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Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, interviewed Obama last night and, for the first time an entire half hour was dedicated to one guest.
"Let me say this about members of Congress," Mr. Obama said during the taped interview. "Are you going to curse?" Stewart interrupted.
Obama on "Daily Show": Change Isn't "Overnight"
The president did not indulge, but the "Daily Show" host displayed less restraint in comments to the audience before and after taping.
Stewart, who described himself as "nervous" for the interview, said Mr. Obama sat down and gave him a look he read as "wanna go, mother f***er?"
Off camera, an audience member asked Stewart what he would have liked to ask Mr. Obama but wouldn't dare. "If my people control the media, then why am I still on basic cable?" (paraphrased) the Jewish Comedy Central star answered, referencing comments former CNN anchor Rick Sanchez made that got him fired from the cable news network.
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