
President Directed to "Shove it!"

Frank Caprio, who is Rhode Island's gubernatorial candidate, did not react nice when confronted about not being enforced by Obama.

"He can take his endorsement and really shove it as far as I'm concerned," Caprio told talk-show host John DePetro during an interview on WPRO-AM.

Click title of post for full story.

In Monday morning's Providence Journal, John Mulligan of The Journal's Washington bureau reported that Mr. Obama would not endorse Democrat Caprio during a visit to Rhode Island Monday.

Mulligan quoted independent candidate Lincoln Chafee's spokesman saying Obama's decision "is a victory for Linc Chafee," who is one of Caprio's opponents in the race for governor.

Former Republican Senator Chafee endorsed Mr. Obama for president in 2008.

Caprio went on to criticize Mr. Obama for not visiting Rhode Island during this spring's record floods.
Caprio said Rhode Islanders "are hurting," that the state has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and "now he's coming into Rhode Island treating us like an ATM machine."

Mr. Obama will visit a Woonsocket factory and raise money for Democratic candidates during his visit.
 Well, well, well, looks like Rhode Island doesn't have much of a chance with either of these candidates. One endorses Obama and the other is a democrat.


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