In his interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Perez states that he is going to make a change on his blog site, by no longer engaging in bullying of celebrities.
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Hilton is notorious for his outlandish and often vulgar style of reporting celebrity news. He is known to crudely draw inappropriate things on pictures of celebrities – things we can't even put into words on this website! – and has invented a host of callous nicknames for a variety of stars, including Jennifer Aniston, who he refers to as "Maniston," and Lindsay Lohan, termed "Lindsanity" on his blog, a reference to her ongoing legal troubles and substance abuse issues.
The tragic death of Rutgers University student Tyler Clementi, who committed suicide by jumping from the George Washington Bridge after his roommate secretly live streamed footage of him engaged in a private act with another man, has recently been a major topic of discussion for Hilton. While the circumstances are slightly different – a public person vs. a private person, a teenager vs. a thirtysomething man – it's difficult to not see that, in many ways, Hilton at one point in his professional career actively sought to do to Neil Patrick Harris what Dharun Ravi did to Tyler Clementi – make his private life public by placing details of his most intimate moments on the Internet for the world to see.So, now Hilton has had a change of heart. I guess that's his business but, isn't that what he does -insult celebrities? It seems to me this isn't going to help him much.
Looks like Perez has pissed one too many people off but, it's also the reason he's become so famous. We'll have to wait and see if this "change" pays off for him.
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