
The Reason We Need to Learn Science

I have had it with these Truthers and folks that claim to have some special knowledge. I went on Youtube to watch, "Screw Loose Change, Not Freakin' Again Edition" and discovered that it only has 95 views, whereas, the, "9/11 Loose Change" video has over 4 million views.

What is going on here that people are so willing to suck up this message of the government slaughtering its own citizens, and completely ignoring or purposely avoiding seeking out another side? For people who claim to seek the truth, you would think that they would put just as much effort into reviewing and understanding all points of 9/11. I guess only 94 people have done that. I'm number 95 but, I already knew 9/11 was not an "inside job" BEFORE watching.

"Screw Loose Change, Not Freakin' Again Edition" completely tears apart any arguments that the propagandists try to purpose in the Loose Change "documentary." Not only do they walk you through the entire video but, they provide you will all the information that Loose Change purposely withheld from their audience. They are liars. Plain and simple. All it takes is a small effort to seek out this information.

It is clear that our education system has almost removed itself from focusing on important things like mathematical skills and science. These subjects not only teach people the universal language but, how to decipher information, how to look at things and continue questioning, how to recognize propaganda, and other critical reasoning skills.

If someone says there is a lack of evidence, that is not proof of something else. There can be more than one way to explain something, that doesn't automatically mean something nefarious occurred. When you are looking at evidence and facts, you should not twist things or change your explanation to "fit" your desired conclusion. Often times, we do not know exactly how something happened but, again that doesn't mean only one final conclusion can be considered. This is exactly what the 9/11 "Truth" movement is all about.

When we look at any experiment, even in highly controlled laboratory settings, we will often find inconsistencies. If we examine our work carefully, we usually can find one or more reasons that are logical, that will explain why those inconsistencies occurred.

If you are ever looking at any of these conspiracies, any of them, it is fine to have questions but, make sure that you look for other sources before you go off the deep end. You will most likely find, especially in the case of 9/11, plenty of information that will explain things in a logical fashion. Not to mention these 9/11 "Truthers" do NOT give you the entire story. They leave out a vast amount of information that would leave any critically minded individual scratching their heads and asking if these "Truthers" are just lazy researches or, just flat out disgusting liars.

We need to be very careful these days in who we receive information from. In this crazy day in age, where hippies have more information at their fingertips then is safe to know about, we need to guard ourselves from folks who are completely ignorant of scientific method and trying to put together these hysterical conspiracies. If any of these folks had an ounce of knowledge in chemistry, they would know that steel looses it's structure at temperatures well below their melting point. They would know that there are perfectly legitimate explanations for the buildings coming down the way they did. They would also be able to see that the 3 towers fell in different ways.

Instead, they make erroneous claims, they cut away film, they show all the wrong angles of the attacks, they ignore logic, and they stay fixated on their belief. That's really the problem here. It's more of a cult, more of a religion than anything. They are so firmly dedicated to their BELIEF that the government was involved that they completely shut down anyone, or shut out any information that would prove their beliefs wrong. Isn't that proven by the number of views from the two videos?

Please watch:

Just to be fair, this particular video, I just checked, was NOT uploaded until just recently in December so, I checked the one that has been up since 2008. This is the SAME video but, it's divided up into a number of parts. Its views are more, much more - 18,593. Still, a far cry from being over 4 million!

I think my point remains the same. Even if this had one million views, it is clear that the people sucking up this conspiracy stuff are ignoring other information that is available. Not only that but, my experience with discussing this issue with these folks has shown that they seem to be programed into this idea that if someone doesn't agree with them, then those people are liars. It seems as if you just can't break that barrier with them. They absolutely shut out anything that doesn't go along with their predetermined conclusion.

If you are reading this and you consider yourself a "Truther" I implore you to look at the other information that is out there. I encourage you to listen to logic and reason and understand that these propagandists are not giving you the full story. They are purposely withholding information from you because, if they did give all the information, you would see there is NO conspiracy here.

On the other hand, if you want to buy video after video, and t-shirt and mugs, along with other crap to collect dust in 10 years when you realize you've been duped, by all means go ahead. You have a right to be ignorant I suppose.


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