Zarna with a red dot on her forehead.
Zarna Joshi is credited as being a SJW activist, (that's Social Justice Warrior just in case you don't know). She recently uploaded a video documenting her own actions earlier this month while she attended Seattle's City Council accompanied by Black Lives Matter activists. They were all protesting the construction of a new police station that is being referred to as "The Bunker."
The video begins with Zarna pointing out someone from the media interviewing a man she identifies as being pro-cop/pro-Bunker. She seems to be rather angry that she is witnessing the media interview this man and not someone from BLM. The man being interviewed has a daughter who was a heroin addict and he gives credit to the police for saving her life.
After his interview is over, the man has no choice but to walk by Zarma and notices she is filming him. He says to her (as best as I can hear), "You took my picture." Zarma confirms she did and then he asks, "you want my name?" She says yes and he responds jokingly, "Hugh Mongous."
The man clearly shows in his expression and name-joke that he is not taking this woman seriously. He certainly doesn't owe this woman anything, much less his real name however, Zarna becomes unhinged. She proceeds to shout at him, "Hugh Mongous what?" repeatedly. When he repeats himself with a smirk, she almost instantly begins to make the accusation that he sexually harassed her, "Is that sexual harassment?" At this point, the man is in utter disbelief. Zarna doesn't stop; she continues to go into a sort of frenzied rage, finishing off with an accusation that she was abused.
In the video, you can see the man slowly dismissing her and backing away with each step she takes towards him. As Zarna becomes louder and more enraged, she begins to reach out to her fellow supporters for affirmation. It's clear she's looking for support and she seems interested in getting other people excited and angered. We then see security intervene and the man walks away completely. Zarna now focuses her rage onto the people handling the security. "Are you going to do anything about how he sexually harassed me?"
The yelling and shouting continue and Zarna portrays herself as an immature, entitled, spoiled brat or someone going into some type of mentally disturbed rage. Her perception of reality is disturbing. I would imagine that most people, like myself, are left cringing watching this video as it unfolds and seems to never stop escalating until the very end.
Zarna continues to verbally attack the security guards. She calls them vulgar names and insults them. She appears as being in an irrational state of total disbelief as to why they are not hunting down the man who told her a name joke.
What did she expect them to do? The man has no authority over her; he is a complete stranger who happens to be a natural enemy by supporting the police. He doesn't owe her anything but let's say he did say something inappropriate. Let's pretend he said something real vulgar like, "You're a woman - only good for a pair of tits and a p*ssy. Now go make me a sammich." So what? It's not illegal to say something inappropriate or rude, not in this particular context anyway. If she worked for him that might be another story but, even then you have to prove the harassment.
Her accusations about this man's behavior are absurd and irrational but what are we, as reasonable observers, supposed to make of this woman? Is she doing this for attention? Does she really believe her own nonsense? Or is she just behaving this way because she's brainwashed to react in this manner? I believe it to be a combination of sorts. I believe someone like this is probably suffering from some sort of mental issue coupled with a lack of intelligence. Add to this her interest in the far-left radical/regressive ideology, which indicates some brainwashing is present, and we are left with a recipe for disaster.
Radio talk show host, Michael Savage, has long claimed that liberalism in its extreme form is a mental disorder and this claim could not be more accurately expressed during this woman's video.
Zarna later took to social media and posted bizarre rants, further informing the world she's bat sh!t crazy.
The yelling and shouting continue and Zarna portrays herself as an immature, entitled, spoiled brat or someone going into some type of mentally disturbed rage. Her perception of reality is disturbing. I would imagine that most people, like myself, are left cringing watching this video as it unfolds and seems to never stop escalating until the very end.
Zarna continues to verbally attack the security guards. She calls them vulgar names and insults them. She appears as being in an irrational state of total disbelief as to why they are not hunting down the man who told her a name joke.
What did she expect them to do? The man has no authority over her; he is a complete stranger who happens to be a natural enemy by supporting the police. He doesn't owe her anything but let's say he did say something inappropriate. Let's pretend he said something real vulgar like, "You're a woman - only good for a pair of tits and a p*ssy. Now go make me a sammich." So what? It's not illegal to say something inappropriate or rude, not in this particular context anyway. If she worked for him that might be another story but, even then you have to prove the harassment.
Her accusations about this man's behavior are absurd and irrational but what are we, as reasonable observers, supposed to make of this woman? Is she doing this for attention? Does she really believe her own nonsense? Or is she just behaving this way because she's brainwashed to react in this manner? I believe it to be a combination of sorts. I believe someone like this is probably suffering from some sort of mental issue coupled with a lack of intelligence. Add to this her interest in the far-left radical/regressive ideology, which indicates some brainwashing is present, and we are left with a recipe for disaster.
Radio talk show host, Michael Savage, has long claimed that liberalism in its extreme form is a mental disorder and this claim could not be more accurately expressed during this woman's video.
Zarna later took to social media and posted bizarre rants, further informing the world she's bat sh!t crazy.

It appears that Zarna has been in the process of trying to delete all traces of the very video she posted. She took down her Facebook post and has made other attempts at shutting down those who mirrored her video.
This woman calls herself a community organizer (imagine that), and can be found working through some extreme group called Backbone Campaign. She appears to be just another classical spoiled woman-child, in a state of arrested development, who is looking for anything to give her life meaning. She will even go so far as to make up things and slander innocent people in order to satisfy this need.
Congratulations to "Hugh Mongus" for dealing with Zarna so quickly and not taking anything this woman said seriously. This is exactly the type of treatment women like this deserve. They should never be taken seriously. Always double down when you encounter these loons. Never apologize for not sharing their mentally disturbed perception of reality. In the meantime, let's hope Zarna gets her medication balanced in the coming months.
This woman calls herself a community organizer (imagine that), and can be found working through some extreme group called Backbone Campaign. She appears to be just another classical spoiled woman-child, in a state of arrested development, who is looking for anything to give her life meaning. She will even go so far as to make up things and slander innocent people in order to satisfy this need.
Congratulations to "Hugh Mongus" for dealing with Zarna so quickly and not taking anything this woman said seriously. This is exactly the type of treatment women like this deserve. They should never be taken seriously. Always double down when you encounter these loons. Never apologize for not sharing their mentally disturbed perception of reality. In the meantime, let's hope Zarna gets her medication balanced in the coming months.
I 100% agree with you, the only thing I don't agree with is using this crazy c**t as an example of Liberalism being a bad thing. There are crazy extreme leftists, there are also crazy extreme rightists too.
All in all I hope this horrible woman disappears from social media and YouTube.
I'm a Seattle native, and if i see this filth walking around, i will go greenriver style on her. Get the fuck out of my state SJWs!
Has anyone checked if she is legally in the country? Can she be brought to the attention of the INS?
Ask the Beotch what Caste her Family belongs to in India. That will explain a lot
Entitled Prima Donna and Man Hater, and they bring their biogoted hatred to our Country
Yes, for real she has a mental illness...Clearly it is Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Yes, for real she has a mental illness...Clearly it is Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
If she is from India and maybe a lower caste,she may actually have developed an extreme hatred of men and or authority. She does not seem to be able to appreciate the freedom America affords women and "people of color" whilst still using that freedom to accuse people of heinous crimes they didn't commit. She should try that in India.
This disgusting person is a perfect example on why the U.S. needs to be more discriminating with immigration.
She belongs to the entitled "untouchable" caste and she is an untouchable for real.
There is another worm like her in India "Kancha Illya" a professor at Osmania univeristy of Hyderabad
This "Kancha Illya" wrote a book "Post Hindu India". He is wet dreaming about getting rid of all Hindus like these arsewipe dream of getting rid of white people (white men) in the US
ZARNA = Muslim name
She looks like my domestic help
I am so happy Trump won. Imagine someone like her in power.
Do you want these crazies on the nuclear button? HELL NO!
She keeps talking about "rape culture" like any guy out there wants to have sexual relations with this fugly.
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