
Weiner Rants

When does this guy not rant? Does he think we're stupid? I think he does. I love how the demonrats play to the ignorant. They lie in such a way that you think they are telling the truth but, if you don't pay attention to what's going on and what they have said before, you would fall for it.

Well, if you believe this guy, you are a "useful idiot."

Now, for those of us that have been paying attention, we remember what the democrats have said. We know what this health care bill is all about and we've read it! No death panels my ass.

So, which is it, Mr. Weiner? Are the Republicans lying still? We already know what your party has been advocating, with their OWN words! Are you still going to insist that YOU are not lying?

When are democrats going to wake up and see they are being lied to? When are the sheep in your party going to get a damn clue that they are being used? When are the democrats in Washington going to stop with the "ends justify the means" strategies? When are you, Mr. Weiner going to stop calling other people liars, when we know damn well it's YOU lying?

If you are not lying, then I suggest you start paying attention to things like reading the bill and what your party has been saying for years. I thought that was your job. So, you are either an ignorant idiot or, you are bold face liar. Which is it?

Do people really have to ask me why I'm so disgusted with demonrats?


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