So, let's take some time to look further into the "world of Diane" because, there's still so much we have yet to explore. We know she's bat sh!t crazy. We have exposed that she is purposely going to social networking sites, lifting pics that belong to a porn star, Lela Star, and claiming they are her own. We know that she looses all normal composure whenever someone dares asks her a question that might be considered in her altered mind, out of bounds. Most importantly, we know that she has a gang of sycophants,
First, let's look at the location. Where does Diane live? We have to have an idea of where this special woman resides. According to Diane, as we learned from our Part 2, she is Cuban-born, but also born and raised in Miami.
So, somehow Miami is in Cuba? I went to school for chemistry so admittedly, I'm not skilled in Geography. This sounds very new to me but, surely Diane knows where she was born. According to the comments left on my blog, we were lovers and I am just jilted. Well, I'm in Nebraska and Diane is in Connecticut. I don't remember these two states being close enough for us to be lovers but, if
The best part, I underlined for you, "Dont you all have anything better to do. Im callin the cops too." Oh, holy love of veggies in olive oil! Can you say "irony at its finest?"
Isn't it funny how all of these comments (yes, I have more), all show someone who writes the same as Diane?
It is apparent that
Let's focus on something else quickly. Diane, in her note above, specifically says that I claim to be smart.Then,

Here we clearly see her saying that she "never said it was officer Campbell." That's interesting since she told me over the phone that he was Officer Campbell. Not to mention all the other people she specifically talked to about her husband/lover -- Officer Campbell.
Never said it was "officer Campbell," eh? Truth is an allergen to Diane. Where on earth does Diane get the idea that people are going to go to jail for exposing her as a fraud?
I had some people inquire about a fight that took place with Diane and another woman. I was in the PM this argument took place but, I did not respond. I simply waited. I tried looking for this supposed fight that took place on her wall with the other woman but, I never did find it. Everything Diane accused her of was untrue.
Anyway, this is just an example of how Diane flies into a frenzy when she is mad. Again, I never did see what she accuses this other woman of doing and saying.
Exactly, Diane. Police do not take reports of ridiculous things like ...oh, say a blog that is practicing free speech.
Not only did Diane post on her wall several times stickers that say, "Stop Eating Meat." She repeatedly told us that she was going to the grocery store and placing the stickers on meat packages. She also flew into a rage at two of my friends because they mentioned that they ate meat but, she is the one who had introduced the topic. They simply replied to her. Neither of them were looking for a fight.
I love how she rationalizes the idea that if she has pictures, it must be true. Just like the pics she stole from Lela's account? This moron wouldn't know truth if it bounced off her big ass and ricocheted off the wall, landed on her head, stood up in front of her and proceeded to do a dance proclaiming its existence.
Motorcycle cop for 7 years and in narcotics for 13? Really, Diane? In the PM you sent me, your "truth" told a completely different story. Lance would have to be in his 40s, at the very least, according this calculation. You are also in your 40s Diane. Enough with the silly lies. You're NOT 25 years old.
You blocked yourself? If this isn't a case of projection, I'm not sure what is. I'm sure you defy anyone to run a check on the false information that you've provided.
Yes, she did give me a social security number and I will provide that to the authorities. This could be a number that she is using, because she stole someone's identity. I highly doubt it's her own. That being said, I was not scammed by this woman because, I did not donate any money to her. This is going to require people coming forward, to the authorities, and reporting her for taking money from them under false pretenses.
The correct date of birth? Which is it? You told me March 6th, 1968. Your profile said March 8th, and later when I confronted you, you tried playing yourself off as a 25 year old porn star.
The kicker is Diane comes on my blog and furiously posts messages, acting like she's someone else, acting like more than one person would even stick up for her, and acting like she's some kind of big deal. She actually attacks me over and over again for using pictures of a cop, when you can't even see his face! Those pics are the ones she sent me so, how am I doing anything wrong?
If you look at the time stamps of these comments (see above - the first comment screencap), you will see that at 12:31 the number to the police was posted and, this last post is posted at 12:39. Somehow
Isn't it truly pathetic that this nitwit would say they called the police and spoke with "the cop" and then, in the same post say they are "calling" the police officer? They also say, "Officer Campbell" which "Diane" clearly states that the man is Lance Edmonds.
Oh, and please note the other stuff I underlined (more of this later on).
Let's just laugh at some more of this because, honestly, I know it's in the comments and you can all see for yourself but, it's so priceless I can't help but point out the absurdity of what this woman posted on this blog. She says several times that this is just "a little blog" and no one cares, yet she posts as a whole bunch of different people that seem to care? Really, Diane? You're right. It is just a little blog so, why would you even bother posting? Why would you try and bother posting as a bunch of different people?
Now how would anyone know who that is unless this were Diane posting? Apparently it's Officer Edmonds but, the poster above specifically called Officer Campbell. Okay.
Umm...I hate to break it to Diane but, bloggers do not go to jail for telling the truth and practicing free speech. You can go to jail for harassment and making threats though, Diane.
She calls the woman depicted in the previous post about her from Part 1 an "old broad" but, is upset about me using the photo? A photo that she posted for all to see? A photo that is now all over the internet? Diane, if you're so upset about someone using an "old broad's" photo, you probably shouldn't post it.
Again, we can see that this is Diane because of her use of the word "your." Oh, sad, frumpy Diane just doesn't seem to "get it."
Okay, now for my favorite. Seriously. This one was posted at the height of her frantic posting frenzy. It just proves how utterly desperate and ignorant Diane Anonymous is.
The internal affairs (United States terminology) division of a law enforcement agency investigates incidents and plausible suspicions of lawbreaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force.Okay, I'm sorry. I had to pick myself up from off the floor because, I am literally dying from laughter over here. Could
Again, the use of the word "your' gives you away. I'm not sure why you even bother Diane.
As far as using these pics and all this "serious stuff," it is apparent that Diane cannot READ the two previous posts about her. I have not defamed anyone. I have proven that neither of the officers, that Diane has claimed to be with, have anything to do with this porn star, Lela Star. I have HELPED them! Do you not understand that, Diane? Are you this dense in the head that you can't even see it is YOU who have defamed them. It is YOU that has taken public servants and associated them with a porn star!
Arrest me for practicing free speech? Wow.
Internal affairs. I still can't get over how stupid that one is.
Moving along...we need to discuss that the more research on Diane that I have done, and MANY others have done, the more I am finding out that she apparently goes by all sorts of different names. It is quite possible that Diane Campbell is not her real name at all; it's just another one of her aliases.
There are a lot of names being tossed around. Since this is a blog, I have to preface this by saying, I cannot prove these to be Diane. This is something that only authorities would be able to trace and match/compare IPs. With that being said, it's important to let all of you be aware of who may be scamming you. These are profiles that people have noticed similar problems with i.g. posting fake photos, blocking people who confront them, etc.
In the case of Sylvie or Sylvia, depending on who you talk to, this could be another woman all together but, she's still a fake. I, now personally believe the woman to be someone else entirely.
Deane Rescue Angel
Diane's Rescue Angels
Diane Campbell
Diane Iannicelli Campbell
Diane Campbell Iannicelli
Isabella Ruth
Gil Marquis
Photo credit Justine Tina Skwersky
Where's Diane? Are any of these women the actual Diane? I'm not sure but these are the public photos that have been displayed on her profile(s).
Speaking of fake; who is Gil? Well, he was her son. I think she got caught saying something and then, decided that Gil was named after his father so, according to her, there are two Gil's in her life. I already mentioned this is Part 1 but, just to recap... the one I was friends with was "her son." Gil had actually removed me as his friend about 2 days before I found out about Diane. I didn't know why. I had just figured something went wrong and eventually I would find out. Well, I did.
Gil removed his profile pic and replaced it with this photo:
A trace ran on this photo, revealed that it was stolen from another site. This sort of just screams "Diane" doesn't it?
So, whoever this Gil is, this profile is obviously a fake and I find it extremely disturbing that Diane would conjure up a personality that is someone in the military.
I have been recently contacted by several people who have been either scammed by her or they are telling me that she tried to scam them. One of them had send a gift for her son and never got a thank you. Instead he was asked to send more money for emergency purposes and was blocked by Diane when he didn't comply.
The stories keep coming in but, I cannot help anyone unless they are willing to contact the authorities. Please, if you have given money to her or have given gifts, take the time to contact the authorities. Tell them I have information. I am easily found and I will try my absolute best to help anyway I can. I did not give Diane any money, so I cannot claim that she defrauded me. The more people that come forward, the better. Please do not feel stupid because, this woman duped possibly hundreds of people and she will continue to do so, if she is not stopped.
She is an utter fraud. I am starting to question whether she was even a vegan. I have been vegetarian almost 10 years so, it's very natural to eventually want to go vegan and I feel my body wanting to move towards that progression. I told her I was interested in going vegan and asked Diane for some advise. She did give me a lot of different links and some of them were vegetarian sites. I had to tell her several times that I was already vegetarian. Also, speaking with some other people, they seem to get the impression that she didn't know much about even being a vegetarian, let alone being a vegan. I don't think she knows the difference between vegan and vegetarian.
What about being a conservative? I'm even starting to question this. Could she have just picked this philosophy to portray in hopes of making conservatives look crazy? Let's face it, there are crazies on both sides of the aisle but, if you're like Diane, going around making up personalities and profiles on the internet, I could see her representing a different philosophy on purpose.
She doesn't have a job. There's no way she could be working so, she's either on welfare, collecting disability, or she's making all her money scamming people. I'm wondering what she's claiming on her taxes?
Another disturbing trend that Diane displays in her comments is her constant referencing to sex and lesbian sex. The fact that she chose a porn star to represent her persona is just one of many indicators of sexual abuse. Stealing is another behavior that often associated with sexual abuse as a child. Knowing these things creates a broader picture of who Diane is, and some insight into her past. My heart goes out to anyone that has suffered some type of sexual abuse however, she is an adult and must be held accountable for her actions, regardless of what she may or may not have suffered through during her past.
I want to conclude this post with information about the dogs that have had some association with Diane. It doesn't appear as though she is abusing them but, it does appear as though she may be collecting money with the promise of helping certain animals, or she's abandoning them. Here is a list that I have compiled with the help of several people (names in credits).
Aticus - This is a blue-nose pitty she currently claims to own. There are several people that have pointed out that the pics of Aticus are different. Is this even her dog?
Marlee - A boxer who is deaf. A woman named Shirley paid to have her transported to Diane. It is being reported that Marlee is living with Diane's ex-husband. Diane made no effort to pay Shirley back.
This was posted on a website:
West Haven, CT
This is Ruby. I guess you can say she is Bruno's significant other. She is daddy's little girl without a doubt.
Posted on: 15 Sep 2004
Posted by: Diane & Raleigh Campbell
Bailey - 6 year old rottie, healthy but, suddenly collapsed and could not move. The death was explained by the dog having a blood clot on spine. Also, this dog lived with her ex husband.
Hurley - Another rottie, who was 8 years old. This one had an underlying tumor and collapsed at the groomers. The dog had a broken leg. It was reported that an amputation was done but, no idea what happened to this dog. Please refer to this site for full story.
Rosie and Boomer - Two rotties that are associated with Diane but, no word on their whereabouts.
This is also from a website:
West Haven, CT
This is my sweet baby Bruno. He is 4 1/2 years young and weighs 155 pounds! This is the gentle giant.
Posted on: 15 Sep 2004
Posted by: Diane & Raleigh Campbell
There were two dogs that are being reported by a source that she took to the veterinarians and simply left. No names given.
Another time, the women named Shirley had pulled 6 dogs for Diane. Shirley paid fees, health certs, and gas to have them transported to a man who was to hold the dogs for a week, and then Diane was to pick the dogs up. Diane was a no show and left the gentleman with 6 dogs.
So far, this is what I have been able to collect. I know I will have even more soon. Please let me know if you know of more dogs, missing dogs, abused dogs, etc. I will edit this and add as the stories come in. Please come back and check for updates. I am going to keep this at three parts. I don't feel Diane deserves anymore attention but, I do believe the public needs to be aware of her and her scams. Do NOT give money to her for anything. You will never see it again and it is most likely not going where she says it's going.
More Diane fun! I knew more information would come up so, I'm going to keep adding to this post. Keep checking back for more fun with Diane and all her lies and stupidity.
I think the funniest thing about Diane was when she was exposed for using Lela's pics, she decided to try and say that she is Lela.
Well, that's interesting. I'm sure Lela will have plenty to say about this. What I would like to know Diane is, if you're Lela, as you clearly claim in these posts above, how could you have had time to have written the following...
So, Diane went off like the 4th of July on this poor girl because, the vet is the one that recommended having her dog declawed. She didn't know. She trusted her vet. Her poor dog was digging to to the point of exhaustion and they knew they had to do something about it. I guess Diane/Lela can add vet to her resume.
Oh, but, what is this?
Note the time above. 3:01 PM, Central time. That would be 2:01 PM Vegas/Mountain time. Please explain what Lela would be doing on her computer, looking at Facebook, during a major promo? Give it up, Diane! You are NOT Lela! You are so busted. You are not a porn star. You are a nothing who hides behind a computer, making ridiculous threats. LOSER!
This screen cap needs no explanation. Watch Diane spin and say she is NOT 24 but, 43.
Another classic line of Diane's is to tell everyone she is Buddhist. Obviously, there's nothing wrong with someone choosing this belief to follow. The only weird thing is, why would would she choose a Hindu tattoo for her back?
You can read about Lela's tattoo here.
Shiva is a Hindu god. Diane = FAIL
The following is information provided by Sian. Some of these are hard to read. You can click on them or do a right click, open up in new tab to make them a little larger.
I think the funniest thing about Diane was when she was exposed for using Lela's pics, she decided to try and say that she is Lela.
Well, that's interesting. I'm sure Lela will have plenty to say about this. What I would like to know Diane is, if you're Lela, as you clearly claim in these posts above, how could you have had time to have written the following...
So, Diane went off like the 4th of July on this poor girl because, the vet is the one that recommended having her dog declawed. She didn't know. She trusted her vet. Her poor dog was digging to to the point of exhaustion and they knew they had to do something about it. I guess Diane/Lela can add vet to her resume.
Oh, but, what is this?
Note the time above. 3:01 PM, Central time. That would be 2:01 PM Vegas/Mountain time. Please explain what Lela would be doing on her computer, looking at Facebook, during a major promo? Give it up, Diane! You are NOT Lela! You are so busted. You are not a porn star. You are a nothing who hides behind a computer, making ridiculous threats. LOSER!
This screen cap needs no explanation. Watch Diane spin and say she is NOT 24 but, 43.
Another classic line of Diane's is to tell everyone she is Buddhist. Obviously, there's nothing wrong with someone choosing this belief to follow. The only weird thing is, why would would she choose a Hindu tattoo for her back?
You can read about Lela's tattoo here.
Shiva is a Hindu god. Diane = FAIL
The following is information provided by Sian. Some of these are hard to read. You can click on them or do a right click, open up in new tab to make them a little larger.
Well, isn't interesting that she admits to having the dogs Ruby and Bruno? I thought she said she didn't know a Raleigh? She also clearly says, "officer Campbell."
I noticed Diane has been awfully quite and has not visited the blog and littered it with her nonsense. I think she's figured out that she's busted. It may take some time but, when she least expects it, she will be paying for her crimes.
Okay, folks Diane is definitely back! This new profile has the stench of Diane all over it.
A friend request popped in for Dorte from Mindy Crocker. Certainly it's not out of the ordinary to receive friend requests but, when you notice that the profile was just opened and all of a sudden they are requesting people that they do not know, it is common to look a little further into who this person may be.
Oh, so it looks like Mindy is heavy into Animal rights. If you go to her page, you can see all her posts have to do with dogs, and saving dogs.
Well, this explains how she may have found Dorte. She was just looking for people to connect with who share her passion for love of animals.
Oh, but what do we have here? If you do a reverse look-up of Mindy's profile pic, you will find some interesting results.
Well, this tells me there is a blog that has this same image. Let's go visit the blog, shall we?
You want to know what's funny? Mindy is an artist. Go ahead, click around and look at her information. She does have dog but, isn't it crazy that I can't find anywhere on this blog a thing about animal rights? I don't see anything, anywhere. I've had the great fortune of becoming friends with many animal rights people since I put these blog posts up, and do you know that every single one of them has pics of animals everywhere?! I can't imagine one of them having a blog (even if it's not about animals), and not mentioning anywhere that people should donate to animals rescue, or being active in animal rescue, or mentioning something that indicates that they want to make people aware of helping animals.
This blog is mostly about politics but, obviously I add other information that interests me like science, and I even have ads for brainwave therapy (which I love and swear by), because that is something that interests me and I want people to not just read my opinions, I want people to know who I am, what other things interest me, etc. This is what blogs are about. They allow for people to get personal with others.
This whole profile is obviously Diane using someone else's identity, once again, to push her scam on others. Nice try Diane.
Look familiar?
Just Google Hello Kitty AR - 15. The image comes from a Wordpress blog. It's not an AK-47, Diane.
From yet another blog.
Here is a Hello Kitty AK-47
Hello Kitty AK-47 – The price? $1,072.95. Some might argue that’s a small amount to pay for this über-customized weapon with a hand-crocheted shoulder-stock muffler and anodized titanium plating. But the bad news is, they've only made 500.
Here it is. This is the REAL Diane. I have it on 100% assurance that this is her. I'm hoping for a few more pics to come. Too bad we can't see her eyes but, this is her:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, now for honorable mentions....I have to say, I really didn't realize what I was getting into when I made the first two posts that concerns Diane. Never had I imagined just what a heinous bitch she truly is. I have met some of the nicest people in this last week and have made some great new friends. So, for that, I guess I have to thank Diane. Otherwise, I really just wish her well, in a padded cell. It's clear she's a danger to society.
I want to make special note of several people who have contributed to helping me, thank you all so very much!!! I know I'm missing some people so, please...if you'd like to be on this list or would like to be removed for some reason, let me know.
Cheri Stopthesufferning
Collette Kolbmann
Denise Nieratko
Donna McCooke
Donna McCooke
Dorte Harris
Exclusively Pits N-Staffies
Jessi LeBrocq
Josh Liddy
Kathy Paskvan
Kay Riviello
Kristi Marcus
Justine Tina Skwersky
Leah Lindal
Leah Lindal
Rina Sky
Sian Barker
Staci Lynn
Sue Heron
Suzanne Azzarella
Wendy Williams-Case
Wonderfully sourced. Diane's "Birthday Wish" chip-in to help animals got $10 of mine, I will be reporting her later today... to tired now, it's 3:36am. Got a sick dog, so sleep is kinda hit & miss and no Diane, I didn't abuse him....
As for her hitting on Jennifer all the time, why not Diane, Jennifer is pretty, educated and VERY articulate. YOU are bi-sexual, so it comes as no surprise that you're spurned/rejection (put both in case you didn't understand the word) has got you all upset. Going to get after me for making that public knowledge??? Well, ALL your info, icluding your DOB is on Gabber and TAGGED, both social networking sites!!!! F you Diane, but on the other hand, THANK YOU, I have made some awesome friends, and got rid of the junk! All the people you told to unfriend me that mean anything to me, and they do, contacted me and told me what was going on, thank you for strengthening those friendships to me. I wish I'd listened WAY back in good 'ol October 2010 when people on that thread warned me about you, but no, I was suckered in by then. We finished that thread friends.... and still are. Thank you again Diane, you're screwed. All those sick emails when I told you what I thought of you, lol. The scam with the chip-in, lol. GOTCHA sweetcheeks.
OMG - I just spit my drink on my computer screen. That is beyond hysterical about the email time stamp & the promotion time!" What next Diane? You suing Lela Starr for stealing your pics??
Too Funny.
Diane you should be ashamed of yourself, so should your whole family. Telling me your Lela Starr, and the proof is right there. Not to mention all her images you put up as your own. Im sure Lela wont be to happy to know you are dragging her image and name through the mud like this. The only one who should be scared of cops knocking on their door, is you. Because all your empty threats, we have all been here, waiting, and nothing. Hm....maybe because we haven't broken the law? Stole money from people? Impersonated a Porn Star? No thats all on you. And YOU should be scared, because the way I see it, all the fake lawyers in the world you can create wont save you from jail.
Share this far and wide!!!! Diane and all her aliases (how many did the police investigation on her last year find? over 70 fake profiles???)are going DOWN!!! Have fun in the slammer, you sicko!
LMAO i love that advertisement for the event. i wouldnt have thought of something like that to look up Lelas schedule. also did you find that tattoo picture using tineye?
I, along with some others, looked at Gil's profile, saw the pic and yes, used tinyeye to trace that photo. :)
Lela had that event posted:
I noticed the date and thought to look in my PMs because, we chat all the time in PMs so, sure enough, she was in there posting! She is ALWAYS on Facebook.
ONE thing "Diane" is good at is diverting the attention from questions asked! She will do it over and over ask a question and she goes on her vile tirade! However...if you stay calm and factual about it...she just spews ONE last comment and deletes/blocks you, because she can't argue on a normal adult level!
So Diane...come out come out...where ever you are!
We have on white here stating you are Lela Star...oh uh! I seriously doubt Lela would like to be linked to some sick, twisted, fucked up, lowlife, disgusting asswipe like you! But I also have it black on white that you NEVER sent ANYBODY a pm saying you are a porn queen!
Trust me...I remember your last little email to me BEFORE you blocked me like the coward bitch you are...mentioning my sweet Odin and asking if he was dead now! Classy...but I didn't expect any less from someone like you! Oh and that I look like a dyke! Is that the best you can come up with? HAHAHAHAHAHA
I have the GUTS to put MY real photo for people to see...I dare filthy us YOUR mugshot! I guess you are too ugly since you felt you had to use a porn star's photo...or is it simply because you knew men would have their tongue hanging out and they would swoon around you like flies on a dog shit! Really...a beautiful person would of course seem more credible than an old filthy hag!
Get fucked you sick twisted bitch!
Diane is/was slinging out insults to not so attractive people. Stating their all jealous of her. Diane's choice of words were cruel, vulgar & despicable! Yet the loathing vile maggot shit was stealing pics of a porn star 1/2 her age because shes obviously embarassed of her real face & body. The insane part was all her fake profiles of lovers, cousins, sisters, son(oh wait, he was her lover too), husband (Oh' No' Wait again, that was her son aka lover).
"Anywho, Diane created a fake person along with dozens of other fake pages just to have a relationship with the AR community! That might have been fine until the sleazy bitch got greedy for money., Started ripping her friends off., BUT WORSE., ANIMAL ARE MISSING! You will not walk away from this Diane Campbell! We will hunt you until the authorities throw your fat stinky ass in jail!!"
The last thing she said to me was that I am adorable! That in itself should have been a warning sign, cuz I might be a lot of things...adorable is NOT one that pops into my head LOL
And did anyone notice in the PM conversation between Diane and Jessi that Diane stated HER SISTER AND OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS were on FB? Well Diane, thought you'd shunned having a sister, thought you had 3 brothers!! The problem you have is that you can't keep up with you're own lies, they are all coming back to bite ya now scumbag! And don't think this is the only thing I am posting on this blog - cos I haven't even STARTED yet!!!
LOL!!! <3 Sian!!!
Well a couple days ago someone in my network posted some information warning people to stay away from this "woman" and I use that word VERY lightly and I shared the info but never bothered looking any further into it. I AM an animal rights activist and I do love animals and now that I know she is getting involved in our community I will make it my mission for the next few days to share these sites and pages with every animal community, website and Facebook page that I deal with. That is literally hundreds of pages and I am most certain, thousands of people each day that will read about this sleazy ball scammer.
Thank you!!! That is the purpose of me writing 3 parts! I'm not even in the animal community but, it sickens me what this "woman" has done, (loosely as you say).
Only a sick, heartless person would approve of such behavior. It's utterly disgusting when someone worms their way into a community of kind-hearted people, and works to scam money from them!
We need to know where the animals are as well. Diane thinks she can just lay low for awhile and this will blow over. It's just NOT going to work this time!
So Diane proved herself yet again to be one of the biggest liars. 1st her Gil is her son, then her lover, then her husband, then back to lover & now he's her son again.
I especially enjoyed her reunion story. That was hilarious. I actually thought she was talking about her lover. And 290 isn't buffed. That's freaking fat!!
Lol, just caught up. Sian, I am SO glad to see you found the post 'Gil' sent to Neal, LMAO! Is this the same Neal that warned Diane and Gil against you and I???? OMG! They all deserve each other. Karma, where in hell are you???? Diane Campbell is your biggest fan, you can't let her down now, lol. Bout time this net closed in and she got what she deserves! Her and this Gil guy!!!
I always said that the relationship between 'her and her son' was a bit too close for comfort - made me cringe! The 'reunion' post does sound like her lover has come home to her - maybe he was in prison?
She is truly BUSTED. She has admitted that she is 43, has a 26 year old son, her son's father is in his 50's.
She is no 25 year old cuban porn star who was born in Miami (LMAO).
She has also stated on more than one occasion that her ex 'cop' husband was Officer Campbell, only this time she called him "Officer Lance Campbell" and even gave his badge number of 44, works at New Haven PD. So is t Lance Edmondson or Lance Campbell? Well we have his badge number, shall we find out???
I also find it DISTURBING that all the dogs she claims she has owned, have died at early ages - clot on the spine, clot on the brain, bleeding behind eyes, paralysed. Bruno dying at 6 years old because he is diabetic?????? I have known dogs with diabetes live into double figures. FACT is, as admitted by her own true self, NONE of her dogs have lived past 6 years old - that's a worry!!
Or is it that she is buying her rotties from the same backyard breeder who breeds with unhealthy dogs?
There is just so much EVIDENCE now that for 'Diane' to try and back her way out of it - would just be a waste of time on her part.
GIVE IT UP DIANE!!! I'm getting sick of reading about you now. I worry about any dog you get your hands on. I'm horrified at the amount of people you have scammed, not only in money but for who you are - the identity theft! You have left so many dogs in danger too - do you really care about them or is it for show? Is it all part of the plan?
Act your age and get your OWN life!!
Sian did an amazing job! I love how much she busted her. Diane was trying to tell everyone that Truth or Consequences was her cousin! We all know it's just another fake account by Diane.
Hey beautiful sister it is Kristi. I was going to send you screen shots of the conversation where she told me to ask for officer Campbell but I see you had copies. You did not have to remove my name from the conversation. You have my permission to leave it in. I did call the police in her town. I guess she was not expecting people to pull her card and actually call. Very entertaining blog. I have not finished yet.
Kristi! It's amazing what this woman has done. She's a fraud and I'm glad to be a small part in exposing her! :)
i love the "i have all my stuff loaded in the GT goes from 0-60 in 3 seconds" sorry but ford doesnt make a GT truck stupid ass. also who in the military wears "blues"? i think thats the marines if im not mistaken, how many marines are even in Afhgan/Iraq? i dont think many. her stories are so retarded its like they are coming from a 5 year old child
In my opinion, Diane is Gil. Heard about this Diane Chick through a AR friend of mine, then I googled her name and found your page....I couldn't stop reading through all parts of the story. Great Detective work. People like "her" (it could be anyone) do what they do because no one usually is willing to go to such lengths to expose them. "She" has worked herself into the AR community and now your exposure of her is toppling her lies. It is a lot of work to be a liar like her. Watch out, "she" will be back, but this time she might be a man, or old lady, or another porn star. People should be suspicious of anyone they have not met face to face or of anyone asking them to give them money. Too bad she has ruined the good name of many AR activists by arousing suspicion in people who are trying to do real good out there. Good luck! and Congrats on the great work.
I actually found that picture, with out that tracer program. Just typed in marine Tattoos, and it was 4 or 5 rows down on Google Images. Screen shots courtsey of Jessi that was my sleuthing right there =) Shes famous for stealing google photos to pass as her own. Just glad to help out to bust this woman in her horrible web of lies. =)
ROTFLMAO. Of course she's over weight. No one would even care except for the fact she terrorizes others for being heavy & claiming to be a skinny pron star!! Ewwwwww., Really Ewwwww!!
What a total loser bitch! No bloody wonder she had to pretend to be Lela with that face and body! Yes are FUGLY!
So much for her vegan diet! LMAO! Fat-ass, Diane!!!
OMG, She is SO FAT AND UGLY!!!!!! No wonder she had to steal a porn's stars pics. She is SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one word- EWWWWW
From the looks of her pic two years ago I'd bet she's even BIGGER now. So my 1st assumption was correct; Diane IS slurping down live puppies as if they were corn dogs! Diane was born evil. I wonder what age her parents had her devil tail & ears clipped?
@Diane, do you have a piano case picked out for your coffin when you flat-line from eating animals & small children.
OMG! LMFAO!!! I think you're right. She is totally bigger. I believe that. She was posting somewhere about her scarfing down ice cream from Friendlies 3 times a week, not long ago. (Yes, Diane people are watching you! You have NO friends, just spies.) EVERYONE knows your a fake!
She is NOT a vegan!!! Everything she's ever said is a total lie!
OMG WHAT A COW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THE FAT PIG called and hung up on me 6 times last night...Now that I see her in all her obesity,it's clear why she was using a Porn star's likeness ;~P GAG I take so much pleasure in knowing it was I and I alone who went onto her wall and exposed her as the lie she was/ is the Pig's response to me after I shut her wall down,,April 4 at 3:24pm Report
no - the only lie was that Im 43 and have kids. But Im sorry I should put out on FB I do swank films
Please dont waste my time. there are plenty on my friends list who were with me and intimately and know me. If you continue to do this and harass me and post my intelectaul property I will do to you what I did to Urgents 2 and everyone else. dont be stupid. FB can make or break you and Im not that deep into rescue you are.
Now get lost
April 4 at 3:25pm Report
have it your way. I will call Verder and tell her about the dogs missing at your dime.
Mario Gandolfo April 4 at 3:25pm
I'm already gone lying BITCH ! you're history in the dog saving world skank !!
April 4 at 3:32pm Report
hahahhahahahaha ugh yeah ok faggot. I will play your game you freak Share what you want on your wall I have more friends than you and I have already reported you and started our own little mudsling with my friend amy and Chrystal. My story will be way better than yours.
Sad you almost made it though.
April 4 at 3:33pm Report
I have the picture of you with a cock in your mouth. sharing that story now.
April 4 at 3:35pm Report
you are in need of getting laid you sorry little pussy. man up and stop doing the FB witch hunts little girl. Your a total freak and need to grow some balls. Little pussy
April 21 at 12:27pm Report
I thought I was history in the dog saving world! Not in the porn world not in the dog world. Only in your sad world. The will you marry me messages are the laughing stock of FB and everyone has enjoyed them almost as much as I did. You sad little cunt. How sad that you dont have the new # to share with FB. little pussy not even man enough to act a man he gossips with the little girls on FB.
you midget. thats all you are is a sad little midget with a tiny little cock who boasts about not getting laid for 8 years. LOL!
Ummmmmmm YA GET IT!? Take a good look pindick.
Funny thing is you and your friends have made many of us laugh.
Keep going. Your poetic Bs is as funny as your comment that Im out of the dog world. It will take a bigger person and I mean in more than height to ever EVER EVER make me stop saving animals.
You are a sad sad pathetic little woman. And you just go right on and keep your sick twisted lust for her. How sad that you have nothing else to excite your lonely little life. Perhaps mothering that kid of yours? no? not exciting anuff for u? Poor kid to be raised by a worthless human being who has nothing in her life but imaginary people who she doesnt know. They have meds for this Jennifer. And you need to seriously be on some. The legal kinds though, not the illegal ones you like to pop.
This is so totally played out people get help. Get a life. Get another topic. Because I feel sorry for you. You and that thief Mario. Its all over FB by reputable legit rescues Pupz N Pals - and many others listing the proof the Flying Bee is a scam artist.
Stop with this. Prozac may help.
I know I know I know Im Diane -Isabella -Sylvie-Miriam- right? Well Im not. But I am entertained. And Love to share all the comedy with her wall and everyone else -it keeps us all laughing at sad people like you . blah blah blah blah blah - your a lunatic. How can anyone keep this childish new zew review crap going on Seriously? Now Jennifer if you cant see how everyone thinks your stalking and scorned because you and Isabella or Dianna had an affair your not making a very good impression.
get over it. theres plenty of lesbians out there. Stop ranting abotu your break up. LMAO!
And Im not Diane. But you could see who shared this lover scorned on her wall f you care to. You sure do miss your snookie pie dont u
OMFG you need some serious help Jennifer. Honestly get a life or a new play thing. Do you honestly have nothing to excite you in Nebraska? Your a flipping nut case. How creepy are you?
Diane, FOR THE LAST TIME, IT'S "YOU'RE" NOT "YOUR". Jeeezus!!!!
roses are red, violets are blue, diane is a cow, moo moo.
ROTFLMAO., Okay people. We called her (Diane's) comments on the nose.
Hey Diane, we all had bets on how many personalities you'd hit this blog with.
The test was;
1-How many times Diane would use the word "YOU'RE" but spell it wrong "YOUR".
2-Would Diane use the farce we are all lesbians scorned.
3- Would she make a racist, bigot or handicap slur.
4- Will Diane claim she & her fake friends are all sitting around laughing.
5- Will Diane Call someone else fatty.
Oh' Diane", "YOUR" con is so predictable. "YOUR" friends are nothing more then paper dolls & barbies you play with in "YOUR" fugly head!
"YOU'RE" without a doubt the most hated & laughed at person on fb. BTW - "YOUR" true body frame is now in question. What sex is marked on "YOUR" birth certificate & DL?
You should run with Pupz N Palz u pathetic skank..everyone go to yelp and look at their reviews they sell puppies for 300/puppy to the public and this is supposed to be a rescue and several of the puppies they sold out have died and they are being taken to court..I am also seeking legal action against them for posting all their lies ..
I just saw the real photos of diane and i am throwing up in my mouth.
What I find funny is all the guys Diane lured into phone, text & computer sex with her. I bet their all wiping shame & embarrassment from their heads *(pun intended)*. Especially those who have wives & girlfriends. This is what you jerks get for thinking some little hottie wanted your old tired ass!
LMAO!!! I knew she'd freak out! She's totally obsessed with my blog and her stupid lesbian rants. OMG...what a pathetic, fat cow!!!! MOOOOOOO Diane! MOOOOOO! Go shove some more ice cream in that FAT pie hole of yours! Hahahahahaha!!!
LMAO @ Mario!!! She's so predictable. :)
She's a PSYCHO and obviously needs psychiatric help!
She does look like a man though! Doesn't she?
There are voices that tell me the FBI is about to get involved in her,,,
It looks like she has had plastic done to her face but the big question is WHY ??? Also she is dying her scraggly hair...
For the record, I have never been Diane Campbell's friend. I have never even spoken to her nor do I care to. I have been hearing since I joined FB in '09 that Diane was a big time scammer in rescue and I have told many people that I believed this to be true. I had never investigated Diane or went after her in any way so I have no idea why she obviously hates me. It seems that as soon as I got on her radar she blocked me and on a few occasions she has sent me vulgar and awful rantings to my FB inbox but she always blocked me again afterward so that I could never respond. I am being told that Diane and at least one of her fake profiles have recently slandered me and accused me of vile and terrible things which of course are complete lies. Due to the renewed interest in exposing Diane and now her recent lies I am looking into her as well. She has very much made me her enemy. I would hope that everyone would be wise to the kind of person that Diane is by now and that they would see that her MO is to lie, threaten, harass and torment anyone that she sees as a threat.
Please do not believe a word this evil woman has to say. She knows that many people are on to her now and she is very actively being investigated. She will do anything she can to discourage all of us from exposing her by trying to discredit us.
Epic f**king Fail Diane!! You are the liar here and you are going to be held accountable for all of your deceit, manipulations and all that you have done to harm animals and good people. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts b/c I don't think it's going to be for long.
Mario, I don't think she's had plastic surgery otherwise she'd have lipo, a tummy tuck, lap band surgery, and a total reconstruction of her hideous face!
Laura please spead this far and wide,there is also a recording on my facebook wall that is her..she called me last weekend and left 6 threatening harassing voice mails which I now have safe on tape..I tried posting it here but do not know how to..
@ Anonymous lolololol
I need to say something here!For starters I don't know who this Mario is. I take it, he too was a victim of Diane Campbell's. As for Mario's claim for fame to be the SOLE person to expose Diane is ludicrous. Several people have been watching Diane for nearly a year. In fact many months ago Diane was exposed for stealing Lela Star's pics. There was so much hysteria going on about FB drama Diane was able to slither to the bottom of the list!
Recently Diane's con with dogs disappearing is what re-opened this case. The owner of this blog shared credit with many of those people who worked tirelessly gathering information, contacting the CT police departments, Animal Control, Old neighbors, landlords, classmates, ex's & family members of Diane Campbell. Many hours of screen shots, creating blogs & notes along with out of money spent to track down Diane that didn't involve Mario. "AGAIN" This was months ago to current day.
Many people haven't come forward to ask for their thank you's for helping. Many don't want mentioned due to they chose to work undercover.
So to Mario., YOU & YOU YOURSELF ALONE DIDN'T EXPOSE DIANE CAMPBELL! Your remarks & arrogance is out of line. In reality the people who finally put a stop to this case "Diane" didn't even know you existed until all the hard work was actually done! If you're looking for a pat on the back for your donation of information then "Thank You" appreciated..
But seriously guy., Knock it off with the hero act!!
I said thank you to Mario because I learned of this all from him and his dealings with her. Didn't mean to ruffle anyone's feathers.
@Laura, Please take no disharmony from my comment. I intended on writing my post before you mentioned Mario. "Again, Mario has indeed brought information about Diane to the table & we thank him for that. But! he continues to state he's the sole person behind bringing this information about Diane to light. I personally know how long our team has been working on this case. I also know how hard many others have worked too; Let alone the finical loss we've endured investigating her.
Mario may have very well been the 1st person to scream "Diane's a POS! However, His cry's were never heard & Mario DIDN'T pursue stopping her until animal advocates slammed down hard on her due to dogs disappearing. Many knew what a liar & freak she was/is. That really wasn't our issue until animals went M-I-A.
I have no beef with Mario except for the fact he's undermining a lot of people that all our hard work, time & money is due to his heroic actions! It's not fare to the folks who've worked so hard & also took a serious beating by many until those people too finally saw Diane for the fraud she truly is!
Bottom line, I'm just saying it wasn't ONE person who brought Diane's con to the public. This was a team effort so why not give credit to all?
Firstly.....Mindy Crocker's profile and AR do not go hand in hand. Maybe this profile 'cross posts' dogs in rescue but she certainly isn't heavily into animal rights. Look at where she' professes to work......EL test their products on animals!
Secondly..... Diane's obsession with lesbians is clearly because she is gay herself or because that is her/his fantasy! From the pictures I would say she finds it hard to get any action from either sex!!
Thirdly.....'Reputable rescue'Diane, what like yours? - Pups n Palz??
Not from what I have read! Selling sick puppies who either cost a fortune to treat, are left with life long illnesses or die - and they charge $300 for that privilege, also new owners find they are faced with extra costs such as vaccinations because the 'rescue didn't have them done! LMAO! Yep reputable!
The reason this blog keeps getting longer and longer is because YOU Diane keep feeding it. YOU keep on with your BS, not just here but all over FB. Yes you are ruined with the 'dog world' as very very few people are unwilling to even speak to you let alone add you to their friends lists or work with you on a rescue. They know of your 'serial dumping' of dogs that have been pulled from shelters and your lies. So I guess all you have left is your imaginary porn world as all your real friends are the battery operated buzzing rabbits!
Diane NEEDS to feed it...she CRAVES the attention...the narcissitic bitch she is!
Sorry Mario...I give credit where credit is did NOT single-handedly "expose" Diane! A TEAM of hard-working people did...taking screen shots...correlating info...taking a beating from this bitch! I will give Josh the credit for his note of exposing Diane with her fraud photos of Lela Star and that was really what started this whole thing! I WILL give Colette the credit for her amazing photo album of Diane's posts etc and most definitely give Jen the credit for her blogs and the time spent on keeping them up to date. you realise how utterly pompous you sound when you continue to boast your sole victory in exposing Diane? It is getting a tad annoying...especially when MANY people were NOT the person to do so!
For the record, I have never been Diane Campbell's friend. I have never even spoken to her nor do I care to. I have been hearing since I joined FB in '09 that Diane was a big time scammer in rescue and I have told many people that I believed this to be true. I had never investigated Diane or went after her in any way so I have no idea why she obviously hates me. It seems that as soon as I got on her radar she blocked me and on a few occasions she has sent me vulgar and awful rantings to my FB inbox but she always blocked me again afterward so that I could never respond. I am being told that Diane and at least one of her fake profiles have recently slandered me and accused me of vile and terrible things which of course are complete lies. Due to the renewed interest in exposing Diane and now her recent lies I am looking into her as well. She has very much made me her enemy. I would hope that everyone would be wise to the kind of person that Diane is by now and that they would see that her MO is to lie, threaten, harass and torment anyone that she sees as a threat.
Please do not believe a word this evil woman has to say. She knows that many people are on to her now and she is very actively being investigated. She will do anything she can to discourage all of us from exposing her by trying to discredit us.
Epic f**king Fail Diane!! You are the liar here and you are going to be held accountable for all of your deceit, manipulations and all that you have done to harm animals and good people. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts b/c I don't think it's going to be for long.
That includes threatening with lawyers etc etc. I call your bluff Diane...BRING evil filthy ugly hag!
and of course...if you confront are jealous...a dyke...a child molester...a drug addict etc etc. Talking from experience Diane??? You seem so utterly fixated on these issues...I tend to wonder!!!
Diane...your games are getting tiring to be honest! Do the world a favour...get some help...some SERIOUS psychological help or simply...go jump off a fucking bridge!
So who is this anonymous who does not even show their name and who makes it a point to keep singling me out why don't you tell everyone who you are hmm?? Crystal Harley is also one to be watched !! she creates chaos and havoc wherever she goes along with her crusty sidekick Amy Verder,,ask anyone legitimate how insane and what troublemakers they both are..those 2 pieces of work accused me of killing 4 Pit bulls several years ago !!!
Hey anonymous;
I only said I exposed her as portraying someone else when I went to her main facebook wall that I in fact got info from Josh liddy concerning a cropped photo she used and I made reference to Josh as being key in leading me to confront her on her own wall.Damn right I take credit for exposing her on that fact and hopefully saving many dogs by shutting at least one wall down..and if you have a problem with it then STUFF IT Anonymous whoever you are..,
I am sure I saw in the K.A.R.M.A. group you posted that you were the one who exposed Diane. Unfortunately I can not find that post due having left that group...but I am sure you said that
Mario, Give it up! You may have added to the exposure but it wasn't solely you! So stop it with the hero act okay. I said thank you for your participation. "About me not sharing my identity on this blog; It's because I'm still on Diane's page & don't want to get blocked since "I & others are still watching her! Comprenday?
As far as you telling me to Kiss your A**. Seriously? Are you going to get all Diane on anyone who say's it like it is? Don't be such a baby. Besides, I don't take direct orders from you so your demand of me kissing your A** will not be entertained! "However' I feel it would be appropriate you apologizing for your attempting to make this issue all about you & discounting others for all their hard work!
Also Mario", I invite you to Kiss My A**..!!!"
I should in form you; You'll need to stand on a chair to reach my bottom since it's obvious you're beneath me!
Just for the record, I was like the LAST person to know about Diane. It was ONLY through the efforts of others that I had even found out what was going on. I simply wanted to put her on blast. I was so angry about everything, I wrote a blog post. I figured like 10 people would read it and it would be over with. I got 1000+ views in the first 24 hours!
I take credit for NOTHING. I don't give a rat's ass about any of that. I am simply happy that she has been exposed as a liar and now that people are seeing all these things, more and more victims have come forward and everything is being given to the authorities.
@Dorte, Mario posted the comment above on this thread!
---> OMG WHAT A COW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THE FAT PIG called and hung up on me 6 times last night...Now that I see her in all her obesity,it's clear why she was using a Porn star's likeness ;~P GAG I take so much pleasure in knowing it was I and I alone who went onto her wall and exposed her as the lie she was/ is the Pig's response to me after I shut her wall down,,April 4 at 3:24pm Report
no - the only lie was that Im 43 and have kids. But Im sorry I should put out on FB I do swank films. (See Above Under Mario Gandolfo).
Let it go Mario! It wasn't JUST YOU!
I appreciate your last comment Tuesday. It wasn't about receiving credit for anyone until a few arrogant people started running their mouths & discounting others on the work we've ALL done! I know for fact how hard many put into this situation! For O-N-E guy to all a sudden appear & basically insult everyone who's donated time & money to expose Diane & claim their the freggin hero is offensive!
Again" I appreciate Mario's participation! What I resent is his constant comments on claiming this break-through was ALL HIM!
Mario - you are a damn liar!! I have NEVER said anything about you killing any dogs ever!! I know nothing about what you are referring to at all. Where’s your proof? The only proof you could have of something so ridiculous would be fabricated because I have no need to make up stories about you, I don’t have any idea what you were doing 4 years ago and I barely know you. We only knew each other for 1-2 weeks tops before you flipped out on a group pm thread because you attacked another person and we all told you to just chill out. You way over-reacted as usual. I still have the pm’s to prove this btw. You are entitled to your opinion about me but you do not know me or Amy well enough to make the claims that you have made. There is no truth in what you are saying on any account. I don’t need to defend myself to you though. You are a little man w/a huge ego and it was my impression that you were quite unstable when I knew you. I had hoped that you had gotten some help and hopefully some meds but clearly you have not.
I am NOT here posting as anonymous either as you seem to be implying. I have no problem whatsoever posting as myself. I do wholeheartedly agree w/the anonymous posts though - you do not deserve the credit for exposing Diane in any way. Word was out about her a very long time ago and just because you clearly did not know it does not mean you get to take credit for revealing any part of this. Just stop Mario. No one is buying your crap here and you are only looking foolish. MANY others have actually worked very hard to find the truth and to expose Diane. I don’t see that you’ve done much of anything and your taking credit for this is highly to insulting to those individuals I am sure. You really should apologize to them Mario. You are out of line re: this as well as your lies about me and Amy. You need to retract your lies immediately as that is slander and therefore against the law.
Mario - you are a damn liar!! I have NEVER said anything about you killing any dogs ever!! I know nothing about what you are referring to at all. Where’s your proof? The only proof you could have of something so ridiculous would be fabricated because I have no need to make up stories about you, I don’t have any idea what you were doing 4 years ago and I barely know you. We only knew each other for 1-2 weeks tops before you flipped out on a group pm thread because you attacked another person and we all told you to just chill out. You way over-reacted as usual. I still have the pm’s to prove this btw. You are entitled to your opinion about me but you do not know me or Amy well enough to make the claims that you have made. There is no truth in what you are saying on any account. I don’t need to defend myself to you though. You are a little man w/a huge ego and it was my impression that you were quite unstable when I knew you. I had hoped that you had gotten some help and hopefully some meds but clearly you have not.
I am NOT here posting as Anonymous either as you seem to be implying. I have no problem whatsoever posting as myself. I do wholeheartedly agree w/the anonymous posts though - you do not deserve the credit for exposing Diane in any way. Word was out about her a very long time ago and just because you clearly did not know it does not mean you get to take credit for revealing any part of this. Just stop Mario. No one is buying your crap here and you are only looking foolish. MANY others have actually worked very hard to find the truth and to expose Diane. I don’t see that you’ve done much of anything and your taking credit for this is highly to insulting to those individuals I am sure. You really should apologize to them Mario. You are out of line re: this as well as your lies about me and Amy. You need to retract your lies immediately as that is libel and therefore against the law.
Come on anonymous,tell us all who you really are..I notice everyone else is using their real name,do you have something to hide?? OR ARE YOU AFRAID
Really Mario? please re-read my comment on WHY I choose NOT to share my identity! If I need to type slower honey I will.
Even you Marion can respect that; Can't you?
Now running along sweetie
*(pat on your head Mario)*
I've got big person's things to do!
Do you not understand english Mario??? "Anonymous" wishes to remain that way because he/she is STILL on Diane's list. And trust is NOT Diane in hiding!!!
um yea ok all I needed to see ;~)
Thank you Sian ;~)
The funny part is, the only people left on Diane's list are those that are spying on her or her fake personalities. LMFAO!!! She is a worthless, fat loser.
Crystal...I wonder if those allergation were made by Diane about you and Amy...I would love to see some proof too, because those are nasty accusations!
Although I am not the same anonymous...I am on her list too...watching and is GOOD fun!
I'm still on her list. I've been taking screen caps of pretty much everything. The woman is so stupid. She actually thinks people have no idea that she's a fraud. The funny thing is, all of us know she's a fake.
I'm so glad someone got a picture of her. I've been dying to know what she really looks like. Typical fat, jealous bitch.
Dorte.. I would love to see Diane try to produce proof against Amy & I and not any of her altered posts either - genuine proof! I don't even know everything that she said about us but what I did hear sounded very bad and her claims were baseless and ridiculous. I hate liars more than anything and she is a liar too. Btw I was told she claimed that Mario was posting all sorts of vile lies about Amy and I on his wall. I don't know if that was true or not and even though Mario is a pompous ass, the source of this info is highly suspect as Diane is a known liar. She will lie and manipulate to attack anyone she does not like.
Wow. I just read these posts and just to clarify I am not the Anonymous that posted earlier either. I'm on Diane's friend list too and it sure is entertaining to watch her and her stupid posts all the while we are taking screen shots of everything and laughing about what a fool she is. Keep it up Diane - it's your grave you're digging!! LOL!
There's only one person that still believes her and it's because he's half retarded or whatever. It's really sad but, everyone else knows and they've seen all the blogs, including this one.
She's so stupid. She thinks people like her. Half the time she's talking to herself because she has NO friends.
I never really talked to you much Diane, but i always read your posts. I was suspicious of your "dog saving" efforts, but I still donated some money to one of your "chip ins." Nothing was ever posted again about the dog that was supposedly "saved." I decided to contact the police recently because you're a con artist. By the way i am still on your friends list also
Oh, Diane, you really should tape that mouth shut when you sleep...I hear the weather is getting better and the bugs are out. They are going to crawl on your skin and in every hole in your body!!! Bwahahahaha!
those pictures look just like she sounds: a fat chaunce with throat cancer
Diane truly is pathetic if she thinks people are not onto her, MANY are and they are VERY much on her list. She should be careful who she trusts really LOL. As for the photo of her, what an ugly bitch.
Diane's in more trouble than she could imagine and if I were her I would leave the country. There are already federal agents on her ass whether she knows it or not. She is going to state prison for her crimes; impersonating, stealing photos, threatening peoples' lives. Oh, yes, Diane, they know all about you and everyday they are getting closer to locking you up. You fucked the wrong people this time. Think you have friends left on your friend's list-- we are all spies watching you CLOSELY. GAME OVER.
ahhh...the smell of revenge...I like it!
Look over you shoulder Diane...if you feel a is me blowing down your neck!
LMAO!!! I shouldn't say anything either but, seriously, how could she not know that everyone knows she's a fraud? We ALL know. All of us on her list.
Everything is being given to authorities. There are two private investigators and one has confirmed that she put a guy in jail over HER saying he was making threats to a woman. He is now going to be suing her personally.
This is in addition to Lela going after her. Lela's agent was contacted, who contacted authorities. This bitch is retarded to think she's not going down. They have confirmed 16 various counts against her.
I just found this. Diane is STILL up to her worn out tactics? She's been doing this for years. I'm going to contact you, Tuesday. I live in CT so, I have some information you might find useful, like an address, phone numbers, name of old probation officer, etc. I was "friends" with Diane back in the day. She's just pure evil. I have plenty of stories for you.
Diane, you are a cheap jail tattooed food stamp using pathetic bitch not worth anyones fucking time but since you wanted to bring it you have everyones attention now better slither back into the gutter you climbed out of.
This bitch don't suck dick right. People what their 2 dollar refund!
Party time is over for you Diane...we are coming to get you!
Wow Diane. I had no idea you have pissed off so many people. Unbelievable. The stories just keep pouring in!
Well...considering her comments to other people...dick is NOT what she wants!!!
Oh wow...just logged on again. She sure as hell has pissed off some people, but we already knew that!
RBR, I guess that's why she doesn't do it right! LOL! She's so obsessed with lesbian stuff. I have to say, that totally shocked me but, considering we all know her obsession with sex and posing as a porn star, it doesn't surprise me.
With a body like hers, I'm surprised she can get anything/anyone.
Yeah, poor sex fixated Diane...must be getting thick behind the man wants her...BWAAAA!
Even Gil dumped her ass because she's crazy, she smells, and she's horrible in bed.
She is a sad twisted individual...a nobody really! I am glad people are past the point of getting intimidated...I say, don't get angry, get fucking even!
She KNOWS she is a nobody, that is why she had to pretend to be someone else! She knew if the men saw her REAL photo...they would be running for the hills!
Diane...I hope you are feeling watched, because we are everywhere...we learned from the Master of multiple profiles how exactly to infiltrate a be VERY careful what you say, you stupid bitch!
Damn, this bitch is fugly. No wonder she had to use a porn stars pictures.
April 4 at 3:25pm Report
have it your way. I will call Verder and tell her about the dogs missing at your dime.
Mario Gandolfo April 4 at 3:25pm
I'm already gone lying BITCH ! you're history in the dog saving world skank !!
April 4 at 3:32pm Report
hahahhahahahaha ugh yeah ok faggot. I will play your game you freak Share what you want on your wall I have more friends than you and I have already reported you and started our own little mudsling with my friend amy and Chrystal. My story will be way better than yours.
6 more hang up calls again early this morning by the skank Diane..
My sister is very very sick with cellulitous that makes your face swell up and this whore Diane posted a pic of my sis's face on her wall last night and said it was my wife and that I beat her face..she is a F-ing skank and needs to disappear in a very quiet way never to return ....
She's desperate and grasping for straws. We all saw that and know it's NOT true. As others have said, she has NO friends. Everyone on her profile is a spy or one of her fake profiles.
Oink! Oink! Oink! Here piggy piggy. I mean, Diane.
Where's the piggy????? I've got some crack for you to smoke. That should have ya come running in no time.
You really should just give it up, you fat hog! I gave Tuesday a good story about you. Oh, you thought you could just hide from your past didn't you? That Raleigh man of yours has loose lips and he's willing to spill everything on you.
Hell, NOBODY likes you. Not even that Gil you love. So funny how you make out like he's this love of yours. He says otherwise-- dumb hog.
How about the fake checks you wrote to yourself from the company Raleigh worked for? Oh busted bitch! You can run but you can't hide. Your stench is too strong.
Nice sunglasses. Are those from the 60's or something? Bitch looks like a fat man.
hahahahahahahahah YOU GUYS ARE HILARIOUS ;~)
Anyone who was victim to MARIO GANDOLFO and his theft regarding transport can call him at 818-942-5034 or contact Detective Brownelle 818-374-7805 in Encino California who is handling a series of complaints regarding MARIO GANDOLFO and the Flying Bee Trans...port also included in his theft as his side kick is Chrissy Bloom and she can be reached at 412-853-6830. She is looking to foster a dog-because mario had her call me at 4 am to help her rescue one. PuPZ N PaLZ can verify that he is a thief and has shared all of the proof to make this TRUE and not defamatory accusation as he is known to do. BLACK AND WHITE PROOF THAT YOU MARIO ARE A THIEF! ALSO HE IS A LIAR! because the only person the LAPD called is mario. So stalk on and steal on wanker. nw that I blocked you and your text messages from being bothersom what will you do to occupy your time? Have Chrissy Bloom call me at 4 am again to rescue a dog? You only tell half the sroties PUSSY! By thw way is this your wife whos ass you kicked? Det. Bronelle listed # above will verify she had viewed all of his threatening messages to me. Unlike Mario...Im not at all interested in him but I WILL shar about what a thief he is. Thanks for sharing LINDA ANDERSON! The examiners doing a huge story on this ! Woman beater -dangerous rescue! See More
By: Diane Campbell
Mario: I have read nothing but GOOD things about you. What this POS is saying is disgusting! She has tormented me and tried to discredit a rescue friend of mine on FB. This is how she operates...spreading lies and turning people against each other BUT we ALL know better now and ANYONE who believes ANYTHING that comes out of this evil monster's mouth is as pathetic as she is.
People have for a long time now been running "scared" due to Diane's vile and disgusting ways...time to take a different approach!
I keep asking myself...why are people so scared of her? I am not scared...I am fucking pissed off! She is a fucking liar, a fraud, a vile cow who can not communicate on a normal level. I would presume this is due to her lower IQ!
She is ONE person and we are MANY! Time for this bitch to pay for what she has done! Ultimately...we are dealing with a fucked up individual who shows NO remorse...NO guilt...NO compassion...a true sociopath! What she needs is a padded cell, a straight jacket and a handful of strong anti-psychotic medications!
SO MANY people have had dealings with her and they are ALL coming out from hiding now, because they realise they are NOT alone and that there are people willing to listen to them! Who gives a fuck about the "Diane supporters" (if there are any and they are not just in her head). Let them support her...let them get burnt and let them get treated like shit...just like she treats everybody in her path!
I know she uses disgusting tactics...what else could you expect from a lowlife piece of shit really! To the people who still believe Diane is a victim and "we are all jealous"...honestly I feel sorry for you, because ultimately she will shaft you too, when she doesn't need you anymore for her little scams! And when she does...I shall happily say I TOLD YOU SO!
She will threaten with fake lawyer, visits from the FBI, that she will hurt you and claim people are stalking her! Fuck yes, they are stalking out her for the piece of puke she is! And no...we are not "stalking" her because we are jealous...HAHAHAHA...look at her for fuck sake! What is there to be jealous about!!! can run, but you can NOT filthy ugly cow!
I'm not scared of the whore,I just want her skank ass in jail as some chick's bitch ;~)
WOW DIANE, you are one fat ugly mofo. Your expired ugly beatles glasses, your FAT ass, icky... I think I puked a bit!! No wonder you wanted to be Lela, because you look like a tranny!!! Disgusting. BARFFF..... -All my LOVE! Jessi BWHAHAHA...
Mario...I am sure Diane would LOVE to be someones bitch in jail...after all she is very fixated on calling other people dykes!
Holy shit! What is it today Diane? Vegan? Animal lover? Skinny? We are jealous skanks? You hate Vick? What a pathetic bitch you are!
I am wondering if you have realized you fucked with the wrong crowd by now? No, we won't just let it go when you throw your disgusting language about! You see, we have figured it all out! It is a diversion tactic you use when people bust your ass! When they get a bit too close to the truth, you start your filth and hope people will forget what the real issue was all about.
We ALL recognize your MO! It is so blatantly OBVIOUS!
We also know you are addicted to the attention! Too bad the attention will not be from guys now, since they know how fucking ugly you are! The attention will be from the rest of us, who are SERIOUS pissed off and can't wait to see your mug shot posted on Facebook!
paste this link in your browser,,, Diane is now a star on youtube,,,
Oh, dirty Diane hasn't changed at all. I can't wait till people bust your ass! Looks like you finally stepped in it this time, you stinky skank.
Diane just wrote this to Chrissy Bloomer a woman Diane threatened to slash her throat !!! Chrissy Bloomer May 20 at 9:35pm Report
Diane CampbellYou liar! your getting private calls? Are you really ?? Tell me all about them? I have a potty mouth. At 5 am a dork calls your house what would you suggest I do. talk about the weather.
mario is going to jail. And at this point so are you. I guarentee you Detective Brownelle of the Enci8no PD is at his house now. So continue on with your slander, your threats via text and email because his wall is being watched and the law is getting it all.
So carry on Chrissy You should learn to mind your business because your # and his are all over FB for being the two thieves that you are
Continue on. It isnt as if anyone is taking him seriously.
Funny that cause I live in Encino and there is no Encino PD it's LAPD !!! lololol oh !! WAIT !! I think I hear voices oh GOD I think I hear footsteps THEIR COIN FOR ME MMUUAHAHAHAHAHAH...
Mario...send us a copy of the police report!
As for Diane...are you getting scared bitch! I would be...I would be VERY scared and paranoid by now!
Your problem Diane is...PEOPLE COULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCV ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! Should I spell it out slowly for you get it......
Let me get my scanner working...
I think found another one of her accounts. Just suspecting.
The photo looks familiar. The account looks new.
I'm anxiously awaiting part 4! I have spent the better part of the day reading this saga, and am absolutely enthralled with all this! She still on FaceBook?! I want to go friend her now!!!! Thank you for this blog! I got a good laugh at Diane's expense. It has been wonderful!! Thank you again!
She is hiding here:
Diane Campbell
I have a question. Onlyy because I am so desperate right now and out of time. I have to suddenly come up with another $500 for my closing friday ....I am fucked. Broke and dont get paid until Friday * 2 weeks from this friday. We have got every penny we had put into this. and I cant loose this house for $500 I just cant. I have to be out of this apartment by Sunday and this was so last minute I dont know what to do. Do you know anyone like a loan shark type who can loan me $500? I will sign anything and pay it back within 30 days. I dont know what else to do. I am about ready to have a heart attack. My mom is 80 on social and she has nothing. If you know anyone please please let me know please.
I told her to fuck off.
Diane Campbell
I have no family in this country. All in Argentina or Italy. And the friends I have come to me for money. LOL. I will figure something out. Well I maybe can do a cad. Never took a cash advance out cause I ty not to use them unless I have to. I buy things and pay the bill when it comes. I suppose maybe I can do that. I was going to do one of those payday advances. They are crazy insane and the interest rate is outrageous.
Diane Campbell
Well I worked too hard to come this far. Im doing this for peace and quiet and for my dogs to have a nice yard nd comfy home for us all. I have some friends that do lending for mortgages but they I think need to do more then a measley 500 dollars. When my lawyer opens in the morning I am going to blast him a bit. How did this suddenly come to play. Last minuute this way? Thats got me totally off the wall. Strange that last minute he ooops missed this and that. But I will hock jewelry if I have to. I would rather own my house then have a 4 carat engagement ring that has sat in my jeweru box for the past 15 years. Im not much on jewelry and have so much - my husbands uncle was a jeweler and every occasion he would buy me some extravagent piece and made monthly payments on the suff. I have so many things I can get rid of something if I need to. I would hate to but Im getting my house if my lawyer puts it in and we pay him next week. Came way too far -days aay from moving and Im not going to be defeated now. I wonder what happened to those Beneficial companies. I used to work for them when I was 24 writting mortgages and refinancing mortgages. They used to do small personal and homeowner loans.
Diane Campbell
I will figure it out. When youre desperate for something you will do anything even go to a loan shark and pay double the loan. Im exhausted from thinking and just want to sign my life away for the next 30 years and live happily ever after. Did you see pictures of the place? its so adorable I cant wait to wake up there
and the water is not that close. I think they took the pic with a seriouslly good zoom lense because the water is not that close. It is close but we have quite a nice yard and small area of marsh land too. So the oceans close but it isnt as close as it looks here.
Diane Campbell
I fell in love. When we first got married we bought a house off of Ocean Ave West Haven. Lovely house. Private little road off of ocean avenue. Sold it cause I got laid off the economy was killing us. Now I am in a apartment in new Haven West Haven line. I hate it. It makes me want to hang myself. LOL. I HATE IT! I hate the element coming by the bus loads. Now we got the curry smellin towal heads, spooks and mida midas and none of them work or pay their own rent. F THAT! I gotta work to live in crap ? Neh. Ill pass. My husbands getting older. he has had the same job since he was 18 and he is 58! He has worked at Giordano Monuments In West Haven across from St Lawrence Cemetary
BY THE WAY, DIANE TOLD ME THAT SHE GAVE UP A BABY WHEN SHE WAS YOUNGER. SHE REALLY FLIPPED OUT AT THE WOMAN WHO SAID THAT, AND SHE TOLD ME IT WAS TRUE. At first, I felt sorry for her, but now I question whether she gave it up or they TOOK it away. She's obviously VERY unstable!
She's also hiding here:
Still up to her old tricks. I loved this part:
"Never took a cash advance out cause I try not to use them unless I have to."
Diane lies so much she can never pay attention to what she is saying. She has a "gift" of saying something and contradicting herself in the SAME sentence. She never took a cash advance but somehow manages not to use them unless she has to? LMFAO! What an idiot.
I wonder why people are having such a hard time catching this person who constantly posts on Facebook and other social media. I got a pretty rude message from Diane Campbell the other day, and personally I could care less what she thinks of me, but her anger toward me got me curious so I googled her name and here I am.
I think you very well might be dealing with a man and his name is Brandon Rek. He is notorious for making fake Facebook accounts and posting on Connecticut news station pages. I believe he also goes by the name of Dave Eboch, but I cannot be certain they are the same person. Look into Mr. Rek and see if you can find a connection to Diane Campbell. My bet is there is not only a connection but every single profile that has been faked that are from West Haven, Connecticut or the surrounding areas are him, including Diane Campbell.
Thank you for you comment. I have confirmed through several sources that Diane is indeed a real person. Unfortunately.
If I get the chance, I will see if the name Brandon rings a bell with any of those that know her.
This Diane Campbell person is one of the biggest losers I have ever come across. She has been sending me death threats on Facebook just because I disagreed with something she said on the Judge Judy Facebook page! I'm not in the least bit intimidated by her or her mouth. The more I laugh at her, the angrier she gets! It's all too funny!
Here are the links to the screenshots of her messages to me, with some info blurred out because she was giving out other people's information as her own:
OMG!!! Holy cow. She has actually gotten worse. I just got ANOTHER message yesterday about her. She just doesn't go away. I swear, something is just not right in the head with that woman. LMFAO ...her rants are soooo stupid!!!
Wow, whoever created this is a shit hole who needs to get a hobby beyond trying to make a single individual look bad. Its as if you have no life of your own and must interfere with someone elses... oh wait, you're a conservative, so yeah, that makes sense.
Oh yes because liberals NEVER interfere with other people's lives. Just like you having the choice to just leave this blog but, for some reason could not help but comment and try to present yourself as being "oh so superior"? Can you say, "OXYMORON"? Run along now, child.
Oh and make sure you check this out, this is what she really looks like!!!! And she told me that Butch was her husband so now everything fits. She is hideous and she milked my friend for money and is now calling her a dog flipper. She should be in jail where she belongs.
This Diane Campbell is back out there. This time she is hanging out on a site called Who Tortured Caleb? We exchanged words when I posted something that didn't align with her views. My gut was telling me she was bad news so I googled her and found this blog and a lot of other information on FB, etc. Here's a link to her current FB profile.
Anonymous: She is a nasty one to deal with. Everyone just needs to block her. She needs to be shut out from the internet. Her entire goal is to scam from people. I'm surprised she's managed to stay out of jail.
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