
Freemont, NE to Halt New Immigration Law

Freemont, NE recently passed a law that stops people from hiring or renting to illegals. Now, because of lawsuits, they are going to have to suspend the law. There isn't enough money to defend themselves.
The city faces lawsuits from the American Civil Liberties Union and the Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund. City officials have estimated that Fremont's costs of implementing the ordinance - including legal fees, employee overtime and improved computer software - would average $1 million a year.
So, basically these thugs can come in and raise a stink, suing the government and it's people for passing a law that simply asks for the law to be enforced, and now stop everything. This is completely absurd. How are these cases even allowed to be heard? They are illegals. Do they know what the hell that word means? Il-lea-gal! This is like someone suing the government because, they weren't allowed to steal clothes from Macy's. 

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