Really, Mr. Gibbs? You just now figured this out? It just goes to show how these nimrods in Washington are so far out of touch with the American people.
Oh, and here's another clue, Republicans will most likely take the Senate as well. The American people are pretty livid at this point. It's time to do whatever it takes to stop Obama from destroying this country any further than he already has done.
Click title of post for full article.
The economy is struggling and unemployment has hovered at just below 10 percent. The war in Afghanistan is not going well. And the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has prompted criticism that Obama's response was slow, disorganized and too easy on BP Plc.
The article also mentions that currently Obama is holding a 46 percent approval rating. I would beg to differ with that number. How can anyone approve of him at this point, and claim to actually have a brain?
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