Pics From the Sanity Event
I linked the title of this thread to another blog. So, please, click on the title and, have a look at the nice and tolerant liberals of the left.
Something I Have to Say
One thing that always frustrates me is seeing the words of so many conservatives taken completely out of context and turned into something that just never even existed and, it amazes me the amount of liberals I see that buy right into it.
I don't always get to listen to Glenn Beck but, I did for years. I really enjoy him and his comedy. He's not my favorite radio talk show host (we all know SAVAGE is!!!!), but he's good. I like him. I get so sick and tired of seeing liberals dog the guy and, act like it's a crime that he's funny. They call him cookoo and, say that he's a nut. They take his words and spin them.
Take for instance when Glenn told his audience (and he's done so a few times), to not believe him, but to go out and research the stories for yourself and, to think for yourself. Somehow, the liberals got a hold of this comment and turned it into Glenn saying that he doesn't believe what he's saying and, is making fun of his audience. They completely failed to miss his entire point! The idea that we need to check everything for ourselves, no matter what source it comes from.
They said that Glenn admits he's "evil." That came from the, "I'm an evil conservative" statement Glenn makes, as a JOKE!
It seems like any joke or statement a conservative makes, whether it be Ann Coulter, or Sean Hannity, the words are somehow twisted with liberals because, apparently they cannot laugh at themselves. Everything the right does is serious and evil.
For liberals, they are the funny ones. They are the good people. They dictate what is good for others. Isn't that simply ironic?
You know what I find funny? I find it pretty funny that the same group of people that go around complaining about how horrible George Bush was, can't name one single instance where a person was denied their civil liberties. They can't name one American whose phone was tapped. They cannot find one example of where anyone was violated by the Bush administration. Oh, but they sure like to throw around words like "war crimes" and other nonsense.
I also love that liberals talk about how they care so much about protecting gays and women but, always seem to favor support for Islam. Islam is a religion that supports the stoning of homosexuals. They also mutilate women, and cover them from head to toe as a matter of daily practice. Yet, liberals see nothing wrong with building a mosque overlooking Ground Zero.
Can people really be this ignorant AND not have any clue as to when someone is being funny and, when they are being serious?
I don't always get to listen to Glenn Beck but, I did for years. I really enjoy him and his comedy. He's not my favorite radio talk show host (we all know SAVAGE is!!!!), but he's good. I like him. I get so sick and tired of seeing liberals dog the guy and, act like it's a crime that he's funny. They call him cookoo and, say that he's a nut. They take his words and spin them.
Take for instance when Glenn told his audience (and he's done so a few times), to not believe him, but to go out and research the stories for yourself and, to think for yourself. Somehow, the liberals got a hold of this comment and turned it into Glenn saying that he doesn't believe what he's saying and, is making fun of his audience. They completely failed to miss his entire point! The idea that we need to check everything for ourselves, no matter what source it comes from.
They said that Glenn admits he's "evil." That came from the, "I'm an evil conservative" statement Glenn makes, as a JOKE!
It seems like any joke or statement a conservative makes, whether it be Ann Coulter, or Sean Hannity, the words are somehow twisted with liberals because, apparently they cannot laugh at themselves. Everything the right does is serious and evil.
For liberals, they are the funny ones. They are the good people. They dictate what is good for others. Isn't that simply ironic?
You know what I find funny? I find it pretty funny that the same group of people that go around complaining about how horrible George Bush was, can't name one single instance where a person was denied their civil liberties. They can't name one American whose phone was tapped. They cannot find one example of where anyone was violated by the Bush administration. Oh, but they sure like to throw around words like "war crimes" and other nonsense.
I also love that liberals talk about how they care so much about protecting gays and women but, always seem to favor support for Islam. Islam is a religion that supports the stoning of homosexuals. They also mutilate women, and cover them from head to toe as a matter of daily practice. Yet, liberals see nothing wrong with building a mosque overlooking Ground Zero.
Can people really be this ignorant AND not have any clue as to when someone is being funny and, when they are being serious?
Alternative Conservative,
Glenn Beck,
Posted by
Restoring Fatwa?
Okay, so, I've been laying low about this story about the silly Comedy Central's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.
So far, the stories I have seen have not been very interesting. Just a bunch of unemployed, lazy suckers, who believe that The Daily Show is a legitimate source of news.
Here's a photo that was found on Drudge.
Wow. How original. I guess they forgot, or they are completely ignorant of the fact that Hitler was a SOCIALIST, like their president Obama. Unbelievable. I guess when you tell a lie long enough, you really can get some people to believe you all the time and, the democrats are the biggest proof of that example.
So, apparently, this Cat Stevens, who is now referred to as Yusuf Islam, preformed at this rally. This is the guy that supported the fundamentalist Islamic fatwa against author Salman Rushdie, who wrote, "The Satanic Verses.” In this book, Rushdie, criticized Islam and for that, a fatwa was issued against him.
Oh, but us right-wingers, we're the real threat because we want to stop them. It's just unbelievable to me.
I'm sort of saddened by this story. I've always liked Jon Stewart, regardless of political differences but, this is just a little too much for me.Very poor judgment.
For more on this story, please click the title of this post.
So far, the stories I have seen have not been very interesting. Just a bunch of unemployed, lazy suckers, who believe that The Daily Show is a legitimate source of news.
Here's a photo that was found on Drudge.
Wow. How original. I guess they forgot, or they are completely ignorant of the fact that Hitler was a SOCIALIST, like their president Obama. Unbelievable. I guess when you tell a lie long enough, you really can get some people to believe you all the time and, the democrats are the biggest proof of that example.
So, apparently, this Cat Stevens, who is now referred to as Yusuf Islam, preformed at this rally. This is the guy that supported the fundamentalist Islamic fatwa against author Salman Rushdie, who wrote, "The Satanic Verses.” In this book, Rushdie, criticized Islam and for that, a fatwa was issued against him.
So, this is who Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert shared the stage with? Is this some kind of sick joke? Why would they want him to perform at this rally? The liberals in this country have moved so far left, they are completely insane. Why are they always aligning with a religion that actually did support Hitler, people who believe in stoning homosexuals, people who torture and kill for reasons of political descent, people who treat women like animals, ect. The list goes on and on!The musician known as Cat Stevens said in a British television program to be broadcast next week that rather than go to a demonstration to burn an effigy of the author Salman Rushdie, ”I would have hoped that it’d be the real thing.”The singer, who adopted the name Yusuf Islam when he converted to Islam, made the remark during a panel discussion of British reactions to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s call for Mr. Rushdie to be killed for allegedly blaspheming Islam in his best-selling novel ”The Satanic Verses.” He also said that if Mr. Rushdie turned up at his doorstep looking for help, ”I might ring somebody who might do more damage to him than he would like.””I’d try to phone the Ayatollah Khomeini and tell him exactly where this man is,” said Mr. Islam, who watched a preview of the program today and said in an interview that he stood by his comments.
Oh, but us right-wingers, we're the real threat because we want to stop them. It's just unbelievable to me.
I'm sort of saddened by this story. I've always liked Jon Stewart, regardless of political differences but, this is just a little too much for me.Very poor judgment.
For more on this story, please click the title of this post.
Do You Question Global Warming? You Are a Criminal!
Well, according to James Cameron and Eric Schmidt, you are.
Come on, they can't be serious, right? Criminal? Is it just the "in" thing to use the word "criminal" when someone descents from Hollywood opinion? What I don't understand is, where does James Cameron come from here? I do not recognize him as a scientist. Why is he even given a platform for this issue? I'm so lost.
Of course he's not going to debate anyone. I'm surprised anyone would consider him an authority of some kind to bother debating him. It's just silly.
According to what I have read about him, he went to a two year college and dropped out. He doesn't appear to be a stupid man but, goodness, any scientist knows that you have to consider ALL arguments. It is clear this man has only read one side of this argument. I'd love for him to come out to Nebraska during the winter and lecture to me about how it's warming. That would be quite hilarious.
The truth is, you can't have it both ways. If we have been here for billions upon billions of years, as many of these folks claim, then the time line we currently have for properly recorded temperature would be equivalent to a dot on a line. Even if you're a creationist, and you believe we have been here for 6,000 or so years, we simply do not have enough data, concerning properly recorded temperatures, to extrapolate information that can be guaranteed. In fact, the only thing we've been able to "prove" so far, is that temperatures vary and work in cycles. They go up and they go down. Wow, this is EXACTLY what we see in all areas of study.
What comes up, comes down eventually, and vice versa. So, the idea that the temperature is going to increase and never stop increasing is actually a harder concept to follow. It makes much more sense that temperature would follow a sine curve, rather than an ever increasing line.
We should definitely be open to ideas. I would never say someone is totally wrong. Should we try and be more "green"? It certainly doesn't hurt, not from what I've see. Recycling seems to be a great way to save energy and help in small ways of having less garbage on the planet. The idea of radical change through force of government is what makes for scary stories. We all know from history what happens when a country goes down that road.
Google CEO Eric Schmidt and film director James Cameron recently concurred that people who question the science of anthropogenic global warming are, in their opinions, “criminal”.Click title of post for article and video.
The two made the comments during a recent on stage conversation at a private event in Silicon Valley.
“If that continues, business as usual as our leaders in Washington say is OK for us to do, we will have extincted 70% of the species on the planet by the end of the century.” Cameron responded to Schmidt’s line of discussion on global warming.
During the same conversation Schmidt stated, “There are people who in my view criminally doubt some of the science.”
“I agree, criminally, I agree with that.” Cameron interjected.
“People, we need to evolve mentally and philosophically to something that has never existed before.” the Avatar director continued.
“We need to become techno-indigenous people of an entire Earth, not of a nation, not of a state, but of a planet.”
Come on, they can't be serious, right? Criminal? Is it just the "in" thing to use the word "criminal" when someone descents from Hollywood opinion? What I don't understand is, where does James Cameron come from here? I do not recognize him as a scientist. Why is he even given a platform for this issue? I'm so lost.
So, according to these two high priests of the scientific community, if you point out that the warming trend observed predominantly throughout the 1980s and 90s stopped over a decade ago, as admitted recently by both Professor Phil Jones, the figure at the head of the Climategate scandal, as well as one of the most prominent AGW advocate groups in existence, The Royal Society, you should be locked up.
Presumably the two would want to see thousands and thousands of scientists have their rights taken away and their freedoms eliminated, for merely expressing disagreement or dissent with the much lauded, rarely present “consensus”.
After all, questioning hypotheses and presenting counter-evidence and alternative theories has nothing at all to do with science – no no no, that’s the behaviour of morally corrupt criminals.
Cameron is of course, another green celebrity hypocrite. The man owns three large houses in Malibu, totaling 24,000 square feet – ten times the average US home. He also owns a 100 acre ranch in Santa Barbara and numerous private luxuries such as helicopters, Harley motorbikes, super cars, a yacht, and even a fleet of submarines. Nevertheless he demands that we all “live with less” because it is us that are responsible for killing the planet.
Earlier this year, Cameron said he wanted to debate the “deniers”, but then pulled out at the last minute even after the “criminals” agreed to endless dubious stipulations he kept demanding, such as no recording of the debate and no media coverage.
Cameron has also just given $1m to help defeat California’s Prop23 which will overturn the Global Warming Bill, legislation that critics have argued would cause unemployment to sky rocket, effectively killing dead the already crippled economy.
Of course he's not going to debate anyone. I'm surprised anyone would consider him an authority of some kind to bother debating him. It's just silly.
According to what I have read about him, he went to a two year college and dropped out. He doesn't appear to be a stupid man but, goodness, any scientist knows that you have to consider ALL arguments. It is clear this man has only read one side of this argument. I'd love for him to come out to Nebraska during the winter and lecture to me about how it's warming. That would be quite hilarious.
The truth is, you can't have it both ways. If we have been here for billions upon billions of years, as many of these folks claim, then the time line we currently have for properly recorded temperature would be equivalent to a dot on a line. Even if you're a creationist, and you believe we have been here for 6,000 or so years, we simply do not have enough data, concerning properly recorded temperatures, to extrapolate information that can be guaranteed. In fact, the only thing we've been able to "prove" so far, is that temperatures vary and work in cycles. They go up and they go down. Wow, this is EXACTLY what we see in all areas of study.
What comes up, comes down eventually, and vice versa. So, the idea that the temperature is going to increase and never stop increasing is actually a harder concept to follow. It makes much more sense that temperature would follow a sine curve, rather than an ever increasing line.
We should definitely be open to ideas. I would never say someone is totally wrong. Should we try and be more "green"? It certainly doesn't hurt, not from what I've see. Recycling seems to be a great way to save energy and help in small ways of having less garbage on the planet. The idea of radical change through force of government is what makes for scary stories. We all know from history what happens when a country goes down that road.
Explosives Found Bound For US
AP – President Barack Obama makes a statement to reporters about the suspicious packages found on U.S. bound
Packages that originated from Yemen are said to be explosives, indicating a terrorist attack from al-Qaida.
President Barack Obama declared Friday that authorities had uncovered a "credible terrorist threat" against the United States following the overseas discovery of U.S.-bound packages containing explosives aboard cargo jets. Obama said both had been addressed to Jewish organizations in the Chicago area.
The disclosures triggered a worldwide alert amid fears that al-Qaida was attempting to carry out fresh terror attacks.
The events "underscore the necessity of remaining vigilant against terrorism," the president said. The packages both originated in Yemen, but Obama did not explicitly assign blame to al-Qaida, which is active in the Arab nation and long has made clear its goal of attacking the United States.
The events unfolded four days before national elections in which discussion of terrorism has played almost no role.
Obama stepped to the podium in the hours after officials disclosed that authorities in Dubai intercepted an explosive device bound for a Chicago-area Jewish institution. The second package was aboard a plane searched in England, and officials said it contained a printer toner cartridge with wires and powder.
That second package was aboard a plane in East Midlands, north of London.
Obama did not identify any institution that had been targeted.
Click title of post for full article.
Another attempt on Obama's watch. Seems like ever since he's been in charge, it's been one threat after the next.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
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Obama to Push for Tax Cuts
Obama is expected to push for tax cuts on businesses.
Click title of post for full article.
What's this? Obama wants tax cuts? Haven't the democrats for the past 4 years been telling us how horrible tax cuts are? Gee, I seem to remember them claiming that Bush was evil and ruined our economy due to tax cuts. How odd.
Isn't that interesting?
Click title of post for full article.
What's this? Obama wants tax cuts? Haven't the democrats for the past 4 years been telling us how horrible tax cuts are? Gee, I seem to remember them claiming that Bush was evil and ruined our economy due to tax cuts. How odd.
President Barack Obama will tout a proposal on Friday to provide tax relief for businesses, reviving a plan he proposed in September that would encourage companies to make capital investments.
Days before Republicans are expected to make major gains in congressional elections, Obama, a Democrat, will highlight a plan that has so far gained little political traction despite what the White House sees as having bipartisan appeal.
The proposal would let businesses of all sizes take immediate deductions for certain capital expenses between September of this year and the end of 2011.
Isn't that interesting?
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
tax cuts,
Posted by
Did You Know?
Did you know what the term "burgess" means?
1. An elected member in the lower house of the legislature in colonial Virginia or Maryland. Burgess simply means a citizen of an English borough. 2. A modern-day member of the governing board of some boroughs.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
1. An elected member in the lower house of the legislature in colonial Virginia or Maryland. Burgess simply means a citizen of an English borough. 2. A modern-day member of the governing board of some boroughs.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
Posted by
Lindsay Lohan Pregnant With Charlie Sheen's Baby!
Just kidding!
Admit it, it would be quite tragic and funny at the same time.
Let's pray these two get some help and get their careers back on track.
Admit it, it would be quite tragic and funny at the same time.
Let's pray these two get some help and get their careers back on track.
Alternative Conservative,
Charlie Sheen,
Lindsay Lohan,
Posted by
Obese McDonald's Employee Awarded $17,500
A former employee of McDonald's was awarded $17,500 for getting fat.
Click title of post for source.
Well, it looks like McDonald's lost another ridiculous lawsuit here.
SAO PAULO – A Brazilian court has ordered McDonald's to pay a former franchise manager $17,500 because he gained 65 pounds while working there a dozen years. The 32-year-old man said he was forced to sample food products each day to ensure that quality standards remained high because McDonald's hired "mystery clients" to randomly visit restaurants and report on the food, service and cleanliness.
The man also said McDonald's offered free lunches to employees, adding to his caloric intake while on the job. His identity was not released.
The ruling against McDonald's was signed Tuesday by judge Joao Filho in Porto Alegre.
McDonald's can appeal the case. A local company spokesman did not immediately return calls Thursday.
Click title of post for source.
Well, it looks like McDonald's lost another ridiculous lawsuit here.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Her Farmville Game Was Interrupted So She Killed Her Baby
Alexandra V. Tobias pleaded guilty to second degree murder for shaking her baby to death. She says that the 3-month old's crying had interrupted her, while she was playing Farmville.
She shook here baby, had a cigarette, and then shook him again.
I play Farmville every once in awhile. What I don't understand is how anything can "interrupt" your game/? It's not anything you have to rush to. You just sort of go at your own pace. What a tragic story.
Alexandra V. Tobias,
Alternative Conservative,
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Time Traveler on Cell Phone in '20s
I just ran across this odd video. Apparently, someone was going through some old footage of a Charlie Chaplin film and found what appears to be a woman in the background, talking on a cell phone.
You decide.
Click title of post for full story.
You decide.
Click title of post for full story.
Obama on The Daily Show
Click title of post for full story.
Click here to watch full episode.
Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, interviewed Obama last night and, for the first time an entire half hour was dedicated to one guest.
(Credit: Getty Images)
Click here to watch full episode.
Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, interviewed Obama last night and, for the first time an entire half hour was dedicated to one guest.
"Let me say this about members of Congress," Mr. Obama said during the taped interview. "Are you going to curse?" Stewart interrupted.
Obama on "Daily Show": Change Isn't "Overnight"
The president did not indulge, but the "Daily Show" host displayed less restraint in comments to the audience before and after taping.
Stewart, who described himself as "nervous" for the interview, said Mr. Obama sat down and gave him a look he read as "wanna go, mother f***er?"
Off camera, an audience member asked Stewart what he would have liked to ask Mr. Obama but wouldn't dare. "If my people control the media, then why am I still on basic cable?" (paraphrased) the Jewish Comedy Central star answered, referencing comments former CNN anchor Rick Sanchez made that got him fired from the cable news network.
Soros Gives $1 Million to Promote Pot
True to Soros form, ol' George has give $1 million in order to push the pro-pot bill.
Click title of post for full story.
He is trying to compare this to alcohol prohibition.
I'd almost be pro-pot, until I'm reminded of George Soros. This man has no interest in the people or values of this nation as a whole. He enjoys supporting anything that will lead to ultimate government control over everyone's lives. What better way than to ask for a nation of pot heads!
We have plenty of people who use pot on a daily basis, or even just a moderate basis. We really don't need to add to the mix. Is it the worst thing a person can do? No. Should it be decriminalized? Probably but, I do not want people feeling it's okay to smoke weed wherever they like. I'd still like to be able to take my daughter out without having to witness someone smoking a joint.
I also have huge problems with taxing it. I do not like sin tax of any kind. It's basically the government needing people to be failures so they can keep that revenue in their budget. Talk about sickening.
Click title of post for full story.
He is trying to compare this to alcohol prohibition.
I'd almost be pro-pot, until I'm reminded of George Soros. This man has no interest in the people or values of this nation as a whole. He enjoys supporting anything that will lead to ultimate government control over everyone's lives. What better way than to ask for a nation of pot heads!
We have plenty of people who use pot on a daily basis, or even just a moderate basis. We really don't need to add to the mix. Is it the worst thing a person can do? No. Should it be decriminalized? Probably but, I do not want people feeling it's okay to smoke weed wherever they like. I'd still like to be able to take my daughter out without having to witness someone smoking a joint.
I also have huge problems with taxing it. I do not like sin tax of any kind. It's basically the government needing people to be failures so they can keep that revenue in their budget. Talk about sickening.
Alternative Conservative,
George Soros,
Posted by
Bin Laden Warns France
AP – FILE - This image made from video broadcast on Sunday, Oct. 7, 2001 shows Osama bin Laden at an undisclosed
Bin Laden has showed up in a new audio denouncing France due to their support of the Afghan war and, the recent ban on veils.
In the tape obtained by satellite television station Al-Jazeera and then posted on its website on Wednesday, bin Laden said France was aiding the Americans in the killing of Muslim women and children in an apparent reference to the war in Afghanistan. He said the kidnapping of five French citizens in the African nation of Niger last month was a reaction to what he called France's oppression of Muslims.
"How can it be right that you participate in the occupation of our lands, support the Americans in the killing of our women and children and yet want to live in peace and security?" said bin Laden, addressing the French.
"It is a simple and clear equation: As you kill, you will be killed. As you capture, you will be captured. And as you threaten our security, your security will be threatened. The way to safeguard your security is to cease your oppression and its impact on our nation, most importantly your withdrawal from the ill-fated Bush war in Afghanistan."
Authenticity of the tape has not been determined.
"If you deemed it your right to ban (Muslim) women from wearing the hijab, then should not it be our right to expel your invading men by striking their necks?" bin Laden said.Okay, then, why don't you direct your people to leave France?
A series of warnings has put France and other European countries on high alert in recent weeks, prompting the U.S. State Department to advise American citizens living or traveling in Europe to take more precautions. Speculation on the source of a potential terror threat in France has focused on al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb.
It is truly amazing the mentality of these people. They attack and attack and, somehow they expect people to not doing anything. I guess we're just supposed to roll over and do what they want.
Click title of this post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Bin Laden,
Osama bin Laden,
Posted by
Charlie Sheen Hopitalized
Charlie Sheen is always in trouble and nothing ever happens to him.
Even though Charlie was hospitalized, it is being reported that he will return to work.
Click title of post for full article."Charlie will be working this week doing a cameo role, playing himself, in a small movie as a favor to a friend and has every intention of going back to work on 'Two and a Half Men' on Tuesday," Mark Burg told the magazine. "He's looking forward to working."
Sheen was found drunk and naked in his trashed New York hotel room early Tuesday morning, and was immediately hospitalized then released later in the day. Though sources claim the hospitalization was due to intoxication, Sheen's rep said it was an "adverse reaction to some medication."
Joy Behar Displays Her "Good Manners" Again
Joy Behar, who is a co-host on The View, was at it again, showcasing her liberal "tolerance" calling Sharron Angle, the Republican Senate nominee, a "bitch" and declared that she's going to hell. How's that for not "judging anyone"?
I swear, every time I turn around, I hear some dumb liberal lecturing conservatives about being judgmental. They tell us that we have no right to judge someone, only G-d can do that, we should practice being Christian, ect. The list goes on and on but, what they really mean is, if you don't agree with them, they have a right to judge you. Not only do they judge the behavior, they now believe they also can judge your fate.
Click title of post for full story.
So, let's take a look at this horrible, Hitler youth campaign ad.
Well, I don't see anything in there that isn't true. This country has a problem with illegals! It is pulling us down, not helping us. They are taking jobs away from Americans, they are draining our resources - from education, health care, prisons, ect.
If slavery is wrong for blacks, can someone explain to me why these liberals are perfectly fine with Mexicans and other illegals being slaves? That's what they are. They work for slave wages and no benefits. We now have a slave class of people that are living here under the radar. They have no legal recourse when something happens to them. They do not carry basic things like insurance. It is because of their status they are forced to commit many other illegal activities. That just applies to the people that want to come here and work.
What does Joy not understand here? We are hurting illegals more by allowing them to come in and not have a legal status. It doesn't take much logic to figure this out.
No, the only "bitch" here is you, Joy. How dare you support politicians that support slavery.
I swear, every time I turn around, I hear some dumb liberal lecturing conservatives about being judgmental. They tell us that we have no right to judge someone, only G-d can do that, we should practice being Christian, ect. The list goes on and on but, what they really mean is, if you don't agree with them, they have a right to judge you. Not only do they judge the behavior, they now believe they also can judge your fate.
Click title of post for full story.
Joy Behar condemned a political ad by Nevada Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle as fomenting racial divisiveness. The View aired Angle’s latest TV ad on the talk show on Tuesday morning. Looking at the camera, Behar addressed Angle, calling her a “bitch” and concluding that Angle is “going to hell, this bitch.”
Behar described the ad as “a Hitler youth commercial,” said Angle is “a moron on top of being evil” and also dared Angle to “do this ad in the South Bronx,” implying that New Yorkers wouldn’t stand for it.
So, let's take a look at this horrible, Hitler youth campaign ad.
Well, I don't see anything in there that isn't true. This country has a problem with illegals! It is pulling us down, not helping us. They are taking jobs away from Americans, they are draining our resources - from education, health care, prisons, ect.
If slavery is wrong for blacks, can someone explain to me why these liberals are perfectly fine with Mexicans and other illegals being slaves? That's what they are. They work for slave wages and no benefits. We now have a slave class of people that are living here under the radar. They have no legal recourse when something happens to them. They do not carry basic things like insurance. It is because of their status they are forced to commit many other illegal activities. That just applies to the people that want to come here and work.
What does Joy not understand here? We are hurting illegals more by allowing them to come in and not have a legal status. It doesn't take much logic to figure this out.
No, the only "bitch" here is you, Joy. How dare you support politicians that support slavery.
Joy Behar
Posted by
Did You Know?
I missed yesterday's "Did You Know?" so, I will be doing two of them today. I got busy!
The first term is modus vivendi. The second term is per curiam.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
The first term is modus vivendi. The second term is per curiam.
modus vivendi - A Latin phrase meaning "a temporary understanding pending a final agreement." It is the acceptance of a continuing working relationship, with fundamental disagreements ignored or held in abeyance.
per curiam - 1. Latin meaning "by the court:"; an opinion by all the judges of an appeals court. 2. An unsigned decision by an appeals court refusing to review a lower court's decision.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
modus vivendi,
per curiam,
Posted by
Republicans Ready to Win
Reuters – Campaign supporters and volunteers cheer for their candidates before the last of four debates between
It is expected for Republicans to take over the House and gain in the Senate after elections next week.
Republicans are also headed to big gains in the Senate but are expected to fall short of picking up the 10 Democratic seats needed for a majority. To control the 100-member Senate, Republicans will need to sweep nearly every competitive race -- a difficult but not impossible task.Click title of post for full story.
Republicans are also projected to win a majority of the 37 governors' races, giving them an edge in the once-a-decade process of redrawing congressional district boundaries that begins next year.
Of course, with these wins, we can expect to stop the bleeding, the damage that the Obama administration seems hell bent on doing to this country. Things will finally look up for all of us.
"A few weeks ago, we found ourselves on the precipice of victory. Now we are closing the deal," Pete Sessions, head of the Republican House campaign committee, said in a memo to reporters. "Nancy Pelosi's days as speaker of the House are numbered."
I think this is probably the biggest win for the country overall. Get Pelosi OUT! We will all be better off.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Obama Practices Gay Affirmative Action?
AP – FILE - In this June 22, 2010 file photo, President Barack Obama delivers remarks during a LGBT Pride
Based on the latest news coming from Washington, Obama wants us to know just how many openly gay members he has appointed. Why?
Could someone please explain to me what business it is of his or ours whether who he is appointing is gay? Why is this even an issue?
The answer is really simply when you discover that liberalism is a mental disorder. See, the reason why someone like Obama would go out of their way to appoint gays, has nothing to do with being tolerant, loving, or anything like that. It has to do with making themselves feel good by showing people just how great they think they are.
Click title of post for full article.
Less than halfway through his first term, President Barack Obama has appointed more openly gay officials than any other president in history.
Gay activists say the estimate of more than 150 appointments so far — from agency heads and commission members to policy officials and senior staffers — surpasses the previous high of about 140 reached during two full terms under President Bill Clinton.
"From everything we hear from inside the administration, they wanted this to be part of their efforts at diversity," said Denis Dison, spokesman for the Presidential Appointments Project of the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute.
They wanted this to be a part of their efforts at diversity. It says so right there in the article. It's all a "show" to them. There is NOTHING genuine here and, it almost suggests that many of these people wouldn't have been appointed had they not been gay!
So, this is just a form of affirmative action for gay people. This is telling gays that they need some kind of special treatment because, there's just no way on earth they could achieve anything on their own. Ultimately, it's about making Obama and the democrats feeling good about themselves.
This is an utter joke. How many times do you have to tell these people, it should never be about color, about religion, about sex, or who someone is having sex with? It's about who is best qualified for the job!
The pace of appointments has helped to ease broader disappointment among gay rights groups that Obama has not acted more quickly on other fronts, such as ending the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that bans gays from serving openly in the military.
Just further proof it's about making Obama look good at certain times, when it helps HIM. This has nothing to do with gays. This is about Obama and his image.
Clinton Manages to Campaign in Front of a Few Folks
Virg Bernero is running for governor in Michigan, and had Bill Clinton campaigning for him at Renaissance High School in Detroit. The gym was about half full.
Click title for the full depressing story concerning the upcoming election for the democrats.
You almost feel sorry for them but, they really brought this upon themselves.
Be sure to take out the trash come Nov. 2!
Click title for the full depressing story concerning the upcoming election for the democrats.
You almost feel sorry for them but, they really brought this upon themselves.
Be sure to take out the trash come Nov. 2!
President Directed to "Shove it!"
Frank Caprio, who is Rhode Island's gubernatorial candidate, did not react nice when confronted about not being enforced by Obama.
Click title of post for full story.
"He can take his endorsement and really shove it as far as I'm concerned," Caprio told talk-show host John DePetro during an interview on WPRO-AM.
Click title of post for full story.
In Monday morning's Providence Journal, John Mulligan of The Journal's Washington bureau reported that Mr. Obama would not endorse Democrat Caprio during a visit to Rhode Island Monday.
Mulligan quoted independent candidate Lincoln Chafee's spokesman saying Obama's decision "is a victory for Linc Chafee," who is one of Caprio's opponents in the race for governor.
Former Republican Senator Chafee endorsed Mr. Obama for president in 2008.
Caprio went on to criticize Mr. Obama for not visiting Rhode Island during this spring's record floods.
Caprio said Rhode Islanders "are hurting," that the state has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and "now he's coming into Rhode Island treating us like an ATM machine."Well, well, well, looks like Rhode Island doesn't have much of a chance with either of these candidates. One endorses Obama and the other is a democrat.
Mr. Obama will visit a Woonsocket factory and raise money for Democratic candidates during his visit.
Alternative Conservative,
Frank Caprio,
Rhode Island,
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Lung Taste Receptors - Bitter Compounds May Improve Asthma
Click title of post for full article.
It turns out that scientists have discovered that the lungs have taste receptors that respond to bitter tastes. Bitter compounds actually relax the muscles, and allow for more air inside of the lungs.
The results have been quite shocking. This can mean big news for people who suffer from asthma, which I am one of those people.
The article also says that it's results are not going to be obtained from people just eating bitter things; they are going to have to put the bitter compound in some type of aerosol that goes into the lungs like an inhaler.
It turns out that scientists have discovered that the lungs have taste receptors that respond to bitter tastes. Bitter compounds actually relax the muscles, and allow for more air inside of the lungs.
The results have been quite shocking. This can mean big news for people who suffer from asthma, which I am one of those people.
The article also says that it's results are not going to be obtained from people just eating bitter things; they are going to have to put the bitter compound in some type of aerosol that goes into the lungs like an inhaler.
Liggett, who hopes to begin tests in humans within a year, said that eating bitter tasting foods or compounds would not help in the treatment of asthma. Instead, he said, to get a sufficient dose people will need to use aerosolized compounds, which can be inhaled.
Alternative Conservative,
taste receptors,
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How Liberals Argue
This is so very funny and, so very true. Thank you, Luke for sharing this with me! I love my Facebook friends!
Secret Documents Reveal More Iraqi Deaths
Fox News- WikiLeaks to Release Documents
WikiLeaks will not release the origin of where these recent "secret" Iraq war documents came from but, in them include information about 15,000 more deaths of Iraqi's than originally accounted for.
In 2006 and 2007, the Bush administration and military commanders often played down the extent of civilian carnage from revenge killings, blood feuds and mob-style violence in Iraq, much of which had no direct effect on U.S. forces.
Well, we're at war. Of course Bush and others would play this down. They had to with all the criticism they were receiving. It's their job to protect our troops. This is war.
At a news conference in London on Saturday, WikiLeaks said it would soon publish 15,000 additional secret Afghan war documents. The group has published some 77,000 U.S. intelligence reports about the war in Afghanistan in addition to the almost 400,000 alleged secret U.S. documents about the Iraq war.
Allegations of torture and brutality by Shiite-dominated security forces — mostly against Sunni prisoners — were widely reported during the most violent years of the war, when the rival Islamic sects turned on one another in Baghdad and other cities. The leaked documents provide a ground's-eye view of abuses as reported by U.S. military personnel to their superiors and appear to corroborate much of the past reporting on such incidents.
I'm not sure what the consequences will be by releasing these documents. The enemy may use them as propaganda. The media will just continue to do the same thing they've been doing, using this to slam Bush, I'm sure.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
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Did You Know?
Stalwarts - 1. Faithful party followers. 2. Republican party loyalists during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. When Charles Guiteau show President James A. Garfield in 1881 because the President had not given him a patronage appointment, he is supposed to have shouted, "I am a stalwart and Arthur is president now." Obviously, Guiteau, who was hanged the next year, felt that Chester Arthur, the vice President, would be more receptive to his petitions for office than Garfield had been. He wasn't.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
Posted by
Looking For a Reason to Fire Williams
AP – News analyst Juan Williams appears on the 'Fox & friends' television program in New York, Thursday, Oct.
That is what Juan Williams is now saying about his recent firing from NPR.
"I think they were looking for a reason to get rid of me," he said Friday. "They were uncomfortable with the idea that I was talking to the likes of Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity." Hannity hosts another Fox show.
Juan Williams was unceremoniously fired from NPR for making a remark on The O'Reilly Factor that was considered by them to be bigoted. The remark was simply one that most Americans feel - that he feels a little uncomfortable seeing Muslims in full garb while he was flying on a plane.
"I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country," Williams said Monday. "But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."
The tension between NPR and Williams is nothing new. NPR has gone so far as to ask when Williams appears on Fox, that the network not associate his name with their network.
Again, we have a situation where conservatives are backing a man who is actually liberal - he's not a conservative by any stretch. When it comes to free speech however, it's been made clear by the liberals that they are just NOT tolerant of anyone's views other than their own.
In response to the firing, South Carolina Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint planned to introduce legislation to end federal funding for NPR, his spokesman Wesley Denton said Thursday night. Denton said the senator would expand upon his proposal in a statement on Friday.
Thank goodness someone is putting this motion forward. It has been a long time coming.
This issue here is just another reason why it's so important to get the Democrats out of office come November. Then, we will be able to stop funding for this pathetic network, NPR. They only allow for one view. Why do we even have a dime of tax payer money funding them? They want one view, like the other networks, that's perfectly fine. They can do that on their own, without the government.
Federal grants provide less than 2 percent — or $3.3 million — of NPR's $166 million annual budget. It is funded primarily by its affiliates, corporate sponsors and major donors. Federal funding of public media has long been questioned by some in Congress.
Click on title of post for full story.
Williams is now with Fox Network. He received a $2 million contract with them.
Alternative Conservative,
Juan Williams,
npr juan williams,
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Did You Know?
This installment of "Did You Know?" has to do with the term quorum.
quorum - The number of members who must be in attendance to make valid the votes and other actions of a formal group. In the Supreme Court, a quorum is six. In the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, it is a majority of the membership. In the Committee of the Whole House, it is 100. If a point of order is made that a quorum is not present, the only business that is in order is either a motion to adjourn or a motion to direct the sergeant at arms to request the attendance of absentees.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
quorum - The number of members who must be in attendance to make valid the votes and other actions of a formal group. In the Supreme Court, a quorum is six. In the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, it is a majority of the membership. In the Committee of the Whole House, it is 100. If a point of order is made that a quorum is not present, the only business that is in order is either a motion to adjourn or a motion to direct the sergeant at arms to request the attendance of absentees.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
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CAIR Debates Juan Williams
More on Juan's response to his firing:
"It's not a bigoted statement,” he told Fox News in an interview the cable news network ran throughout the day. “In fact, in the course of this conversation with Bill O'Reilly, I said we have an obligation as Americans to be careful to protect the constitutional rights of everyone in our country and to make sure that we don't have any outbreak of bigotry. But that there's a reality. You cannot ignore what happened on 9/11, and you cannot ignore the connection to Islamic radicalism, and you can't ignore the fact of what has even recently been said in court with regard to this is the first drop of blood in a Muslim war in America."
Also from The Alternative Conservative -
More On Juan Williams Getting Fired From NPR
Alternative Conservative,
Fox News,
Juan Williams,
npr juan williams,
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Pelosi Better Watch Out
Pelosi may be in for some serious competition in San Francisco. Imagine that!
It's not your everyday congressional race when the Republican candidate welcomes the support of Cindy Sheehan, the antiwar gadfly, and Matt Gonzalez, who was Ralph Nader's running mate in 2008. Yet that is exactly what is happening in San Francisco, where Republican John Dennis is challenging House Speaker Pelosi in what may be Pelosi's first-ever truly competitive race.
Cindy Sheehan? You've got to be kidding me.
Anyway, it's nice to see some hope, even if it's a tiny spark of hope, that Nancy could get thrown out on her butt in Novemeber.
Since August, Dennis has raised three times as much money as Pelosi, and the $2.1 million he's collected so far is in the ballpark with her total. Dennis cites internal polling from a few months ago showing that roughly 35 percent of independents and Democrats in the district are growing tired of Pelosi's leadership, and the Dennis campaign is conducting a new poll that they hope will show support growing.
It could definitely be a stretch but, one things for sure, Pelosi will be dethroned from her post as Speaker of the House. Thank heavens.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Cindy Sheehan,
John Dennis,
Matt Gonzalez,
Nancy Pelosi,
Ralph Nader,
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More On Juan Williams Getting Fired From NPR
Juan Williams (Richard Drew/AP)
As The Alternative Conservative reported yesterday about Juan Williams being fired from NPR for making an "insensitive" (best Savage voice), remark regarding Muslims in full garb, there is now a backlash to this termination.
Juan wasn't down for long, Fox News has picked him up for a cool $2 million! Go Juan!
National Public Radio sacked news analyst Juan Williams after he told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly that when he sees Muslims on planes he gets 'nervous' and 'worried'.I was especially surprised to see this:
But outraged commentators on both sides defended Williams as being honest about his feelings and saying what others are thinking.
And they pointed out that in the interview he also said it is important to distinguish moderate Muslims from extremists.
NPR's decision was blasted as 'ridiculous' and as 'censorship', with conservatives such as Sarah Palin calling on President Barack Obama to step in and cut off the organisation's funding.Whoopi? After she walked out on O'Reilly for him being insensitive? I'm confused. This woman is all over the map and completely inconsistent but, in this case, it's good to see her be on the "right" side of things.
Meanwhile The View host Whoopi Goldberg also termed the decision 'ridiculous' and 'a mistake'.
And the head of an organisation that trains minority journalists said Williams 'didn't say something that, unfortunately, other people aren't thinking'.
For more information and details to this story, go here, and here.
More to come...
Alternative Conservative,
Juan Williams,
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Harry Reid Takes Credit For Saving The World
Alternative Conservative,
Drudge Report,
Harry Reid,
saves the world,
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WikiLeaks "Major" Announcement in Europe
AP – File - The Pentagon is seen in this aerial view in Washington, in this March 27, 2008 file photo.
WikiLeaks posted on their Twitter account that they are planning a major press conference in Europe.
The website is close to releasing more war documents concerning the Iraq war. So, apparently, these two events are related.
That previous leak, back in July, outraged the US military, which accused WikiLeaks of irresponsibility.Click title of post for full story.
But The Associated Press has obtained a Pentagon letter reporting that no U.S. intelligence sources or practices were compromised by the posting of secret Afghan war logs.
Although U.S. officials still think the leaks could cause significant damage to U.S. security interests, the assessment suggests that some of the administration's worst fears about the July disclosure have so far failed to materialize.
What do you think about all these documents being released? What should happen to the source of these documents? Or, is this a good thing? Comment below.
Alternative Conservative,
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Bill Clinton to Help Democrats
AP – In this Oct. 18, 2010, photo, former President Bill Clinton, right, waves with Sen. Patty Murray as they
I guess this is a good move for the democrats. Did you know there are still people that like Clinton? I'm not kidding. I am rarely shocked but, it does surprise the hell of out me to know there are still people that actually like this guy and, say he was a good president. It astonishes me.
Bill Clinton, out of the Oval Office for nearly a decade and once considered a political liability, is campaigning for Democratic candidates at a pace no one can match, drawing big crowds and going to states that President Barack Obama avoids.
Some people attending his rallies wear buttons saying "I miss peace, prosperity and Clinton."
Isn't it interesting that it was Clinton that brought about 9/11 by not doing anything and ignoring terrorism? The man allowed our military to be fired upon in no-fly zones, the USS Cole had no response, we all know that there were middle eastern connections associated with Oklahoma City but, that was buried by Clinton, '93 WTC bombing, countless rejections from Iraq to allow inspectors, and the list goes on and on....Clinton never did a damn thing about terrorism. Oh, I forgot, he did manage to get the military to grab one little Cuban boy and send him back to a communist regime. He also allowed for Reno to attack a church that was politically incorrect. What a great leader he was! (/sarcasm) I cannot stand Clinton.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Bill Clinton,
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Juan Williams Terminated From NPR For Being Honest About Muslims
True to politically correct form, NPR has terminated Juan Williams, news analyst for making some "insensitive" remarks on Bill O'Reilly's show, The Factor.
Williams has been with NPR for more than 10 years and wasn't even allowed a face-to-face conversation.
Click title of post for the full story.
NPR has fired longtime news analyst Juan Williams, also a commentator on the Fox News Channel, after he told Bill O'Reilly that he gets nervous when he sees people in Muslim garb on an airplane.
In a statement late Wednesday, National Public Radio said it was terminating Williams' contract as a senior news analyst over his comments on Fox's "The O'Reilly Factor."
AP – FILE- This undated photo released by SeniorNet shows NPR news analyst Juan Williams. NPR News says that …
So, because, he was honest in saying what many of us think and feel, he was terminated?
"I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country," Williams said. "But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."
Williams has been with NPR for more than 10 years and wasn't even allowed a face-to-face conversation.
Click title of post for the full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Bill O'Reilly,
Juan Williams,
The Factor,
Posted by
Typical Unethical Democrats Breaking the Law
Students and staffers alike at Winston-Salem State University, recently received an email urging recipients to help the democrats get out the vote.
Oh, she regrets it? Could you imagine if this were Republicans who had done this? We wouldn't hear the end of it till someone were thrown in jail.
Democrats, throughout history, have been notorious for doing illegal things in order to obtain votes. The first lady campaigned at a polling place and barely anyone blinks an eye! This is ridiculous. Election after election the democrats have become more and more brazen with their dirty tactics and, then the stories barely register with the mainstream media.
Click title of post for full story.
After a complaint by Nathan Tabor, the chairman of the Forsyth County GOP, university officials acknowledged that the e-mail — sent from the student-affairs division — was improper.
The university cited a state law that prohibits the use of a state employee’s authority or state property to support or oppose a person or an issue in any election.
“We regret it,” said Nancy Young, the director of public relations at WSSU. “We sent out a retraction and said to disregard the earlier e-mail.”
That wasn’t the end of it, though. Yesterday, the university sent out what Tabor called an “equal time” e-mail inviting all the same recipients to work for Republicans during early voting.
That message was to be retracted by the university last night once it had been out six hours — the same amount of time the Democrat message was out before being retracted.
Oh, she regrets it? Could you imagine if this were Republicans who had done this? We wouldn't hear the end of it till someone were thrown in jail.
Democrats, throughout history, have been notorious for doing illegal things in order to obtain votes. The first lady campaigned at a polling place and barely anyone blinks an eye! This is ridiculous. Election after election the democrats have become more and more brazen with their dirty tactics and, then the stories barely register with the mainstream media.
Click title of post for full story.
Obama Getting Desparate
AP – President Barack Obama shakes hands with Washington Gubernatorial candidate John Kitzhaber at the start
In his attempt to help democrats retain power in the House and Senate, Obama tries to preach on about voters either returning to the past of gloom and doom or, to push forward with his agenda of change. It's the same old song and dance.
It is part of the tricky balance for the White House — deploying Obama to the right places to stir up enthusiasm and recruit first-time voters from two years ago, yet trying to keep people from viewing the election as a referendum on him and the battered economy.Click title of this post for full story.
Obama keeps telling us that we will go backwards if the democrats lose control of the House and Senate but, has he not thought about the fact that many of us feel as though the democrats have not only taken us backwards but, have made things much worse? We now have a debt that has tripled and, we are expected to pay for a health care system we KNOW eventually will fail. Just look at the tremendous cuts that the UK did this week.
No, a vote to get democrats out and change the balance of powers is a vote FOR this country and, a push in the right direction - FORWARD.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
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Toyota Recalling 1.53 Million Cars
Brake fluid and fuel pump problems have incited a recall by Toyota of 1.53 million cars.
Click title of this post for more details.
Toyota Motor Corp. said Thursday it will call back for repairs about 740,000 cars in the U.S. and 599,000 in Japan. The remainder are in Europe and other markets around the world.
Over the past year, Toyota has recalled more than 10 million cars and trucks worldwide for a variety of problems, from faulty gas pedals and floor mats that can trap accelerators, to braking problems in its Prius hybrid. In August, Toyota called back 1.33 million Corolla sedans and Matrix hatchbacks in the U.S. and Canada because their engines may stall.
The models affected by the latest recall in the U.S. include the 2005 and 2006 Avalon, 2004 through 2006 non-hybrid Highlander and Lexus RX330, and 2006 Lexus GS300, IS250, and IS350 vehicles, the company said in a release from its U.S. headquarters in Torrance, California.
Click title of this post for more details.
Alternative Conservative,
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Did You Know?
I have decided to try and add a new feature to this blog called, "Did You Know?" I hope that you like it. It will be me simply picking out some fun facts about politics and law. In this section of "Did You Know?" the topic will be Ableman vs. Booth.
Please feel free to add any other information.
Ableman vs. Booth
This case came about in the year 1859. The Supreme Court had established that if there is a prisoner that was held in federal custody, a writ of habeas corpus issued by a state court would not allow the release of that prisoner. This case solidified independence of federal and state courts. No judicial process has authority that is outside of its own jurisdiction.
For more details about this case, click here, or title of post. Very interesting stuff.
Please feel free to add any other information.
Ableman vs. Booth
This case came about in the year 1859. The Supreme Court had established that if there is a prisoner that was held in federal custody, a writ of habeas corpus issued by a state court would not allow the release of that prisoner. This case solidified independence of federal and state courts. No judicial process has authority that is outside of its own jurisdiction.
For more details about this case, click here, or title of post. Very interesting stuff.
Ableman vs. Booth,
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
fun facts,
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US Man Guilty of Supporting Somali Islamist Militant Group
Chesser, shown near the White House, promoted violence on his web site, prosecutors said
Zachary Adam Chesser, of Fairfax county in Virginia, is 20 years old and considers himself a Muslim. He was angry about the portrayal of Muhammad that involved a "South Park" episode. So, he decided to encourage violence toward the writers of the show. He has pleaded guilty to this charge and now faces 30 years on prison.
Chesser of Fairfax County in the state of Virginia also posted to an Islamist militant website the personal contact information of people who had joined an "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day" Facebook group.
"Zachary Chesser seriously endangered the lives of innocent people who will remain at risk for many years to come," US Attorney Neil MacBride said in a statement.
"His solicitation of extremists to murder US citizens also caused people throughout the country to fear speaking out - even in jest - lest they also be labelled as enemies who deserved to be killed."
Click title of post for full story.
Republican Victories Anticipated
Things are looking more and more in a positive direction for this country.
Obama's numbers are dismal and people are not impressed with what the democrats have done so far controlling Congress.
Make no mistake, the Republican party isn't exactly popular either. It just seems as though more and more people are not appreciating the "change" Obama has brought us.
Let's hope for the best!
In the final survey before Election Day, likely voters say the GOP would do a better job than Democrats on handling the economy, creating jobs and running the government.Click title of post for full story.
Obama's numbers are dismal and people are not impressed with what the democrats have done so far controlling Congress.
"If we get some new blood in there who will do what the people want, maybe this can get turned around," said Sharon Klawender, 70, who lives in rural Kingston in Michigan, one of the most economically troubled states. She hopes Republicans will "get things back under control."
Make no mistake, the Republican party isn't exactly popular either. It just seems as though more and more people are not appreciating the "change" Obama has brought us.
_50 percent say they will back the GOP candidate in their House district; 43 percent say they'll support the Democrat. The edge has slightly narrowed over the past month as Democrats presumably have grown more energized.
_61 percent expect the GOP to win control of Congress; 33 percent think Democrats will maintain control.
_49 percent want to see their House representatives re-elected; 44 percent want to fire them.
_54 percent disapprove of Obama's job performance; 45 percent approve.
_Just 20 percent approve of how Congress is doing its job.
_59 percent think the country is headed in the wrong direction; 39 percent say it's going the right way.
_52 percent have a favorable impression of the GOP; 44 percent view the Democratic Party positively.
Let's hope for the best!
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Oh, Shut Up Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow is at it again. When does this woman not annoy me? Never.
Click title of post to watch her video clip concerning the upcoming elections.
I don't even know where to begin with this woman. Watch and comment below.
So, apparently anything a conservative says is now considered to be racist? Maddow is such a joke. The democrats have always been the party of the racists and, now she does her best here to parse words and, put meaning in people's statements that are simply NOT there.
If you say something that isn't "politically correct" in her mind, it's considered racist. She even goes so far as to call someone a white supremest. What is this woman's problem?
Click title of post to watch her video clip concerning the upcoming elections.
I don't even know where to begin with this woman. Watch and comment below.
So, apparently anything a conservative says is now considered to be racist? Maddow is such a joke. The democrats have always been the party of the racists and, now she does her best here to parse words and, put meaning in people's statements that are simply NOT there.
If you say something that isn't "politically correct" in her mind, it's considered racist. She even goes so far as to call someone a white supremest. What is this woman's problem?
Alternative Conservative,
Rachel Maddow,
Posted by
1968 Playmate Charged With Attempted Murder
TMZ is reporting that the 1968 Playboy Playmate, Angela Dorian has been charged with attempted murder.
Click title of post for source.
66-year-old Dorian -- aka Victoria Rathgeb -- aka Victoria Vetri -- (currently 5'5", 110 lbs) was arrested late Saturday night -- and is still behind bars. Bail has been set at $1,000,000.
Law enforcement sources tell us ... they believe Dorian and her BF were having an argument that turned physical -- and that's when Dorian grabbed a handgun and fired at least one shot into her boyfriend's upper body. The boyfriend was rushed to a nearby hospital -- we're told he's expected to survive.
When authorities first arrived to the scene, Dorian told cops that her boyfriend was shot by a drug dealer.
If convicted, Dorian could face up to life in prison.
Click title of post for source.
Obama Administration Seeks Stay of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
I don't understand. Didn't Obama campaign that he wanted to get rid of that policy?
Click title of post for full story.
The Obama administration says it is in favor of repealing the law. However, the government says that letting the ruling of U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips to go forward immediately would be a major problem for the military.This is ridiculous. If they don't want it, then why would there be problems? Oh, so they recognize it's a problem yet, they can't just admit that it's bad policy to get rid of "don't ask, don't tell"? You can't have it both ways here.
I'm still not sure what legal authority the court felt they had to do this in the first place? Isn't this something the people should be voting on? Or, shouldn't the military be the ones voting on this issue? Where does the court even have the authority to rule on something like this?
If you know, please comment below, because, I'm quite confused on this.
Clarence Thomas
CBS News
Since Clarence Thomas is back in the news, due to his wife asking for an apology from Anita Hill, I figured I would go over this story again. I was in high school when all this stuff originally went on. I didn't pay much attention to any of it. I knew sexual harassment had become quite the topic of discussion during the 90's. That was about all I knew concerning any of this.
Later on, I would slowly learn more about this issue and found it shocking that people were angry about Justice Thomas, even though there was really nothing other than a "she said, he said" allegation. It surprised me that things had even gone as far as they did.
I tend to agree with Laura, who actually worked for Thomas.
No one really knows for sure what happened here, to be fair, but Anita Hill did lie about her previous employment history. She was fired from her previous job and, during the Senate hearing, she said she was not.
According to Clarence Thomas, he hired Anita Hill at the urging of a friend because an official of the law firm at which she worked had advised her to leave.
According to Ms. Hill — both then and now — she was not "asked to leave" the law firm but was "in good standing" at the time.
This too was not just a question of "he said" and "she said." An affidavit sworn by a former partner in that law firm supported Clarence Thomas' version. That was ignored by most of the media.
It's also true that democrats had absolutely no problems with SEVERAL allegations that were made about Clinton. In his case, it wasn't just one woman making claims of sexual harassment. It's interesting that sexual allegations only matter when there is a conservative involved.
Also from the article:
In another instance, there was already hard evidence but it too was ignored. Clarence Thomas said that Anita Hill had initiated a number of phone calls to him, over the years, after she had left the agency where they both worked. She said otherwise. But a phone log from the agency showed that he was right.Does this mean she lied about everything? I don't know but, no other allegations have ever been made about Thomas, and there were no other witnesses to anything that Anita Hill was accusing him of doing.
I believe Justice Thomas, not just because of ideological reasons but, because I believe he's proven himself to be a great man of integrity.
Looking At The Numbers - Obama's Numbers
$26.2 Trillion: Projected Federal Debt In 2020 Due To Obama’s Binge Spending. (OMB, 7/23/10)
$13.6 Trillion: Current National Debt. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 10/19/10)
$8.5 Trillion: Cumulative Deficits Caused By President Obama’s Proposed Budget, FY2011-2020. (OMB, 7/23/10)
$3.9 Trillion: Total Cost Of The Democrats’ Tax Hike To Taxpayers. (Joint Committee On Taxation, 8/6/10)
$3.0 Trillion: Amount Added To The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 10/19/10)
$2.5 Trillion: True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully Implemented. (Sen. Max Baucus, Floor Remarks, 12/2/09)
$1.42 Trillion: Federal Budget Deficit For FY2009 – Highest In U.S. History. (Congressional Budget Office, 10/7/10)
$1.29 Trillion: Federal Budget Deficit For FY2010 – Second Highest In U.S. History. (Congressional Budget Office, 10/7/10)
Read more: http://www.gop.com/index.php/briefing/comments/obama_by_the_numbers#ixzz12um4HFZB
$13.6 Trillion: Current National Debt. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 10/19/10)
$8.5 Trillion: Cumulative Deficits Caused By President Obama’s Proposed Budget, FY2011-2020. (OMB, 7/23/10)
$3.9 Trillion: Total Cost Of The Democrats’ Tax Hike To Taxpayers. (Joint Committee On Taxation, 8/6/10)
$3.0 Trillion: Amount Added To The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 10/19/10)
$2.5 Trillion: True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully Implemented. (Sen. Max Baucus, Floor Remarks, 12/2/09)
$1.42 Trillion: Federal Budget Deficit For FY2009 – Highest In U.S. History. (Congressional Budget Office, 10/7/10)
$1.29 Trillion: Federal Budget Deficit For FY2010 – Second Highest In U.S. History. (Congressional Budget Office, 10/7/10)
Read more: http://www.gop.com/index.php/briefing/comments/obama_by_the_numbers#ixzz12um4HFZB
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
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Just When You're Feeling Stupid, Someone Comes Along...
...and proves you wrong.
A woman entered a bank in MA (I know, total shocker), and presented a $10,000 bill - a fake one!
Click title of post for source of story.
A woman entered a bank in MA (I know, total shocker), and presented a $10,000 bill - a fake one!
Click title of post for source of story.
LOWELL, Mass. – A $10,000 bill? The staff at a Massachusetts bank just wasn't buying it.
The suspicious staffers quickly determined that the bill a woman brought into the Lowell bank was a fake.
Michael Gallagher, risk management director at Enterprise Bank, tells The Sun of Lowell that it is believed there are only about 300 $10,000 bills left, and most are in the hands of collectors.
The bank called police, who in turn notified the U.S. Secret Service, the agency that investigates counterfeiting.
Gallagher would not say what kind of transaction the woman attempted with the note on Tuesday.
The woman's name was not released because she has not been charged, but a police spokesman says she may have mental health issues.Well, let's hope if it has to do with mental issues, she gets some help.
000 bill,
Alternative Conservative,
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How Ugly Are You?
Well, if you want to know, there's a iPhone app for that. A10 on the ugly meter is the worst.
Click title of post for full story.
The only way I'm trusting this application is making sure Nancy Pelosi gets a big fat 10.
Click title of post for full story.
The only way I'm trusting this application is making sure Nancy Pelosi gets a big fat 10.
Alternative Conservative,
ugly meter
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Michelle Obama Campaigning Again...
Only this time she's not inside a polling place. How law abiding of her.
"Fired up!"? There still on that mantra? They are correct, there's no more important time to vote - vote the democrats OUT." They want people to get the vote out? Kind of like ACORN?
Comment below.
"Fired up!"? There still on that mantra? They are correct, there's no more important time to vote - vote the democrats OUT." They want people to get the vote out? Kind of like ACORN?
Comment below.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Obama,
Michelle Obama,
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Pelosi The Wicked Witch
AFP/File – US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, seen here on September 15,pledged to extend tax cuts for most Americans
Republicans have spoofed Pelosi as Disney's would-be Dalmatian skinner "Cruella," and portrayed her as "the wicked witch" of high taxes in a television commercial that sees her challenger melt her down to nothing with a bucket of water -- a nod to "The Wizard of Oz."Sounds about right to me.
Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro was born to a political family with roots in Venice, Genoa, Abruzzi, Campobasso and Sicily and raised in Baltimore's "Little Italy."Right, and Baltimore is embarrassed for her. Some centrist democrats are also embarrassed by her representing them. Yes, it's time to FIRE Pelosi!
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Nancy Pelosi,
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Pentagon Directs Military to Accept Gays
AP – Dan Choi, an Iraq War veteran and a West Point graduate who was discharged from the military in July …
Now that the Pentagon has issued an order for recruiters to accept gays, many who were initially turned away are reenlisting.
"Gay people have been fighting for equality in the military since the 1960s," said Aaron Belkin, executive director of the Palm Center, a think tank on gays and the military at the University of California Santa Barbara. "It took a lot to get to this day."
Click title of post for full story.
Amongst gay rights groups, and inside the military, there is still some confusion as to what will happen if the law changed back. Many groups are still encouraging gays not to come out openly for fear they will later be kicked out.
"U.S. Army Recruiting Command is going to follow the law, whatever the law is," Smith said.
The message, however, had not reached some recruiting stations.
In Pensacola, Fla., Marine Sgt. Timothy Chandler said he had been given no direction. "As far as we are concerned everything is the same. The policy hasn't changed," he said, as others in the office nodded.
Alternative Conservative,
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Justice Thomas' Wife Contacts Anita Hill
AP – FILE - University of Oklahoma law professor Anita Hill is sworn in, in the Caucus Room before testifying
Virginia Thomas has reached out to Anita Hill and asked for her to apologize.
In a transcript of the message provided by ABC News, which said it listened to the recording, Thomas identified herself and then said, "I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband. So give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did. OK, have a good day," Thomas said.
When Hill heard the voicemail, she contacted Brandeis' public safety office, which in turn informed the FBI.
She contacted the FBI? Umm....why? That's a little extreme Anita, don't you think? Anita said she thought the call was "inappropriate" while, Virginia admitted to making the call saying, she was extending an olive branch.
Click title of post for full story.
Pentagon Shots Fired; No Injuries
A lone gunman fired shots early today at Pentagon. So far, no injuries are being reported.
Click title of post for source.
Click title of post for source.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A gunman fired shots at the Pentagon early on Tuesday but there were no injuries or significant damage, a Pentagon spokesman said.
It was the first incident of its kind since a lone gunman shot and wounded two security officers near the Pentagon entrance in May, and was killed in the process. That led to an overhaul of security procedures.
Tuesday's shots, which did not penetrate the building, appear to have been fired from somewhere around the Pentagon's South parking lot just before 5 a.m.. The Pentagon said it would provide more details at a briefing later on Tuesday.
Alternative Conservative,
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99 Democrat Seats in Danger
I love hearing stories about how the democrats are going to lose come November but, this could also just mean the media wanting people to think it's a "sure thing" causing people to stay home. Let's make sure that doesn't happen.
Still, this news is very hopeful.
The number of Democrats in danger is more than double the 39 seats Republicans need to seize control of the House. It reflects an elastic electoral environment that favors the GOP by every measure: money, momentum and mood of the country — in this case, sour on Democratic incumbents.
For Democrats, a deteriorating political environment – unemployment high, President Barack Obama’s approval ratings low — has been exacerbated by the presence of cash-flush, independent conservative groups that have poured huge sums of money into races.
I guess the "change" Obama was speaking of was bringing the country to climatic expression of the people screaming in unison, "NO MORE DEMOCRATS!"
Alternative Conservative,
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Fonda and Turner to Save the Planet
Ted Turner and Jane Fonda
Jane Fonda and Ted Turner were last seen together at the 20th annual Environmental Media Awards.
Saving the planet can make for strange bedfellows, but when it's a global cause, hatchets are buried and the lovefest begins. That's why famously divorced couple Jane Fonda and Ted Turner kissed and cooed on stage at the 20th annual Environmental Media Awards on Saturday night. It was chilly and even a little wet at the outdoor festivities on the Warner Bros. lot (rain in SoCal in October, just another sign of global warming, it seems), as Fonda called Turner "my favorite ex-husband" (she has three) and extolled his "strong commitment to environmental and humanitarian causes" while handing over the EMA Lifetime Achievement Award.
So does this mean 3-way sex will be what saves the planet? These two are just disgusting.
Boeing Cites Obama Care For Cost Hikes
Boeing has recently told their employees that the cost for insurance will rise; they cite the new Obamacare laws as the reason for the price hike.
In a letter mailed to employees late last week, the company cited the overhaul as part of the reason it is asking some 90,000 nonunion workers to pay significantly more for their health plan next year. A copy of the letter was obtained Monday by The Associated Press.I used to work for Boeing, through a subcontractor. I think this is going to be quite a surprise for their "left leaning" employees living in Seattle. I admit, I'm pointing and laughing, getting ready to say, "I told you so!" Only problem is, the new laws effect everyone, not just the liberal dummies who thought only good could come from the democrats.
"The newly enacted health care reform legislation, while intended to expand access to care for millions of uninsured Americans, is also adding cost pressure as requirements of the new law are phased in over the next several years," wrote Rick Stephens, Boeing's senior vice president for human resources.Click title of post for full story.
Boeing said annual deductibles and copayments will increase for all its plans next year.It's not that the issue of health care didn't need to be addressed. The costs are unbearable for many Americans but, it seems so odd to me that we didn't allow for more competition to drive down costs. Instead, the government wanted to weave in a plan that will lead to total take over of our health care, selling it as competition.
Deductibles, the share of medical costs that employees pay annually before their plan kicks in, will go up to $300 for individuals, an increase of $100. For families, the new deductible will be $900, an increase of $300.
Alternative Conservative,
health care,
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Whip My Hair - WILLOW Smith
Well, they say you have to go with the trends and apparently, this is the new sensation, making high marks on Google trends.
I suppose every generation, myself now included, has said, "Wow. Music sure has changed." Well, this is coming from a 9-year old.
What's your opinion?
I suppose every generation, myself now included, has said, "Wow. Music sure has changed." Well, this is coming from a 9-year old.
What's your opinion?
Alternative Conservative,
Whip My Hair,
Willow Smith
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