I love hearing stories about how the democrats are going to lose come November but, this could also just mean the media wanting people to think it's a "sure thing" causing people to stay home. Let's make sure that doesn't happen.
Still, this news is very hopeful.
The number of Democrats in danger is more than double the 39 seats Republicans need to seize control of the House. It reflects an elastic electoral environment that favors the GOP by every measure: money, momentum and mood of the country — in this case, sour on Democratic incumbents.
For Democrats, a deteriorating political environment – unemployment high, President Barack Obama’s approval ratings low — has been exacerbated by the presence of cash-flush, independent conservative groups that have poured huge sums of money into races.
I guess the "change" Obama was speaking of was bringing the country to climatic expression of the people screaming in unison, "NO MORE DEMOCRATS!"
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