
Someone Explain the Joke Rules to Me?

Once again the liberal blogs have picked up a story running through the social media. It appears they are rather up in arms over this photo:

Here on the far right we have Greg Cimeno - who I also happen to be friends with on Facebook, and have been for a number of years. I don't know him personally but I do feel as though I know him. We've chatted rather frequently through the years and I consider him to be a great guy. He's young, very ambitious, and has always been an open and honest guy as far as I can tell. 

In any case, this was Halloween they were dressing up for and it should be obvious to anyone with a few synapses firing in their brain that it was meant to be joke. Halloween is different for everyone but wearing an offensive costume is nothing new. There is also nothing new about portraying people who have made the news during the year proceeding the current Halloween. 

Interestingly I watched the Donald Trump Roast last night on Comedy Central -- a rerun but a classic, as they all are. Every single joke on there is offensive and badly offensive. A woman comedian on there even made a very sick joke about Sarah Palin's son. Of course, it's a Roast and that's the entire point so that's why no one gets offended, nor should they. 

So let's talk about jokes for a minute...

The very people who are always preaching to everyone about love and tolerance seem to think that lashing out at people who make jokes offensive to them is perfectly fine. I don't see these people freaking out at exponential levels when offensive jokes are made that support their views.

The point is, offensive comedy has always been around and you have a right to be offended. I'm not sure you have a right to go around threatening people over it. We have all done and said things that could be considered offensive to someone. Most of the people going around making hate-filled remarks towards Greg and his friends have most likely offended someone at sometime in their lives and those that claim otherwise, are lying. Of course the typical response I hear from many people might be something like, "Well, I've done offensive things but not like this." Really? How do you know? How do you know you never offended someone greatly? Why are you comparing your offenses with others anyway?

For people who are so anxious to tell others not to judge, it's interesting how quick they are to judge others.

The whole purpose of comedy is to offend. Think about most any joke you've ever heard. There is always someone that is the punch line. Whether the comedian is poking fun of himself, a group of people, male or female, young or old, a race, a religion, etc. Someone, somewhere is the target.

In this case we have two people -- one who is dressed like George Zimmerman and the other Trayvon Martin. The majority of the responses are claiming this to be racist but it is the left who made the case all about race, even after the FBI did an investigation and could find nothing in Zimmerman's background to suggest he was a racist; he is actually part black himself. Furthermore, if you're white and dressing like a black person, not wearing make-up or a mask that depicts a black person sort of takes away from the costume. The costumes are depicting actual people; the person didn't just go out as a black, nameless face. Trayvon was not murdered as many are claiming; he was killed because he decided to pummel the sh!t out of someone who was watching out for their neighborhood and who by the way, in case you forgot, was acquitted. For the masses who did not watch the trial, the defense utterly destroyed the prosecution because they never had a case to begin with. The ONLY people who have insisted anything racist concerning this case in general are those that decided to destroy a man before ever listening to the facts. Evidently they have learned nothing and still think it's okay to shame people, young people, who did nothing but wear some costumes that have been deemed by them as politically incorrect.

Oh, if only Greg had decided to put the bullet hole on himself, all these same people would be laughing at what a clever costume he had. Yes, I know this is true because this picture here is proof. This is acceptable by the same mob of bullies attacking Greg:

Whether you like these costumes or not, it's intent was not to send people into a furry of hate. The three in this photo have received death threats and other nasty, hate-filled comments directly and indirectly over the past several hours. Yes, the photos were published on the internet but these are not celebrities. They are normal, everyday people who went out to have a good time and laugh. Big deal. A public shaming via the web all because someone found it "offensive" and decided to blast it all over is now considered okay? So a person finds it offensive and thinks that an equal or even more amount of hate in the opposite direction is going to help the situation? It's going to somehow help the target? Really, what good does this do anyone?


I initially believed this story would just die out as quick as it started so I remained quiet in hopes that it would go away. I decided to go ahead and post this for two main reasons -- ONE, I consider Greg a friend. TWO, I don't like bullies. When I see people bullying my friends, I cannot help but go into protective mode. I felt very compelled to stick up for him and give him some support and I also know that Greg is not a racist - he's a Zimmerman supporter, as I am. In fact I donated several times to Zimmerman's defense fund; I have written several blog posts about the case and worked very hard to research the case and bring accurate information to my audience. The man was brutally bullied in the press by a bunch of illogical, irrational people who continue to go out of their way to find racism, even when it doesn't exist.

Do we really have to wonder why the hell it is we have bullying problems in this country when we see people lashing out and trying to destroy the lives of people over something they found "offensive"?

Do you know what a white person has to do to prove they are not racist? It's not good enough to have blacks in your family; it's not good enough to have several black friends; it's not good enough to have dated black people; no, it boils down to being liberal. You MUST be a liberal; you must toe the liberal line or you will suffer. How do I know this? Look at how black people treat conservative blacks. It's not about race. It never has been. It's about division and ideology. Period. Had Greg been an outspoken liberal, nobody would have cared.

For those who still have sand in their vagina over this, don't forget the classic -"Only G-d can judge me!!!!" Perhaps taking some advice from your own mouths might help. 

***Just to add that yes, it is paint on his face - Halloween paint that you can buy at any store selling Halloween costume gear.

*** Greg's sister has been fired from her job and this has been confirmed. So, apparently for some it's not enough to publicly shame someone, they have to go after a person's ability to make a living. Unbelievable.


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