During an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” host Candy Crowley read Pelosi part of a letter signed by union goon James Hoffa Jr. that described Obamacare’s impact on employers as a way to “destroy the foundation of the 40-hour work week.”Pelosi's response?
Some parts of Obamacare need to be clarified, she acknowledged, but losing that 40-hour work week will really free Americans to “pursue your happiness … follow your passion.”
“Overwhelmingly, for the American people, this is a liberation,”You'll have to see it to believe it, so that's why I went ahead and found a link where the video was posted.
I'm not sure what Nancy is thinking here. Does she really believe that people who will get their hours cut in half will somehow magically feel liberated? If anything, these people will go into a panic that will most assuredly drive them to a clinic. Good thing they will have Obamacare, right?
Healthy physically, unhealthy financially.
It is important for all people to have a healthy mind, body, and spirit but, how much should the government get involved in these things? I say there should be a balance. Help, but don't help so much that you suffocate another area of development. When people are now reporting a risk of losing half of their work week because of a bill, I think it's time to take a step back and do some questioning and some adjusting, not push forward bulldozing everything in the way.
California is an expensive state to live in. Of course Pelosi will not experience a cut in her pay. In fact, she herself is against taking a pay cut. She's a millionaire and so are many people who live in California but apparently she is not aware that many others are not. Families all across America are struggling and it's hard to find a job, even with an education.
Since many companies have already announced that they will be cutting hours, these workers will most likely have to search out and find a second job. Working two jobs can be extremely stressful. I know.
Ideally a person will have to get up in the morning, go to their first job, then they will have to find a second job that will start later in the day. Obviously a time gap will be needed to allow for a change of clothes and driving to the next place of employment. Though the worker may find two jobs that will cover 8 hours a day, it may be over the span of 9 to 10 hours or even more, if the hours do not match up ideally. For parents, this will be even more stressful. Making sure children are able to get to school on time and be picked up. What about school activities -- academic or sports? Who will have time to go see their child play or perform? This doesn't even touch upon the fact that parents will be so worn out by day's end, they will not want to cook or have much time to spend with their children. Where does this leave them? No time for the gym; no time for proper meals; no time to parent their children, but not to worry, if you can squeeze in time, you can spend your night waiting to see the doctor for free!
Am I exaggerating? I don't think I am. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me this is just me being unfair. No really. I want someone to tell me that I am wrong and show me how. I beg of you because after hearing about how so many companies will be going to part time employment, I am very concerned. I myself had to take up a part time job to recover from my loss of a full time writing job. The work was no longer there for me. The person that I worked for simply didn't have any more work. Such is life but I needed some guaranteed money. As it turns out, part time work was all I could find. I am lucky. I can afford to do so and still write part time but, I know many people who cannot afford that luxury. If their hours are cut, they will definitely suffer and be desperate to find a full time job. Even if there are plenty of them, many of them will require skills and/or education that they may not have.
I pray I am wrong.
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