Judge Joseph L. Tauro has ruled that the Federal ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.
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Of course, you know, this comes out the state of Massachusetts. No shocker there. You can go ahead and read the story, if you like. I think the judge had some points to be made about the Federal government being involved with marriage but, this is again, a case where law is trying to be dictated from the bench.
We see this time and time again. They are not going to be able to pass their laws when folks are voting on the issue, so they have to use the courts to force it down everyone's throats. It's NOT marriage. Marriage is man and woman. Civil unions, I have no problem with but, it's not the same. It's also appalling to compare this to same-sex marriage. People don't chose their race. You are born that way and, there is no difference between men and women of a different race. There are HUGE difference between men and women however.
Even just looking at this from a purely scientific manner, marriage is the foundation of families. It's an institution that should be persevered. You have to have a man and a woman to MAKE the baby. The baby has to have one egg and, one sperm. I know there are nice loving families out there but, two men cannot give the same to a child that a mother can. Two women cannot give to a child what a man can. It's not equal and should not be looked at as such.
I have nothing against civil unions. I do have a problem with people forcing things down our throats through the courts. I also have an issue of redefining the word of marriage.
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