Ooops. Today/Yesterday I had technical problems and, since it WAS Friday, I decided to just relax. I am on day 4 of operation rapid detox. No caffeine. I have to say, my sleep patterns are worse than before. I have done this before but, I can't remember how long it took to adjust. I was thinking it would only be a few days.
Anyway, my laptop had decided not to launch any internet browsers. Everything was working fine but, when I tried to click on Explorer or Firefox, they both kept crashing on me and, giving me an error. I immediately got on my phone and sent out various messages of distress. I was able to post on Facebook and, my friend Hal helped me. He instructed me to go to task manager and, under the process tab, I should kill/end any firefox or explorer that I have running, then reboot. Sure enough, I had them running. Once I killed them, I had to reboot. It worked!
I just wanted to be sure and share this with you. In case there's anyone else out there that may have this problem in the future and, not know what they can do. Who knows? Maybe it will help, maybe not. There's my "tip of the day."
Have a great weekend everyone.
Checking In ...
Alternative Conservative,
internet browser,
Posted by
Will Rangel Cut a Deal?
Well, the Democrats sure want him to. Charles Rangel, the former chairman of the House of Means and Ways Committee, has a jury that is ready for him. They will discuss the charges and corruption that has been brought forth concerning the Representative.
If this moves forward, the article is reporting that the trial will most likely take place in September. Several Democrats are asking for Rangel's resignation.
I think it's absurd this man wants to move forward but, if it's another Blagojevich, so be it. Rangel is just as much of a joke as Blago is.
Rangel's attorney has been negotiating with nonpartisan lawyers for the House ethics committee. Any agreement would have to be approved by Rangel and ethics committee members
The investigators looked at Rangel's misuse of his office for fundraising, failure to disclose income, belated payment of taxes and possible help with a tax shelter for a company whose chief executive was a major donor.
If this moves forward, the article is reporting that the trial will most likely take place in September. Several Democrats are asking for Rangel's resignation.
I think it's absurd this man wants to move forward but, if it's another Blagojevich, so be it. Rangel is just as much of a joke as Blago is.
Schwarzenegger Declares Fiscal Emergency
Schwarzenegger has called a state of emergency in California. The state is in trouble and lawmakers have yet to negotiate a state budget that is now a month overdue.
Click title of post for full article.
Hmmm...sounds like something that should have been done awhile ago. Is anyone surprised by any of this?
Click title of post for full article.
The deficit is 22 percent of the $85 billion general fund budget the governor signed last July for the fiscal year that ended in June, highlighting how the steep drop in California's revenue due to recession, the housing slump, financial market turmoil and high unemployment have slashed its all-important personal income tax collection.
In the declaration, Schwarzenegger ordered three days off without pay per month beginning in August for tens of thousands of state employees to preserve the state's cash to pay its debt, and for essential services.
Hmmm...sounds like something that should have been done awhile ago. Is anyone surprised by any of this?
Immigration Ruling
U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton has ruled that the federal government does have an argument- that the federal government immigration enforcement trumps the state law.
Click title of this post for full article.
I am aware of precedents where the federal law trumps state law. The problem here is that the federal government has done nothing to help states with illegal immigration. They have turned a blind eye to the problems that are being faced with a high influx of illegals.
How can the courts rule against what the people have voted on? There is nothing illegal about it, considering it's already the law of the land. This is the judiciary branch trying to legislate from the bench.You cannot make laws from the bench.
Even if the federal government wins, it's the locals that are ultimately the ones that will be expected to enforce the law. So, how can the federal government complain about a state wanting to do what should be done already? There is no logic here.
Gov. Jan Brewer called Wednesday's decision "a bump in the road" and vowed to appeal. The key sponsor of Arizona's law, Republican Rep. Russell Pearce, said the judge was wrong and predicted that the state would ultimately win the case.
Click title of this post for full article.
In her temporary injunction, Bolton delayed the most contentious provisions of the law, including a section that required officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws. She also barred enforcement of parts requiring immigrants to carry their papers and banned illegal immigrants from soliciting employment in public places - a move aimed at day laborers that congregate in large numbers in parking lots across Arizona. The judge also blocked officers from making warrantless arrests of suspected illegal immigrants.
I am aware of precedents where the federal law trumps state law. The problem here is that the federal government has done nothing to help states with illegal immigration. They have turned a blind eye to the problems that are being faced with a high influx of illegals.
How can the courts rule against what the people have voted on? There is nothing illegal about it, considering it's already the law of the land. This is the judiciary branch trying to legislate from the bench.You cannot make laws from the bench.
Even if the federal government wins, it's the locals that are ultimately the ones that will be expected to enforce the law. So, how can the federal government complain about a state wanting to do what should be done already? There is no logic here.
Alternative Conservative,
Susan Bolton
Posted by
Safe Exodus For Illegals
Illegals are leaving AZ but, a group called Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), are asking for safe passage. They want illegals to leave without fear of being in trouble at the border.
Click title of post for full story.
I cannot understand the people that are working against enforcing our immigration laws. It is beyond logic for Obama and his administration to be against the voters that so badly want our laws to be enforced. What is he trying to do, other than gain votes? This is all a ploy to play to the minorities.
What these morons do not realize (I think many of them do actually), is that they are hurting Americans as well as the immigrants. Immigrants are not protected. They do not receive minimum wage. They work for slave wages, and I would imagine, they also work in conditions that most likely do not fall under OSHA standards. If one of them is hurt, workman's comp is not available. What about who these people rent from? What if a pipe breaks? What if the landlord doesn't do anything about it? Where is the illegal supposed to go? They are second class and, are not treated the same.
By supporting illegals, you are supporting people in this country treating illegals like slaves. Let's not forget that the Democrats have always been the party of the slaves. First they wanted blacks to be slaves, that ended up backfiring, so they decided to make them volunteer slaves by telling them how much of a victim they all are. Now, they have the Mexicans. They want the Mexicans here so they can abuse them and use them. Bottom line, if Democrats* really cared, they would want immigrants to be here legally and, to be protected.
*Obviously, I am not referring to ALL Democrats. I happen to know several that are absolutely tired of illegals.
Click title of post for full story.
I cannot understand the people that are working against enforcing our immigration laws. It is beyond logic for Obama and his administration to be against the voters that so badly want our laws to be enforced. What is he trying to do, other than gain votes? This is all a ploy to play to the minorities.
What these morons do not realize (I think many of them do actually), is that they are hurting Americans as well as the immigrants. Immigrants are not protected. They do not receive minimum wage. They work for slave wages, and I would imagine, they also work in conditions that most likely do not fall under OSHA standards. If one of them is hurt, workman's comp is not available. What about who these people rent from? What if a pipe breaks? What if the landlord doesn't do anything about it? Where is the illegal supposed to go? They are second class and, are not treated the same.
By supporting illegals, you are supporting people in this country treating illegals like slaves. Let's not forget that the Democrats have always been the party of the slaves. First they wanted blacks to be slaves, that ended up backfiring, so they decided to make them volunteer slaves by telling them how much of a victim they all are. Now, they have the Mexicans. They want the Mexicans here so they can abuse them and use them. Bottom line, if Democrats* really cared, they would want immigrants to be here legally and, to be protected.
*Obviously, I am not referring to ALL Democrats. I happen to know several that are absolutely tired of illegals.
Alternative Conservative,
Comprehensive Immigration,
Posted by
Democrats Plan - Link GOP With Tea Party
Click title of this post for the full article.
Really? This is their strategy? Ha! Well, bring it on! I guess they are completely unaware that democrats are in the Tea Party? Do they not know they will alienate those people?
Well, democrats, go right ahead. If this is what you think will help you, I am all for it.
Really? This is their strategy? Ha! Well, bring it on! I guess they are completely unaware that democrats are in the Tea Party? Do they not know they will alienate those people?
Well, democrats, go right ahead. If this is what you think will help you, I am all for it.
Alternative Conservative,
Tea Party,
Posted by
How To Be Pathetic
Okay, maybe I'm just getting old. I guess when I was young, I dressed in some pretty stupid clothes. I still have bad fashion sense. It's a known fact, amongst my friends, that I have bad taste in clothes. Still, I don't understand this "emo" look at all. There is no way in hell I would allow my son (if ever I had one), to dress like this.
Alternative Conservative,
bad dresser,
Posted by
Jet Crashes in Pakistan
During a rain storm on Wed, a plane carrying 152 people, crashed in Pakistan.
Click title of post for full story.
The cause of the crash is not yet known but, it is believed that it was bad weather.
Click title of post for full story.
Rescuers said they had to dig through the rubble with their bare hands, with flames and thick smoke hampering their work. There are no roads near the crash site, limiting access to rescue workers.
"Dead bodies are lying all around and very few might have survived in the accident," Bin Yameen, a senior Islamabad police official told Reuters. "Bodies are being lifted through helicopters."
The cause of the crash is not yet known but, it is believed that it was bad weather.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Student Told to Change Beliefs
Jennifer Keeton, a student at Augusta State University, has filed a lawsuit against the school. She is enrolled in their counseling program and, they have said they will dismiss her for refusing to attend a "remediation" plan, where it's goal is to increase homosexuality tolerance.
So, it's either believe and accept what we want you to believe, or fail. So much for "tolerance" from the universities.
So, it's either believe and accept what we want you to believe, or fail. So much for "tolerance" from the universities.
Immigration Law in NE Delayed
The Fremont City Council has voted to delay the immigration law, which was voted upon, that makes enforcements upon people that hire and rent property to illegals.
Kris Kobach, the attorney that drafted the ordinance, as well as AZ immigration law, has offered to represent Fremont for free. The city is concerned about the costs it will endure for upgrading all their software, which will confirm the legal status of a citizen, legal fees, and labor costs.
The federal government should be helping. This is their jurisdiction. Instead, they are suing!
Click title of post for full story.
The city faces lawsuits from the American Civil Liberties Union and the Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund, which both expected to ask a federal judge Wednesday to temporarily block the ban from taking effect. After Tuesday's vote, the ACLU of Nebraska said it and the city will ask the judge to block the ordinance pending a final court resolution.
Kris Kobach, the attorney that drafted the ordinance, as well as AZ immigration law, has offered to represent Fremont for free. The city is concerned about the costs it will endure for upgrading all their software, which will confirm the legal status of a citizen, legal fees, and labor costs.
The federal government should be helping. This is their jurisdiction. Instead, they are suing!
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
immigration law,
Kris Kobach,
Posted by
Illegal Immigration
Click title for furll article.
The article makes several points as to why Arizona passed their immigration law in the first place. The crime and drain on various resources have become too much for states and citizens to handle.
November will mark the first election where immigration will be a primary issue, in my opinion.
While the article is interesting and, contains quite a bit of information, it leaves the reader with almost no hope of seeing illegal immigration to be taken seriously because of the need for Mexican - American voters.
While there is a need for votes, there is also a need for this government to take responsibility and protect it's citizens by enforcing the law. They are making this out to be a Democrat - Republican issue but, ultimately, this is an American issue. You do not need to belong to a certain party to see the flaws of allowing illegals to take up residence and take American jobs.
How can the Federal government waste our tax dollars suing a state for enforcing the laws they are supposed to support, and are fully backed by the people of that state? Where is the logic in this?
The article makes several points as to why Arizona passed their immigration law in the first place. The crime and drain on various resources have become too much for states and citizens to handle.
November will mark the first election where immigration will be a primary issue, in my opinion.
While the article is interesting and, contains quite a bit of information, it leaves the reader with almost no hope of seeing illegal immigration to be taken seriously because of the need for Mexican - American voters.
While there is a need for votes, there is also a need for this government to take responsibility and protect it's citizens by enforcing the law. They are making this out to be a Democrat - Republican issue but, ultimately, this is an American issue. You do not need to belong to a certain party to see the flaws of allowing illegals to take up residence and take American jobs.
How can the Federal government waste our tax dollars suing a state for enforcing the laws they are supposed to support, and are fully backed by the people of that state? Where is the logic in this?
Alternative Conservative,
illegal immigration,
Posted by
Democrats to Rangel - Take Deal or Step Down
Charles Rangel, who has already stepped down from chairman of the House tax-writing committee, is being urged by top Democrats to either take a deal or, just step down.
Rangel is being accused of failing to pay taxes on a villa. He also had used his office to obtain contributions that went toward a college center.
Click title of post for full story.
Rangel is being accused of failing to pay taxes on a villa. He also had used his office to obtain contributions that went toward a college center.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Charles Rangel,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
Sam Adam Jr., Blago's defense attorney is saying that he will be naming witnesses that the prosecution didn't call forward, because it would be in favor of his client. He has been instructed not to name any of those witnesses otherwise, he will be held in content.
So far, the Blagojevich defense has been weak. It seems as though they are just saying, "wasn't me."
Assistant U.S. Attorney Chris Niewoehner methodically laid out the government's allegations of how Blagojevich tried to "shake down" everyone from a racetrack owner to a children's hospital executive to Obama. He opened his remarks by repeating the most famous phrase of the seven-week trial, a quote that will be forever associated with Blagojevich.
"I've got this thing and it's (expletive) golden," he recalled Blagojevich saying on one of dozens of phone calls secretly recorded by the FBI. "I'm just not giving it up for (expletive) nothing."
So far, the Blagojevich defense has been weak. It seems as though they are just saying, "wasn't me."
Alternative Conservative,
Chris Niewoehner,
Rod Blagojevich,
Posted by
Freemont, NE to Halt New Immigration Law
Freemont, NE recently passed a law that stops people from hiring or renting to illegals. Now, because of lawsuits, they are going to have to suspend the law. There isn't enough money to defend themselves.
Click title of post for full article.
The city faces lawsuits from the American Civil Liberties Union and the Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund. City officials have estimated that Fremont's costs of implementing the ordinance - including legal fees, employee overtime and improved computer software - would average $1 million a year.So, basically these thugs can come in and raise a stink, suing the government and it's people for passing a law that simply asks for the law to be enforced, and now stop everything. This is completely absurd. How are these cases even allowed to be heard? They are illegals. Do they know what the hell that word means? Il-lea-gal! This is like someone suing the government because, they weren't allowed to steal clothes from Macy's.
Click title of post for full article.
Alternative Conservative,
Education Fund,
Mexican American Legal Defense,
Posted by
BP Replaces Tony Hayward
American Robert Dudley will replace Tony Hayward. The change will happen on Oct 1.
Besides permanently plugging the oil leak and cleaning up the spill and the company's image, Dudley will oversee the sale of $30 billion in assets over the next 18 months to bolster the company's finances.Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Robert Dudley,
Tony Hayward,
Posted by
Fool Al Franken Tries To Scare Liberals
Click of title of post for full story.
Sen Al Franken addressed some activists and bloggers on Sunday. He is warning them of the dangers that will occur, if the Republicans win in November.
It doesn't appear as if he was saying the Democrats are going to improve anything or, what they are planning on doing but, definitely the dangers of the Republicans.
I'm not sure how any of this is "dangerous"? In fact, most countries have all now begun to privatize or, they have privatized their social security already because, they had to. There's no money left! It's a social program that fails time and time again. What about the Swiss? All their health care is privatized. Yes, you have to purchase insurance, and yes, the government will give money to the needy to allow them to purchase insurance but, everything goes through private coverage. They don't even have Medicare programs like we do in the US.
No, the only thing that is scary is more social programs. That is exactly what the Democrats push upon us. That is exactly what they will continue to do.
Sen Al Franken addressed some activists and bloggers on Sunday. He is warning them of the dangers that will occur, if the Republicans win in November.
It doesn't appear as if he was saying the Democrats are going to improve anything or, what they are planning on doing but, definitely the dangers of the Republicans.
"If Republicans take back Congress they'll implement a truly dangerous agenda," Franken told the Netroots Nation gathering in Las Vegas. "Everything is on the table from repealing healthcare reform to privatizing Social Security."
I'm not sure how any of this is "dangerous"? In fact, most countries have all now begun to privatize or, they have privatized their social security already because, they had to. There's no money left! It's a social program that fails time and time again. What about the Swiss? All their health care is privatized. Yes, you have to purchase insurance, and yes, the government will give money to the needy to allow them to purchase insurance but, everything goes through private coverage. They don't even have Medicare programs like we do in the US.
No, the only thing that is scary is more social programs. That is exactly what the Democrats push upon us. That is exactly what they will continue to do.
Alternative Conservative,
Senator Al Franken,
Posted by
Gastric Bands - Targeting Teens
Click on title of this post for full article.
The long term benefits and safety of gastric bands still have yet to be determined but, it seems as though there is now a push to allow for teens, as young as 14, to be able to get the band.
A recent whistle blower, Dr. Neelu Pal, was fired from her job. She was calling patients and warning them of the dangers she had witnessed. She is claiming that there is a lack of aftercare provided, and she witnessed medical forms, prior to surgery, that were inaccurate or, incomplete. She has since filed a lawsuit.
With the problems and complications that already come with lap bands placed in adults, I am surprised to see a push for this procedure to be used on teens. There are a handful of teens that were given the band by discretion of their doctors.
The long term benefits and safety of gastric bands still have yet to be determined but, it seems as though there is now a push to allow for teens, as young as 14, to be able to get the band.
A recent whistle blower, Dr. Neelu Pal, was fired from her job. She was calling patients and warning them of the dangers she had witnessed. She is claiming that there is a lack of aftercare provided, and she witnessed medical forms, prior to surgery, that were inaccurate or, incomplete. She has since filed a lawsuit.
With the problems and complications that already come with lap bands placed in adults, I am surprised to see a push for this procedure to be used on teens. There are a handful of teens that were given the band by discretion of their doctors.
In more than one in five teens in another study, Inge noted a high rate of "symmetric pouch dilation" -- a complication in which the small pouch created at the top of the stomach by the band gets bigger, allowing patients to consume more food.Although, the procedure is considered to be relatively safe, I'm not convinced this is the best way for anyone to lose weight.
Alternative Conservative,
gastric bands,
Posted by
WikiLeaks Documents Evidence of War Crimes
WikiLeaks has posted 91,000 pages of military records. The documents were leaked and, apparently show evidence of war crimes.
This story is still developing. Click title of post for current story on the AP.
The White House, Britain and Pakistan have all condemned the documents' release.
Alternative Conservative,
war crimes,
Posted by
An American May Head BP
Tony Hayward is on his way out and, it is being rumored that Bob Dudley, an American, may take his place running BP.
Also under consideration Iain Conn, a Scot, that currently runs refining and marketing, and is on the board of directors.
Click title of post for full story.
Also under consideration Iain Conn, a Scot, that currently runs refining and marketing, and is on the board of directors.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Bob Dudley,
Iain Conn,
Tony Hayward,
Posted by
The Myth About Jealousy and Haters
I cannot tell you the countless times I have heard idiots say, "They just hate me because, they are jealous."
I don't know when this myth started. I'm pretty sure it may have been some daytime talk show. I cannot say for sure. I would like to clear the air and tell the truth about jealousy and haters.
It is possible there are people that don't like you because they are jealous of you but, 9 times out to 10, this is NOT TRUE! People hate others for a variety of reasons: you're ugly, you're stupid, you're annoying, you talk too much, you're too quite, you're weird, and usually it has to do with your piss poor attitude but, most of these reasons have NOTHING to do with jealousy! Okay? So, please, for the love of all that is holy, stop saying people don't like you because, "they are jealous."
I would never think someone doesn't like me because, they are jealous of me. I am so tired of hearing this from people. Get over yourself already! Geesh.
Thank you. This public service announcement has been brought to you by The Alternative Conservative. Please spread the word. This message needs to get out - especially to this younger generation.
I don't know when this myth started. I'm pretty sure it may have been some daytime talk show. I cannot say for sure. I would like to clear the air and tell the truth about jealousy and haters.
It is possible there are people that don't like you because they are jealous of you but, 9 times out to 10, this is NOT TRUE! People hate others for a variety of reasons: you're ugly, you're stupid, you're annoying, you talk too much, you're too quite, you're weird, and usually it has to do with your piss poor attitude but, most of these reasons have NOTHING to do with jealousy! Okay? So, please, for the love of all that is holy, stop saying people don't like you because, "they are jealous."
I would never think someone doesn't like me because, they are jealous of me. I am so tired of hearing this from people. Get over yourself already! Geesh.
Thank you. This public service announcement has been brought to you by The Alternative Conservative. Please spread the word. This message needs to get out - especially to this younger generation.
Alternative Conservative,
The Myth About Jealousy and Haters,
Posted by
Update on Cyber Bullying - Jessie Slaughter
As I have already reported about Jessie before, I wanted to let you know that the videos are back up on YouTube.
Her account was taken down but, that doesn't matter. People swiped the videos and reposted them. Please, please let this be a lesson to anyone out there. Once you post something, it is available for the world to see and, it doesn't "go away." There are sites out there where you can literally type in any date, and surf the web as it was on that date. You can also go to various sites and have a video account. If you like a video, you can just copy the url, sign into your account, type the url in, and save that video - forever.
You can click the title of this post for the latest videos, concerning Jessie Slaughter. There is even a parody that was made by the band Jessie loves, Blood on the Dance Floor, making fun of Jessie. I think that is just horrible. She's 11 years old. Yes, you want to laugh at her; yes, she brought this on herself; yes, she's a foul mouthed child but, she IS a child. She clearly doesn't have parents that are any better than herself. I find that terribly sad.
Just a warning for any of you that decide you want to look up the band, Blood on the Dance Floor (BOTDF), the music is disgusting. I was not at all prepared for what I heard. I cannot believe that any parent would allow their young children to listen to something so vile. Now, when I was young, there were a few groups that were vulgar, my parents had NO idea what I heard, and I can guarantee that there's no way I would have been allowed to own those bands t-shirts. The lyrics from BOTDF absolutely shocked the crap out of me! I've heard quite a bit of stuff but, never, ever anything like that.
Jessie and her family on Good Morning America:
Her account was taken down but, that doesn't matter. People swiped the videos and reposted them. Please, please let this be a lesson to anyone out there. Once you post something, it is available for the world to see and, it doesn't "go away." There are sites out there where you can literally type in any date, and surf the web as it was on that date. You can also go to various sites and have a video account. If you like a video, you can just copy the url, sign into your account, type the url in, and save that video - forever.
You can click the title of this post for the latest videos, concerning Jessie Slaughter. There is even a parody that was made by the band Jessie loves, Blood on the Dance Floor, making fun of Jessie. I think that is just horrible. She's 11 years old. Yes, you want to laugh at her; yes, she brought this on herself; yes, she's a foul mouthed child but, she IS a child. She clearly doesn't have parents that are any better than herself. I find that terribly sad.
Just a warning for any of you that decide you want to look up the band, Blood on the Dance Floor (BOTDF), the music is disgusting. I was not at all prepared for what I heard. I cannot believe that any parent would allow their young children to listen to something so vile. Now, when I was young, there were a few groups that were vulgar, my parents had NO idea what I heard, and I can guarantee that there's no way I would have been allowed to own those bands t-shirts. The lyrics from BOTDF absolutely shocked the crap out of me! I've heard quite a bit of stuff but, never, ever anything like that.
Jessie and her family on Good Morning America:
Cyber bullying Being "Backtraced" and Reported to "Cyber Police"
Normally, I would not be typing the name of an 11-year old child but, her name has been all over the internet the last several days- Jessie Slaughter. If you haven't heard of her, I will try to fill you on what I have found out, so far.
A gossip site called, StickDrama displayed a posting or, a bit of gossip, concerning this young child, reported to have had sex with the much older Dahvie Vanity. Dahvie Vanity is in some band, I have never heard of called, Blood on the Dancefloor. Apparently, his fans consist of many underage girls who are absolutely crazy about him. All of this attention seemed to have been a catalyst for this girl to make youtube videos. The first one I watched was, a foul-mouthed child, telling her "haters" to leave her alone, that they are just jealous because, she is so pretty, and threatens anyone that messes with her that she will put a gun in their mouth.
Now, I also got to watch another video of her father, who is quite a character. He comes on the screen in 2 videos that were posted. His angry taunt towards the people bullying his daughter has released a string of phrases, "You done goof'd up!" "The Cyber Police," "I back-traced it!" and, "Consequences will never be the same," that are now being used as samples for songs, and even t-shirts have been made.
Here's an example:
I did get to see most of the videos but, as I was doing this story, putting things together and researching, everything is down. The youtube accounts have been removed. I started on this website. They cover the story pretty well.
Okay, well, let's get back to Dahvie Vanity. It is being reported that the band has canceled appearences, and a case is being made against Vanity, while Jessie is being held in protective custody. Vanity is no stranger to statutory rape. He was previously accused of statutory rape of a 15 year old. I cannot find too much information concerning that. Some sources have said it's just a rumor, while others say it is most definitely true.
What a sad story. This poor 11 year old just kept on posting her videos and crying and, acting pretty insane, right along with her father. In the initial video I watched, this girl is just flat out nasty and vulgar in the way she presents herself. It's hard to feel sorry for her but, we must remember she is just a child. A very young, impressionable child.
At the time of the reported sex between Slaughter and Vanity, Slaughter would have been only 10 years old. What a horrific thing to happen to a child. I will update, as the story continues.
A gossip site called, StickDrama displayed a posting or, a bit of gossip, concerning this young child, reported to have had sex with the much older Dahvie Vanity. Dahvie Vanity is in some band, I have never heard of called, Blood on the Dancefloor. Apparently, his fans consist of many underage girls who are absolutely crazy about him. All of this attention seemed to have been a catalyst for this girl to make youtube videos. The first one I watched was, a foul-mouthed child, telling her "haters" to leave her alone, that they are just jealous because, she is so pretty, and threatens anyone that messes with her that she will put a gun in their mouth.
Now, I also got to watch another video of her father, who is quite a character. He comes on the screen in 2 videos that were posted. His angry taunt towards the people bullying his daughter has released a string of phrases, "You done goof'd up!" "The Cyber Police," "I back-traced it!" and, "Consequences will never be the same," that are now being used as samples for songs, and even t-shirts have been made.
Here's an example:
I did get to see most of the videos but, as I was doing this story, putting things together and researching, everything is down. The youtube accounts have been removed. I started on this website. They cover the story pretty well.
Okay, well, let's get back to Dahvie Vanity. It is being reported that the band has canceled appearences, and a case is being made against Vanity, while Jessie is being held in protective custody. Vanity is no stranger to statutory rape. He was previously accused of statutory rape of a 15 year old. I cannot find too much information concerning that. Some sources have said it's just a rumor, while others say it is most definitely true.
What a sad story. This poor 11 year old just kept on posting her videos and crying and, acting pretty insane, right along with her father. In the initial video I watched, this girl is just flat out nasty and vulgar in the way she presents herself. It's hard to feel sorry for her but, we must remember she is just a child. A very young, impressionable child.
At the time of the reported sex between Slaughter and Vanity, Slaughter would have been only 10 years old. What a horrific thing to happen to a child. I will update, as the story continues.
Time For Some Good Laughs
I love youtube! I think everyone knows that about me. I am in a silly mood today and, decided to dig up a few of these great videos. Everyone needs a good laugh now and then. For years the demoncraps have made fun of Bush, calling him stupid but, their very own party and it's leader seems to be a bumbling idiot as well.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
funny video,
Howard Stern,
Obama voters,
Posted by
Vitter : Obama is Shifting Focus From Oil Spill
Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter is disappointed in Obama and, is accusing him of shifting focus away from the oil spill.
Click title of post for full article.
Obama has not been back to Louisiana since the 4th of June.
Okay, I understand the criticism here but, really, in all honesty, what do we expect of Obama? He is not a leader. He doesn't seem to care much about anything going on because, he's too concerned with vacationing and, pointing fingers at Republicans and BP. He's far more focused on blaming Bush for the economy.
Even if he were to go to Louisiana, what would he do? Personally, I think he just gets in the way of things. I think the state of Louisiana is far better off keeping Obama as far away as possible.
What do you think?
Click title of post for full article.
Obama has not been back to Louisiana since the 4th of June.
Okay, I understand the criticism here but, really, in all honesty, what do we expect of Obama? He is not a leader. He doesn't seem to care much about anything going on because, he's too concerned with vacationing and, pointing fingers at Republicans and BP. He's far more focused on blaming Bush for the economy.
Even if he were to go to Louisiana, what would he do? Personally, I think he just gets in the way of things. I think the state of Louisiana is far better off keeping Obama as far away as possible.
What do you think?
Democrats Are Doing Great According to Biden
Always good for laughs and giggles, Biden, the moronic vice president, believes the Democrats will do just fine in November.
Obama promised us change. Well, we got our change. How's that change working out for us? Obama promised us a plan for the war. He has no plan. He has no vision. This man is a joke. The only thing he seems to be doing is whatever he can to turn us into one socialist state where we all depend on the government for success but, instead receive failure.
No, Biden, I'm sorry to say, I don't think I would be so confident if I were you. You and your president are one term. Get used to it. Come November, Democrats will be packing their bags.
On that note, all the Republicans out there better start doing their damn jobs. It's one thing to talk a good talk but, it seems like walking the walk is another story. We want health care over-turned. We want accountability. I love the two party system, I see great wisdom in having it but, I'm sick of the career politicians who seem to do nothing. It's time to take back our party.
It's also time for Democrats to take back their party. What the hell happened to you guys over there? You've turned into a bunch of sissy socialists and, many of you don't even realize it.
Vice President Joe Biden brushed aside suggestions on Sunday that Democrats will suffer big losses in November midterm elections, vowing that Barack Obama's governing party will "shock the heck out of everybody."
The vice president said he believes the Obama administration will get credit from voters for helping guide the economy out of recession and passing key legislation on health care and financial reform.Well, Biden is hopeful but, the American people are NOT hopeful. Sure many people wanted some kind of reform in health care but, did they want Obama to sign a bill that virtually gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services to do whatever they like? Did they really expect for our health care to be rationed? Did they sign on for skyrocketing unemployment? Did they want Obama to triple our deficit, spending more money in one month then we did in the year of 2007? Did the people really ask for a president to be so incompetent that when the oil spill crisis came about, did nothing but, point fingers, instead of lead and, work with others for solutions? Did the folks that vote for Obama expect the largest amount of laws and rules to be placed on the financial industry since The Great Depression?
Obama promised us change. Well, we got our change. How's that change working out for us? Obama promised us a plan for the war. He has no plan. He has no vision. This man is a joke. The only thing he seems to be doing is whatever he can to turn us into one socialist state where we all depend on the government for success but, instead receive failure.
No, Biden, I'm sorry to say, I don't think I would be so confident if I were you. You and your president are one term. Get used to it. Come November, Democrats will be packing their bags.
On that note, all the Republicans out there better start doing their damn jobs. It's one thing to talk a good talk but, it seems like walking the walk is another story. We want health care over-turned. We want accountability. I love the two party system, I see great wisdom in having it but, I'm sick of the career politicians who seem to do nothing. It's time to take back our party.
It's also time for Democrats to take back their party. What the hell happened to you guys over there? You've turned into a bunch of sissy socialists and, many of you don't even realize it.
Alternative Conservative,
Joe Biden,
Vice President
Posted by
Abortion Foes?
This is the tile of that article on the AP:
Abortion foes win a round in health overhaulAbortion foes? Umm...I think they know darn well, it's called "Pro-Life" but, notice how the press works very hard to be PC and, be sensitive to other groups - liberal groups. For some reason, this gratitude is not extended to conservatives or, those groups of people that do not share their opinion.
The issue flared after at least one state - New Mexico - initially decided to allow coverage of elective abortion in a newly launched, federally funded program to provide coverage for high-risk uninsured people turned away by private carriers.
"New Mexico is an example of where the executive order actually worked," Stupak said, referring to that state's reversal on allowing coverage of elective abortion. "They have made it very clear abortions are not going to be covered."
Trying to head off more problems, the Health and Human Services Department announced last week the program will not cover abortions except in cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger - exceptions traditionally allowed under federal law.This, of course, has upset people who are ANTI-life or, shall I call them "Life foes"?
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Health Care Bill,
New Mexico,
Posted by
POLICE STATE 2010: Obama Has A List Of Americans Targeted For Assassination
Now, this is quite interesting. We heard complaints over and over from the Democrats about Bush and his policies concerning terrorists but, now it's a deafening silence from them. What's even more disturbing is, I'm not even hearing the Republicans say anything about this either.
My friend shared this with me. It's the first time I'm hearing about it. I wanted to make sure I passed it along. Please watch and share with others. Comment below.
HIV in US Linked to Poverty
Click title of post for full article and details of the study.
The recent report indicates that poverty is a link between those infected with HIV. Of course the article doesn't go into the behavior factors of those who are poor but, doesn't this make sense? If a person is poor, it is usually for a reason. They lack the skills of focusing on obtaining their goals and surround themselves with distractions and develop behaviors that are risky.
Over the past 20 years, you would have to be a fool not to notice the focus of sex in our culture. We are bombarded with sexual images from Hollywood, we are constantly pushed to talk about homosexuality, even though they do not make up the majority of people, and the value of sexual relationships have been degraded.
It seems as though no one "saves themselves" for marriage anymore and, if you dare suggest children do so, someone is always there to tell you how you are being unrealistic. The people that always suffer from these messages are the poor. Poor people statistically come from broken homes and, have behaviors that indicate an inability to control their emotions and, even their actions. So, of course a poor persons views of sex will be more promiscuous. A lack of understanding the consequences of one's own actions is a major difference between those who are poor and those who are highly successful.
In the article, there was a quote that I found quite interesting:
The recent report indicates that poverty is a link between those infected with HIV. Of course the article doesn't go into the behavior factors of those who are poor but, doesn't this make sense? If a person is poor, it is usually for a reason. They lack the skills of focusing on obtaining their goals and surround themselves with distractions and develop behaviors that are risky.
Over the past 20 years, you would have to be a fool not to notice the focus of sex in our culture. We are bombarded with sexual images from Hollywood, we are constantly pushed to talk about homosexuality, even though they do not make up the majority of people, and the value of sexual relationships have been degraded.
It seems as though no one "saves themselves" for marriage anymore and, if you dare suggest children do so, someone is always there to tell you how you are being unrealistic. The people that always suffer from these messages are the poor. Poor people statistically come from broken homes and, have behaviors that indicate an inability to control their emotions and, even their actions. So, of course a poor persons views of sex will be more promiscuous. A lack of understanding the consequences of one's own actions is a major difference between those who are poor and those who are highly successful.
In the article, there was a quote that I found quite interesting:
"You talk about 'Can we decrease the HIV burden in the United States?' I would say, 'What can we do to decrease poverty in the United States?'" del Rio said.I remember reading somewhere, in a book, I think it was "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. He said, the best thing you can do for the poor is to become rich! How true. If you can show others you can be a success, you can offer hope, and at the very least, you can provide jobs. The best way to lead is through example. We have to teach people that they are not victims, and that it is their thoughts and actions that ultimately determine how their lives will be.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
In recent reports, the focus of Blagojevich has gone to his hatred of just about anyone near or around him. He doesn't seem to have a nice thing to say about anyone, including that delusional wife of his, Patti.
His targets? Obama, he can't seem to stand because of jealousy, calling him, a "(expletive) demigod." Jesse Jackson, Jr. is "...really bad." "I hate her, I hate her," he says of Carol Marin, from the Chicago Sun Times. He is heard on tape insulting, Dick Durbin (who can blame him there?), Cheryle Jackson (his former spokeswoman), Reid, Rahm Emanuel, his own wife, ect. It seems like the list goes on and on.
My favorite insult is towards the people of Illinois, the voters, the people he works for:
The defense is expected to start on Monday. I thought it would start this week but, I guess the prosecution is still wrapping up and doing their closing arguments.
One thing is for sure, this man has a absolute gutter mouth, and is filled with hatred. There is nothing endearing about this man whatsoever. How on earth did Illinois fall for this man? I can't wait to find out what his sentence will be.
His targets? Obama, he can't seem to stand because of jealousy, calling him, a "(expletive) demigod." Jesse Jackson, Jr. is "...really bad." "I hate her, I hate her," he says of Carol Marin, from the Chicago Sun Times. He is heard on tape insulting, Dick Durbin (who can blame him there?), Cheryle Jackson (his former spokeswoman), Reid, Rahm Emanuel, his own wife, ect. It seems like the list goes on and on.
My favorite insult is towards the people of Illinois, the voters, the people he works for:
Isn't he nice?"(I gave) your grandmother a free (expletive) ride on a bus. And what do I get for that? Only 13 percent of you all out there think I'm doing a good job." He adds, "So (expletive) all of you!"
The defense is expected to start on Monday. I thought it would start this week but, I guess the prosecution is still wrapping up and doing their closing arguments.
One thing is for sure, this man has a absolute gutter mouth, and is filled with hatred. There is nothing endearing about this man whatsoever. How on earth did Illinois fall for this man? I can't wait to find out what his sentence will be.
Alternative Conservative,
Blago Watch,
Rod Blagojevich,
Posted by
More On the Iranian Scientist
The CIA is confirming that Shahram Amiri, the Iranian scientist, received 5 million dollars for intelligence about Iran. They are reporting that they did receive information from him but, because of Iranian sanctions, the cash given to him in exchange, remains in the US. He has no access to any of it.
Amiri is sticking with his story about being abducted in Saudi Arabia, claiming that he was brought to the US, and was tortured - mentally and physically. Then, apparently, we decided to offer him 50 million dollars to stay here. Umm...if we're torturing you, why in the hell would we offer you 50 million dollars? Huh? This guys story isn't even logical. I can't believe anyone would entertain it.
In another twist, The New York Times reported Friday that Amiri had been a CIA informant inside Iran for several years before defecting. U.S. officials quoted but not named by the newspaper said he had provided valuable information on Iran's nuclear program, including how a Tehran university served as headquarters for Iran's nuclear program.The US is also saying that Amiri was never kidnapped. He made the choice, himself, to come to the US and leave his family. This I absolutely believe.
Amiri is sticking with his story about being abducted in Saudi Arabia, claiming that he was brought to the US, and was tortured - mentally and physically. Then, apparently, we decided to offer him 50 million dollars to stay here. Umm...if we're torturing you, why in the hell would we offer you 50 million dollars? Huh? This guys story isn't even logical. I can't believe anyone would entertain it.
Amiri refused to say how - if under guard - he could have escaped U.S. agents to release videos in which he alleges that he had been snatched by American and Saudi kidnap teams while on a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. He said that to disclose such information now could harm national security, and said he would explain everything later.Yeah, I'm sure he will.
Of course, we all know how free the people of Iran are. They are always allowed to speak their minds freely without any fear of imprisonment or, some other form of torture.U.S. officials would say little about the circumstances of what they assert was a willing defection by Amiri and what went wrong. But there were suggestions that threats to his family in Iran pushed Amiri to first make the claims he was kidnapped.
Amiri, however, claimed his family faced no problems."My family was completely free and they were under financial support of the Iranian government," he said.
Alternative Conservative,
Shahram Amiri,
Posted by
Wall Street Reform
I think it's just because, we don't have enough laws...
Congress passed reform for Wall Street - a whole bunch of rules and regulations concerning finance. This is the largest set of rules passed since The Great Depression.
I love this quote:
Oh, really, Mr. Dodd? Is that so? You're going to personally guarantee that no one will ever lose their job, retirement, or face foreclosure on their home? That's truly amazing. How does this man sleep at night? He can't guarantee anything. No one can.
This bill is 2,300 pages long. Great, another bill, that you know not ONE Senator read in full. Another bill that probably looks like the Health Care Bill, which is basically a carte blanche bill for the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This is just another pile of crap that the Democrats have pushed through, in order to change the very fabric of this country.
Click title of post for full story.
Congress passed reform for Wall Street - a whole bunch of rules and regulations concerning finance. This is the largest set of rules passed since The Great Depression.
"Unless your business model depends on cutting corners or bilking your customers, you have nothing to fear from this reform," Obama said. He is expected to sign the bill into law next week.Oh, sure, that's right, socialism is wonderful.
I love this quote:
"I regret I can't give you your job back, restore that foreclosed home, put retirement monies back in your account," said Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd, one of the bill's chief authors. "What I can do is to see to it that we never, ever again go through what this nation has been through."
Oh, really, Mr. Dodd? Is that so? You're going to personally guarantee that no one will ever lose their job, retirement, or face foreclosure on their home? That's truly amazing. How does this man sleep at night? He can't guarantee anything. No one can.
This bill is 2,300 pages long. Great, another bill, that you know not ONE Senator read in full. Another bill that probably looks like the Health Care Bill, which is basically a carte blanche bill for the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This is just another pile of crap that the Democrats have pushed through, in order to change the very fabric of this country.
Click title of post for full story.
Let the Testing Begin
BP has now reported that the leak has been cut off but, we are not in the clear just yet. Testing over the next 48 hours will be crucial, and will reveal if the efforts made so far will hold up.
Click title of this post for full story and more details.
Click title of this post for full story and more details.
Alternative Conservative,
oil spill,
Posted by
Swiss Government Blames US for Pedophile Polanski's Release
In a typical, "blame someone else" tale, the Swiss government is saying that pedophile-Polanski was not extricated because, they did not receive sealed transcripts in the case, from the US Justice Department. It is being reported that the Swiss government did not make any such request.
Click title of post for full story.
I firmly believe that the Swiss are receiving quite a lot of backlash for allowing a pedophile to go without any type of punishment so, they are digging up any excuse they can think of for making their asinine decision.
Well, all pedophiles should go to Switzerland. Apparently, they welcome that behavior and, it would be nice if they all left the USA.
Click title of post for full story.
I firmly believe that the Swiss are receiving quite a lot of backlash for allowing a pedophile to go without any type of punishment so, they are digging up any excuse they can think of for making their asinine decision.
Well, all pedophiles should go to Switzerland. Apparently, they welcome that behavior and, it would be nice if they all left the USA.
More About the "Abducted" Iranian Scientist
Shahram Amir, the Iranian nuclear scientist, returned to Iran.
You can click the title of this post for the full story.
He's claiming, of course, that Israeli agents were involved as well. This guys story doesn't add up and I, for one, do NOT believe him. He wanted to go home. It's as simple as that.
Amiri's pre-dawn arrival capped a stunning tumble of events over the past month that included leaked videos with mixed messages, Amiri surfacing at a diplomatic compound in Washington and the White House finally acknowledging his presence in the country.
The U.S. says he was a willing defector who changed his mind and decided to board a plane home from Washington. Amiri has told a very different tale, claiming he was snatched while on a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia and bundled off to the United States to be harshly interrogated and offered millions of dollars by the CIA to speak against Iran.
You can click the title of this post for the full story.
Alternative Conservative,
conservative. Shahram Amiri,
Posted by
Iranian Scientists Claims He Was Kidnapped By The US
You can click the title of this post for the full article.
There seems to be many details missing but, this scientist from Iran, Shahram Amiri, is suggesting that the US kidnapped him and brought him to the States.
He later claims that he escaped, then made some videos but, said he wasn't free? There's too many things that are not appearing to add up. I guess we are going to have to wait and see how this story unfolds.
There seems to be many details missing but, this scientist from Iran, Shahram Amiri, is suggesting that the US kidnapped him and brought him to the States.
He later claims that he escaped, then made some videos but, said he wasn't free? There's too many things that are not appearing to add up. I guess we are going to have to wait and see how this story unfolds.
Alternative Conservative,
Shahram Amiri,
United States
Posted by
Club Gitmo
Instead of closing Gitmo, Obama has made it more relaxing. Prisoners can now enjoy playing games on Playstation3, chatting on Skype, and they can attend classes for "life skills."
Click title of post for full story and more details.
It is being reported that these changes have helped to keep things "quite."
Click title of post for full story and more details.
It is being reported that these changes have helped to keep things "quite."
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Guantanamo Bay,
Posted by
France Bans Face Veils
Muslim woman no longer can cover their faces, in France, with those ridiculous face veils.
Click title of post for video.
Well, AMEN for France! This is wonderful news. Those veils are representations of women being dominated by men. It's absolutely disgusting that they come to free countries and carry on bizarre traditions, like covering your head.
I would LOVE for the US to pass something similar. It's not about free speech. There can be no expression if your face is covered.
Click title of post for video.
Well, AMEN for France! This is wonderful news. Those veils are representations of women being dominated by men. It's absolutely disgusting that they come to free countries and carry on bizarre traditions, like covering your head.
I would LOVE for the US to pass something similar. It's not about free speech. There can be no expression if your face is covered.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
New Orlean's Police Officer's Charged in Shootings During Katrina
Kenneth Bowen, Robert Gisevius, Robert Faulcon and Anthony Villavaso are police officer's that apparently just decided to open fire on random people. This occurred during the aftermath of Katrina.
Click title of post for full story. I can't find any details as to what their defense is. You would think there would be a reason for doing such a thing?
Click title of post for full story. I can't find any details as to what their defense is. You would think there would be a reason for doing such a thing?
Alternative Conservative,
ex police officer,
New Orlean's,
Posted by
Michelle Obama Get NAACP "All Fired Up"
The NAACP is evidently going to sign some resolution, that will condemn the Tea Party. They are basically saying that...wait for's a total shocker...
The Tea Party is RACIST!!!!
I know, I was totally shocked they would even say this. I'm even further shocked that someone like Michelle Obama, who has always shown her tolerance of everyone, would push for the NAACP to proclaim this. [/sarcasm]
We don't like Obama. We could care less what color he was. Why is it always race with these people? It's a complete utter joke but, on the other hand, I could care less. Go ahead and keep making your "racial arguments." They are so old and tired. People everywhere are catching on. Some folks will always be stupid but, the smart people, the ones that are paying attention, they are starting to see through this crap. The NAACP and Michelle are more than welcome to make fools of themselves; that is exactly what they are doing.
Click title of post for full article.
The Tea Party is RACIST!!!!
I know, I was totally shocked they would even say this. I'm even further shocked that someone like Michelle Obama, who has always shown her tolerance of everyone, would push for the NAACP to proclaim this. [/sarcasm]
Tea Party members have used "racial epithets," have verbally abused black members of Congress and threatened them, and protestors have engaged in "explicitly racist behavior" and "displayed signs and posters intended to degrade people of color generally and President Barack Obama specifically," according to the proposed resolution.
"We're deeply concerned about elements that are trying to move the country back, trying to reverse progress that we've made," NAACP spokeswoman Leila McDowell told ABC News. "We are asking that the law-abiding members of the Tea Party repudiate those racist elements, that they recognize the historic and present racist elements that are within the Tea Party movement."Gee, don't you think the people in the Tea Party would come out and say that they do not support racism? The major problem here? These accusations are completely FALSE! There has been no tapes, video, nothing, that even confirms this crap! You would really have to be completely stupid to be in a crowd and, yell out racial epithets. I mean, come on! Can't these people find something else to do?
We don't like Obama. We could care less what color he was. Why is it always race with these people? It's a complete utter joke but, on the other hand, I could care less. Go ahead and keep making your "racial arguments." They are so old and tired. People everywhere are catching on. Some folks will always be stupid but, the smart people, the ones that are paying attention, they are starting to see through this crap. The NAACP and Michelle are more than welcome to make fools of themselves; that is exactly what they are doing.
Click title of post for full article.
Alternative Conservative,
Michelle Obama,
Posted by
Kagen Vote May Be Delayed
There is going to be a request to push back Kagen's confirmation vote by one week. The NRA is requesting people to contact Republican's to move for a filibuster. The message: STOP Kagen!
I am all for this. Having Kagen on the court would be a very scary thing. I see her as a activist, who will work hard to legislate from the bench. I do not see her as being impartial or fair at all. She clearly has an agenda and, that is exactly why Obama nominated her.
Click title of post for full story.
I am all for this. Having Kagen on the court would be a very scary thing. I see her as a activist, who will work hard to legislate from the bench. I do not see her as being impartial or fair at all. She clearly has an agenda and, that is exactly why Obama nominated her.
Click title of post for full story.
Polanski Walks
Swiss officials decided that raping a child is perfectly fine and, Polanski shouldn't be brought back to the US to pay for his violent, criminal act.
The US however, isn't accepting this decision, at least, not publicly.
I really don't care what their officials think. They are acting like a bunch of jerks here. These European countries all talk about working with other countries, and supporting one another, yet they refuse to take heed of their own advice.
The US however, isn't accepting this decision, at least, not publicly.
"The United States believes that the rape of a 13-year-old child by an adult is a crime, and we continue to pursue justice in this case," State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said.The article, which you can read in full, by clicking on the title of this post, goes on and on about how his case, here in the US may have been mishandled and, that is why Swiss officials made the decision they did.
I really don't care what their officials think. They are acting like a bunch of jerks here. These European countries all talk about working with other countries, and supporting one another, yet they refuse to take heed of their own advice.
Alternative Conservative,
Roman Polanski,
Swiss officials,
Posted by
Obama Wants to Take on AIDS and HIV
AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
Now, Obama is going to take on AIDS. Oh, boy. So, here again, he wants us to take care of anyone that has HIV or AIDS and, he wants to work on prevention. I know ONE way you could prevent AIDS and the spread of HIV, "Hey, morons! Stop having sex with just anyone! Quit sticking dirty needles up your arm!"
Unless this country is going to start making REAL efforts by quarantining people, I don't want hear it. These folks need to be separated from society all together. That is how you eradicate a disease. Oh, and guess what? When word gets out that if you have HIV or AIDS and you'll be quarantined, I can guarantee you that casual sex and, the use of dirty needles will go down 10 fold.
Passing out pamphlets and ensuring better care is only going to make things worse. This president is a fool.
Click title of post for full story.
Another thing I would like to see is homeopathy and, natural type cures to be taken more seriously in this country. By quarantining people, we could test various methods, and see if the claims of homeopathy, concerning AIDS/HIV are real.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
natural cures,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
Prosecutors are planning to rest their case on Tuesday. As The Alternative Conservative as already reported, the state has produced a mountain of evidence against Blagojevich. They have tapes of Blagojevich himself claiming he wants something for the Senate appointment, numerous witnesses that have testified of Blago's corruption, as well as a motive - his ever increasing debt, which a lot of the money he and his wife spent were on frivolous things like designer clothing.
Click title of post for full story.
Now, things should take an interesting turn this week, the defense will begin. It is being speculated that Blago will actually take the stand himself. I hope he does. He'll just bury his own grave doing so. Every time that man speaks, it's just one lie after the next.
"I've got this thing and it's (expletive) golden - I'm just not giving it up for (expletive) nothing," Blagojevich plainly says on one of the most-quoted tapes.
"So she now knows that she could be a senator if I get health and human services," Blagojevich is heard saying on one tape.
Click title of post for full story.
Now, things should take an interesting turn this week, the defense will begin. It is being speculated that Blago will actually take the stand himself. I hope he does. He'll just bury his own grave doing so. Every time that man speaks, it's just one lie after the next.
Alternative Conservative,
Rod Blagojevich,
Posted by
Terrorist Attack in Uganda Kills 64 More Wounded and Injured
A terrorist attack, believed to have been committed by two suicide bombers, was committed in Uganda, killing 64 and, more injured. At a rugby club, where crowds were watching the World Cup, and also at a restaurant in Ethiopia, are where the attacks occurred.
Click title of post for full story.
Also from the article:
Which just shows the mentality of these sick people.
Click title of post for full story.
Kampala's police chief, Kale Kaihura, said he believed Somalia's most feared militant group, al-Shabab, could be responsible for the attack. Al-Shabab is known to have links with al-Qaida, and it counts militant veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan conflicts among its ranks. Simultaneous attacks are also one of al-Qaida's hallmarks. The U.S. State Department has designated al-Shabab a terrorist organization.
Also from the article:
In Mogadishu, Somalia, Sheik Yusuf Sheik Issa, an al-Shabab commander, told The Associated Press early Monday that he was happy with the attacks in Uganda. Issa refused to confirm or deny that al-Shabab was responsible for the bombings.
"Uganda is one of our enemies. Whatever makes them cry, makes us happy. May Allah's anger be upon those who are against us," Sheik said.
Which just shows the mentality of these sick people.
Alternative Conservative,
terrorist attack,
World Cup
Posted by
Robert Gibbs - Republicans Could Win Control of House
Robert Gibbs, who is a White House spokesman, has admitted the Republicans could win the House in November.
Really, Mr. Gibbs? You just now figured this out? It just goes to show how these nimrods in Washington are so far out of touch with the American people.
Oh, and here's another clue, Republicans will most likely take the Senate as well. The American people are pretty livid at this point. It's time to do whatever it takes to stop Obama from destroying this country any further than he already has done.
Click title of post for full article.
The article also mentions that currently Obama is holding a 46 percent approval rating. I would beg to differ with that number. How can anyone approve of him at this point, and claim to actually have a brain?
Really, Mr. Gibbs? You just now figured this out? It just goes to show how these nimrods in Washington are so far out of touch with the American people.
Oh, and here's another clue, Republicans will most likely take the Senate as well. The American people are pretty livid at this point. It's time to do whatever it takes to stop Obama from destroying this country any further than he already has done.
Click title of post for full article.
The economy is struggling and unemployment has hovered at just below 10 percent. The war in Afghanistan is not going well. And the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has prompted criticism that Obama's response was slow, disorganized and too easy on BP Plc.
The article also mentions that currently Obama is holding a 46 percent approval rating. I would beg to differ with that number. How can anyone approve of him at this point, and claim to actually have a brain?
Alternative Conservative,
Robert Gibbs,
White House
Posted by
Blago Watch!
In recordings we discover that Lucio Guerrero, who is Blago's spokesman, made a call to Blagojevich, telling him that Blago is being secretly recorded. It is being reported that Blagojevich was audible shaken up.
You can click the title of this post for the full story. More to come...
In another story, the trial has revealed more embarrassing information concerning how others thought of Blagojevich. The Obama camp did not want Blagojevich to attend a rally at Grant Park. They told Robert Greenlee, the former deputy governor, that Blago to save face and say he was invited. Blago ultimately ended up going to the rally but, was heard complaining that he wasn't really welcomed by the Obama camp.
After discovering his 13 percent approval rating:
Now, why on earth would an innocent man be shaken up? Seems to me, he would have nothing to hide. Especially, since he has been proclaiming his innocence this whole time. What a joke!"Recordings — of me?" he finally says quietly, audibly shaken.
You can click the title of this post for the full story. More to come...
In another story, the trial has revealed more embarrassing information concerning how others thought of Blagojevich. The Obama camp did not want Blagojevich to attend a rally at Grant Park. They told Robert Greenlee, the former deputy governor, that Blago to save face and say he was invited. Blago ultimately ended up going to the rally but, was heard complaining that he wasn't really welcomed by the Obama camp.
After discovering his 13 percent approval rating:
"I f------ busted my a-- and pissed people off and gave your grandmother a free f------ ride on a bus. OK? I gave your f------ baby a chance to have health care," Blagojevich is heard saying on tape. "And what do I get for that? Only 13 percent of you all out there think I'm doing a good job. So f--- all of you."This man has a matching vocabulary with his wife Patti. She is also heard on tape, complaining about the editorial board at the Chicago Tribune.
"Tell them to hold up that f------ Cubs s---," she said. "F--- them. F--- them. What kind of bulls--- is that?"I still say that by the time this trial is over, they will have enough information to go after Patti. She was clearly in the know of everything her husband did. She was a willing participant in all of his corruption.
Later in the tape, Patti Blagojevich is heard going on about the editorial board:
"Just fire them . . . what would William Randolph Hearst do?"
Alternative Conservative,
Blago Watch,
Lucio Guerrero,
Robert Greenlee,
Rod Blagojevich,
Posted by
Familial DNA -The First Case
Christopher Franklin was convicted for a felony weapons charge, in Los Angeles, CA. California and Colorado both allow for familial DNA search. This is where they can use someone's DNA to find a relative that may have committed a crime as well.
Lonnie D. Franklin Jr. is Christopher's father. Lonnie was arrested for murdering 10 people, and one attempted murder, over the course of 25 years. It turns out, he is the "Grim Sleeper." It was Christopher's DNA that the policed used to pin his father. How interesting is that?
This is the first time this familial DNA strategy has been used to solve a homicide.
Of course, as predicted, you can't have justice of any kind without the ACLU coming in and complaining about it.
Click title for full story.
Now, I have not personally done research about prison population in a number of years but, at the time I did. There is an overwhelming representation of minorities that are in prison. There are more whites in prison, number-wise but, compared to what they represent in the population, as a whole, the percentage is lower in comparison. The black population is, indeed, over represented.
For example, I remember that out of 100,000 white people in a population something like 400 were in prison. For blacks, it was out of 100,000 blacks, there were 600. Do not quote me on that as being the specific numbers but, you get the idea.
Does this mean we are purposely targeting only minorities? I think there may be cases across the United States where there is some type of prejudice. I am willing to admit that but, I also truly believe that it's the exception and not the norm.
I know for a fact in Baltimore they do not like to arrest blacks at all. While I was there, whites were constantly being attacked on the light rail. They refused to call what was going on a hate crime and, basically said that whites should avoid the light rail. The light rail is a form of PUBLIC transportation that should be allowed to be used by anyone of any race. So, bottom line, it works both ways.
Corruption DOES exist but, you shouldn't just give up. You need to work hard to root out the corruption, not prevent measures that will help capture people who are committing serious crimes.
Lonnie D. Franklin Jr. is Christopher's father. Lonnie was arrested for murdering 10 people, and one attempted murder, over the course of 25 years. It turns out, he is the "Grim Sleeper." It was Christopher's DNA that the policed used to pin his father. How interesting is that?
This is the first time this familial DNA strategy has been used to solve a homicide.
Of course, as predicted, you can't have justice of any kind without the ACLU coming in and complaining about it.
“Familial searching is a tool, and at this point it is a very imprecise tool,” said Michael Risher, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, who added there was the possibility of innocent people being harassed in the pursuit of a crime. “It has the potential to invade the privacy of a lot of people,” he said....and here's another's RACIST!
“I can imagine lots of African-American families would think it is not fair to put a disproportionate number of black families under permanent genetic surveillance,” said Jeffrey Rosen, a law professor at George Washington University who has written about this issue.Well, if blacks do not want to be locked up, I have an idea, don't commit crimes. How simple can it be? Same goes for whites, Mexicans, and any other race you want to name. The ACLU is saying this will lead to profiling, that minorities will be targeted.
Click title for full story.
Now, I have not personally done research about prison population in a number of years but, at the time I did. There is an overwhelming representation of minorities that are in prison. There are more whites in prison, number-wise but, compared to what they represent in the population, as a whole, the percentage is lower in comparison. The black population is, indeed, over represented.
For example, I remember that out of 100,000 white people in a population something like 400 were in prison. For blacks, it was out of 100,000 blacks, there were 600. Do not quote me on that as being the specific numbers but, you get the idea.
Does this mean we are purposely targeting only minorities? I think there may be cases across the United States where there is some type of prejudice. I am willing to admit that but, I also truly believe that it's the exception and not the norm.
I know for a fact in Baltimore they do not like to arrest blacks at all. While I was there, whites were constantly being attacked on the light rail. They refused to call what was going on a hate crime and, basically said that whites should avoid the light rail. The light rail is a form of PUBLIC transportation that should be allowed to be used by anyone of any race. So, bottom line, it works both ways.
Corruption DOES exist but, you shouldn't just give up. You need to work hard to root out the corruption, not prevent measures that will help capture people who are committing serious crimes.
Judge Decides Gay Marriage Ban is Unconstitutional
Judge Joseph L. Tauro has ruled that the Federal ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.
Click title of post for full story.
Of course, you know, this comes out the state of Massachusetts. No shocker there. You can go ahead and read the story, if you like. I think the judge had some points to be made about the Federal government being involved with marriage but, this is again, a case where law is trying to be dictated from the bench.
We see this time and time again. They are not going to be able to pass their laws when folks are voting on the issue, so they have to use the courts to force it down everyone's throats. It's NOT marriage. Marriage is man and woman. Civil unions, I have no problem with but, it's not the same. It's also appalling to compare this to same-sex marriage. People don't chose their race. You are born that way and, there is no difference between men and women of a different race. There are HUGE difference between men and women however.
Even just looking at this from a purely scientific manner, marriage is the foundation of families. It's an institution that should be persevered. You have to have a man and a woman to MAKE the baby. The baby has to have one egg and, one sperm. I know there are nice loving families out there but, two men cannot give the same to a child that a mother can. Two women cannot give to a child what a man can. It's not equal and should not be looked at as such.
I have nothing against civil unions. I do have a problem with people forcing things down our throats through the courts. I also have an issue of redefining the word of marriage.
Leave your comments.
Click title of post for full story.
Of course, you know, this comes out the state of Massachusetts. No shocker there. You can go ahead and read the story, if you like. I think the judge had some points to be made about the Federal government being involved with marriage but, this is again, a case where law is trying to be dictated from the bench.
We see this time and time again. They are not going to be able to pass their laws when folks are voting on the issue, so they have to use the courts to force it down everyone's throats. It's NOT marriage. Marriage is man and woman. Civil unions, I have no problem with but, it's not the same. It's also appalling to compare this to same-sex marriage. People don't chose their race. You are born that way and, there is no difference between men and women of a different race. There are HUGE difference between men and women however.
Even just looking at this from a purely scientific manner, marriage is the foundation of families. It's an institution that should be persevered. You have to have a man and a woman to MAKE the baby. The baby has to have one egg and, one sperm. I know there are nice loving families out there but, two men cannot give the same to a child that a mother can. Two women cannot give to a child what a man can. It's not equal and should not be looked at as such.
I have nothing against civil unions. I do have a problem with people forcing things down our throats through the courts. I also have an issue of redefining the word of marriage.
Leave your comments.
Alternative Conservative,
Judge Joseph L. Tauro,
Posted by
Obama Criticizes Sharron Angle
Sharron Angle is currently Harry Reid's opponent for the Senate. Obama, spoke this evening in Las Vegas, at a campaign rally. He decided to go after Ms. Angle, while not mentioning her name directly, by saying she referred to the compensation of $20 billion, a fund for the oil spill, as a "slush fund."
Click title of post for full story.
She has since retracted her statement but...
Click title of post for full story.
She has since retracted her statement but...
Obama ridiculed that, too: "I'm sure she meant slush fund in the nicest possible way," he said.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Harry Reid,
Sharron Angle,
Posted by
Defending Arizona
Nearly $500,000 has been donated to the state of Arizona from various sources, in order to help Arizona fight the Federal government's lawsuit concerning the new immigration bill.
These donations have been coming in from all 50 states. This is clear proof that the people of this country want the Federal government to help Arizona, not sue it. I have a feeling more money will be coming in.
Obama and his administration are making a huge mistake here, going against the people, especially the people in Arizona that overwhelmingly voted for this law.
These donations have been coming in from all 50 states. This is clear proof that the people of this country want the Federal government to help Arizona, not sue it. I have a feeling more money will be coming in.
Obama and his administration are making a huge mistake here, going against the people, especially the people in Arizona that overwhelmingly voted for this law.
Rand Paul Blasts Obama
Rand Paul is making the case to the public that, Obama's harsh words are damaging and, may work to put BP out of business. He doesn't want BP to go bankrupt and, to be out of business because, they need to be in business to clean up the oil spill.
Click title of post for full story.
I have to agree with this statement. I understand BP is to blame but, Obama has gone out of his way to place blame, rather than work with BP to help. It's time to lead and, put the blaming aside for later.
Click title of post for full story.
I have to agree with this statement. I understand BP is to blame but, Obama has gone out of his way to place blame, rather than work with BP to help. It's time to lead and, put the blaming aside for later.
Alternative Conservative,
oil spill,
Rand Paul,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
Gerry Krozel, who is a road building executive, will be back on the stand today. His testimony surrounds allegations of Blagojevich shaking him down, in exchange for a 6 billion dollar project.
Blago on tape: "Lon is here with me, so we just thought we'd say hello. How are you doing? We've got this end-of-the year deadline. The rules change after Jan. 1."Krozel explains from the stand that Blago is referring to a new ethics bill that would prevent him from raising cash from people doing business with the state.
Blago on tape: "The good news is, we're off and running. We've got something going and there's going to be more."
One week before, Blago had announced a smaller, $1.8 billion project for the Illinois Tollway. The "more," Krozel says from the stand, is the promise of a bigger, $6 billion project.
Blago on tape: "The good news for you guys is -- which is the bad news for us -- after the first of the year this level of ... you know ... we won't be able to bully you guys."
Alternative Conservative,
Blago Watch,
Gerry Krozel,
Posted by
31 Year Old Woman Poses As a Teenage Boy
Just when you think the world cannot get anymore sick than it already is, along comes Patricia Dye, from Ohio. She was discovered having a relationship with a 16 year old girl, while posing as a teenage boy.
Click title of post for full story being reported by The Smoking Gun.
How much you want to bet she will receive leniency? First, she is a woman. Second, they will claim she was suffering from having "sexual identity" issues, and she couldn't help what she was doing. Third, it will be all about how we still aren't "accepting" and "tolerant" of transgenders. I'm sure even a Hollywood movie could be in the works with this one. Of course, it will portray her as a "victim" of a judgmental society. I can see it now!
The reality is she is simply a sick pedophile but, truth is always the allergen of folks on the left.
Click title of post for full story being reported by The Smoking Gun.
How much you want to bet she will receive leniency? First, she is a woman. Second, they will claim she was suffering from having "sexual identity" issues, and she couldn't help what she was doing. Third, it will be all about how we still aren't "accepting" and "tolerant" of transgenders. I'm sure even a Hollywood movie could be in the works with this one. Of course, it will portray her as a "victim" of a judgmental society. I can see it now!
The reality is she is simply a sick pedophile but, truth is always the allergen of folks on the left.
Alternative Conservative,
Patricia Dye,
The Smoking Gun,
Posted by
Obama Bypasses Senate
The president has the power to make appointments without Senate approval, while they are on recess. Obama has done just that. He has appointed Donald Berwick to run Medicare and Medicade programs.
Obama also appointed Philip Coyle to the position of associate director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology. In addition, Joshua Gotbaum will be director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
Click title of this post for the full article.
I can understand that sometimes positions need to be filled but, Obama is complaining that Republicans are making things difficult for these positions to be filled. Well, that's their job, Obama. This is what BALANCE is all about. If it were a Republican making nominations, the Democrats would be objecting. Stop whining already! This is how the government works so, don't act surprised when people get upset because, they see you are acting like a big baby and, just going over the heads of people, all so you can get your way with every decision.
Obama also appointed Philip Coyle to the position of associate director for national security in the White House Office of Science and Technology. In addition, Joshua Gotbaum will be director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
Click title of this post for the full article.
I can understand that sometimes positions need to be filled but, Obama is complaining that Republicans are making things difficult for these positions to be filled. Well, that's their job, Obama. This is what BALANCE is all about. If it were a Republican making nominations, the Democrats would be objecting. Stop whining already! This is how the government works so, don't act surprised when people get upset because, they see you are acting like a big baby and, just going over the heads of people, all so you can get your way with every decision.
Al Gore is a Big Whore
Listening to Michael Savage on Tuesday night was quite interesting. He was playing the tape of Al Gore's accuser, a massage therapist in Portland, OR.
I've already reported what was basically said by this woman. It looks like the case will be moving forward.
How interesting is it that the man, who tried to distance himself from Clinton for his illicit affairs, is now facing a divorce and sexual abuse? Looks like karma for all the lies this man tells might finally come bite Gore the whore in the butt.
To be fair, because, I try to be, this did happen a long time ago and, I am still not exactly sure why she didn't say anything earlier than when she did. Yes, she was given bad legal advice, and she claims that a friend told her to suck it up because, the planet would be destroyed if she hurt Al Gore but, it's still odd. While I do believe her, Gore is entitled to defend himself against these accusations.
The other thing I found odd in her statement was that she knew he was getting "frisky" with her but, continued to stay. Why wouldn't you just get up and leave? Perhaps there is more to the story that the media has not yet been made aware of so, we will just have to watch as the story develops.
I've already reported what was basically said by this woman. It looks like the case will be moving forward.
How interesting is it that the man, who tried to distance himself from Clinton for his illicit affairs, is now facing a divorce and sexual abuse? Looks like karma for all the lies this man tells might finally come bite Gore the whore in the butt.
To be fair, because, I try to be, this did happen a long time ago and, I am still not exactly sure why she didn't say anything earlier than when she did. Yes, she was given bad legal advice, and she claims that a friend told her to suck it up because, the planet would be destroyed if she hurt Al Gore but, it's still odd. While I do believe her, Gore is entitled to defend himself against these accusations.
The other thing I found odd in her statement was that she knew he was getting "frisky" with her but, continued to stay. Why wouldn't you just get up and leave? Perhaps there is more to the story that the media has not yet been made aware of so, we will just have to watch as the story develops.
Al Gore,
Alternative Conservative,
Michael Savage,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
The former corrupt governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, seems to show no shame in the fact that he and his equally corrupt wife, Patti, were discovered during the trial, to have spent over $400,000 on designer clothing.
Asking the people outside the court, "How's the suit?" it's clear he shows no shame.
Click title of post for full story. The saga shall continue...
Asking the people outside the court, "How's the suit?" it's clear he shows no shame.
Click title of post for full story. The saga shall continue...
Alternative Conservative,
Blago Watch,
Rod Blagojevich,
Posted by
Feds Vs. Arizona State
The Federal government is trying to get an injunction concerning the recent bill passed in Arizona concerning immigration. They are arguing that the state is trying to take over what the Federal government should be completely in charge of. So, it all boils down to the balancing of powers.
How can the Federal government even make such a claim, when it is clearly obvious to anyone with a few brain cells, that they have not been enforcing the immigration laws they already have? This is absolute utter nonsense.
We have the state of Arizona, which is absolutely going down the tubes, because of illegals coming in, absorbing costs for school, medical care, and a host of other government resources. They are also taking jobs away from citizens, and not paying taxes.
The citizens of Arizona demanded something to be done and their state responded to the need. They are doing their jobs, which is something the Federal government has not been doing for years, especially in the area of immigration.
Obama, you work for us! You are not a king; this isn't your kingdom. It is clear you don't respect the citizens of this country, and your experience when it comes to running anything is limited to hosting a few fairs or BBQ's in Chicago. You should just go back to the state of Illinois and, go sit in your hateful church of Rev. Wright, and just leave us all alone. Biden and Pelosi need to go away as well...but, I'll save that for another day.
Click title of post for full story.
How can the Federal government even make such a claim, when it is clearly obvious to anyone with a few brain cells, that they have not been enforcing the immigration laws they already have? This is absolute utter nonsense.
We have the state of Arizona, which is absolutely going down the tubes, because of illegals coming in, absorbing costs for school, medical care, and a host of other government resources. They are also taking jobs away from citizens, and not paying taxes.
The citizens of Arizona demanded something to be done and their state responded to the need. They are doing their jobs, which is something the Federal government has not been doing for years, especially in the area of immigration.
Kris Kobach, the University of Missouri-Kansas City law professor who helped draft the Arizona law, has said the state law is only prohibiting conduct already illegal under federal law. And Harvard Law School professor Gerald Neuman believes Arizona could make a compelling legal argument that it has overlapping authority to protect its residents.Obama and his administration are wasting our government dollars by suing Arizona, and telling it's citizens that they don't care what it is they want or, need. It is an absolute disgrace that this is even being allowed.
Obama, you work for us! You are not a king; this isn't your kingdom. It is clear you don't respect the citizens of this country, and your experience when it comes to running anything is limited to hosting a few fairs or BBQ's in Chicago. You should just go back to the state of Illinois and, go sit in your hateful church of Rev. Wright, and just leave us all alone. Biden and Pelosi need to go away as well...but, I'll save that for another day.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Hey Kids Don't Do Drugs
AP Photo/Jae C. Hong
So, in this recent story on the AP (click title of post for story), I learned that Lindsay Lohan is just 24 years old. Take a look at this photo of her. I'm 34 and I look younger than her. My G-d, she looks old. This is exactly what excessive drug use, poor nutrition, copious amounts of alcohol, and other bad habits will do to you.
She is scheduled to appear in court today. Not sure what will happen but, it's time to lock her up before she kills someone or, herself.
Alternative Conservative,
Lindsay Lohan,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
Robert Blagojevich, who is Rod's brother, will testify in the trial. Robert is also being charged in the corruption of trading Obama's Senate seat, in order for Rod to obtain a position with Obama's administration.
The brother's relationship has been strained since Rod's arrest.
The FBI tapes do not include much of Robert but, plenty of Rod, who always seems to be cursing.
Click title of post for full story.
So, the trial continues and, it is going quite fast. Everyone is expecting this to wrap up a lot sooner than originally thought. Rod, I'm sure, will have his legal team bring as many people down with him as he can, including his own brother.
I hope Rod goes to jail for a long time. I'd like to see them go after Patti, his wife, too. She knew everything that was going on. You would think they could charge her with being a co-conspirator.
I did peruse the internet and found that while she has not been charged...
The brother's relationship has been strained since Rod's arrest.
The FBI tapes do not include much of Robert but, plenty of Rod, who always seems to be cursing.
Click title of post for full story.
So, the trial continues and, it is going quite fast. Everyone is expecting this to wrap up a lot sooner than originally thought. Rod, I'm sure, will have his legal team bring as many people down with him as he can, including his own brother.
I hope Rod goes to jail for a long time. I'd like to see them go after Patti, his wife, too. She knew everything that was going on. You would think they could charge her with being a co-conspirator.
I did peruse the internet and found that while she has not been charged...
According to Professor Leonard Cavise, DePaul College of Law:
"If she takes the stand she is fair game, she is fair game not only to whether she took commissions in real estate for nothing for Rezko but she's also fair game on any conversation that took place in her presence."
Tila Tequila Who?
I am a huge victim of surfing the internet. Somehow, I end up hopping from link to link, and find myself in a land of confusion. Such is the case of last night...
I wish I could remember what the heck it was I was looking for but, I found a girl named Tila Tequila. Now, I have heard her name before but, really have no idea who she is, other than being a celebrity of some kind. I like to do pop culture stories on my blog but, admittedly, I'm just not that in tune with pop culture as most people. I'm the girl that has to say, "no, I haven't" practically every time someone asks me, "Have you seen the movie...?" or, "Did you ever see that show...?" I feel almost embarrassed by my lack of knowledge in this area because, I used to entertain myself, by doing plays and comedy.
Anyways...I ran across this Tila Tequila and, apparently she is a woman that has been in some VH1 show called, "A Shot of Tequila." She says she's bisexual but, I still have NO idea how exactly she achieved getting her very own show. I guess she models too? She runs a celebrity gossip blog but, mostly, it's just about her and, her talking about her "haters."
I'm not even going to link to her site. It's an embarrassment to mankind.
I'm not even sure why I'm writing about her, other than just to say how sad our culture has become. I guess we know this already but, as bad as I knew it was already, I didn't realize just HOW bad. It's worse than I thought.
I do have good news. The good news is, her blog mostly does have people that seem to be working rather hard at exposing her and her lies, along with her ridiculousness. There are a lot of folks out in America that really are tired of these second rate celebrities getting attention for simply being attention whores. In fact, there's a whole blog out there devoted to exposing her as an utter fraud. Now, I'm not sure that I would personally, spend my whole time talking about ONE fake celebrity but, it does relieve me to know there are folks out there that are tired of the whole Hollywood scene.
I guess Hollywood has always been filled with degenerates but, I have noticed so many changes in just my lifetime alone. I actually spent most my childhood watching Nick at Nite. I would watch all the old, 50's comedies. I guess that's why I feel like I relate to the 50's. I watched all the old classics from Mr. Ed to Dobie Gillis. There was a time in America where you couldn't just act. You had to dance and sing as well. Not everyone was just a pretty face, they had to demonstrate real talent as well.
Nowadays, the people that make fame are people that are just personalities with money. People like Paris Hilton and this Tila Tequila seem to be the common staple of entertainment.
It's time that Hollywood gets a big clue. We want REAL entertainers. We want REAL talent. Everyone loves a good movie. Most everyone I know loves to watch entertainment but, most everyone I know is totally sick of these wannabe-cool-people, who all seem to be strung out on an illegal substance of some kind.
Now, don't get me wrong. Hollywood does still have some talent and, there does appear to be some folks that can make fairly okay role models, meaning - they have families, they aren't on drugs, they take care of themselves, and they work productively. It just seems Hollywood is more interested in promoting people who are struggling with so many personal demons.
In conclusion, I think there is hope. I'd like to see more conservatives invade Hollywood and take over. I can see this happening. I can also see things changing because, so many Americans are just fed up! I think changing our entertainment standards would do a world of good. No matter how bad things have gotten, the pendulum has got start swinging the other way.
Tila, I have seen a few of your videos, I really hope you get some help. It is clear you are on some serious drugs and are battling some hard core demons. I'm not a "hater," just someone that is very concerned. I hope that no one books you for jobs until you have proven yourself worthy.
I wish I could remember what the heck it was I was looking for but, I found a girl named Tila Tequila. Now, I have heard her name before but, really have no idea who she is, other than being a celebrity of some kind. I like to do pop culture stories on my blog but, admittedly, I'm just not that in tune with pop culture as most people. I'm the girl that has to say, "no, I haven't" practically every time someone asks me, "Have you seen the movie...?" or, "Did you ever see that show...?" I feel almost embarrassed by my lack of knowledge in this area because, I used to entertain myself, by doing plays and comedy.
Anyways...I ran across this Tila Tequila and, apparently she is a woman that has been in some VH1 show called, "A Shot of Tequila." She says she's bisexual but, I still have NO idea how exactly she achieved getting her very own show. I guess she models too? She runs a celebrity gossip blog but, mostly, it's just about her and, her talking about her "haters."
I'm not even going to link to her site. It's an embarrassment to mankind.
I'm not even sure why I'm writing about her, other than just to say how sad our culture has become. I guess we know this already but, as bad as I knew it was already, I didn't realize just HOW bad. It's worse than I thought.
I do have good news. The good news is, her blog mostly does have people that seem to be working rather hard at exposing her and her lies, along with her ridiculousness. There are a lot of folks out in America that really are tired of these second rate celebrities getting attention for simply being attention whores. In fact, there's a whole blog out there devoted to exposing her as an utter fraud. Now, I'm not sure that I would personally, spend my whole time talking about ONE fake celebrity but, it does relieve me to know there are folks out there that are tired of the whole Hollywood scene.
I guess Hollywood has always been filled with degenerates but, I have noticed so many changes in just my lifetime alone. I actually spent most my childhood watching Nick at Nite. I would watch all the old, 50's comedies. I guess that's why I feel like I relate to the 50's. I watched all the old classics from Mr. Ed to Dobie Gillis. There was a time in America where you couldn't just act. You had to dance and sing as well. Not everyone was just a pretty face, they had to demonstrate real talent as well.
Nowadays, the people that make fame are people that are just personalities with money. People like Paris Hilton and this Tila Tequila seem to be the common staple of entertainment.
It's time that Hollywood gets a big clue. We want REAL entertainers. We want REAL talent. Everyone loves a good movie. Most everyone I know loves to watch entertainment but, most everyone I know is totally sick of these wannabe-cool-people, who all seem to be strung out on an illegal substance of some kind.
Now, don't get me wrong. Hollywood does still have some talent and, there does appear to be some folks that can make fairly okay role models, meaning - they have families, they aren't on drugs, they take care of themselves, and they work productively. It just seems Hollywood is more interested in promoting people who are struggling with so many personal demons.
In conclusion, I think there is hope. I'd like to see more conservatives invade Hollywood and take over. I can see this happening. I can also see things changing because, so many Americans are just fed up! I think changing our entertainment standards would do a world of good. No matter how bad things have gotten, the pendulum has got start swinging the other way.
Tila, I have seen a few of your videos, I really hope you get some help. It is clear you are on some serious drugs and are battling some hard core demons. I'm not a "hater," just someone that is very concerned. I hope that no one books you for jobs until you have proven yourself worthy.
Alternative Conservative,
Tila Tequila,
Posted by
Petraeus Vows to Win in Afgan
General Petraeus is now in change of the war in Afghanistan. He is vowing to win via his counterinsurgency strategy.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. I have no military experience, and I'm not even sure what to believe. It doesn't mean I can't have an opinion. It simply means, I feel that I don't have enough information to honestly believe I can make an intelligent opinion.
The problem is, we have a left wing media that is clearly against this war. We have a president that lacks experience in leading, other than organizing a few BBQ's in Chicago. It's hard to go through all this information and actually feel informed.
What if there is a way to win in Afghanistan? What will "winning" look like? Have we really done all we can? Should we leave? What will us leaving do to that area? This is an entirely different type of war. There are no clear lines. These people are not represented by a government and in uniforms. They use women and children to fight this war.
Click title of post for full story.
Please leave comments. I'd love to hear from everyone. I know I have quite a few readers that are in the military or have military experience so, I'd be very interested in what you all think.
"In answer, we must demonstrate to the people and to the Taliban that Afghan and international forces are here to safeguard the Afghan people, and that we are in this to win," Petraeus said on the Fourth of July, U.S. Independence Day.With rules on engagement, dwindling public support, and deadlines that have been placed on the war by the Obama administration, it is looking pretty gloom in Afghanistan.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. I have no military experience, and I'm not even sure what to believe. It doesn't mean I can't have an opinion. It simply means, I feel that I don't have enough information to honestly believe I can make an intelligent opinion.
The problem is, we have a left wing media that is clearly against this war. We have a president that lacks experience in leading, other than organizing a few BBQ's in Chicago. It's hard to go through all this information and actually feel informed.
What if there is a way to win in Afghanistan? What will "winning" look like? Have we really done all we can? Should we leave? What will us leaving do to that area? This is an entirely different type of war. There are no clear lines. These people are not represented by a government and in uniforms. They use women and children to fight this war.
Click title of post for full story.
Please leave comments. I'd love to hear from everyone. I know I have quite a few readers that are in the military or have military experience so, I'd be very interested in what you all think.
Polanski Decision From Swiss Officials
AP Photo/Michel Euler
The decision from Swiss officials to extricate Roman Polanski to the US, will be made soon, according the report. Click title of this post for full story.
Justice Ministry spokesman Folco Galli says "It won't be long" before a decision on the extradition request. He declined to be more specific.What on earth has taken them this long? What is there to decide? The man drugged and raped a 13 year old CHILD.
Of course there are those nitwits that actually try and defend the actions of this man, like Whoopi Goldberg.
She uses this completely inane phrase, "rape-rape" that just drives me up a wall. I literally want to shout at my computer screen playing this piece from 'The View.' Could someone please explain to Whoopi that we look at the drugging and sodomizing of a 13 years old as rape because, it's WRONG?! There may very well be other places that look at this differently but, that's simply proof that we [US], are BETTER than other places.
Cultures may be different but, they does not make morality relative. We have a superior culture. I make no apologies for making that statement. I wouldn't want to be any other place on earth. Why would you want to live somewhere that thinks there may be times in which an old man can rape a 13 year old and, it could be okay? Absolute utter nonsense! I cannot believe this woman is still on the air for what she said and advocated.
Bill Maher gets thrown off tv for making a comment about, one countries terrorist is another man's freedom fighter but, this woman continues to be allowed on 'The View' for justifying what Roman Polanski did to a 13 year old? I am absolutely disgusted by this woman. I refuse to watch that show until, she is ushered out!
First, they have that stupid Rosie O'Dummy and, now they have this idiot? Aren't there any decent women in this country that can fill that spot? Why can't they have another conservative on the show? Make it two on two, instead of three on one? Is it so hard for the left wing channels to allow another point of view to be made, especially on a show that has the audacity to call itself, 'The View'?
Whoopie, you outta be ashamed of yourself! In this clip, you mention you have a grandchild that is 13. I pray to G-d that your granddaughter never comes across the likes of someone like Roman Polanski. It would be absolutely horrifying to see your own grandmother justify the actions of your rapist.
Fourth of July
Been busy this weekend! Just wanted to say, I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! It's my favorite holiday because, it's all American!
I had the most enjoyment watching my little girl watch the fireworks and get excited. She's a doll. I can't wait for her to be just a little older and hold some sparklers.
I had the most enjoyment watching my little girl watch the fireworks and get excited. She's a doll. I can't wait for her to be just a little older and hold some sparklers.
Alternative Conservative,
Fourth of July,
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Patti Blagojevich - Her Sob Story
I remember watching this show and almost feeling some pity for Patti Blagojevich. I knew, in the back of my head, that something was wrong and, that I should wait until the trial. Sure enough, it's becoming more and more evident how much she was involved directly with what her husband did. She knew exactly what he was doing.
Blago Watch!
Click title of post for full story.
The corruption trial carries on. We continue to learn more about how Blagojevich was a man with delusions of grandeur.
The following is a conversation between Blagojevich and Former Deputy Governor Doug Scofield.
Also included on the tapes, a conversation between Blago and political consultant Bill Knapp.
So, it's clear the defense is going to be blaming the people and advisers around Blagojevich. It is their defense that no one corrected him but, too bad for the defense that ignorance is NO excuse of the law. Especially when the defendant is someone who should KNOW the law. Not to mention, just common sense should have told him what he was trying to do was WRONG.
If I get pulled over for speeding and my excuse is that I didn't know the speed limit, that isn't an excuse. I will still get a ticket. That applies to any law.
This case is open and shut. Blago is an utter fraud. The more this trial carries on, the more I am absolutely convinced of his guilt.
The corruption trial carries on. We continue to learn more about how Blagojevich was a man with delusions of grandeur.
The following is a conversation between Blagojevich and Former Deputy Governor Doug Scofield.
BLAGO: "But you know what about Patti on some, you know corporate boards? Paid Corporate boards right now. Can they help us that way?"
SCOFIELD: "I think they could."
BLAGO: "Yeah. so..."
SCOFIELD: "The, the President-elect, they think he can do most anything he sets his mind to if he wants."
BLAGO: "Yeah."
Also included on the tapes, a conversation between Blago and political consultant Bill Knapp.
Some spoke their mind. In one call, political consultant Bill Knapp advises Blagojevich not to name himself to the Senate:
KNAPP: "Because I think it's a--it makes you a national joke."
Later in the call Blagojevich lets loose:
BLAGO:: "I mean, you guys are telling me I just gotta suck it up for two years and do nothing. Give this (expletive) his Senator. (Expletive) him! For nothing? (Expletive) him. I'll put Louanner there before I do that."
KNAPP: "You'd do what?"
BLAGO: "I'll put Louanner in the Senate before I just give (expletive) Valerie Jarrett a (expletive) Senate seat, and I don't get anything from some (expletive) chicken (expletive)...Oh, don't get me started."
So, it's clear the defense is going to be blaming the people and advisers around Blagojevich. It is their defense that no one corrected him but, too bad for the defense that ignorance is NO excuse of the law. Especially when the defendant is someone who should KNOW the law. Not to mention, just common sense should have told him what he was trying to do was WRONG.
If I get pulled over for speeding and my excuse is that I didn't know the speed limit, that isn't an excuse. I will still get a ticket. That applies to any law.
This case is open and shut. Blago is an utter fraud. The more this trial carries on, the more I am absolutely convinced of his guilt.
Total SHOCKER! Paris Hilton Smokes Weed - Charges Dropped
Paris Hilton went to South Africa for the World Cup and was busted for possession/smoking of marijuana.
It appears as though charges have been dropped against her.
Click title of this post for full story being reported on the AP.
Yeah, right. She's totally innocent I'm sure. I happen to know for a fact that the heiress is a long time marijuana smoker. Oh, well, just another example of how money will get you out of practically anything.
It's really not that smoking weed is the end of the world but, it's just silly how some folks get away with everything, while others would be in serious trouble.
It appears as though charges have been dropped against her.
Hilton wrote on Twitter later: "Hey guys, there's a lot of crazy rumors going around. Just want you all to know the truth. Everything is completely fine. I was not charged or arrested, cause I didn't do anything."
Click title of this post for full story being reported on the AP.
Yeah, right. She's totally innocent I'm sure. I happen to know for a fact that the heiress is a long time marijuana smoker. Oh, well, just another example of how money will get you out of practically anything.
It's really not that smoking weed is the end of the world but, it's just silly how some folks get away with everything, while others would be in serious trouble.
Alternative Conservative,
Paris Hilton,
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Blago Watch!
On Thursday, during the trial, prosecutors presented a motive for Blagojevich trying to obtain a higher level seat within the Obama administration.
Blagojevich, and his wife Patti, were spending money like crazy. Receipts from their shopping showed a fondness for designer clothing.
They were in a mountain of debt and, the tapes clearly showed that the former governor was indeed stressed about his money concerns. He can even be heard saying that he could not afford college for his daughter.
Click title of post for full details.
The most disturbing charge, I thought was Patti's, that was $3,800 for furs. Who the hell wears fur these days? It's just cruel to do so.
Blagojevich, and his wife Patti, were spending money like crazy. Receipts from their shopping showed a fondness for designer clothing.
They were in a mountain of debt and, the tapes clearly showed that the former governor was indeed stressed about his money concerns. He can even be heard saying that he could not afford college for his daughter.
Click title of post for full details.
The most disturbing charge, I thought was Patti's, that was $3,800 for furs. Who the hell wears fur these days? It's just cruel to do so.
Alternative Conservative,
Blago Watch,
Patti Blagojevich,
Rod Blagojevich,
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Wisdom of Nancy Pelosi
Unemployment checks will create jobs. That's the fastest way to go about helping the economy. Well, this is according to the great Pelosi, anyway.
Alternative Conservative,
create jobs,
increase unemployment,
Nancy Pelosi,
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Hitler Ringtone Can Get You 6 Months in Jail in Germany
In Germany, it is illegal to have swastikas or, apparently anything that concerns Nazi's. That is the reason a German man is now facing up to six months in jail.
Apparently, this man has a ringtone on his phone that features Hitler speaking. He was on a train, where the tone could be heard by other passengers, who reported him to authorities.
Click title of post for full story.
Okay, the man is obviously a loon but, what about free speech? I thought Germany supported that? Unless this man belongs to some group that plans on overtaking the government, I'm not exactly sure what his threat to others would be. He's just an idiot, plain and simple.
Apparently, this man has a ringtone on his phone that features Hitler speaking. He was on a train, where the tone could be heard by other passengers, who reported him to authorities.
Click title of post for full story.
Okay, the man is obviously a loon but, what about free speech? I thought Germany supported that? Unless this man belongs to some group that plans on overtaking the government, I'm not exactly sure what his threat to others would be. He's just an idiot, plain and simple.
Adolf Hitler,
Alternative Conservative,
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Obama On Immigration
Obama's recent speech concerned immigration. It appears as though he knows he is going to need bipartisan support on this issue.
He states that he wants to hold illegals accountable but, he criticizes the recent law passed by the state of Arizona. He advocates for illegals paying fines, taxes, and learning English but, it seems as though he does not want to ship anyone back to Mexico. We are expected to absorb an illegal population that has grown to 11 million people.
Click title of post for full story.
He also seems quite reluctant to seal our borders, claiming that "it won't work." So, we're supposed to just allow more people to come here illegally? I guess it's just going to be as simple as paying a fine? What about folks that want to come here legally and have applied to do so? Are they supposed to wait in line because, we are going to allow all these illegals to stay? How is that holding them accountable for breaking the law?
Obama criticizes Arizona law but, he doesn't appear to know who he is actually criticizing - the people that voted for that law! People want reform alright and that reform is closing the border and, kicking out the people that have no business being here.
He states that he wants to hold illegals accountable but, he criticizes the recent law passed by the state of Arizona. He advocates for illegals paying fines, taxes, and learning English but, it seems as though he does not want to ship anyone back to Mexico. We are expected to absorb an illegal population that has grown to 11 million people.
Click title of post for full story.
He also seems quite reluctant to seal our borders, claiming that "it won't work." So, we're supposed to just allow more people to come here illegally? I guess it's just going to be as simple as paying a fine? What about folks that want to come here legally and have applied to do so? Are they supposed to wait in line because, we are going to allow all these illegals to stay? How is that holding them accountable for breaking the law?
Obama criticizes Arizona law but, he doesn't appear to know who he is actually criticizing - the people that voted for that law! People want reform alright and that reform is closing the border and, kicking out the people that have no business being here.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Immigration Reform,
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Religious Freedom Means Ban The Bible
The Collier County School District in Florida has decided to ban distribution of The Bible to students. Even though the Bibles were distributed during off-school hours, the school is claiming that the Bibles do not provide any educational benefit.
Click title of post for full story.
The Bible has been widely accepted as documentation of not just the Old and New Testament but, as history since, many of the stories have been confirmed from other historical writings. Aside from that but Judaism, as well as Christianity has it's roots within The Bible.
When I went to school, it was required that we learn about several world religions, paganism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, ect. The purpose for learning these religions stems from understanding the cultures from where they were created, as well as understanding how laws were developed in countries. That is history. How does that not provide educational benefits?
A lawsuit has been filed by the Maitland-based Liberty Counsel.
Click title of post for full story.
The Bible has been widely accepted as documentation of not just the Old and New Testament but, as history since, many of the stories have been confirmed from other historical writings. Aside from that but Judaism, as well as Christianity has it's roots within The Bible.
When I went to school, it was required that we learn about several world religions, paganism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, ect. The purpose for learning these religions stems from understanding the cultures from where they were created, as well as understanding how laws were developed in countries. That is history. How does that not provide educational benefits?
A lawsuit has been filed by the Maitland-based Liberty Counsel.
Volunteers Ready for Oil Clean Up But Are Ignored
It is being reported that there are thousands of volunteers to help clean up beaches, as well as help with the oil spill but, instead, most of these folks have been just waiting around for instructions.
Foreign countries have also offered to help but, approval for many of them has either not come or, when it did, it took over a month to do so.
No one knows what the hold up is. The Obama administration promised all this transparency but, instead, like everything else, the people are left confused and, with no answers. The administration is denying most of these accusations but, at the same time, not being specific when answering questions posed by the media.
Click title of post for full article and more details.
Millions of gallons of oil have been flowing into the ocean and it seems there is no end in site. What are they going to do? Obama says that BP is responsible but, they were already responsible according to laws that have already been passed. So, really, he didn't do anything concerning placing responsibility.
They've told us that BP has the worst record for safety and other violations but, Obama has been in office for over a year now and, they obviously didn't do enough inspections or, enforce laws that would force BP to correct all these mistakes they are accused of making.
The question remains, what is Obama doing? What is BP doing? What are their plans, if they are not accepting help from others willing to do so? Could they not at least tell us why volunteers are sitting around waiting for instructions? Or why they are not accepting help from foreign countries? It's time to demand some answers. An investigation needs to be done because, there is absolutely no transparency as far as I can see.
Foreign countries have also offered to help but, approval for many of them has either not come or, when it did, it took over a month to do so.
No one knows what the hold up is. The Obama administration promised all this transparency but, instead, like everything else, the people are left confused and, with no answers. The administration is denying most of these accusations but, at the same time, not being specific when answering questions posed by the media.
Click title of post for full article and more details.
Millions of gallons of oil have been flowing into the ocean and it seems there is no end in site. What are they going to do? Obama says that BP is responsible but, they were already responsible according to laws that have already been passed. So, really, he didn't do anything concerning placing responsibility.
They've told us that BP has the worst record for safety and other violations but, Obama has been in office for over a year now and, they obviously didn't do enough inspections or, enforce laws that would force BP to correct all these mistakes they are accused of making.
The question remains, what is Obama doing? What is BP doing? What are their plans, if they are not accepting help from others willing to do so? Could they not at least tell us why volunteers are sitting around waiting for instructions? Or why they are not accepting help from foreign countries? It's time to demand some answers. An investigation needs to be done because, there is absolutely no transparency as far as I can see.
Alternative Conservative,
Obama administration,
oil spill,
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