
Ben Shapiro on James Comey About Hilary

Here we are about a month after the fact and there are still looming questions as to what occurred between the ears of James Comey concerning his nonsensical decision not to recommend prosecution for Hilary Clinton.

Yes, we know the left in this country (including the mainstream media), is determined to keep telling the public that it has been the Republicans who have dragged things out, The right has only been engaging in a "witch-hunt" as it pertains to Hilary, pay no attention to the fact that this administration has done everything they could to lie, obfuscate, and stall all of the investigations that have occurred. Obama even tried telling the American people that initial probes were exhaustive, knowing this was false.

The issue with Benghazi is directly related to the e-mail probe because Hilary repeatedly testified about various e-mail communications. The American public is now being asked to believe that while Hilary repeatedly lied during her testimony, she really didn't realize she was doing anything wrong when she set up a private server and proceeded to send classified information.

How exactly does someone with such great authority as Hilary not understand that sending classified e-mails are prohibited from a private server? According to Comey, she just didn't know, she wasn't sophisticated enough. Yet she was sophisticated enough to have a private server set up in the first place? The left now wants this same woman to be considered for holding the highest office of the land? What kind of crack are these people smoking?

As far as her intentions, we are told to accept this bizarre narrative that claims Hilary didn't know what she was doing therefore, the government simply cannot do anything to ensure some sort of consequences for her reckless behavior. Has anyone ever heard of such nonsense? One of the first things a young student of American History learns is, "ignorance is no excuse for the law." We are talking high school level here. Wasn't Hilary a lawyer earlier in her career? While the court may favor a lighter sentence for a person who truly meant no harm (depending on the specifics), that doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed and punishments are not given. For example, a person who kills intentionally vs. a person who kills recklessly is certainly going to be considered differently under the law. However, in the case of recklessness, it hardly equals the prosecution just dropping the case altogether.

Recently we have learned that in some of these private e-mails on Hilary's personal server she had discussed a scientist the U.S. was paying in exchange for secret information on the Iranian government. The man was put to death for treason. We have also learned that $400 million had been sent to Iran in what seems to be a ransom for hostages.

Listen to Ben Shapiro comment on James Comey and just how illogical and implausible his statements to the public have been.

Link to the full video of Trey Gowdy and James Comey.

Shapiro on Benghazi. Here Shapiro explains the final report and what really was discovered.

Here is the link to WikiLeakes.

Anyone who actually watched any part of these hearings would know just how difficult Hilary was and know she lied. Why Comey chose to ignore this may never be answered.  We do know Lorretta Lynch conveniently met with Bill Clinton just prior to announcing her decision that she would not proceed to go after Hilary. She insists that her and Bill met at the airport out of pure coincidence and spoke of their grandchildren and golf. What an amazingly horrible time for such a coincidence. Geezus, these people think we are stupid.

Imagine if you will how ludicrous this sounds. These two people expect us to believe they just so happened to be at a particular airport at the same time and Bill just so happened to decide for his security detail to stop everything just so he can go say "hi" to the very women who will, in a very short time, make a serious decision concerning his wife's status in life. Never once did this man think to himself, "ya know, this might not look so good for anyone involved, including Hilary, so I think I'll just wait this out for now"? Nope, he instead just felt so overwhelmed with joy and excitement because he just had to go meet up with Loretta to talk about his grandchildren and of course ask her about hers. Yep, that's it!

The audacity of these two to believe the American public is this stupid is just plain insulting. Yes, there are indeed idiots out there who are so desperate to confirm their ever-growing leftist bias, insisting that their precious leftist figures walk on water. However, most people, left or right, are smart enough to know a deal was made.

Watch Clinton during her interview with Chris Wallace. Chris confronts her with the reality that Comey confirmed she lied during her testimony. She stated she had not sent any classified information and in fact she did. She talks about some nonsense about people retroactively changing messages to classified but that literally makes no sense. None of that was ever brought up before so why would this be something any of us should accept now? Again, Hilary went out of her way to set up this private server. Who does this when they are guaranteed a secure server from the government?

Now she sounds like she's trying to blame other people. I don't know what her excuse is here. Again, Clinton does not truly answer the question and those protecting her are not answering questions. It becomes extremely frustrating for many of us to even watch this scenario play out. These democrats seem to be gas lighting the public. You cannot say Hilary did nothing wrong and blame Republicans for dragging this out when you have people who are purposefully ignoring questions, refusing to cooperate, and just flat out lying when they are asked probing questions.

Hilary and the company she keeps seem to believe they are above reproach and have no qualms about lying to the American public. One can only imagine just how far she will go if she's elected as president.


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