth.


Here's an interesting video that's been making its way around the internet so, I thought I would share.


Life Changes

Since I haven't posted in some time, I thought it would be wise to give you an update on my whereabouts and what has been going on.

I have been working on my book which I finally decided to title, "The Alternative Conservative." I am finished with all of the content except for two sections. It has been quite a challenge for me doing something I have never done before but in time, with persistence, I will be finished very soon. I've decided to go with a self-publishing option where I will sell my book online.

I have been working on another project where I will be writing more informational articles about self-improvement, words of encouragement, Christianity, health, and I will be handing out ideas for people to take and run with -- if they so choose. The idea here is to keep my mind focused on the good things in life. This year, the news stories and court cases (which I have become increasingly interested in), have been taxing on my soul and has elevated my constant concern over the direction our country is going towards. While I know I cannot change the world or anyone else, I can change myself and I've learned that the most powerful way to spread a message is through example.

A few life changes...

My schedule has changed from night owl to daytime. It's almost unnatural for me but it needed to be done since my daughter has finally begun pre-school. She absolutely loves school and I could not be more thrilled. I was nervous but only because I'm so happy for her. Watching my little girl grow up and form new relationships with other people, interacting in different ways, and forming her own image of the world is quite fulfilling and powerful.

I recently become rather sick on Sunday. Tonight (Tuesday), I really could not take the pain anymore so I found myself in the ER. Thankfully everything looks good -- blood-work came back fine, although it looks like I managed to pick up a virus of some sort that was causing me pain and dehydration. It started out as gas pain and I immediately tried some basic home remedies; I drank some water with a pinch of baking soda; I took a shot of apple cider vinegar, I tried a few tablespoons of mustard. All of these seemed to produce a burp or two but that was it. I also tried to get "things moving" with some colon cleanse tabs and castor oil but NOTHING helped. The next day, I was in pain. I had a headache, I could barely move, aches and pains all over my body, I was nauseous, and parts of my skin felt raw like a rug burn. The skin pain was really odd to me; I've never experienced that symptom before. I tried taking Ibuprofen but that didn't help me in the slightest. I drank water and I even got Gatorade and coconut water to encourage hydration. I went to bed super early to ensure almost 11 hours of sleep. Today (Tuesday morning), I felt a little better so I carried on with my day and pushed through. I was getting sweats and chills -- all day back and forth with this and that headache never went away; it only got worse and the more I tried to carry on, the harder it became to do so.

Often if ever I get sick, it's usually for a very short time, maybe 24 hours, or at least I can tell I have a cold or I have a flu. All this time had gone by and I still had the gas pain and my symptoms were not going away or getting weaker so I called my doctor's nurse who suggested I go to the ER. I'm thankful I did. They gave me an IV and some medication to calm the nausea. They also gave me some medicine for the pain. I received two prescriptions and was sent home. Thank goodness! I was thrilled it was nothing serious but I was sad that I was unable to push through it the way I normally would. However, I am so thankful for the pain relief because I really could not take another day of pain. Headaches are the worst. I rarely experience them so when I do, my heart just goes out to those that have to suffer with them constantly. Headaches and back pain -- horrible pains that I fortunately have rarely experienced.

In any case, the last few weeks I have been swamped with all sorts of different things and changes coming at me from all directions. For the most part they have all been positive and have brought me great rewards. I just wanted to touch base with the two people that read my blog (okay a few more). :D I will be back to regular posts soon!



Nakoula's Interview - Remember the Filmmaker Accused of Triggering Benghanzi?

Basseley Nakoula, filmmaker of  “Innocence of Muslims," the same film that The White House tried to connect with inciting the attack in Benghazi last September.

Nakoula is now living in a halfway house. He was arrested almost immediately after the attack but the arrest was blamed on other charges against him that involved drugs and fraud.


Matt Damon - Typical Liberal Hypocrisy Found In Hollywood

The arrested state of development in the liberal mind is typically revealed whenever a far-lefty exposes their outright hypocrisy and then immediately tries to make excuses for it by blaming something or someone else -- telling the world they had no other choice. Such is the case with actor Matt Damon.

Recently a story in the news revealed that Matt Damon is moving from New York to Los Angeles and has decided to send his children to private school.


Tawana Brawley Pays

After all this time, Tawana Brawley is now having her paychecks garnished. 
Last week, 10 checks totaling $3,764.61 were delivered to ex-prosecutor Steven Pagones — the first payments Brawley has made since a court determined in 1998 that she defamed him with her vicious hoax. 
A Virginia court this year ordered the money garnisheed from six months of Brawley’s wages as a nurse there. 
She still owes Pagones $431,000 in damages. And she remains defiantly unapologetic.
From the article, it appears that Tawana has been in hiding for quite some time and has taken on various aliases.

Mike Theiler

Amazing how it is that a person can still be so defiant and refuse to admit they have done anything wrong.

According to her Wiki page, it states that a fundraiser was held in New Jersey for Tawana:
 In May 2013, a fundraiser was held in New Jersey to help pay her legal costs. Professor Leonard Jeffries acted as the MC at the event and said, "Let this young queen know that we love her to death."[33] In July 2013, a Virginia judge ordered that Brawley would have her pay garnished for six months in order to pay the amount $3,764.61. Brawley owes more than $431,000 after 15 years of interest on the 1998 verdict.[34]
What is not mentioned is where this money went. Apparently it did not go to paying down her debt concerning this matter. I wonder how those who donated would feel knowing their money did not go toward paying off this judgment and isn't it illegal to raise funds under false pretense?

Another bit of information on her page reveals she's converted to Islam. How appropriate.

According to The NY Post, Tawana received many envelopes filled with money at the fundraiser in NJ mentioned above. Glenda Brawley, her mother is still avoiding a warrant out for her arrest for procedural charges related to the infamous hoax.

It was the NY Post that found Tawana and prompted the immediate garnishment of her paychecks. So this teen and her family cause the lives of innocent people to be ruined from their lies and manipulations and then go into hiding like cowards? Unbelievable. Worse yet, there are people who still believe her and the ring leader of this hoax, Al Sharpton carries on his life with his own news show on tv.

At what point will these so-called black leaders be held accountable for their actions? Al Sharpton should be roundly shunned by Americans of all color. Honesty is something that does not seem to concern many people.

Here is another reference article for this case.


Creeper Weiner

Anthony Weiner is caught again with his pants down and more sexting with the ladies. This revelation however seems to not deter Weiner in his bid for mayor. He thinks a simple apology is good enough.

The wife is still standing by him. Maybe she's got her own extracurricular activities.

Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner admitted today he had another extended, raunchy online sexual relationship with a young woman — just months after resigning in disgrace from Congress in a sexting scandal. 
But he won't be dropping out of the race. And his wife, Huma Abedin, is standing by him.
“Anthony Weiner is up to his old tricks again. I've been in contact with a young woman who wishes to remain Anonymous. She was lured by Anthony Weiner post scandal via Facebook. They had a relationship for six months and she believed they were in love,” the Website said. 
“Anthony Weiner like a true sex predator promised Anonymous many things like a job at Politico and a condo in Chicago (a place they could meet up and have sex). The relationship consisted of Anthony Weiner and Anonymous sending sexually explicit pictures of each other and having sexual conversations via phone. The best part was Anthony used an alias this time thinking this would protect him.”
This guy is a true creep. He obviously has no intention of changing his ways, which will only continue to place him in a position where he can be bribed. His desired role for being a mayor is far above his skill level and his lack of morality will only serve as a major obstacle in office.

See Texts here.


Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests | Judicial Watch

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests | Judicial Watch

Document: DOJ Community Relations Service was deployed to Sanford, FL, “to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old African American male.”

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents in response to local, state, and federal records requests revealing that a little-known unit of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Community Relations Service (CRS), was deployed to Sanford, FL, following the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman.

Click link above for more.


O'Mara Speaks -- Corrupt Prosecution

Now that the trial is over, everyone is reflecting on the events that eventually led up to the trial. The fact is, this trial should have never occurred. The arrest of Zimmerman should not have occurred.

The prosecution deliberately hid evidence, which was confirmed by Ben Kruidbos who testified that the state was aware of cell phone information back in January. The defense did not become privy to this evidence until June.

Judge Nelson was equally disturbing in her repeated refusal to allow the defense a continuance in order to have time to make sense of the information that was withheld. This is unheard of and prejudicial. Perhaps she knew the state did not have a case to begin with and her actions were merely for show to allow the public to believe she was supporting the prosecution -- just acting out the PC narrative. This doesn't excuse her outrageous behavior but it might explain it.

Angela Corey bypassed a grand jury in order to arrest Zimmerman and prosecute him. Now, how is it we still have people who think this action was justified in anyway? If this had been an action against a black person, these same Zimmerman haters would be screaming from the rooftops about how unfair and corrupt the prosecution was. Yet, in the eyes of Zimmerman haters, this action is welcomed with full approval. In fact, there is an undertone that seems to be telling Americans that blacks should be given extra or special rights. The government should be more lenient towards blacks in general, while simultaneously being hostile towards whites or Hispanics. It is the bigotry found in low expectations that the liberal ideology has created a black culture that feels above the law and now supports government action that reflects racial supremacy.

Without a doubt many blacks have taken great efforts into ignoring this trial, ignoring the facts that were revealed, and have refused to accept that George is actually telling the truth. They identify with Trayvon because he reflects their inner attitude that it does not matter what a black person does; it should be perfectly legal to attack a white person and how dare anyone defend themselves from said attack. They might not admit this outright but the fact is they are still repeating lies and by now many have to realize how wrong they are however, the collective mind and ego that is rooted in hateful emotion refuses to reconcile the facts of this case. If they can just continue to pretend that George is a liar by hanging onto every little word and displaying their hyper-literal thought process than surly they can continue to convince themselves he is guilty.

No reasonable person looking at this case objectively can possibly arrive at the conclusion that George acted in an inappropriate way.


Sum Ting Wong

I heard this the other day on the radio but, I did not quite catch the whole story so I figured I'd look it up.

Apparently, KTVU from the Bay Area was reporting names of pilots who were on the Asiana Flight 214. It was obviously a prank, but the reporter read the names as if she were not paying attention.

A little bit of a Ron Burgundy moment.

Captain Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, Bang Ding Ow
Translation: Captain! Something wrong, we too low, holy f*** BANG! DING OW!

Rachel Jeantel Gets In Her 15 Minutes

Rachel Jeantel did her first interview post trial with CNN. 

As you can see, she has been carefully scripted. She tells us that Trayvon was calm. She denies using drugs and that Trayvon used marijuana but it only made him hungry -- I guess she forgot about paranoid.
Anyway, tell me what you think. 

The Truth About George Zimmerman

I found an excellent video to share with you. Please watch and share with those that still hell bent on calling George a killer/murder.

I enjoy this video since it gives a very objective view of the case, not a ton of bias and emotional hyperbole.

One day, the same people who are calling Zimmerman guilty will be denying they ever did and laughing at those that think he's guilty. It will take time but it WILL happen.


O'Mara Tells the Media What's Up

After the verdict of NOT guilty for George Zimmerman, O'Mara and West speak with the press. The following clip is a must see. G-d Bless these men. They fought for justice and won. A very special thank you to this jury of all women -- wow! I am impressed that not only did they take the time to go over the evidence thoroughly, they gave me faith in women, faith in this county's justice system, and they helped an innocent man get the justice he deserved.

O'Mara is amazing. He accurately points out the media's negligent actions in taking a story and running with it in such a way that demonized George, making him the most hated man in America. Not only did the justice system, with the help of Angela Corey (who completely disregarded the need for a grand jury), and other scheme artists, work to destroy an innocent man, the media played along and enabled the corruption.

There is a reason we have the laws that we do. It is a shame that history has taught many nothing.


Zimmerman --- NOT Guilty!!!

I was unable to watch the verdict live, I just recently found out that Zimmerman was found NOT guilty!

I jumped in the air and cheered and then I cried. I could not help but cry, "This country is not over! There is still justice in our court system!"

What a wonderful day it has become.

G-d Bless George and his family. I pray you will be able to find some peace in your lives after all you have endured.

G-d Bless the Martin family as well. I am sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine losing a child. I pray that you will one day find peace as well and understand why George did what he had to do.

G-d Bless America!!!!

Zimmerman Verdict ...While We're Waiting Let's Remember Al Sharpton

As we wait for the jury to make the correct decision in the George Zimmerman case, I'd like to remind everyone about our country's resident racist Al Sharpton.

It appears as though Sharpton is once again lying and telling the public that he never rushed to judgement concerning the actions of George Zimmerman.

Might I remind dear Al of the speech he gave in Sanford where he clearly says that Zimmerman shot Trayvon in cold blood.

Sounds exactly similar to that of a Hitler speech complete with an aggressive audience that is easily influenced with emotional displays of hate.



MSNBC is pushing back against Fox News host Sean Hannity, who last night accused MSNBC host the Rev. Al Sharpton of "rushing to judgment" in the case of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who shot and killed Trayvon Martin. 
"MSNBC would like to set the record straight following some misinformation presented by Fox News during the interview with George Zimmerman last night," MSNBC wrote in a statement sent to POLITICO. "Reverend Al Sharpton never 'rushed to judgment,' as stated by Mr. Hannity. Reverend Sharpton repeatedly called for calm and for a more thorough investigation in the wake of the tragic events. Ultimately, the authorities agreed an arrest was warranted."
Click on that link and read the sheep talk about how Fox News is lying. Watch that video. Does that sound like someone who didn't rush to judgement? Does that sound like a calm man? Last I checked when your telling an audience that a man murdered someone in cold blood that IS indeed rushing to judgement. Telling officials they will receive backlash is a threat, not calling for calm and investigation.

Fox News lies? It's a shame how the libs in this country are still in the dark. Still lost without facts. STILL repeating lies for years and years. STILL believing that dems actually care about them and their communities. STILL. Really? REALLY? -- as O'Mara would say.

Wake up. After all of the hate Al Sharpton has spewed over the years repeatedly, I cannot understand how people have STILL not caught on. Dear heavens, Dear Lord, please wake these people up. I pray fervently.

Zimmerman Lawyers Were Once Supporters Of Judge Who Has Knocked Them About Florida Courtroom | The Smoking Gun

Zimmerman Lawyers Were Once Supporters Of Judge Who Has Knocked Them About Florida Courtroom | The Smoking Gun


Zimmerman Trial Continues -- Reasonable vs. The Irrational

Last Friday the prosecution for the George Zimmerman trial rested their case but not before they called Sybrina, Trayvon's mother, stating that the screams she heard on the 911 call were that of her son, and the medical examiner, Dr. Shiping Bao who basically offered us nothing; the torch was passed on to the defense to begin their side.

I have provided links below for the sources used in this article as well as interesting articles I have found that may or may not be included this article's content. 


Daryl Parks is Nuts

In a recent interview with Daryl Parks, Daryl reveals that Trayvon Martin may have taken the first punch but, that's okay because he was being followed by George Zimmerman. Furthermore, he believe that George is the one who was beating up Trayvon, it doesn't matter that no injuries were found. He also seems to think that somehow George should have hung in there because the police were coming and his injuries weren't all that bad.

Absolutely unbelievable. This man is an idiot. Trayvon was a loser by all accounts and for people to parade him and his actions as normal or give them justification is nothing short of pathetic.


Zimmerman Trial - The State's Case is Imploding

First I need to make a correction to what I have previously stated before. I have wnritten elsewhere about the button but I did go back and add an update to my previous post to state that I was wrong about the button and that is why I am posting the photo here for you.


Message to Trayvon Supporters Who Are Always Bringing Up Racism Part II

This is a continuation from part 1.

Trayvon was shot in a racially mixed neighborhood; George Zimmerman lived in that neighborhood. The very idea that George singled out Trayvon solely on race is completely absurd. Obviously he would except to see a black person walking in his neighborhood. Stop kidding yourself. It's obvious Trayvon was singled out because he wasn't acting right. He was acting weird and I challenge you to watch the video of him in the 7 Eleven.


Larry Grathwohl's Bringing Down America

Bringing Down America, Frank Reagan’s sensitive rendering
of Larry Grathwohl’s experiences, deserves a place alongside other classic Vietnam war memoirs and memoirs about the "chilly
scenes”of disintegration of American culture in the 1970’s. It is a story that people like Robert Redford, Bill Ayers, and Bernardine
Dohrn continue to work hard to suppress.
Tina Trent, March 29, 2013


Jodi Arias - Movie Dirty Little Secrets

This weekend, Lifetime premiered their rendition of the Jodi Arias' story. I believe they may have been going for a dramatic flair but towards the end and after the vivid portrayal of the murder, it almost became slightly comical. I have hunch they were making fun of Jodi with her absurd excuses and storytelling.

Surprisingly I was impressed with the casting. Tania Raymonde, who plays Jodi actually resembles the real Arias in many ways and nailed the "empty, emotionless looks" that we've come to know from Jodi watching her trial. Jesse Lee Soffer, who plays Travis also resembles the real Travis and came off fairly likable. He seemed to portray the energy one could imagine Travis had, based on what we have been told by his family members and friends.

The movie takes great liberties in changing various parts of the story. Most of the changes didn't seem to disturb the overall storyline -- Jodi is crazy and Travis was not so smart in how he dealt with her.

Perhaps if there was more time to work up better scenes and editing, this could make for a fairly good film. I cannot say this was horrible but it almost comes across as a film that was put together in a hurry.

What's your opinion?


Message to Trayvon Supporters Who Are Always Bringing Up Racism Part I

I have been following this case from the time it hit main-stream media. Initially I was rather confused. The facts of the story were unclear yet, it was clear the media left no room for error. Zimmerman was a cold-blooded murderer who despised "coons." On that fateful night a young, BLACK CHILD walking with only candy and tea, was hunted down by a 350-pound, WHITE, ARMED MAN  who PROFILED Trayvon and shot him in cold blood; he had a deep-rooted desire to be a cop; he called 911 to report a black man in a HOODIE looking strange. He then got out of his car to chase Trayvon on foot. He refused to go back to his vehicle, even after the dispatcher commanded him to. He found  Trayvon and shot him dead, one time in the chest. The police knew it was cold-blooded murder and they let him go that night. No arrest was made.They refused to arrest him because they too hated this young boy because he was black. They are all RACISTS! 


Michelle Obama -- Struggles With Self Control Like Her Hubby

Well, it seems the media is trying to do yet another spin on things. They would love for the country to believe that our president has self-control, just like Biden. *cough* Obviously they don't quite see things the same way as I do.

Michelle Obama showed her thin-skin when a heckler was bothering her over her husband not signing some crap about gay rights (aka "special rights"), equality.

I don't know what it is about the Obama's but they simply cannot handle criticism. Obama is president and his wife is a public figure. They are expected to keep it together and should be held to a much higher standard! That's their job. I cannot remember any president or first lady that acted in a similar fashion to these clowns. These two, along with Biden are nuts. They literally have NO self-control and for anyone to suggest she handled herself well is simply ludicrous.



The Verdict Is In -- Jodi Arias Is Guilty

Wednesday, the verdict day finally arrived. Those of us that have been following the trial have anxiously awaited the verdict. Many of us had either prayed and chatted on Facebook expressing our hope for a guilty verdict. For me, and I think many others, this was more than Jodi being found guilty. This was about our ultimate faith the American Justice System. After the acquittal Casey Anthony many Americans had lost all faith in juries. My goodness. What kind of a jury could be so idiotic to think that a woman who knows her daughter is dead, then goes out and parties for 30 days, gets a tattoo, doesn't report anything to the authorities, and carries on with her life like nothing happened while continuing to lie, lie, and lie some more did not kill her daughter? Unbelievable, inexcusable stupidity was expressed by that jury when they let her walk. That particular case sucked the life out of me. I remember being pregnant when I had heard that poor Caylee went missing and her mother didn't even care. No emotions of sadness. Casey merely became mad because she was in jail and HER life had been taken away, no concern over her daughter's life whatsoever.


When the Law of Attraction Doesn't Work So Well - Magical Thinking -- Hollywood and Politics

I think most all of us by now have heard of, The Secret or The Law of Attraction. Overall, these type of books give readers advice on the value of positive thinking. You are encouraged to focus on the things you want in your life and visualize them as if they are already there. Some of these books encourage you to keep a journal or make a visual board, where you keep yourself focused on your goals. Gratitude is another emotion that is important for a person to have and this will help bring your desires into your life faster.

So why am I bringing this topic up?


Benghazi -- Charles Krauthammer

Well, we are starting to finally see this story taking shape in the news. It's clear Obama was more concerned about being able to find a way to place blame, rather than telling the American people what was really going on and what he was actually doing about the attack in Benghazi.

“I think there is a bigger story here that will in time come out. The biggest scandal of all, the biggest question is what was the president doing in those eight hours. He had a routine meeting at five o’clock. He never after during the eight hours when our guys have their lives in danger, he never called the Secretary of Defense, he never calls the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he never called the CIA Director, Who does he call? But five hours in he calls the Secretary of State. And after the phone call she releases a statement essentially about the video and how we denounce any intolerance. It looks as if the only phone call is to construct a cover story at a time when the last two Americans who died were still alive and fighting for their lives. There’s the scandal and that has to be uncovered.”
What really irks me is why we have yet to figure out who the hell came up with the YouTube video blame story in the first place? Why hasn't this been answered yet?

Check out one of my favorite sites [The Conservative Treehouse] on a once again, AWESOME post.

I've been wanting to do more research on this story myself but I am sorry...I got sucked into the Jodi Arias story and I have another story I am working on about Weather Underground.

Don't hesitate to buy the newly re-released book, Bringing Down America. This is a must read -- fascinating. Larry Grathwol is the real deal folks!


Jodi Arias -- Are You Ready For the Verdict?

Finally the trial is over and we are down to the closing arguments. As expected, Juan Martinez did a brilliant job connecting all the dots inside of this case. His argument lasted hours, not referring to any notes, simply relying on the evidence to speak for itself. This man knows this case forward and backward and his confidence shines through.

While watching the closing argument from the prosecution, Jodi can be seen smirking, sometimes laughing, and attempting to cry. As the gruesome photos are placed up on the overhead for the jury to see again, Jodi repeatedly peaks at them, then goes back to turning her head, giving the appearance that she is upset and crying. Again, I don't see red eyes or tears I guess it's just her "morbid curiosity" that propels her to repeatedly look at all of the photos? She has seen all of these pictures before, yet for some reason she still enjoys looking at them.

Juan Martinez took the jury and fellow watchers through the entire relationship between Travis Alexander and his brutal killer. He creates a picture of a bachelor and a desperate woman who has a known past of insecurity and stalking, where they go from dating to break-up, to murder. He methodically walks us through the final moments of Travis' life and his desperate struggle for survival against a woman who purposely manipulated him into a submissive position, naked, and sitting down inside of a shower.

Martinez continued his dazzling performance by pointing out all the evidence that directly correlates with premeditation. He exposed the absurdity of Jodi bringing the pictures of her and Travis vacationing together. Why would she bring these pictures with her if she wasn't initially planning on going to Arizona? She certainly wasn't going to show her new boyfriend these pictures. The text messages from Travis, the robbery at the grandparents' home, the gun, the rented car, the gas cans, dying her hair, her phone being shut off, her entering the home and watching Travis for several seconds before announcing her presence, the pictures, the lies, the stabbing before the gunshot, the clean-up, the continued cover up, sending a voice mail, sending a text, and a e-mail, the upside down licence plate, disposing of the gun and knife, running into the arms of another man almost immediately after the murder, and finally continuing on with her charade of lies and changing her story in order to cover up what she had done. All of it points to one thing -- Jodi planned on killing Travis.

Admittedly, many of these things by themselves mean nothing. For instance, there is nothing odd about a person travelling between California and Arizona carrying gas cans. Many people do this. There is nothing unusual about a woman wanting to rent a car for a long trip. It's possible she didn't feel her car would make the entire trip. A woman dying her hair is not shocking at all. What doesn't make sense is when you combine ALL of these elements together, put them in context, and the result was Travis being discovered dead inside of his shower. The only reasonable explanation is that she did indeed have a plan of going there, armed and ready to kill.

Nurmi  conducted the closing argument for the defense. As usual, his pace was slow and his presentation was boring. He pointed out that Jodi is smart and that she could have made up a story instead of saying she went into a fog. He stated that Jodi initially lied only because she was trying to cover for Travis and didn't want people to know he was a pervert, that he was violent, etc. Yes, it's all because Jodi is such a great person. He even went so far as to play the recorded phone call again, only this time the only words we heard were from Travis, not Jodi's responses.

When I compare the performances of the prosecution and defense I think of a huge, Broadway production complete with talented stars on one side and a mediocre, junior high school play on the other.

Admittedly the comment about sounding like a 12-year old girl did not sit well with me. It still doesn't. It should give any normal person a moment of concern. What on earth is Travis saying this for? So, does this comment prove Jodi's accusations? Did she really walk in on Travis with certain images?*** It is my belief, considering the fact that we know there was nothing found in Travis' computer or in his home that would support these allegations directly, nor do we have any witnesses in the last five years to confirm this, that perhaps Travis was "active" when he himself was near or around the age of 12. This would make any partner he was with also that same age. I believe Travis was a year younger than myself. I did know people growing up, at that age, who had already engaged in sexual activity. I'm merely speculating here but it seems to be a little more probable than the allegations Jodi is making.

Another explanation is that Travis made a bad joke. Call me crazy but I felt parts of the conversation revealed that Travis was not terribly engaged in the conversation. I felt at times he was making fun of her, maybe even mocking her. Jodi did sound like a little girl during their whole conversation. "Are you serious?" she squealed to Travis after he told her the amount of times he pleasured himself. Her voice sounds fake, almost as if she's over-acting, doing anything she can to keep his attention. I do not believe for a minute that he was aware that the conversation was being recorded. It leads me to believe that he could have just been making fun of her but obviously the choice of words are inappropriate. However, haven't most of us said some seriously off-color comments or jokes to our friends? Jokes or expressions that would be horribly embarrassing if other people in our lives were to hear them? I have, probably more than I want to admit.

My point here is this...I put nothing past anyone and I'm willing to believe the guy was disturbed, but I need more than just this conversation. I certainly need more than Jodi's word. It's been 5 years and nothing. They have no one to say anything about concern for Travis and being around kids; there are no accusations of him doing things; there's nothing on his computer; no images or pics were found that Jodi claimed she saw. There just is not anything that can really support this and I feel that since this type of accusation is worse than even murder, I personally would have to see much more evidence than this in order to fully buy into the story.

Now, if we are to fully believe Jodi, for the sake of argument, let's just go along with her story and say that she is indeed telling truth about what she saw Travis doing. She doesn't go to the police; she doesn't immediately break off contact; she makes no attempts to even warn people at the church who have children; she doesn't go to her bishop or any other church leader. Nope. Jodi continues to see him and even continues to have relations with him! What does that make her? As far as I'm concerned, IF she is telling the truth, that makes HER just as evil as she is claiming Travis to be. There are two types of evil --those who do evil and those who watch evil and say and do nothing. A NORMAL woman would NEVER go back to that and I don't care about her stupid "battered woman" excuse because if that doesn't wake you up from the brainwashing -- NOTHING will. This is just another lie.

There is not ONE battered woman that escapes from their living hell only to run into the arms of another man  because at that point, ALL men are evil and the enemy. Many abused women would not even consider going on a date, let alone being romantic with another man. This might take years for them to overcome, or they many never overcome their apprehension of a serious relationship because they live in fear of trusting the wrong person yet again. Jodi was the abuser, not the victim. Her own words are soaked in self-congratulations because she is her very own hero, a narcissist to her core.

So how will this jury decide? Will they be able to see that murder one was proven beyond any REASONABLE doubt? That's the key here. Anyone can say there is doubt but is it reasonable doubt? In my very firm opinion, she has been clearly proven guilty.

This trial has become addicting for many people like myself. We are glued to the trial and commentary of the trial afterwards. Sure it's embarrassing but this case is just plain nuts; you can't help but watch. We have a mountain of evidence against this woman and even though she's lied on the stand, there seem to be people that actually support her and are buying her art BS. No wait. People are buying her art as well.

What type of "special" is required of people that support Jodi and believes she's innocent? 

This is a fascinating question and I attempted to go diving in some muddy waters in order to get an answer. There is a website (which I won't even bother mentioning by name but you know the one), that is solely dedicated to clinging on to anything they can grasp that will support their warped conclusions pertaining to both Travis and Jodi.

They claim Jodi is a hero and that Travis was a sick person who was "interested" in very young people and so he deserved what happened to him. Many of them believe in ridiculous things like karma, dismissing the fact that many bad things can and do happen to really great people. Even though there is no "proof" of any allegations brought forth, it's okay for them to be made and they just need Jodi to confirm that. They insist that she's entitled to a fair trial while they simultaneously have no issues with Jodi acting as the judge, jury and executioner of Travis Alexander. Again, I say, even if Travis was the scum of the earth, she got away from him. She should have stayed away from Travis at that point. For whatever reason, this concept does not resonate well with them. That's not fair for Jodi. Someone even had the nerve to say that Jodi should be given a medal of honor. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Meanwhile they spit on the memory of the actual victim by clinging on to the fables Jodi has told.

You see, it takes a "special" kind of "special" to believe Jodi. I noticed that many of them think she had help and she's just being so nice and sweet and covering for this anonymous person. They love a conspiracy. A few of them suggested the Illuminati was behind the murder. Oh yes, these are your typical, tin-foil-hat-wearing-nut-jobs that live in a crazy, paranoid world of delusions  These are people who are fueled by their emotions, not facts, logic, or reason. They cannot accept that Jodi did anything wrong so they simply blame everyone else for what happened.

The most disturbing thing about this crowd is the damage they are doing for battered women--- ya know, REAL battered women. They are giving women an excuse to kill or go after their abuser. It is certainly one thing to understand when a woman snaps but it is entirely another when you praise one for doing so. As a society we need to encourage victims to leave and get away from their abuser, not retaliate in a way that could damage their psyche and lives forever. You see, there are indeed woman who snap and women who really cannot leave because they are threatened with weapons or even physically held against their will. There may indeed be situations where a woman or even a man MUST attack in order to get away and we need to save our sympathy and benefit of the doubt for these people. In Jodi's situation however, we find that none of these threatening elements were ever present in her relationship with Travis. She was not married to him; she didn't have children with him; she wasn't being held against her will at any point during the relationship. Instead, she moved away from him. She wasn't even living in the same state as Travis. She had absolutely no reason to visit him, especially if we are to entertain the idea that he was an abuser of woman and children. None.

Jodi supporters simply cannot accept the facts surrounding this couple's relationship, nor do they accept facts concerning the murder. Emotions, feelings, and hunches are favored. These elements allow a person to believe just about anything because there is no logic or reason that attaches that information together.

I don't know Travis. I wouldn't know him from a hole in the wall. He very well could have been a person who was not nice to Jodi. It seems to me there was enough evidence to suggest that he wasn't very fond of her on several levels. We know it's more likely than not he was using her for sex. He told some people he was a virgin and we now know this was all a lie that served him and gave him respect from fellow church members and friends. He did have some secrets and struggles he was dealing with. The problem is, Jodi knew he didn't want to marry her; he broke up with her or she him, it doesn't matter. She still decided to move to Arizona after the break up. She allowed herself to be used. She was not a victim but a willing participant. It's not okay to play innocent when what you're really doing is trying to manipulate someone.

Whatever Travis may or may not have done to Jodi does not matter since again, she was gone and moved away from him. Her going back to him for a quick visit is her asking to be put in harms way, if we are to believe her narrative. She had no right to do what she did and the defense has not convinced anyone with reason that Travis was a threat to her while he was wet, naked, and in a shower where a camera was taking pictures. He could not have been in a more submissive type of environment and that is what hurts Jodi the most in this case. She got him in this defenseless position because she needed to do so in order to overpower him and be the dominate figure.

Those who cannot connect the dots are people who struggle with their own emotions and logic. They are just like Jodi and some are similar to Jodi's other victims. They are entirely way to trusting of her, while at the same time being distrustful of everyone else. They favor a known liar over a person who had many friends, a few personal demons, and a man who is not here to defend himself.

I repeat, that takes a very "special" type of "special" to fall for Jodi. I can only pray they realize how much they are being suckered one day.

Come on, Jury!!! Hurry up already!!!

***I have to carefully phrase my words here because this is a public blog. 
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