Reuters – President Barack Obama speaks at a rally at Vernon Park in Philadelphia October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Jim
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Obama has been seen campaigning for Democrats and, accusing Republicans of peddling "snake oil." I guess this is because, Obama would never sell the American people a bill of goods.
He said a Republican push for an extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for all Americans would include $700 billion for wealthier citizens, money he said would be better spent helping to bolster the sagging U.S. economy.Oh, no! Those darn Republicans want people to be allowed to keep the money they earn. How capitalist of them.
Obama wants to limit the tax cuts to families making under $250,000 a year and a fierce partisan battle is being waged over their future. "They are peddling the same snake oil as they were peddling before," Obama.This goes for small businesses with Obama as well. One thing is clear, this man has never owned his own business. If he had any clue about doing so, he'd know that $250,000 can barely pay 10 employees more than $20,000 per year, and that doesn't include all the other expenses for maintaining a facility or, cost of inventory. Apparently, Obama believes people should just work for others and never expect any kind of profit.
Obama criticized his Republican opponents for opposing his policies. He said Americans are understandably angry and frustrated at the economy, but instead of helping, Republicans are "trying to ride that anger and that frustration all the way to the ballot box."No, not really. See, the American people actually bought YOUR "snake oil" and, we just don't like it. I love how delusional this man is. Come November, we just want to take the trash out and, make a vote FOR America. We've discovered that Obama and his left-wing ilk are against everything this country stands for. Even his own party is mostly against him. It's only the loons that are still getting his support.
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