Basseley Nakoula, filmmaker of “Innocence of Muslims," the same film that The White House tried to connect with inciting the attack in Benghazi last September.
Nakoula is now living in a halfway house. He was arrested almost immediately after the attack but the arrest was blamed on other charges against him that involved drugs and fraud.
Former Green Beret Jack Murphy, bestselling co-author of “Benghazi: The Definitive Report,” has identified John O. Brennan, the then-chief counterterrorism adviser to the president, as the source of the decision to blame Nakoula’s video for the terrorist attack on Benghazi. When asked about Brennan on Twitter, Murphy described him as “Obama’s propaganda minister,” who “knows how to work disinformation very well,” and said he was “behind both the OBL leaks and the YouTube video as the motive behind the Benghazi disinfo.” Asked how he knew that, Murphy demurred, saying, “I didn’t find it in the NYC public library, that’s for sure.”Nakoula is currently writing a book and vows to continue spreading the word about the terrorist culture that is commonly associated with Muslims.
The film is “more political than religious,” he explained. Nakoula claimed to draw on more than “a thousand books written by Islamic scholars and a lifelong study” of Islam in Egypt to make each scene.
“I have many Muslim friends,” Nakoula told TheDC. “They do not believe in terrorism culture like many others. We have to keep fighting against this culture to protect our future generations and our civilization. This war does not use weapons but minds. … I am talking about how much the world will suffer because of this culture if we do not stop it as soon as possible.”Brennan is director of the CIA:
“Since the press can play such an influential role in determining the perceptions of the masses, I am in favor of some degree of government censorship,” Brennan wrote. “Inflamatory [sic] articles can provoke mass opposition and possible violence, especially in developing political systems."Did Brennan chose this film for the purposes of trying to push an agenda? Was he trying to give the American people a reason to support censorship? We now know that the film had absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi so what other conclusions can be drawn from The White House's insistence in blaming this film? How can Brennan hold such a high position in government and not support the First Amendment? Sure we have some restrictions -- yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater, yet criticism of a religion should most certainly be something that falls under the category of protected free speech.
Source: The Daily Caller
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