
Sex in the USA

In the biggest sex survey given in the US, since 1994, sexual practices amongst teenagers are revealing greatest use of condoms.

Wow, that makes me feel so much better about teenagers having sex. Always a great choice to have sex at a young age, and an even wiser one to use a thin piece of rubber. /sarcasm

This is the way the article starts off, giving the reader an impression of something that is positive. (Click title of post for full article on the AP.)

Oh, but it's not until later that we actually read...

Among the findings was a high rate of condom usage among 14- to 17-year-olds. Of the surveyed boys who had sexual intercourse, 79 percent reported using a condom on the most recent occasion, compared to 25 percent for all the men in the survey.

However, the sample for that particular question involved only 57 teens in the 14-to-17 age range. That's far smaller than the thousands involved in latest federal Youth Risk Behavior Survey last year which calculated condom use among sexually active high school students at 61 percent.

Fortenberry nonetheless found the new findings encouraging.

So, basically that supposed positive note at the beginning really means nothing at all. Teenagers are probably, more likely using condoms just as much as any other generation. 

The researchers said they were struck by the variety of ways in which the subjects engaged in sex - 41 different combinations of sexual acts were tallied, encompassing vaginal and anal intercourse, oral sex, and partnered masturbation.

41 different combinations? Really? 

Other findings:

-While about 7 percent of adult women and 8 percent of men identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, the proportion of individuals who have had same-gender sex at some point in their lives is higher. For example, 15 percent of the men aged 50-59 said they had received oral sex from another man at some point.


So, you can click the title of the post to see the other findings. I'm not sure how alarming they are. It seems to me that it's about the same as it's been for awhile, with the exception to a rise in AIDS amongst minorities, which people have been trying for years in the black community to make mainstream aware to no avail.

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