His targets? Obama, he can't seem to stand because of jealousy, calling him, a "(expletive) demigod." Jesse Jackson, Jr. is "...really bad." "I hate her, I hate her," he says of Carol Marin, from the Chicago Sun Times. He is heard on tape insulting, Dick Durbin (who can blame him there?), Cheryle Jackson (his former spokeswoman), Reid, Rahm Emanuel, his own wife, ect. It seems like the list goes on and on.
My favorite insult is towards the people of Illinois, the voters, the people he works for:
Isn't he nice?"(I gave) your grandmother a free (expletive) ride on a bus. And what do I get for that? Only 13 percent of you all out there think I'm doing a good job." He adds, "So (expletive) all of you!"
The defense is expected to start on Monday. I thought it would start this week but, I guess the prosecution is still wrapping up and doing their closing arguments.
One thing is for sure, this man has a absolute gutter mouth, and is filled with hatred. There is nothing endearing about this man whatsoever. How on earth did Illinois fall for this man? I can't wait to find out what his sentence will be.
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