
Volunteers Ready for Oil Clean Up But Are Ignored

It is being reported that there are thousands of volunteers to help clean up beaches, as well as help with the oil spill but, instead, most of these folks have been just waiting around for instructions.

Foreign countries have also offered to help but, approval for many of them has either not come or, when it did, it took over a month to do so.

No one knows what the hold up is. The Obama administration promised all this transparency but, instead, like everything else, the people are left confused and, with no answers. The administration is denying most of these accusations but, at the same time, not being specific when answering questions posed by the media.

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Millions of gallons of oil have been flowing into the ocean and it seems there is no end in site. What are they going to do? Obama says that BP is responsible but, they were already responsible according to laws that have already been passed. So, really, he didn't do anything concerning placing responsibility.

They've told us that BP has the worst record for safety and other violations but, Obama has been in office for over a year now and, they obviously didn't do enough inspections or, enforce laws that would force BP to correct all these mistakes they are accused of making.

The question remains, what is Obama doing? What is BP doing? What are their plans, if they are not accepting help from others willing to do so? Could they not at least tell us why volunteers are sitting around waiting for instructions? Or why they are not accepting help from foreign countries? It's time to demand some answers. An investigation needs to be done because, there is absolutely no transparency as far as I can see.


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