
Try Casey Anthony in Federal Court

Caylee Anthony

What happened in Florida last week was a total outrage! This child killer, Casey Anthony, got off free while her baby had to pay the ultimate price-- her life. No justice was served for this precious baby. The Federal court needs to step in and I fully support signing the petition that I have linked this post to. Please click the title of this post in order to access the petition and please sign. It is about petitioning the Federal Court to try Casey Anthony for murdering her baby girl. Do not let 12 morons allow this evil person who went out and celebrated the death of her child at nightclubs, entering a hot body contest, and getting a tattoo to walk free!

No mother who loses her daughter in a so called "accident" goes around making up stories about a nanny, goes out and parties, literally celebrating the death of her baby. This was a cold-blooded, heartless murder committed by a sick sociopath named Casey Anthony!

Again, please read and sign petition by clicking the title of this post. It is NOT double jeopardy if the Federal Court tries her.


Anonymous said...

We are only trying to get the Proper Verdict for a child Killer!!! Casey Anthony killed her child and there is no doubt about it!!!! Little Angel Caylee is in Heaven but she can not rest in peace until justice has been served for her.!!! We have to do the right thing and pursue this in the name of the law!!!

JO said...

We just want the PROPER VERDICT for this injustice to a child that was so defenseless and innocent!! What we are doing is the right thing. Casey Anthony MUST BE held accountable for her deplorable actions against Her child!!!

Tuesday said...


Anonymous said...

totally agree what is happening to our justice today? This is a out rage!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your ignorant in more ways than 1. 1st there is no way there can be a Fed murder trial for Casey. Look up Criminal federal jurisdiction! There is nothing in this case that gives the Feds the jurisdiction to try Casey, that doesn't mean no Fed laws were not broken. You probably don't know the difference but a fed judge would, and he would dismiss the complaint.
Next you probably didn't pay attention to the evidence, because the prosecution had a ridiculous case so the verdict was a fair one.

Tuesday said...

I'm ignorant? Okay well, look up a thing called, "dual sovereignty doctrine" where the federal government can try Casey Anthony and not violate double jeopardy. The federal government and the state of Florida are considered separate governments. Each considers murder a crime; each can prosecute a person one time for murders that occur within their jurisdiction.

Tuesday said...

"Next you probably didn't pay attention to the evidence, because the prosecution had a ridiculous case so the verdict was a fair one."

I am very aware of this case I paid very close attention to this case. I am willing to bet it is YOU that was not paying attention, especially if you feel this was a "fair" verdict. The idiots on this jury were brain dead. Relatives of yours?

Anonymous said...

@ Tuesday Yes you proved it, your ignorant. I just explained how Fed jurisdiction does not exist in Casey's case. Dual sovereignty has nothing to do with it! Every court that hears ANY CASE must have the jurisdiction to do so, no exceptions. Nothing about this case qualifies as Fed jurisdiction for murder. This is a state court case. Now go look up what jurisdiction of courts is and how it applies and you might learn something. Because I'm 100% positive that your wrong, because you don't understand the basics of the laws of your own country. So are you going to look it up and explain how Fed jurisdiction applies or are you just going to pretend a major principle of law just doesn't apply because you don't understand it?

Anonymous said...

@Tuesday as for the verdict, it was never beyond reasonable doubt that Casey killed Caylee. The prosecution's case had so many unanswered questions there is no way a jury could find Casey guilty in criminal court. They needed more proof stronger evidence and real explanations, not some unexplained chloroform story. They should have never brought it to trial.

Anonymous said...

@Tuesday I know what dual sovereignty is. That isn't enough to get into Fed Court. All legal claims have some element in them that gives the court JURISDICTION to hear the case. Unless it can be shown how the Casey case has some Fed jurisdiction matter, it has to be heard, and it was heard in State Court. Its not just what laws were broken either. Without authority, from the facts of the case, the trial is purely a state issue. This is fact not opinion. Look it up. Dual Sovereignty might apply if the case had some Fed or concurrent, state and Fed jurisdiction. But there is no Fed jurisdiction so dual sovereignty doesn't change anything!

Medstud said...

@Tuesday The post on jurisdiction is true. Yes dual sovereignty isn't anything new. Jurisdiction is what determines what court system can hear the case. So unless there is Fed jurisdiction in the Casey Anthony case,the Feds can not hear the case. Dual Sovereignty doesn't change this. Even if Fed laws where broken, without Fed jurisdiction everything is a matter for the state of Florida. You should read Blacks Law book.

Tuesday said...

It's okay...I got all your posts and I publish everything. I had to change the settings awhile back because I had a person that was trying to defame someone I did not know and I did not want any part of it. Any posts older than 14 days, I moderate. Only thing I won't allow is slander, spam, porn links, etc. You get the idea. Otherwise, I WILL publish so, you don't need to post more than once, it just won't publish immediately.

NOW, I'm sorry...I totally disagree with you and so do many others. What law school did you go to? I have a huge problem when anyone cannot see this woman is guilty. There is NO REASONABLE doubt!!! Doubt is not always reasonable and it certainly was not in this case. This jury was filled with IDIOTS. Plain and simple.

Thank you for your comments!

Anonymous said...

@Tuesday sorry to hear about the previous problem, now I understand. Back to what I said, you didn't look up Criminal Fed jurisdiction did you? Here read this: "For a federal court to have jurisdiction, the crime to be prosecuted must either have been created pursuant to an express or implied constitutional grant of authority, or must have been committed in an area owned by or under the exclusive control of the federal government." Read about it at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_jurisdiction go to the section US Federal courts.

You don't have to go through law school to learn the basic legal principles of this. What this means is unless there is some unusually circumstance, Casey killed Caylee on Federal land, or Caylee was an ambassador of a country, or Casey shot Caylee from Fl while Caylee stood in GA. Those exceptions would create Federal jurisdiction. There are other reasons but they are unusual reasons. So this murder is a state matter for state court only. This isn't opinion this is the basic rules of jurisdiction. So your wrong dual sovereignty does not change this in any way at all.

Anonymous said...

@Tuesday Your 2nd comment about reasonable doubt is more subjective but still wrong. Seems like you abandoned your dual sovereignty Fed trial claim already. But to the point, no one knows how Caylee died or who murdered her. As far as the trial goes the prosecution's claim of chloroform was used on Caylee and it killed her almost certainly did not happen. By that alone, the jury is not allowed to form their own causes of death and blame the accused for doing it. Ppl forget its a trial not a gossip session. The jury can only consider the case as presented. They can't make up their own. With so little proof of these wild claims, not guilty was the only reasonable verdict. That doesn't mean CA wasn't involved in the death. It just means the prosecution really did throw things at the wall and hoped something would stick. It was obvious they didn't know what really happened. That is a tragedy, but it also means not guilty.

Tuesday said...

If Casey hadn't killed Caylee, she would not have lied to the police. They asked her over and over and over again if there was an accident; she continued to deny anything happened. Go over the jailhouse tapes-she tells her dad how much she loves him, yada, yada, yada, etc. This is ridiculous! The jury was obviously filled with a bunch of stupid MORONS!

She planned the murder. Here...read what else I have written about this case: http://tuesday75.hubpages.com/hub/Casey-Anthony-Cold-and-Calculated

There is NOTHING reasonable about her being let off the hook for murdering her own daughter.

Finally, are you suggesting that people have never been tried twice for murder? I know for a fact that the law you have stated can be interpreted to mean all kinds of things. This is what lawyers do.

She DID bring the feds into this mess! She lied and said Caylee was KIDNAPPED. Last I checked, kidnapping is a federal crime. I am at a total loss how someone could possibly think she was innocent in any way. I have no other conclusion but to know that you have not even looked at this case, watched it, read the transcripts, reviewed the tapes and interviews, etc. I DID! I poured over this case for months. The woman is guilty and I don't care how they do it, put her away and give her the death penalty!

Tuesday said...

Oh, and I just got your email. Really? I am not afraid of criticism nor am I afraid of someone disagreeing with me...just so you know...and just so everyone else knows that may be reading this. I am not so proud to think I'm immune from being criticized, put down, made fun of, or whatever other things that happen to people --such is life.

Anonymous said...

@Tuesday you didn't read the section on FEDERAL JURISDICTION did you? God, I just explained how ITS NOT ABOUT JUST THE LAWS. WITHOUT JURISDICTION THERE CAN NOT BE PROSECUTION! All the things your talking about, besides being wrong on the definitions, are irrelevant. Guess why, because unless there is jurisdiction there is no way to prosecute. Geez,I don't know what your trying to say by "she did bring in the feds." But it doesn't matter; because you need to show how the Casey Anthony case has Fed jurisdiction! That doesn't mean who she talked to, that doesn't mean what happened. Jurisdiction refers to how would the Feds have the authority to prosecute these crimes under the rules of the Constitution and acts of Congress.

I just explained things that make a difference are issues involving 2 states, acts where the crime involves a fed official, etc lying to the FBI does not make the crime of murder fall under federal jurisdiction. Read the section in wikipedia for God Sake. They don't ignore these things in law and all the petitions or letter writing won't change that.

If you seriously believe this case can be heard in Fed court you need to be able to explain how it can fall under fed authority by the rules set under Criminal Fed jurisdiction. Lying to anyone does not create Fed jurisdiction. It has to come from the exceptions to state authority previously set by the govt and the powers defined by the Constitution. Its not some arbitrary thing. I can tell that you don't understand the basics at all. But you got to try and learn how the law works if your going to claim Casey Anthony can be tried in Fed court. Otherwise your just showing how much you don't know. SO, how is the Caylee Anthony murder a fed case?

Tuesday said...

I'll ask my friend who's studying to be a lawyer. I am NOT a lawyer. I do NOT claim to be an expert. I admit totally that I am only going off what I have heard. Bottom line, like everything, there are differences of opinion and there are ways to argue ANYTHING! As evidenced by this ridiculous trial!

You are somehow suggesting that this unheard of but are you honestly going to ignore how things have changed and there are examples of everything under the sun represented in our judiciary system? I think you are looking at this in a very limited view. You may be "right" in "your" argument but, there are many that can argue my side and be "right" on their side as well.

My point is simple. The woman is GUILTY! Our justice system is totally broken and this is an example of that. She deserves the death penalty. I believe someone can and should make an argument for re-trial.

You disagree. Great.

Thank you for the debate!

Anonymous said...

@Tuesday Your profile says you majored in Chemistry. So if I said I don't believe oxygen reacts with iron because my friend says so would that change your mind? You do know that iron reacts with oxygen to make iron oxide regardless who you ask. The point is in law as well as chemistry you can look things up in published references and find info that is accepted as being truthful all over the world right? I mean if I were making jurisdiction up it wouldn't be in published references.

But, these things iron and oxygen making iron oxide, federal jurisdiction required for federal trials are not based on opinion. There based on fact or a lie. Opinion is chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla ice cream. There is no right answer in that, its just opinion. I'm talking about legal facts. Fact is the Feds must have jurisdiction to bring a case to Fed court. How I, or you, or your friend feels about it will not change that under any circumstance.

You say its everything under the sun in the judicial system. You just need to look at it, read the rules and you will see its not some strange secret. The judges and attorneys are just following the laws and procedures set by the govt. Why are you so afraid of looking at the link and reading it? You'll actually learn something you obviously don't know. People who say the Feds can do whatever they want don't understand the simplest things of govt. If the Feds could retry an case they wanted to then double jeopardy would be meaningless. But its there to prevent just that thing. So read the link. It won't bite you, or read black's Law reference. But stop pretending like no one can possibly know this deep secret.

Anonymous said...

As for the guilt or innocence of Casey that is something only Casey and possibly a few others really know. But I do know that what the prosecution proposed is really very unlikely. The chances that Casey even had chloroform are very low. That alone means she should be found not guilty. Yes she lied. Lying is not murder. She was convicted of lying and served her prison sentence for it. You say "if Casey didn't kill Caylee she wouldn't have lied to the police." Now that is a perfect example of opinion, because you obviously don't know what Casey would do because your not Casey! See how this opinion vs fact thing works?

Tuesday said...

You don't know the science community very well, do you? LMAO!

Tuesday said...

Seriously, you could be right. I'm not avoiding your link. I'm just reading THIS at the moment- http://law.uoregon.edu/org/olr/volumes/90/docs/Buhai.pdf

I will get back to this and definitely look it up. Thank you for the information however; I still think she is guilty and something should be done about it! I think many people feel the same way. The system is broken in many ways and it is because we haven't been following the law. Half the people in this country do not even understand our laws, what they are based upon, or how government works. I'm not saying I know everything or that I personally know much about the law (I'd like to think I know a little more than the average person), but I know wrong when I see it and her being released was WRONG.

Tuesday said...

Hahahahaha! I just got schooled on my own blog. Hahaha! Okay, seriously, I have to laugh at myself. I honestly thought because she had lied about the kidnapping and brought the FBI into the case she could be tried! That's what a bunch of the legal analysts were saying.

Anyway, my friend Mike Mazzeo agrees with you:

Mike Mazzeo
Okay first of all murder (with some excepts) is a State crime not a Federal one (there would have to be a federal statute she violated in other to try her for a federal crime in federal court and murder is not one of them unless you kill a federal official, kill someone during a car jacking, blow up a federal building, commit an act of terrorism, and a few other things). Second she cannot be tried twice for the same crime it is called double jeopardy and our Constitution prohibits it and for a good reasons too. The prosecutors pretty much already had her tried for everything including the prosecutors charge of last resort perjury / lying to officials. She was convicted on the lying part of course that did not matter because she already served most of the sentence about that. In my opinion the prosecution did a piss poor job of putting the case together they relied on circumstantial evidence and they let a bunch of public defenders beat them to the punch. If I was the Attorney General I would fire them. Pretty much unless Casey Anthony commits another crime (like O.J. did afterwards - remember the Vegas Hotel thing) she isn't going to jail. But hey she is going to have to be in hiding for the rest of her life because literally half of America wants to kill her. There may be a case for a civil suit which requires less of a burden of proof however someone would have to have standing to sue on the dead child's behalf. I do not know who else had custody over the child and I am not sure who else would have interest in the child in other to have standing to sue. She wasn't married was she? Maybe the grandparents could sue I don't know. But I do know is that she is not going to go to jail.

Jennifer Tuesday Prichard
I'm posting this in the comments on my blog. I'll give you credit. I was wrong. I really thought they could because she lied to the police and said Caylee was kidnapped and that's a federal crime. She DID involve the feds. Whelp, I'm wrong but, I still think she's guilty!
Couldn't someone at least make an argument?!?! Isn't that the job of a lawyer?!?! They defend the heinous acts, why can't one fight for justice?

Mike Mazzeo
Well I don't remember exactly who she lied to but I do know she was already charged with lying to officials and the Jury did convict her on that of course because she served so much time in jail during the trial the judge essentially said that her service was complete since I think it would only of been an extra year in jail at the max. She was let out early "for good behavior".

Mike Mazzeo
hahahahaha Lawyers fighting for justice? Lol good one
Well see the only lawyers who take the side against the accused in criminal proceedings in court are the prosecutors / DAs and they failed miserably at it this time. Like I said they let a bunch of public defendants beat them.

Mike Mazzeo
And trust me if there was a way to try her again in another court federal or not they would of already done it by now that is because under double jeopardy there really is no more options they already put all their eggs in one baskets (aka they tried her already for all the possible charges for her alleged crime and lost on all counts except for the lying part).

Anonymous said...

I would agree with all that Mike said. The part about firing the prosecutor is a little harsh and his opinion but so be it. Tuesday, this is the law and it is being followed. Its just not lynch mob law that everyone wants in a feeding frenzy. The laws are the way there are for very good reasons. They can't lock you away forever without cause in America. They can't keep trying you until your found guilty all for reasons of what makes a democracy. When people say the system is broken, or we let the guilty go free they forget how it protects the innocent from being railroaded to satisfy a lynch mob. So I'd prefer American justice over Sharia law anytime.

Its hard to imagine any scenario where Casey didn't have some culpability to the crime. But that is not for a jury to decide. The scenario of using chloroform without a trace, or a source, or leaving any other evidence would mean Casey is brilliant. Not many ppl think she is truly innocent. But, what the prosecution proposed happened was pretty lame; and for serious scientific reasons I doubt happened. That by law, means the vote should be not guilty. Thats why we vote guilty and not guilty instead of guilty or innocent.

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