
CAIR Strikes Again

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), you know, that loving, tolerant organization, that would never be a front group for terrorism, is at it again. In response to the TSA's recent pat-downs, CAIR is asking that Muslim passengers, mostly woman that wear a hijab, to tell the officer only to search around the neck and head.

The reason we have these searches have to do with radical Muslims. So now they are requesting special searches? This is unbelievable.

In the “special recommendations for Muslim women who wear hijab,” it states: “Before you are patted down, you should remind the TSA officer that they are only supposed to pat down the area in question, in this scenario, your head and neck. They SHOULD NOT subject you to a full-body or partial-body pat-down.”

It also states: “Instead of the pat-down, you can always request to pat down your own scarf, including head and neck area, and have the officers perform a chemical swipe of your hands.”

Simply amazing.
In February, the Figh Council of North America, a group of Islamic scholars, issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, that full-body scanners violate Islamic law.

“It is a violation of clear Islamic teaching that men or women be seen naked by other men and women,” the ruling states. “Islam highly emphasizes haya (modesty) and considers it part of the faith. The Qu’ran has commanded the believers, both men and women, to cover their private parts.”
Okay. So, your religion believes in modesty but, killing innocent people, including women and children, is totally okay?

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