Since I haven't posted in some time, I thought it would be wise to give you an update on my whereabouts and what has been going on.
I have been working on my book which I finally decided to title, "The Alternative Conservative." I am finished with all of the content except for two sections. It has been quite a challenge for me doing something I have never done before but in time, with persistence, I will be finished very soon. I've decided to go with a self-publishing option where I will sell my book online.
I have been working on another project where I will be writing more informational articles about self-improvement, words of encouragement, Christianity, health, and I will be handing out ideas for people to take and run with -- if they so choose. The idea here is to keep my mind focused on the good things in life. This year, the news stories and court cases (which I have become increasingly interested in), have been taxing on my soul and has elevated my constant concern over the direction our country is going towards. While I know I cannot change the world or anyone else, I can change myself and I've learned that the most powerful way to spread a message is through example.
A few life changes...
My schedule has changed from night owl to daytime. It's almost unnatural for me but it needed to be done since my daughter has finally begun pre-school. She absolutely loves school and I could not be more thrilled. I was nervous but only because I'm so happy for her. Watching my little girl grow up and form new relationships with other people, interacting in different ways, and forming her own image of the world is quite fulfilling and powerful.
I recently become rather sick on Sunday. Tonight (Tuesday), I really could not take the pain anymore so I found myself in the ER. Thankfully everything looks good -- blood-work came back fine, although it looks like I managed to pick up a virus of some sort that was causing me pain and dehydration. It started out as gas pain and I immediately tried some basic home remedies; I drank some water with a pinch of baking soda; I took a shot of apple cider vinegar, I tried a few tablespoons of mustard. All of these seemed to produce a burp or two but that was it. I also tried to get "things moving" with some colon cleanse tabs and castor oil but NOTHING helped. The next day, I was in pain. I had a headache, I could barely move, aches and pains all over my body, I was nauseous, and parts of my skin felt raw like a rug burn. The skin pain was really odd to me; I've never experienced that symptom before. I tried taking Ibuprofen but that didn't help me in the slightest. I drank water and I even got Gatorade and coconut water to encourage hydration. I went to bed super early to ensure almost 11 hours of sleep. Today (Tuesday morning), I felt a little better so I carried on with my day and pushed through. I was getting sweats and chills -- all day back and forth with this and that headache never went away; it only got worse and the more I tried to carry on, the harder it became to do so.
Often if ever I get sick, it's usually for a very short time, maybe 24 hours, or at least I can tell I have a cold or I have a flu. All this time had gone by and I still had the gas pain and my symptoms were not going away or getting weaker so I called my doctor's nurse who suggested I go to the ER. I'm thankful I did. They gave me an IV and some medication to calm the nausea. They also gave me some medicine for the pain. I received two prescriptions and was sent home. Thank goodness! I was thrilled it was nothing serious but I was sad that I was unable to push through it the way I normally would. However, I am so thankful for the pain relief because I really could not take another day of pain. Headaches are the worst. I rarely experience them so when I do, my heart just goes out to those that have to suffer with them constantly. Headaches and back pain -- horrible pains that I fortunately have rarely experienced.
In any case, the last few weeks I have been swamped with all sorts of different things and changes coming at me from all directions. For the most part they have all been positive and have brought me great rewards. I just wanted to touch base with the two people that read my blog (okay a few more). :D I will be back to regular posts soon!
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