
Remember Jennifer Petkov?

Well, you probably remember the story reported back in October about a cold-hearted women in Trenton, MI that posted on her Facebook account, pictures of a little girl who is dying from a rare brain disorder. The little girl's face was posted with skull and crossbones, and a picture of her mother, who has passed, was posted with a Grim Reaper embracing her. 

They also decided to paint their truck black and build a coffin taunting the neighbors but, of course Jennifer and her husband claimed they did that for the Halloween season.

This woman has since lost custody of her two children.

Well, it is now being reported that Ms. Petkov is in trouble again.

Detroit — Animosity keeps boiling over in the Trenton neighborhood where Jennifer Petkov gained international infamy last fall for taunting a terminally ill 7-year-old girl on the Internet.

A Wayne County judge Tuesday arraigned Jennifer Petkov, 33, and her husband, Scott, on claims they violated a personal protection order taken out by the grandmother and father of Kathleen Edward, who has Huntington's disease.

But Circuit Judge Charlene Elder said new complaints can wait for a hearing until March 1, after the scheduled Feb. 8 criminal trial where the woman known by some as the "Devil of Detroit Street" is accused of trying to run over a neighbor.

"It's a mess," said Robert Adkins, who has friends on both sides and has offered occasional asylum for the Petkovs in his home outside of the neighborhood. The Petkovs say they are trying to sell their house.

The girl's grandmother, Rebecca Rose, said Tuesday that she plans to e-mail everyone she knows to ask them to stop engaging in social network bickering. Robert Edward, the girl's father, said Facebook has refused to delete numerous pages that have kept the debate alive. He said his daughter has heard nothing of the insults, and is doing well on a new drug therapy.

Kathleen's mother, Laura Edward, died of the same neurological disease in 2009, but the girl attends third grade with the help of a teaching aide.

Rose's PPO violation complaint claims Petkov and her husband harassed her with pranks, Internet postings and stalking. She claims Trenton Police have been given a video recording of Jennifer Petkov telling her husband to follow Rose. Jennifer Petkov has denied any wrongdoing.

Both sides have taken photos and videos of each other that have been turned over to police and posted on Facebook and YouTube. Some of the videos are of the parties recording each other.
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