One thing that always frustrates me is seeing the words of so many conservatives taken completely out of context and turned into something that just never even existed and, it amazes me the amount of liberals I see that buy right into it.
I don't always get to listen to Glenn Beck but, I did for years. I really enjoy him and his comedy. He's not my favorite radio talk show host (we all know SAVAGE is!!!!), but he's good. I like him. I get so sick and tired of seeing liberals dog the guy and, act like it's a crime that he's funny. They call him cookoo and, say that he's a nut. They take his words and spin them.
Take for instance when Glenn told his audience (and he's done so a few times), to not believe him, but to go out and research the stories for yourself and, to think for yourself. Somehow, the liberals got a hold of this comment and turned it into Glenn saying that he doesn't believe what he's saying and, is making fun of his audience. They completely failed to miss his entire point! The idea that we need to check everything for ourselves, no matter what source it comes from.
They said that Glenn admits he's "evil." That came from the, "I'm an evil conservative" statement Glenn makes, as a JOKE!
It seems like any joke or statement a conservative makes, whether it be Ann Coulter, or Sean Hannity, the words are somehow twisted with liberals because, apparently they cannot laugh at themselves. Everything the right does is serious and evil.
For liberals, they are the funny ones. They are the good people. They dictate what is good for others. Isn't that simply ironic?
You know what I find funny? I find it pretty funny that the same group of people that go around complaining about how horrible George Bush was, can't name one single instance where a person was denied their civil liberties. They can't name one American whose phone was tapped. They cannot find one example of where anyone was violated by the Bush administration. Oh, but they sure like to throw around words like "war crimes" and other nonsense.
I also love that liberals talk about how they care so much about protecting gays and women but, always seem to favor support for Islam. Islam is a religion that supports the stoning of homosexuals. They also mutilate women, and cover them from head to toe as a matter of daily practice. Yet, liberals see nothing wrong with building a mosque overlooking Ground Zero.
Can people really be this ignorant AND not have any clue as to when someone is being funny and, when they are being serious?
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