AP Photo/Michel Euler
The decision from Swiss officials to extricate Roman Polanski to the US, will be made soon, according the report. Click title of this post for full story.
Justice Ministry spokesman Folco Galli says "It won't be long" before a decision on the extradition request. He declined to be more specific.What on earth has taken them this long? What is there to decide? The man drugged and raped a 13 year old CHILD.
Of course there are those nitwits that actually try and defend the actions of this man, like Whoopi Goldberg.
She uses this completely inane phrase, "rape-rape" that just drives me up a wall. I literally want to shout at my computer screen playing this piece from 'The View.' Could someone please explain to Whoopi that we look at the drugging and sodomizing of a 13 years old as rape because, it's WRONG?! There may very well be other places that look at this differently but, that's simply proof that we [US], are BETTER than other places.
Cultures may be different but, they does not make morality relative. We have a superior culture. I make no apologies for making that statement. I wouldn't want to be any other place on earth. Why would you want to live somewhere that thinks there may be times in which an old man can rape a 13 year old and, it could be okay? Absolute utter nonsense! I cannot believe this woman is still on the air for what she said and advocated.
Bill Maher gets thrown off tv for making a comment about, one countries terrorist is another man's freedom fighter but, this woman continues to be allowed on 'The View' for justifying what Roman Polanski did to a 13 year old? I am absolutely disgusted by this woman. I refuse to watch that show until, she is ushered out!
First, they have that stupid Rosie O'Dummy and, now they have this idiot? Aren't there any decent women in this country that can fill that spot? Why can't they have another conservative on the show? Make it two on two, instead of three on one? Is it so hard for the left wing channels to allow another point of view to be made, especially on a show that has the audacity to call itself, 'The View'?
Whoopie, you outta be ashamed of yourself! In this clip, you mention you have a grandchild that is 13. I pray to G-d that your granddaughter never comes across the likes of someone like Roman Polanski. It would be absolutely horrifying to see your own grandmother justify the actions of your rapist.
Its a horrible day when Jibba agrees with Joy Behar...
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